Maximise Your Profits With Simple Testing

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Maximise Your Profits With Simple Testing


"Here's How You Can Massively Increase Your Sales And Profits, Without Needing To Attract Any More

Traffic!" Dear Internet Marketer, You'd like to make more money, right? Of course, who wouldn't? As an Internet marketer, you have read enough to know that money doesn't actually grow on trees. Making money requires time, effort, patience, but there's a good chance that you actually believe that what you need most of all is a little bit of luck. Unfortunately, luck only takes you so far. Building a business based around luck is sorta like planting nickels in the ground and hoping it grows into a fortune. People who routinely make money online will tell you that there is only one real way to guarantee a profitable online business. And that is to continuously test the effectiveness of your salespage. Testing might seem complicated, expensive and time consuming, but it could be the only thing that is standing in the way of making you heap loads of cash. Think of testing this way, would you prepare a big fancy meal for important guests without first tasting the food to make sure everything tastes great? Would you buy a new cellphone before testing that it fits comfortably under your ear and you can hear everything alright? Testing is something we do in almost every thing we do, why wouldn't you test your salespage too. Especially when it could directly translate into more money in your pocket. Despite the obvious benefits that testing could have, still most people are resistant to do it. I know I was at first... I used to believe that I was a professional Internet marketer. I had a bunch of different websites, both AdSense sites as well as affiliate ones. I drove traffic, made sales and generally had a smile on my face. I was never exactly sure why my sites were making money, but it didn't worry me so much. As long as they were consistently bringing me a profit, I couldn't really care less. Things were going swimmingly for a while. The profits were coming in and like I said, I was happy. Then as is bound to happen, things started not going so well. The trend started slowly at first, but grew into a much larger problem. My sales were drying up and my CTR was dropping. I knew something had to be changed, but I didn't know what. The first thing I did when I realized how massive a problem I had on my hands was consult a friend of mine who considered a local marketing guru. I explained to him my problem and asked him what I could do to fix it. Very quickly, he started asking me all sorts of questions, questions that I had no answer to at all. Things like, how effective were my headlines, how profitable was my buynow button, how strong my guarantee was. I looked at him dumbfounded. I told him that I knew all these things were important, but I didn't really invest very much time making sure that each different element was created properly. This marketing friend of me mine looked straight at me and said "I think we've found your problem". He proceeded to tell me that nothing on the Internet is stagnant. Things change and buying habits change. If I wanted to stay competitive, I

needed to constantly be changing how I approach my customers. The only way I would be able to make sure that my websites are always effective is to test everything on them. I left this meeting somewhat depressed. I thought there would be an easier solution to my problem. I wasn't really sure how to test my sites and even if I did, I didn't know anything about analyzing data. I went home and started searching the Internet for testing solutions. Probably like you, I expected the process to be annoying, painstakingly cumbersome and utterly horrible. I wasn't looking forward to investing so much time and effort on something that I wasn't sure would actually work. I knew it had to be done, so I figured I might as well just try testing something simple and see if it had any effect. I came up with a couple different headlines for a new salespage I was preparing to launch and started tracking it with Google Analytics. I knew the results wouldn't be perfect, but at least it would be a place to start. I wasn't sure what I expected to happen, but I didn't actually expect to see anything really significant. Boy was I wrong. After a week of testing, taking notes and keeping on top of my traffic and sales, I noticed that three of the headlines preformed significantly better than the rest. Once I realized that, I tested the three headlines against each other and finally found the best of the bunch. Once I found a headline that worked, I started testing other things, the guarantee, the images, even the color scheme. I hate to admit it, but testing saved my business. I'm making more money now than I ever did before and what's even better is that I now understand why my business is doing well. I feel more in full control of my ability to make money. Convert More Customers! There are no sure things in life. Especially when it comes to Internet marketing, there is no guarantees that anything you do will produce the results you want. Even if you think you've created the world's best headline or the coolest set of graphics the earth has ever seen. The only way to make sure that what you are doing is going to be the most effective thing possible is to test every element every step of the way. Once you start running test upon test upon test, you'll see how you can significantly raise your conversion rate. Watch in amazement as your CTR jumps percentage points. Learn how to run a test, find a winner and continuously test that winner to prove its effectiveness. Maximize Your Profits With Simple Testing is the only eBook on the market that will show you EXACTLY what to do and how to do to it to see the best results on every single website you own. What are you waiting for? See how Maximize Your Profits With Simple Testing can make you money today. Maximize Your Profits With Simple Testing Will Help You... Learn How To Do Comparative Site Testing On Every One Of Your Sites! Learn The Right Way To Track Your Results To Provide Accurate Data! Understand What A Multivariate Test Is And See How You Can

Wield Its Power! Find Out How To Organize Your Results So The Profits Keep Rolling In! Create A Method To Boosting Your Conversions! Realize Your Dream Of Making Money Online Today! Maximize Your Profits, Now... Even if you've never made a cent online, Maximize Your Profits With Simple Testing is vital for you as well. Don't be surprised if when you put these plans into action, you suddenly begin to make a profit. Don't be alarmed when you see people buying your products and clicking on your links. Testing is the best way to learn the proper way to market online. The competition for clicks is fierce. The most sophisticated marketers, the ones who make the big bucks, are constantly testing every single aspect of their websites. When I say everything, I mean everything. I know marketers who even test the fonts they use to make sure they are the most effective. If you aren't doing everything in your power to make sure your message is as effective as possible, then you aren't going to make as much money as you probably could. The best thing about Maximize Your Profits With Simple Testing is that you'll be learn more about Internet marketing simply by using this system then you ever could learn on your own. You'll be given a firsthand lesson in seeing exactly what works and what doesn't. If you've never gotten a complete grasp on Internet marketing before, this is the product for you. Start testing your websites. Learn everything you need to know to start today. Although we provide powerful information which can help boost your income, the results are dependent on many factors outside our control. We are not therefore able to give any guarantees about the level of income that you will attain by ordering this report.


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