Equilibrium summer 49

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>> Compassionate Living >> Wellbeing & Me >> Arts & Reviews >> Healthy Living Tips >> Exercise & Social Phobia >> TOP 10 Portrayals of Mental Illness >> News, Reviews & Opinions

Equilibrium Patron Dr Liz Miller Mind Champion 2008

Front cover: Vinay Patel

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editorial Through sunshine and storms, the editorial team here at Equilibrium have been working hard to put this issue together and we hope you enjoy it. Packed full of the usual news, reviews and opinion pieces, we’d again like to thank our guest contributors and photographers - do keep sending us your fantastic work! We’d love to hear your thoughts on this issue, so go ahead and tweet us at @teamequilibrium. And if you’d like to join the team, contribute an article or picture, or find out more, please do get in touch via equilibriumteam@hotmail.co.uk. Have a lovely summer! Kate, Editor/Team Facilitator

disclaimer Equilibrium is produced by service users. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly forbidden without the prior permission of the Equilibrium team. Products, articles and services advertised in this publication do not necessarily carry the endorsement of Equilibrium or any of our partners. Equilibrium is published and circulated electronically four times a year to a database of subscribers; if you do not wish to receive Equilibrium or have received it by mistake, please email unsubscribe to equilibriumteam@hotmail.co.uk

the team Facilitator/ Editor: Kate Massey-Chase. Editorial team: Pumla Kisosonkole, Angela, Dev Chatterjea, Ian Stewart Graphic design: Anthony Parké.

contact us Equilibrium, Clarendon Centre, Clarendon Road, London, N8 ODJ. 02084894860, equilibriumteam@hotmail.co.uk. We are in the office on Friday afternoons 2.30-4.30, but you can leave a message at other times and we’ll get back to you.

contributions Wanted: contributions to Equilibrium! Please email us with your news, views, poems, photos, plus articles. Anonymity guaranteed if required.



Image: http://mikeswalkers.com EQUILIBRIUM EQUILIBRIUM 4

Summer/ Issue 38

Healthy Living Tips Wellbeing advice crops up all the time in the media, and magazines abound in it. One I was handed from Glamour, entitled “50 Genius Tweaks for a better you”, may provide a little light reading for those interested in getting more out of life. Here’s a small selection of their suggestions:

Saying ‘No’ seven times a day can give you back an hour a day to yourself. According to a study, pets can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. You can treat anxiety naturally with an amino acid called L-Theanine which has the effect of relaxing you. Quit Smoking – Eat Veg. A medical journal found that smokers who ate 4 portions of veg a day had better chance of staying smoke free for a year. Apparently veg curbs your craving by making cigarettes taste bad. Try whey protein as “the unsung hero of morning meals”. Added to porridge, yogurt or a smoothie, it helps you stay full till lunchtime. Cinnamon regulates blood sugar levels to control hunger. Open University researchers found that flicking through old photos boosts your mood, even more than music, tv, alcohol or chocolate. Count your thoughts when your mind is racing. A lack of face to face relationships is the biggest cause of depression, says a Professor of Organisational Psychology and Health, so talk to someone after every social media session.

If you have any more health or lifestyle tips, why not send them in to Equilibrium? Marco Lanzarote.


CoolTan Arts Largactyl Shuffle

Summer Solstice Midnight Walk 2013 Review: by Tim Russell

More than 100 Largactyl Shufflers gathered

After leaving the roundabout it was a short

for our Midnight Summer Solstice walk on the

walk to the Heygate, where we learnt about

evening of June 22, when we walked from

the history of the estate and its controversial

Tate Modern to Maudsley Hospital, and learnt

current redevelopment, before a quick rest

about the ‘Mad Buildings’ of Southwark!

at CoolTan Arts for coffee and cakes. As the light began slowly to return, we continued our

Our first stop was at the gates of the Cross-

walk down Walworth Road and headed to

bones Cemetery on Redcross Way. After

Camberwell Green, where we arrived at our

hearing a talk about its history as an unconse-

very own CoolTan Arts Bench and gingko tree.

crated burial site and memorial to sex workers,

Here we heard about the history and mean-

we moved on to the Borough and the former

ing of the Summer Solstice, before lighting

site of the Marshalsea prison, an infamous jail

candles around the bench.

where Dickens’ father was once imprisoned.

There was one more stop for talks at the oppo-

From the Borough, we headed on down to

site end of the Green, where we learnt about

the Elephant and Castle roundabout and

the history of Camberwell House Asylum and

gathered in the centre, next to the colourful

Bethlem Hospital, before finally finishing the

lights by the Faraday Memorial, to hear a talk

walk at Maudsley Hospital for a much needed

on night walking. Charles Dickens, who was a

sit-down and hot drinks.

prolific night walker, often passed this very spot

Well done everybody that bravely took part,

on his way to Rochester.

and we hope to see you again next year!


