Women's Biz Magazine 5.0 June 2023

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WHY NOT GROW YOUR BRAND G L O B A L LY Women's Biz Magazine is a quarterly digital publication, available to a global audience of 12M Pressreader subscribers, ISSUU and womensbizmagazine.com. The magazine features articles from business leaders, innovators, thought-trail blazers, and change agents and is translated into 18 different languages. Our mission is to empower women to rise above their circumstance through a collection of inspirational articles that dare them to dream big and act bigger.

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June 2023

Editors Letter




hen I set out to create Women’s Biz Magazine, we knew that it would be a showstopper and how right we are! We, my international team and I, are absolutely thrilled to unveil our Women’s Biz Magazine June 2023 edition, featuring new entrepreneurial writers, business creators and success stories, and a wealth of in-depth and uplifting articles created by women who say, “I can!” If this is your first time flicking through our publication, or if you have followed Women’s Biz Global for some time, welcome. In typical Annie Gibbins style, I have been riding the brilliant rollercoaster of business growth, and our international community is going from strength to strength. In the recent months, I have been attending what can only be described as the ‘Hollywood Oscar party season’, as I’ve dazzled the red carpets of Australia’s business awards hoopla and met 1000s of women on a similar trajectory. Late last year, we launched Women’s Biz Publishing, an independent publishing house. We have published anthologies, solo-author memoirs, and now, our portfolio is to diversify in ways I couldn’t have imagined.

Women’s Biz Global is a complementary organisation that includes Women’s Biz Shopping, and now, my very own TV channel, Women’s Biz Global TV. As a business woman with over thirty (30) years of experience, I know what it takes to be a career CEO, and it doesn’t come easy. However, whilst busy, it felt effortless. Hard work has equaled organic progression; we think big and bold and our results do the talking. With our third Women’s Biz Global Success Summit; a global event welcoming emerging and established leaders, we cannot believe how many women need a voice. I remain immensely passionate about lessening the gender pay-gap, enhancing the profiles of hidden women, encouraging every voice that has been muted, to be finally heard. The girls and women of this world need us, and we must band together and increase our

profile percentage, which for a long spell, has been too small. We are not small women. We are women that have lived hearty lives, overcome adversity and loss, and experienced breakdowns and breakthroughs of the most powerful times. In this edition, you will read exactly what I am talking about: empowerment. Empowerment is the backbone of our next move as a global collective. For too long, we have been solo success stories, which is a wonderful achievement. But imagine if we linked arms, stood tall, and looked fear in the eye. The world is in desperate need of hope, stories that matter, and women who will never stop at being the creator of their own destiny. This edition is powerful, purposeful and filled with passion. What are you waiting for – get reading!


Women's Biz Magazine






Annie Gibbins is a multi award winning Business leader, Founder and CEO of Women’s Biz Global. Annie is also a Board Director, Philanthropist, Key Note Speaker, Podcast and Summit Host and #1 Best Selling Author. Annie's many professional accolades gained over 30 years across Health, Education, Corporate, NFP and Charity sectors drive her to inspire and empower women across the globe to achieve unlimited success in business and life. Amazingly Annie has achieved her success whilst raising my family of five including 2 sets of twins born 26 months. 4 | WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM

Ally Hensley is a writer, speaker, and global ambassador in women's health and happiness. Ally has written for leading publications on mental health, infertility, body positivity, and has become a regular media interviewee, and speaker on topics linked to health, well-being and creating content that matters. Ally is inspired by conscious start-up's and has become an international go-to on how to maximise impact with big ideas, and heart. Inspired by women with a backstory, Currently, Ally is writing her debut memoir, after completing a Diploma with The London School of Journalism.

KEZ WICKHAM ST GEORGE STRUCTURAL EDITOR Kez is an international award winning best selling author, with a movie created f rom her recent novel Scribe. Kez is also a international speaker with many years of experience in the motivational creative arts and theatre. She is driven to inspire others by creating global anthology’s sharing her vast experience by running workshops in the art of creative writing and Journaling. Her passion for uplifting women has bought her many skills to the global notice board.

June 2023


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Cover | Women In The Equality Opportunity Sector By Deborah Drummond How Refugee Kids Learn To Be Resilient Entrepreneurs By Aida Rejzovic How to Keep the Flames of Love Burning Brightly By Despina Furnari International Book Review With Kez Wickham St George The Business Benefits Of Natural Fabrics: Why Comfort Is Key By Janine Leghissa Local Mum Launches Creative Space The Studio Sydney Group By Natalie Hennessey Women In Business And Life By Louise Malone Why Now Might Be The Right Time To Diversify Your Business By Samantha Pomeranz An Array Of Opportunities Await You In The Construction Industry By Rebecca Bishop Crowdfunding Builds Community Equity: Top Tips For Making Your Campaign A Success By Bianca Tarrant Kind Bod: A Business Born From Motherhood By Avalon Fynn-Quirk Lockhart Drafting And Design: A Woman-Owned Business With A Strong Sense Of Community By Susannah Schulz

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I Did Not Expect To Find Empowerment In Grief! By Marie Alessi Re-Defining Women’s Empowerment By Steph Gobraiel Female Entrepreneurship Utopia Just Within Reach By Eva Rado Is Your Teens Behaviour Undermining Your Success? By Laura Chappel WORTH FIGHTING FOR By Lisa Wilkes Eating With Joy And Wisdom By Bracha Goetz From Ordinary To Extraordinary: Transform Your Website Into A Stand-Out Success By Ivana Katz Breaking The Digital Ceiling: A Woman's Path To Leadership In The Evolving Digital Industry By Caylee Pharaoh Buds & Beads - Best Friends In Business Keeping It Real And Shaking-Up Expectations With Sparkling Teas By Jo Thomas Empowerment Through Recovery: Where Eating Disorders Meet Their Match By JL Keez Smart Coast Conveyancing Busting Into A Male Industry By Jessica Gray


Women's Biz Magazine




June 2023

Show Up, Stand Up, Speak Up: Why Women In The Equality Sector Are Set To Make Change


y career started at 8 years old. No, I didn’t have a lemonade stand. I was at a home party. It was the first time that I had seen the power of circle, commerce, and women. My father had left, and my mother had two children to take care of and her financial rescue was in a company called Tupperware. With no money for a babysitter, she had to take me to work. I can even today describe the furniture and feeling in the room as I watched my mother present her goods. That was the first time I saw the power of women and commerce together in the same room. Clearly that feeling never left or I wouldn’t be talking about it today.

Life continued and I found myself in the music industry. When I think about what really drew me, it was not only my love of music, but the community and the collective feeling of being in service. During that time, my mother once again got involved in the direct sales industry, and this time she chose Fashion. Lucky for her, I would help her gather incredible rooms and circles of commerce and, once again, she was successful in direct sales. I transitioned from music into the Health & Wellness industry. I fell deeply in love with holistic medicine and went from serving people in the music industry to serving people in taking care of themselves and supporting the mind/body/ spirit philosophy. I created my own circle of commerce. One interesting day, while giving a treatment, I heard “what would you do if you had a million dollars?” My situation at that time did not equal that question. I was soon to be a single mom. I had no more than $2000 in the bank, however, my answer was I would start an Aromatherapy Home Party company. If you know me at all, you know that ‘All-In’ could be my middle name! With experience in the industry, I formulated 300

products and founded two companies. I absolutely love the direct sales industry. In my opinion, it is the most equal opportunity employer I have yet to see hit the business sector.

One of the core reasons why I spend a considerable amount of my time educating and professionalizing the direct sales business is because I believe it is a selfdirected pathway to economic freedom. There is no barrier to entry and no glass ceiling to live under. I coach, train, and support people that want success in the direct sales industry but are experiencing frustration. My goal, hope, and wish is that my achievements have shown and will encourage others to understand that this platform for women is recognized as not

only viable, but critical. It may sound like I’m doubling down on this profession! As a woman who has owned two direct sales companies, who’s been on planes, trains, automobiles, and everything except a bicycle, to help inspire women in large and small towns, I have seen many dreams and possibilities come true. I have seen women who have had to, for whatever reason or choice, through this profession become the main breadwinner in the family. I’ve seen families do this business together, I’ve seen this industry mature, support, and provide. It makes an impact, and it would be insulting to think of this profession as anything but a viable choice. My love for direct sales comes from the core of my being. I am 100% clear that my dharma, my passion, and my depth of service is to create an economic platform for women. Everything I do is in relationship to serving others to have physical, mental, spiritual, and financial optimization in their lives. From speaking on stage, authoring, teaching in a boardroom or 1:1 in a café, my cup is full when I see the message land and some woman “gets it” and it kick starts her own fire.


Women's Biz Magazine That is the fire that has inspired me to create seven companies thus far in my experience as an Ultrapreneur. In my early twenties I created the mission statement for my first company. It is, ironically, the mandate and name of the largest International Women’s Day authorship and speakership project that I am spearheading right now as I write this article thirty-one years later.

