Andrea Tscheschlog Portfolio Brochure

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Structured Play

Hello! My name is Andrea Tscheschlog. I am a graphic designer located in Greensboro, North Carolina. With my experiences in design, fine arts, illustration, project management, and education, I bring a diverse set of skills to the table. As a designer I believe that going beyond the expected and being adventurous with my design aesthetic allows me to create designs that impact audiences in meaningful ways. Using structure to keep the designs grounded, I can create exciting and impactful design solutions that capture and engages my audience.

Airwalk: A Community of Non-Conformity I present a fresh take on a brand that has fallen out of favor with it’s target audience. Airwalk has always been a pioneer in the skateboarding scene. Taking inspiration from a rebellious, and creative community of artists, skateboarders, and risk takers I developed a new logo and brand strategy that will inspire rebellion, creativity and a community of non-conformity.

Ponstingl: Dreams of Past Futures I gave new life to an exhibition of work of a surrealist artist who had long been forgotten and found again, Franz Josef Ponstingl. This art exhibit celebrated the life and works of an artist whose surrealist masterpieces had been forgotten to time. I used the polymorphic shapes and imagery that Ponstingl incorporated into his artwork as inspiration to develop a visual system that would compliment and emphasis his unique surrealistic visions.

Broad Street Grind: Coffee & Community I created a fresh and inviting website for a local coffee shop. Broad Street Grind is a local coffee shop who was looking to increase virtual sales. Their website was outdated and bland. I gave their on-line presence new life with a warm and inviting UX design.

Zebco: Find Your Adventure I brought new life to an outdated fishing brand, looking to broaden their target audience to a younger and more diverse crowd. Zebco was the 1st ever makers of the spincast fishing reel. However after 60 years in business, they became synonymous with being “your grandpa’s fishing reel”. Looking to attract a younger and more diverse audience, I used the inspiration of finding adventure combined with a feeling of nostalgia to develop and fresh new brand image.

OctoEd:Learn, Engage, Connect MFA Thesis Project I developed a solution to the ever growing problem facing middle school students: a lack of connection in the virtual learning environment. Middle School students feel discouraged, disconnected and engaged in the virtual learning environment. Using the octopus as my mascot, I developed a middle school specific virtual learning platform that encourages, social interaction, streamlined learning environments, and a fun and engaging space to learn.

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