Dinktown #1

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Graff i ti ,l i kemuchart,i sabi tofacompl i catedi ssue.Don’ tgetme wrong,Il ovegrafandstreetart.Idon’ tmi ndhavi ngtowai tatrai l waycrossi ngsasmuchanymore,notthati ’ m crani ngmynecktoseei f anythi ngi nteresti ngwi l lbeontheupcomi ngcars.Myf eel i ngi s,i fyou aregoi ngtodef aceproperty,i thadbetterhavesomeki ndof redeemi ngval ue,ei theri nf orm orcontent.Buti stheresuchathi ng as“bad”graff i ti ? Forhavi ngworl dcl asstaggi ngrol lthroughourtownonal mosta dai l ybasi s,therei sabi tofadearthof‘ unski l l ed’graff i ti .Andby dearth,Imean,4/5thsofsweetf uckal l .Imean,therei stechni cal l y betterstuffatMoyi e,f orchri ssake.Asf orDi nktown,thereareaf ew hal f heartedattempts,butnothi ngthatgreatthatIcoul df i nd. (Actual l y,If oundoneni cehandstyl ebehi ndthetenni swal lacross f rom theAdverti serbui l di ng,buteventhathadbeencoveredupby somel essski l l eddi nk). Sotherei gni ngcategoryi nCranbrookseemstobetherunof themi l lgraff i tiofki dsexpressi ngthei rdreamsandf rustrati ons.My f avori teonef rom backi nthedaywas“Stayhi gh,pi gscan’ tfl y”. Unski l l edi nexecuti onperhaps,butatl easti twaski ndaf unny.The stuffIsaw onmytravel sthroughtheal l eysofDi nktownseemedto i ndi catethatevensuchwi tsl owl ywi theri ngf rom thehandsofvandal s.Buti si tso? Letusdi gdeeper,andseewhatprof undi ti esthe arti stsofCranbrook’ sstreetshavetoshare.

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