The mission statement: to inspire and empower women to show up, stand up, and speak up in their business and personal lives. Truly, I believe that is what we do and what my career and life has been all about. From the beginning of my career, I have studied, taken courses, read books, and dug deep into the minds and philosophies of top performance. It is who I am and how my brain works. When I see something I want to achieve, I look for the most viable and accessible pathway to make it happen, that is truly what I am known for in business. I have spent my life and career not only building companies for myself, but helping others achieve, hopefully with shorter duration and with less obstacles, the goals they want to accomplish. Many times I have been told that top performance and being a woman of holistic beliefs don’t 8 | WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM

go together. For many years I probably believed that to be true, except that truly is who I am. It was early in my career that I was called a “Professional Hippy”, and now I am so proud to say that title is accurate, and I absolutely love that about myself. I consider myself very lucky that I am in a profession that I love with the values that I have, to live the life that I do, and help others do the same. I have always been a servant leader in my heart and I have always believed in the power of women. I have always accepted the spiritual nudges to stand strong for sisterhood and after 30 years of doing that, no one, even myself, could have seen how that was going to take me to the place that I am today. When I think about the question “what do I wish someone had told me when I first started in business”, that is tough. At the time that I started, there were very few entrepreneurial women. There were no networking groups, so I created one! Sunday afternoon, 2 o’clock, bring your children. We sat in a circle and gave ideas to each other about how we could support this idea of being entrepreneurs. I don’t know if someone told me, but what I learned quickly was: if you don’t have the resources that you need, then be the one to create them. Considering the question “what has been my greatest challenge and how did I overcome it”, different circumstances in my life predicated different business decisions and vice versa. Challenges have been my nemeses and my greatest gifts. I know what it is like to have wieners or beans for dinner when my mother was not able to afford the wieners. Many times, as a woman, I was

not allowed or accepted into conversations, I was not granted financial support, or I was told to ‘join a committee’ instead of sitting at the business table. Often those things were unsaid, but absolutely felt. What I can say is that any challenge that my business or life has thrown on my path, my way of being able to navigate the experience was to find someone in my life, whether they were there already or I had to hire them, to help me go through the process. Knowing I had at least one person that had my back, cheering me on, advising me correctly, and letting me fall apart if that was what needed to happen, gave me the strength I needed. I believe that it is important for women who have made their way to successful platforms to start allowing themselves to be transparent about what that process has been like, truly. I think that has been a tough thing to do, for myself included. There is, I believe, an invisible belief that we can’t let people see us be real, fall apart, cry, struggle, go through down turns, and I don’t think that serves us overall. Do I think those are the things you say when you first meet someone in a business meeting or networking group? No. However, I don’t think being the only person in your business who knows everything you go through is a great choice either. I think that creates difficulty and loneliness within the world of being a business owner.

There must be a place where you can feel safe, and be real.

June 2023 That is why I love my work. I hold on to all the great achievements in my life. In the sector in which I mentor and train, I know what it is like and what it takes to be the top in multiple countries with hundreds of thousands of participants in the same company. If I was to say what that was, it would be an unprecedented belief in my vision. I believe that is an incredibly powerful thing to harness and make your life’s decisions about that. I am amidst the highest vision I have ever been presented. There are two projects in my life right now that I could never have seen unfold. One is philanthropic and centers around supporting the music industry. This includes myself and a girlfriend walking 8 marathons in 8 days across Ireland. The other is the largest and boldest authorship and speakership that celebrates International Women’s Day. Never has anything of this magnitude ever been created. We are about to globally make the world aware of what it is like to Show Up, Stand Up, and Speak Up in a way that I, and probably many women, never thought was possible. How would I like the future of women to look? I love this question, and think I need to answer it in 2 parts. I am pretty sure by reading this article you know the first part, that is that I want all women, all people to raise the bar of how they feel about women creating a lifelong, incredibly powerful, and successful career in the direct sales industry whether she devotes 5 hours a month or 10 hours a day. For this profession to be respected as a viable business decision.


Women's Biz Magazine

The second part is that, as a woman who feels very strongly about equality and human rights and accessibility for all, I would love women to dig a little deeper and not only support women in business, but to support women like they are a reflection. We want respect from corporations, employers, countries, institutions, and other genders.

How I see that happening is to dig a little deeper and not look at women as women, 10 | WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM

but to look at them as sisters. What could we do for our sisters? How could we treat our sisters? If I know myself as well as you do, there is more to be told. Watch for your invitation to the next stage event and book launch just around the corner!

As I write this article, we are in the beginning of this incredible Show Up, Stand Up, Speak Up project. We are just about to embark on our third of 22 summits. I hope you are reading this article in time to be able to come join us. If it is your time to Show Up, Stand Up, and Speak Up, either with words on paper or standing on our stage, don’t hesitate. There is no time like this moment, pick up your phone and dial. If it is your time to receive and to come watch, listen, be inspired, and be filled by the love, inspiration, education, and courage of other women in business-hood and global sisterhood, please reach out and let us send you some free tickets!

June 2023

The vision that started this whole project, the book that was at the forefront to the speakership couldn’t be called anything less than, ‘Mission Accepted: 262 Women Entrepreneurs, Creatives, Ultrapreneurs, and Media Rock Legacy and Tell All’, because isn’t that what we do? We accept the mission, we brave up, push forward, dig deep, discover faith, face fears, change our minds, and rock the world. We achieve vision, dharma, and purpose, help our loved ones and sisters along the way, and say yes to life. We all need fuel for our fire. One of the strongest fuels I have had throughout my whole career has been the

love and admiration I have for my two favorite people, my daughter Chloae Celeste and my son Ocean Kennedy. My desire to create generational stability has always been at the top of mind in all major decisions throughout these thirty years of Ultrapreneurship. I hope to meet you in person one day because the interaction that happens when you are in the same room is absolutely magical. Wherever you are in your business, your creation or re-creation, as a woman who has built multiple companies, for multiple years, what I can tell you is to make sure that, through all your business

journeys, you spend time to nurture and love yourself. Facebook: facebook.com/ DeborahLDrummond/ LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/ DebDrummond/ Website: debdrummond.com/


Women's Biz Magazine




June 2023

By Aida Rejzovic


y name is Aida Rejzovic I am the proud founder of Sassy Organics - a conscious living eCommerce store dedicated to helping others adopt a healthier lifestyle. My passion for natural, organic and vegan beauty started long before I founded Sassy Organics. After experiencing some serious health conditions in 2013, I ditched conventional, chemical and toxin filled products for good, opting for natural and organic alternatives instead. My health transformed as a result. A few years later, in 2016, I founded Sassy Organics to share the benefits of organic and natural living with others. Sassy Organics was founded on the idea that all three pillars of our business - the planet, animals and our customers - are important. The main reason we began Sassy Organics was to make sure that customers have access to the best natural, organic, vegan and cruelty-free beauty products out there. We personally ensure every product is vegan, and that it’s not tested on animals.Our business has thrived over the years because of our commitment to clean practices and excellent customer service. Each order is packed plastic-free (we use reusable packaging), and delivered with Australia Post - a carbon neutral postal delivery service. Sassy Organics were finalists in the Top Sustainable Retailer category at the 2021 All Star Bash Awards and more recently Best Organic Health & Beauty Retailer 2022 and Eco Conscious

Excellence Award 2022 by the APAC Insider (Australian Made Awards).

taught me to find happiness in the small things.

But, my life hasn’t always been easy.

Being a refugee is not easy. It's often lonely and scary, and it can be hard to find your place in a new country. But it also teaches you things that will help you through life: resilience, adaptability, empathy, and the ability to make something out of nothing.

I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where I lived for the first twelve years of my life. Shortly after the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1992, the Bosnian war broke out. My family and I fled our home in April 1992 because we were afraid of being caught in the conflict or violence that was approaching our town. For the next four years we sought refuge by moving from one refugee camp to another, bouncing from country to country (Croatia, Czech Republic and Germany). Life was tough because we financially struggled; we were separated from our friends and family members who stayed behind in Bosnia. Being sent away from home feels horrible because you feel you will return soon only to be told you will never see your hometown again In December 1995, my family and I finally arrived in Australia where we met many kind people who welcomed us into their communities. I am always still amazed by how open minded people are here in Australia - they're willing to accept people from all walks of life because they believe everyone deserves respect and dignity regardless of their background or beliefs. That's why Australia is such an incredible place! As a refugee, I have faced many obstacles in my life. But growing up as one has also given me a unique perspective on life. It

Resilience is a quality that we all need to have in our lives. We all face challenges, and we all will face more in the future. The ability to bounce back from those challenges and keep moving forward is key to living a happy, healthy life. Resilience is a crucial skill to have when you're running your own business. As an entrepreneur, it's easy to feel like you have to be everything to everyone: the salesperson, the accountant, the marketing director and sometimes even the customer service operator! It's easy for things to get overwhelming when you're trying to juggle all of these roles at once, especially if you don't have a lot of experience in any of them.