Summer/ Issue 38


1. Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath (1963) Famous writer and poet Plath’s only novel, it is often seen as a roman à clef (French for “novel with a key”, a novel about real life, overlaid with a façade of fiction) with the protagonist’s painful battle with mental illness paralleling Plath’s own experiences of severe depression.

2. Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger (1951) Filled with themes of teenage angst, rebellion and alienation, this is bucket-list book.

3. Spider, Patrick McGrath (1990) A compelling read, with haunting prose, Spider is the story of Dennis Cleg, and draws you into his psychotic and paranoid visions and memories of the world unremittingly. Made into an excellent film with Ralph Fiennes and Miranda Richardson.

4. Regeneration, Pat Barker (1991) Part of a fantastic trilogy on the First World War, the novel is inspired by the real-life experiences of army officers being treated for shell hock and PTSD at Craiglockhart Was Hospital in Edinburgh, and features poets Siegfried Sassoon, Robert Graves and Wilfred Owen.

5. Affinity, Sarah Waters (1999) One of my favourite novels to date, the protagonist’s voice so clearly articulates how it feels to be powerless and battling with yourself.

6. About a Boy, Nick Hornby (1998) Best known as a film released in 2002, About a Boy not only includes the character Fiona,


struggling with her own demons, but also Clive, Marcus’ father, questioning the meaning of life, and a whole host of characters questioning their place in the world.

7. Her Fearful Symmetry, Audrey Niffinger Not only deals with grief, but also features a character whose OCD is so severe that life has become intolerable.

8. The Illustrated Mum, Jacqueline Wilson (1999) Although she writes children’s books – like all good authors for the genre – that doesn’t mean Wilson’s books lack gritty realism, tackling a wide range of issues (also see Girls Under Pressure for a fantastic exploration of eating disorders). In this story it is Dolphin’s life with her bipolar mum, Marigold, which we follow, including her traumatic breakdown and hospitalisation.

9. Perks of Being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky (1999) Depicting battles with suicide, schizophrenia and adolescent sexuality, this was also adapted into a successful film with Chbosky as director in 2012.

10. Hamlet, William Shakespeare (1601) Cheating slightly, as this is a play not a novel, but since it includes the most famous of all literary and psychological questions I thought it needed to join the list. To be or not to be, that is the question.



Summer/ Issue 38

Compassionate Living, with Karen Armstrong Kate Massey-Chase


itting in the marvelous Conway Hall on

Now, you’ll have to excuse my schoolgirl

18th April 2013, I attended my second

knowledge of science (blame me not Karen

Action for Happiness lecture of the

Armstrong if this isn’t right!), but she essen-

year (see the Spring issue of Equilibrium for

tially explained how the reptilian brain is the

my write-up of my evening with Jon Kabat-

one that is egocentric: all about me; it is only

Zinn), this time to see the magnificent Karen

concerned with the four ‘F’s – fighting, flee-

Armstrong. Introduced by Mark Williamson

ing, feeding and…reproduction(!), and was

and Lord Richard Leyhard, Armstrong’s

not designed for an age of plenty. Next we

lecture provided a historical, theologi-

have the mammalian bit of the brain, which

cal, scientific and cultural exploration of

came next and developed in line with these

compassion and its fundamental impor-

creatures’ new needs. So, whereas reptiles

tance to our world.

laid eggs, which they could then abandon, mammals give birth and care for their

Armstrong explained how liberty and the

young, and they started to learn that they

pursuit of happiness are a modern ideal,

were stronger as a group. Thus we can see

and how happiness often gets confused

the need for compassion starting to creep

with emotions like tiredness, hunger, and

into the evolutionary process. The last brain-

hormones. In an oxymoronic world of ‘must-

section (I have no idea what to call it!) in

have accessories’ and post-modern pres-

Armstrong’s codification of the brain is the

sures, happiness has become something

neo-cortex, the newest part, wherein we

actively sought, yet still elusive; it is a mirage

find the ability for rational thinking, where we

on the horizon.

can stand back from our instinctive drives. She also posited a very sobering idea that,

Armstrong contextualized her ideas on

historically, the worst human atrocities – such

compassion with a scientific breakdown

as Auschwitz and 9/11 – happen when the

of the human brain’s different parts: the

first and third brains (base instinct and objec-

reptilian brain (the deepest and oldest),

tive thought: what do we want and how

the mammalian brain, and the neo-cortex.

can we do it most effectively) are used withcont.



out the second: compassion for another’s

not encompass the crucial question: but


would they want to? It takes a constant effort of imagination to put yourself in other

