How to Get Focused

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allow you to start carrying out your dreams. 4. A writing device The last characteristic that one should employ for an effective to-do list is quite simple. It’s the habit of carrying around a writing device at all times. Famous novelist, Paul Auster, wrote a simple, yet moving essay on why he writes. In the story Auster retells a childhood moment in New York where he forgot a pencil when asking for an autograph from Willie Mays. Auster was fumbling around for a couple of minutes as he frantically asked his family and strangers for a pencil. Not one person had one. After a while, Mays responded, “Sorry, kid. Ain’t got no pencil, can’t give no autograph.” From that day forth, he never left his house without a writing device. And that’s how he became a writer. He was always prepared. If you’re committed to a truly effective to-do list system, make sure you always carry a writing device with you.

Next Step: As a next step, I suggest two actions: 1.  Pick up an offline planner in a weekly format. 2.  Implement the art of the “FocusList.” You can do this through sticky notes or by picking up Faction3’s FocusList at (www.

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