Women's Biz Magazine But resilience is not just about my fears, how to persevere in keeping your chin up when the face of obstacles, and how things go wrong; it's also about to fight for what I believe in. keeping yourself motivated I was recently asked what and focused on what matters motivates me to do what I most. When you're feeling do, and I realised that a lot of overwhelmed or frustrated it comes from my mum. She by your workload or lack of was born into poverty, but she resources, it can be tough to never let that stop her from stay motivated or enthusiastic being successful in life . She has about what you're doing. a strength and determination However, if you can learn how Angela Legh that are so inspiring to me and to recognize what matters because of that, I know that angela@angelalegh.com most and make sure that those nothing can stop me either! aspects of your business are 575.425.0731 always getting attention then you'll find yourself being able to handle whatever comes along. Resilience is not just something that helps entrepreneurs survive; it's something that allows them thrive! I learnt this from my mum who is my rock. She's the one who keeps me grounded and helps me think logically when I'm feeling like a hot mess. She's the one who taught me how to get through

In a world where everyone is so focused on being happy, it's easy to forget that sometimes it's the hardships in life that make us stronger.

It might not seem like it at first glance, but when you're going through something tough, it means you're learning something new about yourself and the world around you. You are discovering your strengths and weaknesses, and figuring out what works for you and what does not. You're developing the resilience that will be useful in the future when things get tough again or when they don't! And if you don't come out of a difficult situation better than before, every experience gives us more information about who we are as people. We can use our knowledge from previous situations to guide us through new ones. When something bad happens, it does not mean there is not any good news hiding behind it: sometimes our greatest triumphs come from our greatest struggles!

Magical Adventures for Ages 8-14

What if, by you simply reading stories to your children, they could learn to deal wth painful feelings? Available at amzn.to/3Lh9161 14 | WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM

June 2023


FLAMES OF LOVE BURNING BRIGHTLY By Despina Furnari Keeping that flame burning in any relationship requires effort, affection, and generosity. It's important to avoid falling into a monotonous routine and instead to spice things up with innovative ideas. If you want to strengthen your bond with your partner and enjoy their presence even more, check out our five tips.

1. Spend time together every day Despite busy schedules, try and take a few minutes to share your thoughts about your day and listen to your partner’s. This simple ritual of connection can build intimacy and build a better understanding between each other. Whether it's over coffee or before bedtime, make time for connection.

2. Set aside date nights Your date nights don't have to be over the top or expensive, but they should be something you both look forward to, such as a romantic dinner, a movie night, or even a walk around the block. The point is to make time for each other and show that you're committed to each other.

3. Have a digital detox Put away your phones and

engage in quality technologyfree conversations with your partner. You'll be surprised how much more present and attentive you are when you're not distracted by technology!

4. Get creative with your activities Don't settle for the typical dinner and movie. Instead, try something new or exciting, like a cooking class (something online for those that can’t get out of the house), dance lessons or games night. It's a great way to bond over a shared experience and create new memories together.

5. Unplug together Occasionally setting aside time for downtime where you both unplug from the outside world and just be in each other's presence. Cosy up on the couch or read books together. Take

the time to just slow down and enjoy each other's company without any distractions. Incorporating these five tips into your routine will deepen your connection and rekindle your love for each other. Go ahead and try them out! Your partner will thank you for it, and you'll both have fun in the process. If you’re really time poor and want something organised for you, then choose a Box’d Night In date night. Our boxes are the perfect couples date night box and take date nights at home up a notch, with an exciting range of activities, treats and entertainment — designed for a night of relaxation and reconnection for two, thoughtfully pre-planned for you.


Women's Biz Magazine



"WE ARE ALL UNIQUE WALKING STORIES JUST WAITING TO BE TOLD." Kez is a highly gifted writer, a best-selling award-winning author, and a global writer’s consultant. She is passionate about championing people from diverse backgrounds to tell their stories and write with passion. As a leader in her profession, she has spoken nationally and globally, sharing her wisdom and knowledge about the process of writing, editing and

producing all forms of written communication. Kez contributes to a number of regular magazines, sharing her insights. She has also coordinated and compiled a number of anthologies. Across her Western Australian community she is known for her work empowering people to write, heal with art therapy, and give back via


her volunteer work. Kez has co- produced and co-hosted a weekly international show, highlighting the work of authors and artists across the world. She has since gone on to produce a short film from the prologue of her trilogy Scribe, shown across theatres in Australia. Kez is consistent, dedicated along with her incredible creative energies and refreshing idealism.

June 2023

Book Review by

Kez Wickham St George

JIGSAW Author: Kez Wickham St George

Jigsaw is book 1 of The Storyteller Series Once again, this author proves her skills as an incredible storyteller that draws you into a hidden world of parental childhood trauma. It's also a paranormal story that cannot be explained nor be navigated. When as a young child her one thought was to escape from abuse from the ones you should trust, your Mum with her deep angry emotional trauma and your sibling, who would quite happily dispose of your existence. No one can help you, why? Because it’s secreted away inside the family home. Married off at seventeen to an alcoholic to appease the demands of the cult her family belongs to. Cassie soon discovers no one cares, not the cult leaders, her family or the police, in the late 1900’s it is termed as a domestic dispute. Poverty of mind, spirit and body is an everyday occurrence in this naïve child’s life. Knowing to escape this life there are two ways, the first to imitate the maternal women folk in her family before her by suiciding or running as far away as possible. But where? Does she find a way to escape? Jigsaw is not only an escape story, a love story, and a story of modern-day sadistic insurgency of the patriarchal system. It’s an awakening for Cassie as she fights to find her voice.Jigsaw is a story of a woman rebirthing in all ways to be who she is today. WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM | 17

Women's Biz Magazine

Book Review by

Kez Wickham St George

Book Blurb for Echoes of my Heart Book Review We all have a first impression of a person. Looking at Jenni Lee and her bubbling outgoing personality you would never guess the pain, family trauma, and mental health battles she has been through and come out the other side. Wiser, smarter, and optimistic, she entertains and educates in this heart-warming account where she explains the connection between life events and mental illness. JL's personal story of enduring anorexia nervosa and associated mental illness is referred to throughout her books. Adding to the understanding of all readers. JL expertly demonstrates why anorexia is not about food. Jenni-Lee (JL) is a must-read author that has touched on this century's tsunami of mental health issues or anyone who simply wants to learn, laugh and enjoy a true story of an amazing life.

About Author J L Keez is passionate about her delivery the Reality Therapy Institute Australia, on the topic, “How we relate impacts” demonstrating her strength as an inspirational speaker. Also speaking at the Rotary International where Mental health concerns were discussed. In the book Echoes of my Heart a book of Rhyme, Poem and Verse the author focuses on mental health for all. J L Keez educates sufferers of Mental illness focusing on eating disorders through educational programs. Zoom webinars inspirational speaking and her books. Each medium shared has an authentic voice highly informative and extremely relatable.

Find JL Keez here: Website: jlkeez.com.au


Instagram @ jlkeezanorexiaunlocked

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/ jl-keez-306116203

June 2023

Book Review by

Kez Wickham St George

About Author Toni has always been a writer. At age ten, her imagination lit a fire in her belly and is still burning with passion today. Toni’s poems go back twenty years. Her 2009 poetry book ‘Home Grown Poems from a Small Town Girl’ was made up from a shoebox collection of poems, stashed away for years and dedicated to family members only. One of her poems “Hometown” was published in a poetry book called ‘2001 A Poet’s Journey’. Toni has entered stage plays in Noosa’s yearly one-act play competition, announcing the experience alone was worth the effort. Toni loves writing short stories, this year 10,000 words are written into her third book about the true-life adventures of her orphaned grandmother. Toni’s life experiences as a bank clerk, disability support worker, childcare, fruit picker, barmaid, telephonist, has happily fueled her character ideas over the years. Toni has lived on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, since 1999.

Isabella’s Moon By Toni Wass

Isabella and her best friend Coral embark on a night of adventure to Luna Park. Their world are about to b changed forever by a chance meeting with some rather Dapper American soldiers. Paul has just finished his Military training in Australia as he stumbles across a beautiful local girl on the streets of Melbourne. He knows he has not other choice but not to see her again. After their paths have crossed Paul and Isabella know they have a romantic connection like never before. Love is most certainly in the air under the enormous full moon. But Paul is to be shipped out to war any day now. Will their budding relationship survive the horrors of WW2? Having to pack up and move across the world , a tumultuous family environment and the test of time itself? Will their love be enough? Isabella’s Moon is a war time romance set in the peak of WW2, following two very different worlds. The amorous tale is filled with 1940’s nostalgia, it highlights the importance of following your gut, the value of family and the joys and friends and the joys of finding the love of your life.


Women's Biz Magazine

THE BUSINESS BENEFITS OF NATURAL FABRICS: WHY COMFORT IS KEY By Janine Leghissa 1. Less hot and sweaty: Let's face it, nobody wants to feel hot and sticky while they're trying to close a deal or deliver a presentation. Synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon can trap heat and moisture, leaving you feeling uncomfortable and distracted. Natural fabrics like cotton, linen, and bamboo are more breathable, allowing air to circulate and keeping you cool and dry.