Armstrong suggested that we need to think

people’s shoes, but is all part of compas-

globally if we want to be happy, that the

sionate living (and why I think Drama –

trick is ‘to live with suffering’, kindly, crea-

active empathy! – should be recognised as

tively and peacefully. If we are caught

an important part of the National Curricu-

up in the endless prism/prison of the self,

lum – but I’ll save that article for another

preoccupied with our own thoughts,


feelings and small lives we can never be happy. Happiness, with the essential component of compassion, comes from ‘dethroning yourself from the centre of your world and putting another there’. Author of A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Armstrong also brought theology into the debate, reminding the audience that the ‘Golden Rule’ of all religions and ethical traditions is to treat others as you would like to be treated. In her new book, ‘12 Steps to a Compassionate Life’, she suggests that we exercise compassion through remembering our own pain and refusing to inflict it on others, that

Her allusion to the ‘12 Steps’, commonly associated with recovery from addiction, is no coincidence, as Armstrong suggested that we are addicted to our likes and dislikes, to our need to compare, to bitch even, and to say things like ‘the trouble with her is...’ – trying to ‘sum up the mystery of a person in a single phrase’. It makes us small, narrows our horizons, and does nothing to aid our own happiness. We need to let go of our opinions and take responsibility for the world’s pain. The pain ‘needs to break our heart, so we reach out into the world in compassion’. This sat slightly uncomfortably with me, as I just feel that

we use our own feelings as a guide. This

there is simply too much pain in the world

doesn’t mean that we literally treat others

for me to take on – how could I even proc-

as we would like them to respond to us, as

ess it and, if I did, how would my heart

it is far more nuanced than that; we need

ever recover? But I can do my best, and I

to use our knowledge of that person as

will sign up to her Charter for Compassion

well, and not assume that their desires and

(http://charterforcompassion.org/) as I do

responses would mirror ours. For example,

believe we need to make compassion ‘a

the sentence, ‘Well, I would have wanted

clear, luminous and dynamic force in our

to know’ encapsulates this, as it does

polarized world’. Will you do the same?


Summer/ Issue 38

TOP 10


1. Girl, Interrupted (1999)

6. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)

Although these lists aren’t compiled in hierarchical

I definitely watched this film when I was too young,

order, this will always be No.1 for me. With an Oscar

and maybe why that’s why it’s always stayed with me.

winning performance from Angelina Jolie, and starring

More likely, however, is that is a truly haunting film,

an excellent Winona Ryder as the lead (with fantastic

with some mind-blowing acting, particularly from a

supporting turns, including a psychiatric nurse played by Whoppi Goldberg), this is an unforgettable film, set in an American psychiatric hospital in the 1960s. Haunting, very moving, and with an abundance of rich characters and a compelling narrative, this is a nuanced exploration of psychiatry, the ‘60s, and the role of friendship in self-discovery.

2. The Hours (2002) Inspired by the Modernist classic Mrs Dalloway, this film charts three women’s journeys: Woolf’s own (into

young Leonardo DiCaprio, whose performance of a boy with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties is mind-blowing. Also covering depression leading to morbid obesity, suicide and a catalogue of other challenges, this film could earn a place on a whole range of ‘Top 10’ lists.

7. Silver Linings Playbook (2012) My old housemate said to me, ‘I think you’ll like this film; it’s really good and about mentals’. Thanks. But

a river, with stones in her pockets), a ‘50s housewife

it is very good (and, yes, about someone who’s been

reading the novel, and a contemporary Mrs Dalloway,

hospitalised for bipolar) – touching, funny and tender.

buying flowers for a party. Adapted from Michael Cunningham’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel, the film has

8. Melancholia (2011)

an all-star cast and is beautifully shot, drawing on time-

Fear. Family. A wedding. The imminent end of the

less themes of sexuality, womanhood and loneliness.

world. Kirsten Dunst’s portrayal of a woman trying to

3. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) The list wouldn’t be complete without this seminal film, starring Jack Nicholson. If you haven’t seen it: watch it. ‘Nuff said.

4. Nowhere Boy (2009) Looking at the early years of John Lennon’s life, Kristen Scott-Thomas’s performance of Lennon’s mother realistically captures the highs and lows, joy and despair, of a rollercoaster through bipolar episodes.

5. Running with Scissors (2006) Based on a true story, this is an entertaining and shocking look at one boy’s story after being moved

be happy for everyone else, whilst drowning in silent despair, will strike a chord with many.

9. Sylvia (2003) This film tells the story of the ill-fated relationship between poets Sylvia Plath (the archetype of the tortured artist) and Ted Hughes. ‘Sometimes I dream the tree, and the tree is my life. One branch is the man I shall marry, and the leaves my children. Another branch is my future as a writer, and each leaf is a poem. Another branch is a good academic career. But as I sit there trying to choose, the leaves begin to turn brown and blow away, until the tree is absolutely bare.’

in with his mother’s therapist, Dr Finch – a house with

10. Donnie Darko (2001)

a distinctly ‘alternative’ approach to dealing with

Watch out for the rabbit, and wait while your mind

mental illness and trauma.

slowly implodes.





IMAGES BY: Kate Massey-Chase

Summer/ Issue 38



TOP 10 PORTRAYALS OF MENTAL ILLNESS IN… Songs 1. Black-Eyed Dog – Nick Drake The ‘black dog’ is a famous metaphor for depression (famously used by Winston Churchill), and Nick Drake draws on this metaphor in his melodic masterpiece. Haunting strings and a soulful voice.

