Anthony F. Samaha - Professional + Educational Work 2011-2019

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Anthony F. Samaha


B. Arch 2016/M.S. Arch. Technologies 2019 Select Professional + Educational Work 2011-2019

C.V. [Brief] Education: Southern California Institute of Architecture [SCI_Arc] | Los Angeles, California. 2018-2019 Bachelor of Architecture with Honors [2016] New Jersey Institute of Technology | Newark, New Jersey. 2011-2016 Bachelor of Architecture with Honors [2016] Ralph R. McKee Vocational/Technical High School | Staten Island, New York. 2007-2011 Pre-Engineering and Architecture Program

Design Works in Academic Publications: Decker, Martina. "The Emergence of Soft Robotics in Architecture." In Towards a Robotic Architecture. Frameworks and Processes. Mahesh Daas and Andrew John Wit (ed.), ORO Editions, Rafael, Calif., 2018. ISBN: 978-1-939621-63-4 (upcoming 2018) Decker, Martina. "Matter Timed." Architectural Design 86, no. 1 (2016): 82-87. Decker, Martina. "Soft Robotics and Emergent Materials in Architecture." (2015). Zarzycki, Andrzej. "Adaptive Designs with Distributed Intelligent Systems."

Honors & Awards: 2014 AAMC Design Award | The DESIGN ALLIANCE + Albert Einstein College of Medicine NJIT College of Architecture | Super Jury Fall 2014/Spring 2015 Thesis Selection Fall 2015 – 2016

Applicable Experience: Hill West Architects | Manhattan, New York. 2016-Present | Architectural Designer The DESIGN ALLIANCE | Brooklyn, New York. 2011-2016 | Architectural Intern NJIT Physics Department | Newark, New Jersey. 2014-2015 | Research Assistant NJIT Smart Initiatives + Innovations Lab | Newark, NJ 2015-2016 Freelance Digital Designs ( | 2008-Present Robotics Designer FIRST Team 522 | Staten Island, NY | 2007-2011

Zarzycki, Andrzej. "Answering Questions with Questions: A Personal Take on Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem as It Relates to Architecture and Design." In Morphological Analysis of Cultural DNA, pp. 227-240. Springer Singapore, 2017. Pamphlet, SoA. "SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE."

Skills: High-End Development Projects with [NYC Building Code/Landmarks Preservation Commission, Construction Documents/Revisions/Site Work, Project Management Responsibilities, RFP’s, Zoning Studies, Design Intent, MEP Management/RFI’s, Marketing Drawings, Contracted Service Management, Hand-off/Coordination Deliverables] CAD/Design Software [Autodesk AutoCAD/Revit/3D Studio Max/Rhino 3D+VRAY/Unity/Unreal Engine] Adobe CC Suite [Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign/Dreamweaver/Premiere/After Effects] Advanced Knowledge of Office Software [Bluebeam Revu, Microsoft Word/PowerPoint/Excel/Publisher] Ten Years Hand-Drafting/Model Making/3D Printing Experience


Transmissive Faรงade Studies

Warner Grand Theater Adaptive Reuse Design Research @ SCI-Arc


Warner Grand Theater Adaptive Reuse Design Research @ SCI-Arc

Fuzzy Aggregates:

Android Fullfilment Center Design Research @ SCI-Arc

Speculative Transit and Fulfillment Center Prototype to Accomodate Integrated Last-Mile Delivery Services in the Unique Infrastructural Network of Mexico City

Fuzzy Aggregates:

Android Fullfilment Center Design Research @ SCI-Arc

Real-time Simulation Techniques for Unique Interior Architecture Strategies of the Drone/Storage Network

A.I. Research:

DEEP TIME Storage and Management Spec. Independent Project

Extraterran Mining Operations Developed Through an User-Created Artificial Intellegence Library of Existing Extraction Protocols.

A.I. Research:

DEEP TIME Storage and Management Spec. Independent Project From The Desk of DEEP TIME Storage and Management Group: B. Singh, Project Manager. To Whom It May Concern, It has been brought to my attention that,as a matter of protocol, a cohort of Observational Engineers in my department compiled bio-readable images from Mars Project datasets with some alarming results. You must be aware that it has been policy since the DEEP TIME initiative’s implementation that, given the sheer size and complexity of the data sets, to only compile images from Mars sensor at the request of a specific authorized agency, if our Artificial Intelligence pattern recognition platform detected anomalies, or at scheduled two year intervals in service of a bio-based review. Being that it has been two years since the last bio-recognizable images have been made from the data, I am forwarding you these images to alert you to the conditions on the ground in Mars and to ask for the next actionable steps. Yours B. Singh. 08:00 ________________________________________ Singh, What am I looking at? Is there something I should know that I don’t know? I am in constant contact with the Extraction and Logistics division and they report record deliveries of payloads from our facilities. All comes back in the black. Please advise. Samatha Hartely, MBA Senior VP Mars Projects 08:30 ________________________________________ Hartely, You may or may not be aware of the software protocols the automated extraction units were initially equipped with but it is the opinion of the team that these formations are HIGHLY unusual and the anomalous variation in patterns were run through multiple epochs on our machines here in DEEP TIME to try and identify a correlation with our records of the unit protocols. We came back blank. I have redlineD areas of concern, see attached. B. Singh 11:00 ________________________________________