Are you tired of feeling uncomfortable and constrained in your business gear? It's time to ditch those synthetic fabrics and embrace the power of natural fabrics! As Miranda Priestly from "The Devil Wears Prada" famously said, "Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking." But when it comes to natural fabrics, the benefits are truly groundbreaking. From increased comfort to sustainability, here are eleven reasons why you should love natural fabrics. 20 | WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM

2. More comfortable: When you're comfortable, you're more confident. Natural fabrics are softer and more comfortable to wear than their synthetic counterparts, and they tend to drape better and move with your body. No more scratchy, stiff, or clingy clothes that distract you from your work. 3. Less stinky: Have you ever noticed how synthetic fabrics seem to hold onto odors? That's because they don't breathe, so sweat and bacteria get trapped inside. Natural fabrics, on the other hand, are more breathable and moisture-wicking, so they help keep you smelling fresh and clean. 4. More sustainable: As a businesswoman, you know the importance of sustainability and responsible consumption. Natural fabrics like cotton, linen, and bamboo are more eco-friendly than synthetic fabrics because they require fewer resources to produce, and they biodegrade more easily when they're eventually disposed of. 5. Better looking: Let's be real, appearance matters in the business world. Natural fabrics have a timeless, classic look that conveys quality and sophistication. Plus, they tend to hold their shape and colour better than synthetics, so you'll look polished and professional all day long.

June 2023 6. Longer lifespan: Natural fabrics are also more durable and longer-lasting than synthetic fabrics, which tend to pill, fade, and wear out quickly. Investing in high-quality, natural fibre clothing means you'll save money in the long run since you won't have to replace your wardrobe as often.

we believe that you should look and feel your best at all times. That's why we've based our business on natural fabrics, which offer not only comfort but also sustainability and style. When it comes to business clothes, natural fabrics like cotton, linen, and bamboo are a perfect choice. They offer breathability, moisture-wicking, and a softer feel than synthetic fabrics. You'll never have to worry about feeling hot, sticky, or itchy during an important meeting or presentation. And with their classic look, natural fabrics convey quality and sophistication that's perfect for any business setting.

7. No fast fashion: The fast fashion industry is notorious for its negative impact on the environment and workers' rights. By choosing natural fabrics and investing in pieces that are made to last, you're supporting a more ethical and sustainable approach to fashion. 8. Better for sensitive skin: If you have sensitive skin, you know how uncomfortable it can be to wear clothes that irritate or itch. Natural fabrics are gentler on the skin, hypoallergenic, and less likely to cause irritation or rashes. 9. Easier to care for and clean: Natural fabrics tend to be lowmaintenance and easy to care for, since they don't require special cleaning or handling. You can machine-wash most natural fibre clothes, and they'll hold up well over time. 10. Less likely to stain: Natural fabrics are also naturally stainresistant since they don't attract dirt or grime the way synthetic fabrics do. Plus, if you do get a stain, natural fibres tend to be easier to clean and less likely to retain the stain permanently. 11. Naturally hypoallergenic: Finally, natural fabrics are naturally hypoallergenic and less likely to harbour allergens or bacteria. This means you can wear them with confidence, knowing that you're not exposing yourself to unnecessary health risks.

As Elle Woods from "Legally Blonde" once said, "Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed." Well, in the world of fashion, whoever said synthetic was the new natural was seriously mistaken. The pandemic has taught us many things, one of which is the importance of being comfortable, whether you're at work or in your personal life. With more people working from home, the need for comfortable clothing has never been greater. But even in a business setting, comfort should not be sacrificed for style. At Taleeta,

At Taleeta, we're all about natural fabrics and the amazing benefits they bring. We believe that when you look and feel good, you can take on the world and conquer whatever challenges come your way. That's why we've made it our mission to create high-quality clothing made from natural fabrics that are both stylish and comfortable. We know that the modern business woman demands versatility, durability, and sustainability from her wardrobe, and we're here to deliver that and more. Whether you're heading to a board meeting, a networking event, or a casual Friday at the office, our clothing will have you covered in style and comfort. So join us in embracing the power of natural fabrics, and let's take on the business world together!


Women's Biz Magazine




nspired by the desperate need for a creative and collaborative space in the Sutherland Shire - a local Kurnell resident, Natalie Hennessy, has found great success in her business while also juggling the responsibilities of being a mum of three young children.

“We are thrilled to bring this unique workspace to the Sutherland Shire” said The Studio Sydney Group owner Natalie Hennessy. The idea began during the 2020 COVID lockdown whilst isolated with her newborn second child. Natalie found herself dreaming of the perfect 22 | WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM

environment that is “welcoming, inclusive, encourages creativity, diversity, and innovation”. “It is important to facilitate continued growth of the arts industry in our local area and create change. It is my goal to see creatives succeed after a tumultuous few years” said Hennessy. The Studio Sydney Group officially opened its doors in 2022 and is described as ‘the hub of creativity’. The multifunctional workspace provides: ▶ Flexible and affordable rental options for photography, with high-quality equipment and facilities, including lighting, backdrops, professional support, and guidance from experienced industry experts. ▶ A movement Studio, complete with a fully sprung vinyl floor

▶ A boutique co-working office, offering a vibrant & dynamic collaborative environment for entrepreneurs, freelancers & small businesses alike. Not to mention a fully-stocked kitchen & high speed internet. ▶ Networking and collaboration opportunities through events, workshops, art exhibitions and community initiatives Being a Mum and a business owner is no easy feat, but Hennessy is determined to see the success of an entrepreneurial business that fulfils her passion to help others, with a willingness to take risks, and eventually allow her more time with her now three children and husband. This brand-new facility is based in the industrial area of Caringbah. It’s also a platform for local new businesses to grow and succeed, for instance “a new dancing school can hire the studio in start-up phase before taking the risk of a lease and fit out on their own,” said Hennessy.

June 2023




pon reflecting about my life, it’s not an easy road for women to juggle business and work life. I have lived in Australia, the lucky country, all my life. I grew up in Sydney’s Western Suburbs. School was close by. My Mum struggled financially. I had no idea of the experiences that were ahead of me. Mum migrated from Italy to escape fascism and find a better life. Mum looked after me well and was very protective of me. She was over-protective, but I did love and appreciate her very much. I didn’t appreciate it in my teenage years, but now I do. I love good food, like all Italians and it has been an important cornerstone in our daily life. When I finished High School, I wanted to have my own business. I finished High School in 1976 when Labour was in power. Gough Whitlam did something amazing. For the first time in Australian history, free education was available to all. I completed the Higher

School Certificate and applied for Business courses. Like a lot of my life, things fell into place at the right time. In Australia’s history this has never happened before. I was so lucky. My family didn’t have the money to pay for University fees. Mum couldn’t understand why I wanted to go to University and not get married and have a family. It’s so funny how the next generation sees things so differently? University of NSW was over the way in Kensington in the Eastern suburbs. So, it was quite a journey to complete each day, but still manageable. My family didn’t own a car, so we used public transport. Mum asked, "Why choose University of NSW when you can go to University of Sydney which is closer?" I retorted “Because the University of NSW has a better name for business related studies!’ Little did I know that a Commerce Degree covered all aspects of business. After Sarbanes-Oxley legislation was enacted in 2002, American companies still were going bankrupt. Someone will always

find a way to break the rules! University is the start of a journey of learning on the job.

At University I learnt how to study effectively. My favourite High School teacher always reminded us that we were “spoon fed”. I had no idea what she meant by this. It’s nice to look back and say “Oh, I see now!” Practice writing your answers using past exam papers before the big test. Another lightbulb moment for me! WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM | 23

Women's Biz Magazine

There was a lecturer at Uni who liked to tease me when I walked into lectures late. I was fair game! Imagine a hall full of young adults, most of whom were men. There were a few girls in Commerce and I found a few to hang out with from my High School. I was so happy to see familiar faces on my first day at Uni. I didn’t pass this subject and had to ‘show cause’, which meant paying a visit to the Lecturers' Campus Room. Luckily, I paid a visit to the Lecturer with a male colleague. It would have been a disaster if I had gone in by myself. My gut told me this was not a safe place to be and I’m so glad that my friend came with me that day. The boys that I befriended at University were a lot of fun. It was the seventies after all. Some of the boys lived on the Northern Beaches. Some surfers didn’t welcome visitors from the Western Suburbs. but my uni friends were welcoming in their own tough way. I loved going to Palm Beach for a swim in the semester break. Palm Beach had an unwelcome sign saying, “Go Home Westies”. Wow, they didn’t own the beach. How could people be so meanhearted? It reminds me of the 2005 Cronulla riots. The same disrespect for people of other cultures happened. Laws broken. People were hurt and injured. At High School I experienced disrespect because of my Italian heritage too. We are a multicultural society. We should remember that people are fleeing from bad situations. Australian business gives us new opportunities.