2. I See a Darkness – Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy Covered by the legend that is Johnny Cash, I still prefer Will Oldham’s original. I don’t know how to describe this song or the significance it has for me. ‘My best unbeaten brother[s]’, please listen to this song. Turn the light off, press play and feel your spirit moved.

3. Where Is My Mind? – Pixies ‘With your feet in the air and your head on the ground’…

4. Glittering Cloud, Imogen Heap From an album inspired by the Biblical Plagues, Heap’s glittering cloud of locusts appears to be her own self-destruction, an impulse she can’t control: ‘I’m not always like this, it’s something I become’. She pleads: ‘Save me from my self, before I hurt somebody else again’.

5. Hope There’s Someone, Anthony and the Johnsons Anthony’s voice carries an overwhelming mix of both great beauty and great pain. Listen and feel your heart break into pieces and then be stuck

Photo: Anthony


back together with lyrical swoops that remind you that you are not the only one who has ever been there.

6. Comfortably Numb – Pink Floyd The sirens, the echoes, the synthesizers, the guitar solo, and the LYRICS: ‘I can’t explain/You would not understand/ This is not how I am/ I have become comfortably numb’. I quite like the Scissor Sister’s dance tune cover, and the upbeat tempo provides an interesting contrast to the lyrics. Still, you can’t beat Pink Floyd’s original, fusing big guitars with big emotions.

7. These Are Your Friends, Adem ‘Everybody needs some help sometimes’. True dat.

8. Sleep the Clock Around, Belle & Sebastian ‘And the moment will come when composure returns’. But until then, we can listen to Belle & Sebastian’s marvelous story-songs.

9. (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction – Rolling Stones A classic song, which could easily be about clinical depression. For a more soulful version, check out Cat Power’s cover.

10. I Don’t Like Mondays – Boomtown Rats Who does?

Summer/ Issue 38

Wellbeing & Me

Maria Dooney-Jones

“Our happiness has little to do with our absolute conditions, but of how we perceive our situation and how satisfied we are with what we have” “Our feelings of contentment are strongly influenced by our tendency to compare”. Throughout the rest of the week, not much changed. I knew and understood what


he had said but couldn’t bring myself to

made me give it a go, but one thing I do

me, until I did it: I slowly started to look at

few weeks ago I asked for the book ‘The Art of Happiness by the Dalai

Lama’ from my brother. I’m not sure what

do something about it. Moreover, my wellbeing seemed to be crumbling around

know is that I’m glad I did! At the time I had

things differently. When I felt envious of a

been going through what felt like a lot;

classmate, instead of brooding about it for

really it was just a mixture of stress, exhaus-

the rest of the day, I simply thought about

tion and hormones. However, this book

it differently, putting me in a happy mood

helped me in more ways than I knew it


could. At first I was apprehensive and didn’t put much faith into the book, yet, over time, I noticed how much sense it all made! The Dalai Lama talked about so many things, but these few snippets from the book are

I am now so much happier; I feel like myself again and it’s got a lot to do with this book. Although I must admit that I find it hard to get off the laptop and read it, when I do, I feel it’s been so worth it. My wellbeing was completely in my hands and it still

the ones that helped me the most:

is. As soon as I changed the way I looked

“Happiness is determined more by one’s

at things my situation seemed to change

state of mind than by external events”

completely too.



The South Bank Festival Dev


he South Bank is based in an area of

area, as I ended up at the foot of a large

Central London, located immediately

white bridge which was close to the

adjacent to the south bank of the River

Embankment tube station. As I crossed over

Thames. As an area the South Bank is

I was taken aback by the view and the train

famous as a cultural hub; it is full of anything

thundering by at full speed.

to do with the arts or any creativity. The area is full of activity and liveliness. I stumbled on this place when I was

Each section of the area is split into differ-

wondering around the Trafalgar Square

ent activities. There are sites full of enter-


Summer/ Issue 38

tainment, and food and drink areas

The other act was of a man creating

(although some are quite expensive).

triangle, square and star shaped bubbles

You could say they tend to intermix. The

and they were large, at least four foot.

Entertainment area allows people to

This intrigued the children whilst covering

perform (street performers). One group

them in a large bubble.

