Anthony Merseal - Steps to Keep Your Computer Virus Free

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Steps to Keep Your Computer Virus Free

Introduction ď‚Ą

These days, we must know the terms related to the computer virus and protect your device from their threat. Most of the people ignore and negligee to be aware of these terms. It will be wise enough to be aware of these threats before it’s too late. Here are few tips that would help you to keep your computer virus free.

Maintain Computer Virus Free       

Use a Firewall Install Anti-Virus Software and Keep Them up to Date Don’t Boot from a Floppy Disk Stop Downloading Files From Unknown Source Careful while Sharing Files Set up Immediate Protection Never Open Unknown email attachments

Use a Firewall ď‚Ą

A firewall is a piece of software or hardware that sits between your computer and the internet and only allows certain types of data to cross. For example, a firewall may allow checking email and browsing the web, but disallow things like Windows file sharing.

Install Anti-Virus Software and Keep Them up to Date ď‚Ą

Most of the users install the antivirus and leave them but the main important factor is to keep the antivirus up to date so they can perform well.

Don’t Boot from a Floppy Disk 

One of the common ways to transmit is through the Floppies. After their works finish pull them out of the machine otherwise launching the virus of the floppy will the device automatically try to boot your device because of a virus on the disk?

Stop Downloading Files From Unknown Source ď‚Ą

It is always recommended to download the files from the known and trusted sites. It will be safe enough to scan them with antivirus also before download.

Careful While Sharing Files ď‚Ą

We share files with our friendly while sharing files we unknowingly pass along a virus, Trojan horse, or worm with the files attached. So, before using pen drives, floppy etc scan them properly before their use.

Set up Immediate Protection ď‚Ą

The antivirus can attack the system any time so it’s always to recommended to Configure the anti-virus software automatically on start-up so it can give immediate protection at all times. Doing this automatically keeps your devices safe enough.

Never Open Unknown Email Attachments ď‚Ą

Never open any email attachments that come from unknown sources. If it is a picture, text or sound file (these attachments end in the extensions .txt, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .tif, .mp3, .htm, .html, and .avi), you are probably safe, but still perform a virus scan before opening them.

Who I Am? ď‚Ą

Anthony Merseal is the CIO of First Choice Heating and Cooling, who provide the greater knowledge through which you can maintain your computer virus free.

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