I graduated in 1981 and found my first job at CSR. It was a great place to start my business life and most of the managers were welcoming. It was a very male dominated business world. I had no idea of this until I experienced my first job. The head offices in Sydney were grand and I felt very happy to snag this nice job. On one occasion the Marketing Manager in my branch made an embarrassing comment to me. I had been sitting at my desk all day and this was a chance to stand up and stretch. I declined his offer to sit where he was sitting. He made a comment to me suggesting I wasn’t ladylike. In front of a group of my colleagues too. It was hurtful and belittling.

On the plus side, I had trips to North Queensland to audit the Sugar Mills. They were great fun and wonderful learning. In my down time I visited Green Island. I swam amongst coral and colourful parrot fishes like I could never have imagined. A skate swam under me, and I felt one with the fish in the Ocean. I have gone back to the

Great Barrier Reef many times since. The beauty of the Great Barrier Reef is always there, But never so much as on my first visit. I can still picture in my mind the colour and expanse of the endless Ocean. My Commerce degree led me down the track of working on many systems. My business life has been a progression of learning and practising new technologies. Have I achieved my goal of having my own business? Over time I have evolved the activities that I have enjoyed into sideline businesses. I have always loved to read books on health, aromatherapy and fitness. I couldn’t envisage what my own business would look like back in the Seventies. It took an evolution of time to bring me on the path that I am on now. I worked as a Fitness leader in the eighties. I had my two boys in the nineties. Unfortunately, I lost my first son to depression and anxiety. My second son has also experienced mental health issues. It’s hard to see your loved ones going through mental health issues. As a Mum it’s hard to watch it all unfold before you and not have a great deal of control over the outcome. Commerce has been good to me, but it has left gaps in my creative and caring self. When my boys were growing up, I put 100% of my life towards

June 2023

them. My business life dropped off for some time in this period. When I returned to work, it was hard to juggle business and family life. So Busy Bee Blossom was born in 2016. I wanted to focus on achieving my teenage goal. I loved technical but needed a creative outlet. I started my Australian owned business. I make natural botanical skincare, body care products and candles. I wanted to create products that were free of chemicals. I wanted my customers to experience eco-friendly products. I value sustainability and ethical practices. I strive to minimize our environmental impact. I use recyclable packaging and reduce waste in all aspects of our operations. My happy memories of the Great Barrier Reef remind me to be caring for our World.

I am committed to providing exceptional

customer service. I look back on some of the places I have worked and there are examples where profit came first at the expense of people. Now businesses are more conscious of their role in our fragile World. People are wary of Big Business too. I am transparent and ethical. Looking back now on my business and life I can say it’s hard being a woman. I am lucky. I have grown up in an Italian family where we appreciated what we had. Sacrifice is what Mums are good at doing. Here are the lessons I have learnt in my life and in my business:

from the experience. · Be strong and try to look on the bright side. · Practice mindfulness – live in the moment. Push away the bad thoughts. · Find beauty in the green trees and in good health. Look after yourself and the Earth that we live on. · Love and care for your family first. · Do something that gives back to others, like Charity work, especially if you work in Big Business. Cheers, Louise from Busy Bee Blossom. busybeeblossom.com.au FB




Trust your gut when unsettling situations emerge in your life. · Expect the unexpected. Learn


Women's Biz Magazine




shleigh Robinson, a Nurse Practitioner from Geelong is one entrepreneur who has successfully diversified her business portfolio into three income streams, all of which have grown from listening to her customers experiences and pain points. Ashleigh’s journey began with the opening of Toxbar, a medical aesthetic clinic that offers a range of non-surgical treatments such as anti wrinkle injections, dermal fillers and skin health treatments. Ashleigh quickly built a reputation for providing high quality services and was determined to find new ways to expand her business. Ashleigh identified an opportunity to diversify her business and opened Detox Superfood Bar, which offers healthy food options like acai bowls and superfood smoothies. She had noticed that her clients were interested in healthy eating and sought ways to compliment their aesthetic treatments, since opening the first Detox superfood bar right next door to Toxbar it has become a popular spot for health conscious individuals. Ashleigh’s latest venture,


Arnicare was co-founded with her sister Sam, also a Registered Nurse. Arnicare launched in 2020 as Australia’s first range of aftercare designed specifically for use after minimally invasive cosmetic procedures. Arnicare’s business model is focused on B2B which provides Ashleigh again another opportunity to diversify her business within the health industry. Diversifying your business can offer several benefits including risk reduction, increased profitability and broadening your customer base. By investing in different businesses or industries you spread your risk across your portfolio which is advantageous if one industry or business is not performing well it can assist in offset losses which reduces the overall risk of the portfolio. This can also work in reverse to increase profitability. Different businesses and industries will have different growth rates, if one business or industry is experiencing a slowdown another, or all may be experiencing a period of growth. This assists in maximising your returns, or allows you to reinvest into your businesses.

June 2023 Finally, diversification can help you attract a wider range of customers. By offering different products and services you can appeal to different customer segments which can aid in growing your customer base and increasing revenue. This strategy can also reduce marketing spend if you are able to market your portfolio to the same customer base. For women entrepreneurs, diversification can be especially beneficial. As women we can face unique challenges in the business world such as reduced access to funding

and a shortage of role models. Diversification can help women entrepreneurs overcome these challenges by providing you with multiple income streams and opportunities to develop new skills, knowledge and networks which can open up new avenues for collaboration. Diversification takes careful planning, research and risk analysis. If you are considering diversifying your business, consider what your skill set is? What are your current customers saying? Once you are clear on your direction you can move into researching the

market trends and looking at your own risk profile as well as that of your diversification opportunity. Ashleigh’s success story is a testament to the benefits of diversification. By investing in different businesses that are interconnected in some way, she has been able to reduce her risk, increase her profitability, attract a wider customer base, and stay ahead of her competition. Is now the time for you to consider diversifying your business?


Women's Biz Magazine


IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY By Rebecca Bishop I’m the Co-Founder and self-proclaimed Office Goddess at Elite Building Services and have been involved in the construction industry for over 17 years.


originally came from the legal sector, had an accident that stopped me from working and then eventually returned to work flexibly in our home business. The building industry has been very kind to me. I have established myself as a leader in our industry, particularly through the Pandemic. I have won many State and National Awards for my roles within the business in the last 4 years and our business has won some incredible housing awards as well through both the HIA and Master Builders Association. These include the HIA Victoria Business Partner of the Year for the past 4 years, the HIA Australia Business Partner of the Year Award for 2020 and 2022 with a High Commendation in 2021, the 2020 Master Builders National Leadership Award and the Top100 Women in Construction for 2021 and was just announced as a finalist for the 2023 list this week. I am also in my second year as a Mentor in the Women Building Australia Mentoring Program where my mentee won the national award for Mentee of the Year in 2022 and I love giving back to the industry. 28 | WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM

Most importantly, I have made wonderful friendships and relationships that I am truly grateful for, both within our business with our fabulous team of trades and suppliers and industry bodies and also within the external networks that I am a part of. I am also involved in many builder’s groups and feel very much a part of our building community, which is a wonderful feeling and has provided me with so many incredible opportunities. I have even featured our homes and community projects on national television and had the opportunity to appear on

programs such as the Today Show, Sunrise on 7 and ABC News. I was the Vice-Chair of the Master Builders Gippsland Section for 2 years and was elected into the Master Builders Housing Sector Committee in 2021-current where I sit with other like-minded individuals who are all committed to creating solutions in our industry. We are future focused and aim to improve our industry to welcome people such as yourselves to give you the best opportunity to thrive in this space. You are in fact the future of our industry.

June 2023

So, why should people consider the construction industry?

Firstly, the construction industry is a wonderful industry to be involved in. We work hard, play hard, we achieve and celebrate our people. Probably my favourite thing about being involved in the building industry is what we are able to do for people. I consider it an absolute honour and privilege to be entrusted by our customers to build their homes. Building someone's home is not something to take lightly. You are being trusted to take care of the biggest asset that these people will ever have and it should be built with a sense of pride and with a commitment to excellence. This is not just a house to them. It is their home. it is a place where they will create memories, potentially build a family and happily live out their lives. That is something I am truly grateful for and it

brings me joy every single day. And we don't just build homes for our customers. We build homes with our customers and provide them with a human experience rather than a process. We make sure that our customers are involved in all the excitement that building a home should be about. When they are enjoying their building experience rather than just going through a building process, we are improving customer experience and thereby elevating the reputation of the building industry, making it a better place for everyone to work and enjoy. In construction, you have the opportunity to be part of something really special and do something you are truly passionate about, enjoy doing, you get to call it work and get paid well for it. And you get to do it every day with your mates. You get to see the end result of all the work you have done and proudly say, “I helped build that!”. There is also an opportunity to have your work

showcased in industry Awards programs and be recognised for your contribution to our industry. How cool is it to be a part of something so special?

