Redwood Fencing: The Difference Between Sapwood And Heartwood

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Redwood Fencing: The Difference Between Sapwood And Heartwood Are you wanting to put a fence around your property? Redwood fencing is a great option for any lawn; not only is it beautiful when finished, but it is also high quality wood and may be just what you are searching for with your budget. It is essential that you first know the difference between sapwood and heartwood when selecting a redwood for fencing needs. Even though they are both parts of redwood, there is a vast difference between the qualities of the two choices. You want to make certain that any fencing you put up will be guaranteed to last a significant amount of time. What is Sapwood? When you look into sapwood, it is generally distinct by its light color. What sapwood is actually is the outermost part of the branch or stem which is living. All wood starts out as this form. You will see that all of the wood is sapwood especially in younger trees or on the new growth of slightly older trees. Sapwood is formed directly beneath the bark and is made up of a thin layer of living cells known as cambium. It is the task of the cambium to make wood cells for the inside and bark cells for the outside. Every year, trees gain a new layer of these cells which increases its girth. When the new wood layers form within the tree, the cambium begins to move towards the outer rim. The newer part of the wood, or sapwood, will be living and active. Water and minerals that are dissolved are transported through the sapwood enhancing growth. Furthermore, that sapwood stores valuable energy. What is Heartwood? When a tree gets older, changes start to happen and they become thicker. To help keep the tree standing erect and to maintain strength, it no longer needs to produce sap around the entire area. Typically they do remain intact but the cells that are at the center of the trunk will eventually start to die. The aging and dying cells which were once sapwood become heartwood. Heartwood collects the residue of these formally living cells and some other chemical compounds. Resins, terpenes and phenols are what these chemical compounds are known as. This is what gives the heartwood that rich and dark color, making them more immune to decay or attacks from insects. It is essential to remember that color is not a sole factor in distinguishing between sapwood and heartwood given that heartwood can in fact be light in color. Why is Heartwood Better for Woodwork than Sapwood? Wood workers normally prefer heartwood over sapwood for many reasons. The color obviously will impact what a woodworker prefers. In nearly all heartwood the dark, richer color is extremely appealing for building purposes due to the appearance but this is not always the truth. Quality is another reason wood worker choose heartwood. Sapwood possesses a high amount of moisture content since it is living cells. The wood is more likely to reduce in size when dried fully. It also has a much higher chance of becoming decayed or discolored by fungi. These problems are typical in heartwood and it will likely last much longer and retain its form than sapwood would.


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Redwood Fencing: The Difference Between Sapwood And Heartwood Ensure you are choosing the right type of redwood if you are thinking about putting a fence around your backyard. Heartwood isn't going to be as susceptible to rot or damage and is a much higher quality wood than sapwood. With heartwood redwood, the fence will look great and be very durable. Placing redwood fencing around your house is a great technique to keep your young children secure in your yard. For further info on The Lumber Baron, see them at their website,

Document Tags: redwood fencing, redwood siding


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