I came across was two men perform the YMCA and other songs whilst danc-

Alongside all these entertainments are

ing with masks of famous people doing

the Royal Festival Hall, British Film Institute,

that song (imostly that don’t fit the song).

galleries, theatres, restaurants, shops,

As I continued to walk along I came

some strange art works, the BMX bike

across a person dressed in bronze on

track, and the ‘Udderbelly’, another

a throne and with a stick; as I looked

entertainment area.

further it seemed the person had no head! Thinking I was seeing things, I auto-

The south bank art gallery was full of

matically rubbed my eyes and looked

unique art pieces like book mazes and

again. During this time a young boy

floating instruments among photos and

walked up with his mother, touching the

sculptures. Along the riverbank was a

bronze person. As he did that the bronze

string of window frames dangling side-

person’s head popped up, causing them

ways, upside down. It was rather odd

to scream and laugh. I must admit, it was

seeing them.

pretty funny. On my way back, I came across the Another act that I came across was a

Udderbelly entertainment area. This

woman dressed as an animal in a rather

consisted of a drinks, food, and play

small basket on a table. Her face was

area with a building that was of an

like a young badger and you could only

upside down purple cow with underbelly

see the head and the front legs. Every


time someone got near her she would sound like a baby. This, as you probably guessed, drew some people, and their money, to her.


I would recommend a visit to the Southbank this summer, as there are lots of things going on.


Image: Vinay Patel

Tired of London? Katie Brennan


hen I first moved to London, I have

a parent, I look to it for inspiration and

to admit, I didn’t get it. London

learn something new about life from it

felt like a big in-joke that I wasn’t in on,


no matter how hard I tried. I persevered

This love takes work, loving this

though, and grew to love this city with a

geographical lump of little boroughs and

fluctuating, ever-changing love. Some-

teeming wreaths of people does not go

times I love it like a lover, it makes my

without some toil. So for me, what makes

heart beat and butterflies dance around

London good? Well, these thing for starters:

my stomach as I grin in wonder at how

The blue whale at the natural history

lucky I am to live here. Sometimes I love

museum (though this might be less to do

it like a sibling- it drives me absolutely

with the whale and more for my general

mental and I want to give it a dead

love of things that are MASSIVE or TINY.

leg, but I know deep down that I love it

Like, I love it when fruit is the wrong size.

unconditionally. Sometimes I love it like

I had some blackberries the other week


Summer/ Issue 38

that were as nearly as big as my palm. THE

l The jewellery room at the V & A. I feel like


I’m in the Cave of Wonders from ‘Aladdin’. Except there’s no sand guy who gets well

l Walking over the bridges and staring down

moody when you wake him up.

the Thames. (And inevitably instagramming

l Feeling like a don when you see someone

it. Please see below as a reference point.) In

try and feed their oyster card into the ticket

whatever weather, from angry black clouds

slot on the tube barriers. Hahahhaahaha

to (rare) blazing sunshine, this is always impres-

London-Muggles: they don’t get it.

sive and lung-fillingly brill.

l The tube map and all it’s wonderful reincar-

l Watching the kids run in and out of the

nations. Clever people.

fountain that appears every Summer outside


the Southbank Centre. The way they scream


in delight as the jets fire up from the ground


and grandparents round the edges roll their

l Eating at places that aren’t Pizza Express/

eyes tutting amongst themselves, ‘We haven’t

Cafe Rouge/Nandos/Wagamamas (but also

got a towel…’ makes me chuckle.

knowing that these places are around most

l Fragazines. Stylist and Timeout and Evening


Standard on a Friday oh my.


l The man who sells fruit outside Holborn

l Topshop flagship. I think it might be bigger

tube station. I’ve spoken previously about his

than Russia. Poor unsuspecting Males have

talents, but also, his ability to shout his head

died in there.

off in (often incomprehensible) cockney for

l Hackney City Farm. SHEEPS IN THE CITY. And

hours every day shows a vocal technique that

one time I went there, they were having a

as an actor, frankly, I’m deeply jealous of.

whole day’s festival celebrating the humble

l Empty tube carriages. I do a little sing when

apple. Seriously. The apple.

I get one. I’m Beyonce on the Jubilee line,

l Reading old stuff like Dickens and Resto-

Judy on the Piccadilly and Tom Jones on the

ration Comedies and knowing the specific


places where they’re set. Covent Garden has

l ‘Waterloo Sunset’ by the Kinks. Gawd Bless

been cool for blooming ages.

Terry and Julie and the young London love

l Cockfosters. hahahahahahahahahahahaha-

they stand as a symbol for. Particularly this

hahaahhahahahahahahahaha. Samuel Jonson

version of it by the brilliant Joe Stilgoe:http://

famously said of London, ‘When a man is tired of


London, he is tired of life’, but personally I think it

Pearly Kings and Queens. (I REALLY WANT TO

should be amended to, ‘When a man is tired of


laughing at Cockfosters, he is tired of life.’


l Street names like: Laycock Street,

mini waistcoat at a wedding disco. (Again,

Cumming Street and Mincing Alley. More

this point might have something to do with


my love of things that are bigger than they

(oh my god I really want to do a pub crawl

should be.)

of these places. WHO’S WITH ME?)

l When the sun pounds the pavement and

l You can literally wear what the devil you

the buildings glint and wink at each other,

like and no-one bats an eyelid.