You can gain exposure to all types of projects, whether that’s building homes, schools, hospitals, high-rises or roads. You will see the positive impact that your work has on your local community. Plus the skills that you will develop in construction can be taken with you anywhere around the world! WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM | 29

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We also work continuously to ensure that the construction industry is also a safe place to work. Our industry is heavily regulated with safety as a priority and compliance has never been more top of mind than in the last 3 years in ensuring compliance with all relevant government guidelines and restrictions during the Pandemic. This is an evolving space and we are continuously improving safety on site. The construction industry is truly an amazing employer. It is the largest employer in Victoria and has provided tens of thousands of people with employment throughout the Pandemic. The construction industry has proven resilience to all kinds of challenges in the past 3 years and was one of very few industries to actually remain open. By operating safely and remaining compliant, our industry was able to stay open and enable the wider economy to continue ticking over until other industries were able return to work. The


construction industry is the backbone of Victoria’s economy.

So, what sort of jobs are there in construction? With construction, you are not bound to the one job for the rest of your life. There are plenty of opportunities to develop extra skills and undertake extra training to specialise in new areas or work your way up the ladder. In your career, you will certainly get out what you put inThe construction industry offers an abundance of opportunity and career paths. There are so many trades to choose from as well as many different office roles, compliance roles or even executive level roles to pursue. Many people start as an apprentice or tradie and go on to own and operate their own business, with some going full circle and becoming managers,

supervisors or builders who then look after their own trades. There are also a lot of opportunities for ongoing education and training in our industry and with mandatory trades registration and licensing coming into effect in 2022, there’s never been a better time to commit to study and be the best you can be in your chosen career path.

Undertaking your Domestic Builder Registration will not only ensure that you are compliant with the new requirements but will also provide you with more options for advancement in your career.

June 2023

Construction employment is projected to rise by 80,700 (or 6.8%) over the five years to November 2025. There is strong projected employment growth in Residential Construction (16,300 or 10.6%), initially supported by Government stimulus measures and reflected in the surge in dwelling approvals since mid2020. Victoria is currently experiencing a shortage in construction trades across the industry. Carpenters and Joiners, Bricklayers and Plumbers are most heavily affected. There is also a significant shortage in Building surveyors. Apprenticeships offer a world of opportunity to gain real-life skills that can be used across many sectors and there are programs with both the HIA and Master Builders Association. The HIA offers an apprenticeship program that guarantees that you will learn every aspect of your chosen career from the most experienced and skilled HIA members. This program offers on the job training and mentoring with a mix of training courses to make sure you become a fully qualified tradesperson. You can then decide if you want to continue working for someone else or whether you want to become your own boss. There are also scholarships available through the Master Builders Victoria Foundation which provide financial assistance towards course fees and can help with the development of a toolkit or resources for your career. Scholarships start at $2,200 for an early career scholarship and go up to $10,000 for a leadership scholarship.

I would highly recommend taking advantage of an apprenticeship program and any scholarships available to you.

Are there any specific qualifications / certificates needed?

Some Trade jobs are:

Construction induction training – or a White Card – is required for the purpose of undertaking any construction work. And I am currently working closely with regulatory bodies to implement a mental health & wellbeing component to ensure all aspects of safety on site.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Bricklayers Carpenters Concreters Cabinetmakers Civil Construction Workers Demolition Workers Electricians Glaziers Joiners Landscapers Painters Plasterers Plumbers Roofers Stonemasons Tilers Waterproofers Contract Administration Supervisors Project Managers (residential) Construction Managers (commercial) Designers Engineers Estimators Suppliers & Manufacturers Building Inspectors & Surveyors

Every trade and component of construction is important as one cannot be done without the other. Awards (including apprentice awards) designed to recognise those who have shown a commitment to their trade. The awards are also designed to provide encouragement and kickstart your career. Winning awards helps you to stand out and it is a wonderful recognition of your dedication and commitment.

Yes there are.

There are also traineeships or certificates required to be completed for most trades. It is the goal of our industry to support you so that you can have a long and successful career in construction. Finally, the construction industry is an inclusive environment for everyone. I encourage all men and women to consider a career in construction. Currently, women only make up 13% of the construction workforce with only 3% of trades being made up by women. This is a figure that we would like to see increase and from January 2022, we should see an improvement as the government introduces a new policy mandate for government projects to satisfy a quota for women on these projects. There is a lot of support for women in construction too, both through the HIA and Master Builders Association and also a support network for women in trades: The Tradie Lady Club, which has over 1,500 members in Australia and NZ alone, not to mention EWIT, an organisation inspiring women to pick up the tools and providing engaging and hands on experiences in the trade.


Women's Biz Magazine




apital does not come easy to entrepreneurs these days, especially female founders, but crowdfunding is one the best ways to build support that creates benefits way beyond the money raised. We have now completed two crowdfunding campaigns for our business, Our Cow, over the last year and we’ve learnt a lot in that time about how to ensure a successful campaign.

It takes a village to raise a startup The ability to connect with a passionate and engaged community is undoubtedly one of the most significant advantages of crowdfunding and it was the main reason we chose to raise capital this way. We wanted to build out our community and to give customers and farmers some ownership in our business. Many had supported us right from the beginning and we knew they believed in us and our mission for the business. We were right to think that too. With more than $100,000 pledged in the first fifteen minutes of the offer opening, and $1 million within the first day of the campaign, it was 32 | WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM

clear our customers were behind us. In fact, we ended up breaking the record for campaign webinar registrations welcoming 1149 investors to our register. Building this community of backers, who are passionate about your product or idea, is one of the biggest benefits of crowdfunding. By connecting with these individuals and engaging with them throughout the campaign, you can create a loyal following that can help drive your success even further. This community can serve as your early adopters, providing valuable feedback and word-of-mouth promotion

that can be critical to your success.

Tell them, then tell them again Media exposure can make or break a crowdfunding campaign. The more exposure a campaign gets, the more likely it is to attract backers and ultimately reach its funding goal. We found having a PR company engaged early helped as it meant we already had articles covering our startup story and how the company had grown readily accessible for new investors who didn’t know a lot about us already.

June 2023

Crowdfunding itself also provides a unique opportunity to gain exposure and media attention. Successful crowdfunding campaigns often receive significant media coverage, especially in the startup and entrepreneur publications, which can help increase visibility and attract additional backers. This increased exposure can also help build your brand and establish your credibility in the industry. Media exposure can also help to create a sense of community around the project. When a campaign is featured in the media, it can help to build a following and create a sense of excitement and anticipation among backers. This can help to generate additional buzz around the project and increase the likelihood of reaching the funding goal.

Take them on the journey Once your raise is complete it’s important not to take your investor support for granted. You need to bring them along for the journey by communicating clearly with shareholders to keep them informed of progress and the achievement of goals that have been set. Part of the reason that people have invested in many companies is not just in search of financial return but also because of a real belief in what that business stands for and seeing evidence of that is really important. Clear and consistent communication is essential. Investors deserve to know how their investments are being used and the progress being made towards achieving the

goals of the campaign. They put their faith in a project and its creators and expect to receive updates on the status of the project. Failure to provide regular updates can lead to a loss of trust and confidence in the project and its creators. Effective communication can also help build a stronger relationship between the project creators and investors. Investors who feel informed and engaged are more likely to continue supporting the project in the long term. They may even become advocates for the project and share their positive experiences with others, thereby helping to attract more investors.

The right launching pad Choosing the right crowdfunding platform is essential. One with a successful track record of raising money for companies in your sector but one that also supports and shares your values and goals and can offer the necessary support and tools to run a successful campaign. The right crowdfunding platform can help you reach your target audience more effectively. Platforms often cater to a specific niche audience, such as creative projects, social causes, or tech startups. By choosing a platform that aligns with your project's goals and target audience, you increase the likelihood of reaching and engaging with people who are genuinely interested in your project. This can lead to more significant contributions and create a sense of community around your project, which can generate momentum and drive more funding.

A good crowdfunding platform should also provide guidance and resources to help you create a compelling campaign page, set realistic funding goals, and create compelling perks or rewards for your backers. Additionally, some platforms offer promotional tools to help your campaign gain visibility and exposure, such as social media integration, email marketing, or paid advertising. Having access to these resources and support can make a significant difference in the success of your crowdfunding campaign. Crowdfunding involves trust and transparency between backers and campaigners. Backers need to feel confident that their contributions will go towards the intended purpose, and campaigners need to ensure they deliver what they promised. A good crowdfunding platform should have a transparent and secure payment system, clear terms of service, and a dispute resolution mechanism in case of any issues. By partnering with a reputable and trustworthy crowdfunding platform, you can provide your backers with peace of mind and increase their willingness to support your project. As a female founder, crowdfunding has been a game-changer for me. It has allowed me to connect with a passionate community of backers, gain exposure and media attention, and establish credibility in the industry. If you are a female founder considering crowdfunding, find the right support team and platform and then focus on building a community of passionate backers. The benefits are well worth the effort.


Women's Biz Magazine




valon’s journey into business began long before KIND BOD was born. Her love for travel and volunteering led her to South America, where she spent three months working with several conservation and animal protection organisations.