I’m VERY aware of the unit protocols, Singh. This sounds like a problem on your end. I’ve cc’d Director Yin on this message chain. Samatha Hartely, MBA Senior VP Mars Projects 11:08 ________________________________________ Hartely, We have done our due diligence on this. I just thought you, (and Director Yin) should be aware that as of this date, the construction output of our automated process has significantly deviated from any known parameter for surface modification and as such is radically and unpredictably reshaping the planet’s surface. While this may not seem like a big deal to you, I can assure you that we here DEEP TIME have already begun simulation models based on this new behavior and the potential effects seem wildly divergent. Per my last message, PLEASE see my redlines from my initial attachments Please advise Singh 13:40 ________________________________________ Hartely +Singh Am I reading this correctly? Are you saying we’ve lost control of the extraction units on Mars? Why have I not heard about this sooner? -y ________________________________________ Director Yin, No, we have tracked all production numbers and inbound outbound tracking data. Not only are Mars production numbers on course to meet projections for all commodities, but our model predicts a statistically significant uptick, which in turns has increased company valuation. Our department ran diagnostics all morning and all systems are online and functioning. Samatha Hartely, MBA Senior VP Mars Projects

Three Dimensional Analysis of AI Generated Landscapes - Narratively Commented on by DEEP TIME Engineers

Email Narrative Based on Machine Intelligence Output

A.I. Research: “Cyborg Misprison� Machine Interpretation of Contemporary Space

Transformation of Interior of High-End Residential Architecture Using Style Transfer Artificial Intelligence Techniques and MRI Style Graphical Analysis

A.I. Research: Algorithmic Construction Techniques and Robotic Assembly

Data Input

CycleGAN AI Network

Data Output

Robotic Assembly Sequence

CycleGAN AI Network

Wood Timbers and Vinyl Adhesive

A.I. Research:

Algorithmic Façade Transformations

Downtown Los Angeles

“What Cities See” Google AMI Grant Collaboration @ SCI-Arc

A.I. Research:

“What Cities See” Google AMI Grant Collaboration @ SCI-Arc

LIDAR Site Walkthrough Identifying Machine-Vision Appropriate Materials

Downtown Los Angeles

Design Scripting: Explorative Scripting using C# in Grasshopper Conditional Generative Form Example:

Analyzing Works of Art Through Component Script: Starting Image

Connect with extracted points:

Plane baseplane = new Plane(Point3d.Origin, Vector3d.ZAxis); Circle penta = new Circle(baseplane, rad); Curve pentaCirc = penta.ToNurbsCurve(); pentaCirc.DivideByCount(5, true, out pts);

Take one crossed line, find intersection then change line start point double ParamA; //CREATE TWO BLANK DOUBLES double ParamB; Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.LineLine(invisln, ln3, out ParamA, out ParamB); B = ln3.PointAt(ParamB); invisln.To = ln3.PointAt(ParamB);

Fifty Abstract Paintings Which as Seen from Two Yards Change into Three Lenins Masquerading as Chinese and as Seen from Six Yards Appear as the Head of a Royal Bengal Tiger 1962, Salvador Dali


List <Curve> loftA = new List <Curve>(); loftA.Add(invisln.ToNurbsCurve()); loftA.Add(ln0.ToNurbsCurve());

Line invisln = new Line(pts[0], pts[2]);



2 units


int count = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 5;i++){ for(int j = 0; j < 5;j++){ List<Brep> walls = new List<Brep>(); Point3d origin = new Point3d(i * distance, j * distance, 0); Plane baseplane = new Plane(origin, Vector3d.ZAxis); Circle square = new Circle(baseplane, 1);

3 4 2 Surfaces from Points

Plane A


Curve squareCirc = square.ToNurbsCurve();


Plane B

squareCirc.DivideByCount(4, true, out pts);

Extrude Line ln0 = new Line(pts[0], pts[1]); 1 unit crvs.Add(ln0.ToNurbsCurve()); lofts.Add(ln0.ToNurbsCurve()); Brep rep = Surface.CreateExtrusion(crvs[count], Math.Sqrt(2) * Vector3d.ZAxis).ToBrep(); walls.Add(rep); count = count + 1; Brep[] temp = Brep.JoinBreps(walls, 0.01); ... loftsrf.Add(temp[0].CapPlanarHoles(0.01)); Repeated until four sides Rhino.Geometry.Collections.BrepEdgeList edges = temp[0].Edges;