and Londoners occasionally smile a half

l Drinking in pubs that are older than

smile at strangers and it just seems like the


best place in the world. Of course, there’s all the normal things that make London the best. Free museums, thriving theatre scene, Pride, Notting Hill Carnival, Buck Pal, the parks, but the things above are just a handful of things that for me, are why this city is literally the best thing since they sliced up a batch of Hovis’s finest. What are yours? https://bloodyhellbrennan.wordpress.com Twitter: @katie_brennan

l Falling in love on the tube. the other day I had a full blown relationship with a

*For those who are dying to know, here’s a

man on the Piccadilly Line between Fins-

picture of the KING KONG of blackberries.

bury Park and Leicester Sq, where we met


on the tube, fell in love, gadded around London like urban spring chickens, then got married in Westminster Abbey and Alan Carr was my maid of honour. that’s normal right?! GUYS?! l Feeling like a king when you know which tube lines pass through which stations without having to consult the tube map app. l The southbound platform at Angel. IT’S SO MASSIVE. I always want to skid down it on my knees like a naughty little lad in a


Summer/ Issue 38

NHS visits the Clarendon Day Centre Two nurses visited the Clarendon Day Centre this week to do medical health checks. They were looking closely at blood sugar levels and cholesterol, as it was specifically a cardiovascular check. They weighed me and measured my height. They did a finger prick blood test for sugar levels. I have family members who have diabetes, so mine was a little high. It’s therefore best for me to have a healthy diet. The finger prick test was also to examine cholesterol. They discovered that my ‘good cholesterol’ was too low, so I have to increase it by eating foods like avocado, salmon and walnuts. These health checks are for people who are residents in Haringey and who also have a G.P. in Haringey. The results are sent to the G.P, and the nurse has encouraged me to book an appointment to discuss it. I am glad that I had the test because I found out things that I did not know about. Angela





hilst doing my dissertation as a

persistent dread of social situations in which

Psychology undergrad, I believed

rejection or embarrassment may occur.

myself to be the world’s leading

This fear can be so intense that it interferes

expert on the topic of physical activity and

with everyday life, preventing people from

social phobia. I now realise that I was no

performing even the most basic tasks.

expert, but I did get a 2:1 for that dissertation

At worst, social phobia can cause a person

so I must have done something right.

to become a total recluse, too scared to even leave the house. There are also more

Social phobia is one of the most common

mild forms, which, while not ruining one’s

anxiety disorders. It is characterised by a

social life entirely, may compromise it some-


what. For example, someone may feel a

also releases serotonin, which is most famous

need to drink alcohol before a party, or place

for being a “happy hormone”. Serotonin does

restrictions on the amount of time spent in

indeed help regulate mood; it also controls

others’ company.

anxiety levels. Thus the very same exerciseinduced chemicals that help to alleviate

As is the case with most mental disorders,

depression will also reduce anxiety.

social phobia is thought to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental

Second is body mass index (BMI). There is a

factors. Thus medical treatment often entails

large body (excuse the pun) of research on

drugs (benzodiazepines or SSRIs) and psycho-

how anxiety disorders are significantly more

therapy. Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

prevalent in overweight and obese people

has been shown to be effective in treating

than in people whose BMIs are normal. Many

social phobia, as irrational, negative thoughts

explanations have been proposed for the

such as “everybody’s watching me!” or “I

link between BMI and mental illness. The one

know I’ll say something stupid!” seem to have

relevant to this article is that “being over-

a lot to do with the disorder.

weight leads to social ostracism and bullying” – experiences which do no favours for ye olde

Now, there is a growing trend for doctors to

mental health. Exercise, as we all know, helps

prescribe, along with pills, “regular physical

to maintain a healthy BMI, thus preventing

activity” to the depressed and the anxious.

those nasty “Hey Fatty” jokes, which decrease

“Take one of these three times a day with food

the ego and lead to social phobia. Unfortu-

AAAAAAND get plenty of fresh air and exer-

nately my dissertation participants all selfishly


decided to have normal BMIs, so I was unable to make a comparison between normal and

One may think that is just something that

overweight categories in terms of social anxi-

doctors say, you know, a generic cure-all that

ety levels.

they throw at everybody. However, there is a multitude of ways in which regular physical

Thirdly, and related to the above, is something

activity can indeed help with social anxiety.

called “Physical Self-Concept”. Overall self-es-

First (and perhaps most obvious): the chemi-

teem comprises several different aspects: the

cals. Cardiovascular exercise in particular

mental self, the social self and so on. Physical

releases those lovely feel-good endorphins, as

self-concept pertains to how one feels about

well as decreasing stress hormones. Exercise

one’s body. To measure this, my participants cont.