Upon returning, Avalon worked for Sunshades Eyewear, where she excelled in her role as Coordinator, seeking new challenges. With the support of her partner and family, she pitched a business plan to expand the company’s reach into unmanaged countries, leading to an invitation to join the International Sales Team. This gave her invaluable experience, which she attributes to her success, alongside the unwavering support of her mother, Debra, and partner, Tim.

“He’s always supported me in every aspect and is a true believer in my goals. I honestly couldn’t have built Kind Bod without him.” Avalon’s career path changed when she became pregnant with her first child, Aurora, in 2020, and faced a challenging decision due to the coronavirus pandemic: change roles or take redundancy. With her life goals and priorities shifting due to motherhood, Avalon pursued her dream of starting a business by investing in an online course geared towards ecommerce startups and began brainstorming business ideas.

June 2023 “I always wanted to start my own business and with my life goals and priorities changing due to becoming a mother I decided that the redundancy offer was the push I needed to do so.” Alongside motherhood, Avalon discovered new ways of taking time to care for her own wellbeing, creating small moments of comfort during her daily bath or shower. Bath bombs and shower steamers offered accessible moments of self-care, but she found it difficult to find natural products that weren’t laden with synthetic scents and unethical mica powders. This is the gap in the market she was looking for, and from there, KIND BOD came to life. “Since having my daughter my world has changed. I began creating little luxuries for myself to enjoy during the limited time I had to myself.” KIND BOD’s core brand pillars are kindness to our bodies, minds, and the environment. As a mother, Avalon wanted to make sure that her products were not only gentle on the body but also sustainable. “When deciding on a name I thought about the number one thing I wanted to stand for. That was kindness, kindness to our bodies, kindness to our minds and kindness to our environment, and with that KIND BOD was born.” The research and experimentation that went into creating KIND BOD’s products were no small feat. In between her daughter’s brief periods of rest and often late into the evening, Avalon spent her time researching to find the materials needed to reflect these core pillars. Finding

ethical and natural colorants for her products was one of the greatest challenges Avalon encountered. Still, she was determined to create a brand that aligned with her values, and with hard work and many late nights, she did just that. Building a meaningful brand is not just about creating great products; it’s also about creating a community and a following. Avalon focused on growing her social media presence on Instagram and Facebook, connecting with her audience, and gaining valuable feedback on her products. She strived to ensure that her content was inclusive of all body shapes, ages, and abilities, reflecting her experiences of the struggles postpartum women face when it comes to their self-esteem and sense of self-worth. In late 2021, Avalon fell pregnant with her son, Zen. Amongst the delight of her newborn bubble, this meant a small step away from KIND BOD, and saying no to many exciting business opportunities. Being a mother and scaling a business brought its challenges, but Avalon was determined to make it work. She strategically planned her week, dedicating Sundays to organisation to prioritise staying present with her children during the week while growing her business in the evenings. “If I could give any advice to other mothers wanting to start a small business, I would say to try and surround yourself with supportive like-minded people. It can be super tough when you feel like you are doing it alone, especially when you are on the crazy motherhood bandwagon.” Naturally, Avalon’s creation of a mindful, sustainable brand has been met with many rewards. In particular, she shares the

joys of meeting the remarkable women integral to the success of KIND BOD and advocates the importance of surrounding yourself with like-minded people.

“Through joining my local mothers' group, I was able to meet some amazing ladies who were super supportive and working on their own businesses.” Now with over 100 retailers across Australia and New Zealand, KIND BOD has built a community of women from all walks of life. When the brand launched its wholesale sector, it sold out within a month and began collecting pre-orders for the following month. This success was driven entirely by organic growth across KIND BOD’s social media platforms, without relying on cold calling or paid advertisements. Whether you’re a mother, a business owner, or simply looking to prioritise self-care, KIND BOD is a brand that empowers women to do it all. “It hasn’t been easy, but I am incredibly grateful for the success I have had so far and proud of the brand I have built from scratch. When days are tough and a complete juggling act, I remind myself that I am paving the way to my dream lifestyle for my family and all the enjoyment I have had so far on this small business adventure.”


Women's Biz Magazine



Lockhart Drafting and Design is a company directed by Susannah Schulz, a skilled and experienced Building Designer who founded the company in 2017. With a focus on residential and commercial design, Lockhart Drafting and Design has become a trusted name in the industry for high-quality work and exceptional service.


hat sets Lockhart Drafting and Design apart from other design firms is that it is a female-owned business, with the majority of employees being women. As a woman-owned business, Lockhart Drafting and Design has a unique perspective on the industry and a strong commitment to supporting women in the field. The company's female employees are proud to be a part of a company that is breaking down barriers and paving the way for other women in design. At Lockhart Drafting and Design, the emphasis is not just on gender diversity but also on creating a supportive and inclusive work environment for everyone. The team is committed to ensuring that every employee feels valued and respected, regardless of their gender or background. This commitment to community and inclusivity is what sets Lockhart Drafting and Design apart from other firms and has helped it to build a strong reputation in the industry.


One of the things that makes Lockhart Drafting and Design unique is its focus on collaboration. The team

works closely together on every project, sharing ideas and insights to create the best possible outcome for the client.

June 2023

This collaborative approach is not just limited to the internal team but also extends to working closely with clients and other professionals in the industry, including builders and engineers. By working together in this way, Lockhart Drafting and Design is able to create designs that are innovative, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. Another thing that sets Lockhart Drafting and Design apart is its commitment to using the latest technology and software. The team is highly skilled in using a variety of drafting and design software, which allows them to create highly detailed and accurate plans and designs. This use of technology also helps to streamline the design process, making it more efficient, which ultimately benefits the client. Lockhart Drafting and Design's commitment to quality is evident in every project it undertakes. The team takes great pride in delivering designs that are not only visually appealing but also highly functional and practical. Whether it's a small residential renovation or a large commercial project, Lockhart Drafting and Design is committed to delivering designs that exceed the client's expectations.

about sustainable design practices and incorporates these principles daily. This focus on sustainability not only benefits the environment but also the client, by creating designs that are energy-efficient and cost-effective.

Lockhart Drafting and Design is a woman-owned business with a strong commitment to supporting other women in the industry. As a company, it stands out in the design industry for its dedication to quality, collaboration, and sustainability. Lockhart Drafting and Design has been recognized for its exceptional work and innovative designs, and it continues to be a leader in the industry by promoting inclusivity and diversity in its work and beyond.

In addition to its commitment to quality, Lockhart Drafting and Design is also committed to sustainability. The team is highly knowledgeable WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM | 37

Speaker • Best-Selling Author • Leadership Coach • Keynotes / Conference breakouts • Workshops • Coaching

*In person or virtual

June 2023




ob and I were “that couple”. Our Love was special, not just to us but also palpable to the onlooker, the outside world. We met only ten months after I had moved to Australia; and another ten months later we were married. “When you know, you know” people say. I finally understood what that felt like. Rob travelled a lot for work, I was running my own coaching business, we were happy. One day Rob made a detour of two hours, due to a fatal accident on his way home from work. A young father never made it home that day. It truly hit home for us, since our boys were still so little. I remember the conversation we had that night, the “what if…”. It was emotional and confronting, and the quintessence of our wish for each other was: “If something was to happen to me, I would want you to create the happiest life possible for you and the boys!”. Little did we know what impact this conversation would have on our life only a couple of years later. You never think this would happen to you. It’s only other people, right? In June 2018 I received that phone call. “I’m sorry to inform you that your husband was found deceased in a hotel room in Perth this morning.” My brain was drowning in deafening silence. As I walked down the stairs to our living room, I tried to prepare myself to share the news with our two still very young sons.


Women's Biz Magazine

I went into “functioning mode” for a while, doing my best to stay present for our boys. People did not understand what I was doing, since society simply expects us to fall apart as a widow. I did not allow grief to take over. Approximately four months into my grief, I decided to share our story in a book. “Loving Life after Loss” became an Amazon no.1 bestseller and ranked in the top 100 of Australia. Our life felt like an absolute whirlwind. Only weeks after publishing day, I embarked on a journey of a lifetime. I took the boys travelling around the world for two months and while reminiscing how far we had come in such a short amount of time, I had an epiphany. “I’ve got something the world needs!” I thought to myself.

Throughout my own experience, I had not found anything helpful on my journey through grief. People all around me seemed to see grief as the end of the road, or a life sentence. I wasn’t ready to accept this as my truth – nor for our boys! Upon my return I opened the doors to a newborn movement: “Loving Life after Loss” became a way of life, a choice, a call to action. We gained a lot of


media attention; I created healing journeys, programs, and retreats, and made it my daily mission to hold space for others. I am challenging the narrative of grief and am teaching the world a different language around grief; a caring, nurturing and positive language. As I already had my certifications and qualifications as a coach, I found so much purpose in building a business, by combining my career with my personal experience. I felt truly guided along the way, with such certainty where I was heading, yet I had never expected to find empowerment in grief. Most grief groups are filled with comparison battles around everyone’s adversities. In Loving Life after Loss, we hold space for you, we teach you tools and techniques in how to turn your life into the direction your heart desires – and you will always be surrounded by people who get you, who shower you with Love and attention.

