ACE c1 s7

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Antalya Chess Express c1 s6

chance to get some counterplay 50.Kxf5 Rf3+ 51.Kg6 Rg3+ 52.Kh6 Rg4+–] 50.h5 Rg3+ [50...f4 does not help much 51.h6 Rh3 52.h7 f3 53.Kg4 Rh1 54.Rf8+ Kxc7 55.h8Q Rxh8 56.Rxh8 f2 57.Rf8 Kc6 58.Rxf2 Kd5 59.Kf4 Kd6 60.Rd2+ Kc5 61.Ke4 Kb4 62.Kd4 Kb5 63.Rc2 Kb6 64.Kd5 Kb7 65.Kd6 Kb6 66.Rc5 Kb7 67.Rc6 Kb8 68.Rb6+ Ka8 69.Kc6 Ka7 70.Kc7 Ka8 71.Ra6#] 51.Kxf5 Rh3 [51...Kb7 cannot change destiny 52.h6 Rf3+ 53.Ke6 Re3+ 54.Kd7 Rd3+ 55.Ke8 Kc8 56.h7 Rh3 57.Kf8 Kb7 58.Kg8 Rg3+ 59.Rg7 Re3 60.h8Q Re8+ 61.Kh7 Rxh8+ 62.Kxh8 Kc8 63.Kg8 Kb7 64.Kf8 Kc8 65.Ke8 Kb7 66.Kd7 Kb6 67.Rg5 Ka7 68.c8Q Kb6 69.Qc7+ Ka6 70.Ra5#] 52.Kg6 Rg3+ 53.Kh7 Rg5 54.h6 Re5 [54...Rg2 doesn't get the bull off the ice 55.Kh8 Rg4 56.h7 Kb7 57.Rg7 Re4 58.Kg8 Re8+ 59.Kf7 Rh8 60.Kg6 Re8 61.Rg8 Rc8 62.Rxc8 Kxc8 63.h8Q+ Kxc7 64.Kf5 Kb6 65.Qc3 Kb5 66.Ke5 Ka4 67.Kd5 Kb5 68.Qb3+ Ka5 69.Kc5 Ka6 70.Qb6#] 55.Kg8 Rg5+ [55...Re2 does not save the day 56.h7 Rg2+ 57.Rg7 Re2 58.h8Q Re8+ 59.Kh7 Rxh8+ 60.Kxh8 Kb7 61.Kg8 Kc8 62.Kf8 Kb7 63.Ke8 Kc6 64.c8Q+ Kd5 65.Rg4 Kd6 66.Re4 Kd5 67.Qc4+ Kd6 68.Re6#] 56.Kf8 Diagram

+ + + + + + + + + + + -+ + + + + +! " + + + % & + + +( )+ + *+ + . /012345678 35...f5 [35...Rd8 36.Re6 Kc7+ 37.Rd6+–] 36.f4 [36.Re6!? Rh8+–] 36...Rd8 37.c6+ Kc7+ 38.Kc5 Rd2 [38...Rd3 39.Re7+ Kb8 40.Rb7+ Kc8 41.Rxa7 Rc3+ 42.Kd5 Rd3+ 43.Ke6+–] 39.Re7+ Kc8 40.Rxa7 Rxg2 [¹40...h5+–] 41.Rxh7 Rc2+ 42.Kd6 Rd2+ 43.Ke5 Rc2 [43...Ra2 44.Kf6 Rf2 45.Kxg6 Rxf4 46.h4 Rg4+ 47.Kxf5+–] 44.c7! Diagram

+ + ,- + + +++ + + + + + + * + + + +! "+ + + + % & + + + +( )+ + + + . /012345678

+ + + + + + ++ + + + + + + ,- + + + +! " + + + % & + + + +( )+ + + + . /012345678

[56.Kf8 Rg2 57.h7 Rh2 58.Kg8 Rg2+ 59.Rg7 Re2 60.h8Q Re8+ 61.Kh7 Rxh8+ 62.Kxh8 Kb7 63.Kg8 Kc8 64.Kf8 Kb7 65.Ke8 Kc6 66.c8Q+ Kd5 67.Rg4 Kd6 68.Re4 Kd5 69.Qc4+ Kd6 70.Re6#; 56.Rg7 Ra5 57.h7 Re5 58.h8Q Re8+ 59.Kh7 Rxh8+ 60.Kxh8 Kb7 61.Kg8 Kc8 62.Kf8 Kb7 63.Ke8 Kc6 64.Rd7 Kb7 65.Kd8 Ka6 66.c8Q+ Ka5 67.Qb8 Ka4 68.Ra7#] 1-0

finishing the game 44...Re2+ [44...Rxc7 45.Rxc7+ Kb8 (45...Kxc7 46.Kf6 Combination; 45...Kd8 46.Rc5 Combination) 46.Rg7 Combination] 45.Kf6 Rf2 46.Kxg6 Rxf4 47.Kg5 Rf1 48.Rf7 [¹48.h4 seems even better 48...f4 49.h5+–] 48...Rf3?? terrible, but what else could Black do to save the game? [48...Rg1+ 49.Kxf5 Rf1+ 50.Ke6 Re1+ 51.Kd6 Rd1+ 52.Kc6 Rc1+ 53.Kb5 Rb1+ 54.Ka4 Re1+–] 49.h4 Rxa3 [49...Rg3+ the only


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