had to rate how much they agreed or disagreed with statements such as “I feel that I am strong” or “I am ugly”. Sadly, the body is the means by which many of us are judged, with it being the one part of us that is tangible. Some argue that physical self-concept is the most important part of overall self-esteem. I’m not sure I agree with this, as I know people who are hideous yet confident, but... I found that participants who did high amounts of exercise had a better physical self-concept than those who did moderate or low amounts. In addition, those in the “high” exercise category had the lowest levels of social phobia. Thus it seems that exercise improves our opinions of our own bodies, which in turn makes us more socially confident. I’ve certainly felt better about the way I look since taking up weight training. In addition other, non-physical aspects of self-esteem can be improved by the sense of accomplishment that exercise provides. Achieving a goal like running a 10k is always good for the ego. A fourth and final way in which exercise can reduce social anxiety is simply this: it gets us out of the house. People with social phobia who stay indoors for too long can sometimes reach a stage where they’re too scared to go out at all. Regular jogging or trips to the gym can prevent this vicious cycle from forming. So remember: “fresh air and exercise” is not just a string of empty words. It could be the very lifestyle change that lifts you from the rut of social phobia, bringing the chemical and psychological changes that you need.


Summer/ Issue 38




OF THE MIND Nigel Prestatyn


Summer/ Issue 38


ecently I’ve been using various proc-

So NLP believes that we do not have to

esses for coping with the stresses and

accept who we are, how we behave, or

strains of day to day living, called NLP –

what we believe. We can reprogramme

Neuro (the mind), Linguistic (the language

ourselves such that we can live in a

used to understand particular processes of

completely new way, as long as it doesn’t

the mind), and Programming (the process

conflict with our current set of morals.

of removing/adding belief systems in the mind).

But where do these belief systems reside? The fear appears in the conscious part of

Part of the theory is that we have from our

Jane’s mind, but it has been imbedded in

earliest years been inculcated by those

the unconscious part of her mind. All of our

around us with negative beliefs, that many

habits and beliefs are rooted in the uncon-

of our belief systems have been founded

scious, therefore a language is required

on false assumptions. For example:

that can access these beliefs. We can tell our conscious mind a thousand times that

Jane’s mother was petrified of dogs. When

it is irrational to be afraid of dogs, but while

Jane was growing up she watched her

the unconscious mind still believes it, noth-

mother run in fear of every dog she saw.

ing will change.

Jane began to believe that dogs were something to be feared. And naturally

The human mind is said to be made up

Jane grows up with a phobia of dogs. Now

of 10% conscious activity, 90% uncon-

Jane may not even remember her mother

scious activity. To be able to access this

being afraid of dogs. As a result she may

90% of our minds would be to access an

not understand why she is afraid of dogs.

extremely resourceful part of our minds.

But this has now become a negative belief

NLP believes it has the necessary tools for

system which blights her life. As simply as

unleashing this potential.

it was for Jane to be ‘programmed’ in her early life, so can it be that Jane can simply

So what NLP processes could Jane use.

be ‘unprogrammed’ - by herself.

First we need to understand how negative cont.



beliefs exist in our minds. Imagine your first

Now every time she nears a dog, rather than

car. Picture your favourite food. It could be

the horror film beginning to run, the newly

that you picture a colour, a blue car say, or

created film runs. In order for this film to run

the spicy smells of a pizza. The point being

Jane would have to reprogramme her uncon-

that our fears our made up by the way we

scious mind to trigger a new set of beliefs. So

‘picture’ them.

to use NLP terminology she would need an ‘anchor’ to trigger this new film to start.

Now Jane’s irrational fear of dogs might include an image in her head of large dog,

As mentioned, I attended a two day semi-

teeth gnashing, whites of eyes flaring up,

nar on NLP and one of the speakers, an

loud maniacal barking, the increasing size of

extremely accomplished professional Master

the dog as it nears. Now this is like a film that

Practitioner spoke about how he fell into

Jane runs in her head each time she nears

a deep depression. For all his experience,

a dog. This film has been programmed in.

life got the better of him - for a while at

If I ran this film every time I saw a dog, I too

least. He’d reached absolute rock bottom,

would be petrified of dogs.

where life lost its meaning. With all his skills he couldn’t extract himself from his suffer-

But if Jane were to imagine that she were the

ing. I think this is worth bearing in mind. You

director of this film, she could change it in a

never know when Life’s going to hit you, and

fundamental way. Now in order to decrease

just how it will. Another way of viewing it is

the fear she has, the film might have to

he obviously had the skills to ultimately find

change dramatically. Rather than picture

a way out. He found a scrap of paper and

the dog as just mentioned, she could rather

wrote all his achievements down and this

begin to reduce the image of the dog so it is

began to loosen his depression and start the

a tiny image, almost like a puppy; she could

long process of change.

see it as a black and white image rather than a brilliant bright emotionally-charged colour

What I can say with all confidence is that I

image, she could see it as chasing its own

have used many of these techniques and

tail, licking her face, or that rather than bark

have always found them to be extremely

it squeaks.



Summer/ Issue 38


1. Homeland

6. Skins

Claire Danes reminded us all why we love her with her portrayal of lead character Carrie, who has bipolar. The best thing about this show is that Carrie’s mental health is not the central focus, as often happens when TV shows feature a lead with a mental health problem, and I hope marks an important leap in the media’s portrayal of mental ill health.