Plane C


if ((j - i) % 2 == 0){ square.Rotate((Math.PI / 180) * (Math.Sin(testrotate) * 45), Vector3d.ZAxis); } else{ square.Rotate((Math.PI / 180) * -(Math.Sin(testrotate) * 45), Vector3d.ZAxis); }

Generation Options (random 1-4):










List <Curve> loftB = new List <Curve>(); loftB.Add(ln2.ToNurbsCurve()); loftB.Add(ln3.ToNurbsCurve());



Point3d[] pts;

List<Curve> crvs = new List<Curve>(); Line ln0 = new Line(pts[0], pts[1]); crvs.Add(ln0.ToNurbsCurve()); Line ln1 = new Line(pts[1], pts[2]); crvs.Add(ln1.ToNurbsCurve()); Line ln2 = new Line(pts[2], pts[3]); crvs.Add(ln2.ToNurbsCurve()); Line ln3 = new Line(pts[1], pts[3]); crvs.Add(ln3.ToNurbsCurve());


Divide circle in to 5:


Plane C




Design Scripting: Computational Scripting using Image Analysis Starting Image

Reduction to 131x100px .jpg - Level 7

- Level 6 string filepath = @"C:\Users\afs2\Desktop\colortest_tiny.jpg"; Bitmap bit = new Bitmap(filepath); List<Rectangle3d> rects = new List<Rectangle3d>(); List<Color> colors = new List<Color>(); Random rand = new Random(); int pixelcount = 0; List<Surface> colorExt = new List<Surface>();

- Level 5

Plane pln = new Plane(pt, Vector3d.ZAxis);

for(int i = 0; i < bit.Width ;i++) { for (int j = 0; j < bit.Height ; j++){

Interval rectSize = new Interval(-0.5, 0.5);

- Level 4 Height of Tower

pixelcount = pixelcount + 1; Point3d pt = new Point3d(i, bit.Height - j, 0); Color col = bit.GetPixel(i, j);

if (col.R < cSlider && col.G < cSlider && col.B < cSlider ){ Rectangle3d rect = new Rectangle3d(pln, rectSize, rectSize); rects.Add(rect); colors.Add(col); colorExt.Add(Surface.CreateExtrusion(rect.ToNurbsCurve(), 1 * Vector3d.ZAxis)); }

if (col.R < cSlider / 1.5 && col.G < cSlider / 1.25 && col.B < cSlider / 1.25){ Rectangle3d rect = new Rectangle3d(pln, rectSize, rectSize); rects.Add(rect); colors.Add(col); colorExt.Add(Surface.CreateExtrusion(rect.ToNurbsCurve(), 2 * Vector3d.ZAxis)); } ... Repeated until cSlider is / 2.5 + Vector3d * 7

- Level 3

Brightness Scale:

- Level 2

- Level 1

Soft Robotics: Exploring Materiality in Architecture Through Volumetric Mechanics Position Sensor Base Microblower Battery Silicone Shell

Light Sensor/Cap

P hotovoltaic Photovoltaic


Modified Microblower

ACTUATED Liquid Lens Design

Microblower Housing

Soft Robotic Frit Design

Photovoltaic Cell/ Assembly Cap

Expandable Silicone Wall

Undergraduate Thesis: Exploring Responsible Material Applications In Adaptive Architecture and Smart Cities

Integrating Circuitry on Transparent Materials

Continuous Material Vented Wall System Studies and Light Analysis



130 William St.

CD+CA Coordination Client/Consultant meetings Structural/MEP Coordination DoB Issuing Zoning Analysis Attorney General plans Fire Protection plans

Media Façade: Adapting Existing Architecture to an IoT Scale System The “Frère-nêtre” App F(2): IfOpenT<50Air T>80 + H<5:00 F(3): IfCLOSE LOUVER



current functions running:

F(n) (1) + (2) + F(1): asMedia18:00<H<5:00 Glass = y T<50 F(2): Ifclose Air T>80 + H<17:00 F(3): IfCLOSE LOUVER

App Concept Mockup P.M.















Solar vs. Temperature Data of Existing Glazing

Applied Louvered Double Wall

Retrofit Assembly

Existing System

Project Prototyping:

Shape Memory Alloy Experiments

Various Projects | NJIT

Media Faรงade Half-Scale Concept Model - Circuitless LED Concept and Louver Performance

3D Printed Material Studies for Continuous Material Vented Wall Systems

Publications Featured

Architectural Design Magazine

eCAADe Conference 2016

eCAADe Conference 2015

NJIT SoA Pamphlet

Anthony F. Samaha C: 917.971.6776 E:

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