With controversial storylines in abundance, Skins has not shied away from mental illness. See character Cassie’s struggle with an eating disorder, JJ’s aspergers, and Tony’s sociopathic tendencies.

2. My Mad Fat Diary Based on ‘My Mad, Fat, Teenage Diary’ by Rae Earl, the show is as forth-right as its narrator, delving into the depths of teenage angst, but with the added issue that the show’s lead has just been released from an adolescent psychiatric hospital.

3. In Treatment Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall in a therapist’s treatment room? Then here you go (not in a voyeuristic, ‘The Man with a….’ Channel Four sort of way – this is reassuringly fictional).

4. The L-Word Featuring a few breakdowns and meltdowns, and also self-harm in later series, The L-Word isn’t just about lesbians.

5. Shameless A British comedy-drama, set on a Manchester council estate, the character of Shelia, played by Maggie O’Neill suffers from agoraphobia, which is played very authentically.


7. E.R. Abigail Lockhart’s (Maura Tierney) mother, Maggie, played by Sally Field, was, I think, my first introduction to bipolar, watching the series as a child. Sensational acting from an awardwinning actress.

8. House Dr. House (Hugh Laurie): A misanthropic medical genius, with a serious drug addiction. Maybe not quite right for this list, but I love it so it’s going in!

9. Eastenders Nowhere does ‘issues’ quite like Albert Square. I haven’t watched it in years (except the Christmas specials), but I’d put money on the fact that they’ve portrayed mental illness, and – knowing their award-winning history – done it well.

10. Sopranos Tony Soprano, although head of a criminal organisation, suffers from depression and panic attacks, and his therapy sessions throughout the series not only give more of an insight into his thoughts and feelings but also realistically depicts the challenging dynamic of therapy and the struggle to accept a psychiatric diagnosis.


Volunteering with Diversity Role Model


first discovered how volunteering could

Now I’m living in London, freelancing my arse

warm your soul in 2007 when I spent a

off to pay my rent (doing a job I love, though,

good portion of my week at the Oxfam

so can’t complain too loudly) and working

Bookshop in Winchester, whilst trying to sort my life, health and head out a bit. And it genuinely made a massive impact on me; I felt honoured to be giving my time for free there. It wasn’t completely selfless; in that

for free is something I hoped was consigned to my student days. But volunteering and working for free are two different things: one a social problem of glass ceilings and a devalued sector, and the other an act of giving to a society you want to be an active

little bookshop on the aptly named Parch-

part of. So when I heard about Diversity Role

ment Street, I made friends, found a sense of

Models, I knew I wanted to volunteer as a

purpose, and co-invented our Sunday game:

Role Model (hard to say without following the

Shop Cricket (and got ‘caught out by Proust’

term with some kind of witty, self-deprecating

for the first time).

remark, but I’ll resist).


Summer/ Issue 38

Set up in 2011, Diversity Role Models is a

or lesbian.’ Anyone who’s been into a school

charity that helps schools to eradicate

recently will know that this is an issue that

homophobic bullying and provide an inclu-

affects the wellbeing of all young people,

sive and safe environment for their LGBT

whether implicitly or explicitly.

students and families. Through high-quality, interactive workshops involving role models

Since its conception, DRM has delivered their

and discussions that allow young people to

workshops to over 5,000 pupils and the results

explore their views and understand differ-

speak for themselves. Over 90% of young

ence, DRM hopes to tackle the prejudice

people indicated that they would treat LGBT

that leads to homophobic bullying. ‘I firmly

people better and use the word ‘gay’ as a

believe that by providing role models for

derogatory term less in the future. Teachers

LGBT young people, we can have a positive

and pupils that have attended the work-

effect on the negative statistics’, says Suran

shops have seen a significant shift in attitudes

Dickson, CEO and founder of the organisa-

and behaviour in their schools and would

tion, who was prompted to start the charity

urge other schools to seek their help. ‘Fabu-

after witnessing the impact homophobic

lous - should be part of the national curricu-

bullying had in the schools she worked in.

lum! This workshop should be offered to all

And the statistics are shocking: LGBT youth

year groups’, enthused one teacher who

are six times more likely to commit suicide

attended a recent workshop. I know I agree.

and two thirds of them suffer bullying at

I am proud to be a Diversity Role Model. The

school. Furthermore, as they say on their

biggest payment is knowing that you’re


making a difference.

‘…it’s not just LGBT young people. Straight students are terrified of being called ‘gay’. Girls drop out of sport and boys hide artistic talent to conform to gender roles and avoid being labelled gay


The next academic year will see DRM delivering workshops across the country, as well as continuing to work across the capital. For more information on the workshops and to enquire about booking, contact HYPERLINK “mailto:info@diversityrolemodels.org” \t“blank” info@diversityrolemodels.org



Summer/ Issue 38

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