We don’t heal well in isolation. We need a supportive community, without judgement and expectation around where we “should” be on our journey. Healing Grief is possible! In our home we treat grief like an occasional visitor. When it comes past, we allow it in, sit with it and bid it farewell. It is your choice, whether you want grief to be a permanent

resident or not. There is so much more choice in grief than you might initially feel.

It fills my heart with so much Love and gratitude, looking at our teenage boys, how well rounded, emotionally mature and happy they are. We have had many conversations over the years; confronting, open heart-to-heart conversations and also a lot of joyful memories about our journey together. I am beyond proud of who they are. Since founding the movement, I have further published “Happy Healing”, which includes 7 Steps from Grief to Relief; and I have also presented a TEDx talk on “Redefining our Image of a Widow”. Our world doesn’t need any more condolences lines. We need empathy over sympathy, people who learn and care to understand, rather than judge and expect or make assumptions. I encourage you to have an open conversation with your family around these topics – and if you’d like to know how, please feel free to reach out!

June 2023



“Empowerment” is a word that we associate with women's progress. It’s a word that’s supposed to make us feel inspired and guide us towards higher levels of greatness. But, have we forgotten that over time, and instead reduced it to mean nothing more than being productive? Maybe it’s time we asked ourselves whether true happiness and fulfilment is gained by constantly striving to be superwomen or is it time we redefined what true empowerment is? In this article, I look at whether chasing a badly defined societal image of success is leading businesswomen to burnout. Plus, I suggest questions you can ask to stop that happening that allow you to reclaim empowerment as a guide to true progress.

In the 1950’s, women left their homes to join the workplace en masse. Female empowerment felt at a high. But in reality, that empowerment only lasted until a man came into the woman’s life, whereupon they were politely but firmly put back in the home to look after the kitchen and the kids. WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM | 41

Women's Biz Magazine Nowadays, women’s empowerment has changed somewhat. Whether it be suited and booted business high-flyers, mumpreneurs with side hustle on top of side hustle, yogaatis and meditation queens, “strong not skinny” barbelllifting badasses, or bake-sale parenting legends, women can have it all. But just because women can do everything, is it genuinely empowering to do everything? I often worry that women are overcompensating for decades of being seen as incapable and being under-appreciated by society, by taking on more than is healthy. I wonder, have we shot ourselves in the business-heeled or Sketchers booty-shaping foot by trying to be superwomen? It often seems like we’re forgetting that

empowerment was supposed to make our lives better, not just add more and more to our already unachievable to-do lists. My upbringing as a firstgeneration Lebanese immigrant to Australia was very maledominated, which is common in that culture. The women were expected to do nothing more than look pretty, keep quiet, and provide for their men and kids. I rebelled against this idea in the best way I could – by becoming a high-achieving career woman, quickly climbing up corporate ladders to become a business manager who guided (mostly male) CEOs towards success for their companies. During this busy time, I met my husband, and we became pregnant, but even then, I was determined not to let my superwoman image of being

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able to do it all slip. I once fainted three times during my 12-hour workday but shook off each episode to wobble back to my desk and ‘get on with it’. I didn’t feel I could let anyone know that I was struggling to maintain the pace and workload. I did eventually take maternity leave - late into my pregnancy, of course. But all reliable corporate women kept going for as long as they could, right. Right?! And after enjoying time off with my daughter, I went back to work, needing to get back to the ambitious careerdriven woman that I prided myself on being. But rather than going back to my old job, I decided even though I was sleep deprived and exhausted that this was the perfect time to start my own business.

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June 2023 Parenting a one-year-old plus being a good partner and first-time business owner seemed perfectly doable for the superwoman, entrepreneurial, empowered person I thought society wanted me to be. The signs from the universe that I was taking on too much kept being flung my way illness, anxiety, stress - but I kept batting them back like a pro by ignoring them all. My mental and physical health was decreasing as well as my zest for life, and all the while my workload was increasing.

Throughout all that stress, I tried to prove to myself that I could be calm and centred and counter the stress by levering in the odd gym session and meditation. But they did nothing more than just add on extra ‘wellness’ tasks to my already jam-packed days. It took about two years for the inevitable crash and burn to happen. I realised that in chasing the “perfect” life where I ran a perfectly successful business, had perfect health, and was the perfect wife and mother to my perfect family, I was missing the reality of my life. None of what I was doing was fulfilling the very reason I was doing all this to begin with: to feel empowered, but in a way that actually made me feel good.

Instead of remembering my ‘why’, I cared more about what other people thought of me. I cared how productive and capable they would think I was rather than the reality that behind the curtain my life was pure stress and I felt that I wasn’t good enough for anyone – neither my family nor my clients. It was the opposite of the glorious feeling that being genuinely empowered and in control should be. But oddly, I don’t regret the huge low of this part of my life. It took the crash for me to recognise that my effort should be spent not on chasing this skewed version of empowerment, but in designing a life that worked for me and my family instead of a life where I just worked. Everything in my life changed when I stopped and asked myself to honestly answer these questions: 1. Is it money I want or the financial freedom and security that money brings? Because they often cost a lot less than you think. 2. Do I want to prove to my daughter that I can do it all, or show her that whilst I have ability to do it all, life is better when I learn to set boundaries and say “no” or outsource tasks? 3. Do I want clients that pay me the most, or clients I enjoy working with the most? 4. Is ‘fixing’ my stress with yoga, meditations, or journalling the most helpful approach, or would removing as much stress as possible in the first place be more helpful?

I’m failing to do all the things I think I should be able to do?

As women, we must think hard about who we’re trying to prove ourselves to when we try to do it all. Is it society? Other women? Or are we just trying to prove our worthiness to ourselves in a world where social media isn’t telling us the whole picture? Maybe it’s time we reassessed what being worthy means. Maybe we need a new definition of what it means to be a superhero. And maybe we need to reclaim empowerment and separate it from simple productivity. My new definition – and feel free to use it – is that an empowered woman can do it all but chooses not to because she knows she can be a much better entrepreneur, parent, partner, friend, and human, when she’s more selective about what makes it to her todo list. Superhero capes and Spandex suits are optional in modern empowerment, but being ourselves and designing a life we can manage are not.

5. Is my life truly empowering me, or is it making me feel useless and unworthy because


Women's Biz Magazine



While there certainly has been a boom in the number of females starting their own businesses over the past two decades, there is still an obvious gender gap when it comes to successful entrepreneurship.

Women in the workforce In prehistoric, nomadic times, when women's ability to move and travel was at times restricted due to childbearing and rearing, it is understandable that hunting became the responsibility of men. While the men were then off hunting, the women of the tribe were left to explore nearer to the camp, becoming familiar with the local plants for food and medicine. They kept the fires burning and prepared meals for the community.


Hence societies conditioning of women as the home cooks and carers began. The power differential between men and women was further accentuated during the industrial revolution. Manufacturing industries often took advantage of the fact that they were able to pay women one third to one half of a man’s salary, creating a plethora of new opportunities for female employment. No longer were women restricted to being wives and mothers, they were now able to

also be legitimate wage earners outside of the home as well. While this redefined their role in the household radically, and rather swiftly, the same cannot be said for the role of men within the home. According to recent Australian Government Statistics, less than half (47.9%) of all currently employed persons are women, yet 68.5% of all part-time employees are female. Not surprising when taken into consideration along with research published in September 2021 by the Australian Institute of Family Studies which confirms that in over 40% of opposite-sex couple homes, the woman is still completing most, if not all, of the household tasks. Women are still mostly responsible for the household management while now also working outside of the home, even if it is only part-time. The need for women to earn a decent income, raise the children, manage the household and be available to support sick and ageing family members continues to perpetuate gender discrepancies created back when we were living in caves.

June 2023

Turning to entrepreneurship The concept of working from home, building a business around the family and household management, is increasingly appealing to modern women whose family lifestyle requires that they earn a full-time income, but are still expected to be the main caregiver and home-maker.

Over the past 20 years Australia has seen more and more women take matters into their own hands, with a 46% rise in female entrepreneurship. According to shirewomen.com. au, three of the main reasons for this increase, as given by women business owners, are: pay discrimination, lack of opportunities for career growth, and flexibility. Yet in 2020, only 22.3% of business founders in Australia were women. Furthermore, recently released figures show that over 56 % of men will spend up to half their day working on their business, but only 43% of women report the same. Women are still spending more time with their families,

managing the household and raising the children. With Australian new venture failure rates as high as 60% in the first three years, it is little wonder then that only 25% of small businesses that survive past 16 years are owned by women. Many acknowledge that the best way to counter this imbalance is to realise (as a society) that no one person – regardless of gender – can both run a successful business and manage a healthy household, totally alone without the support of a team.

Setting up the home team While much has been written about the importance of building a strong support team within the growing business, there is still an overwhelming expectation of women to continue managing [solo] in the home. In this modern world, where boys and girls are dually raised with messages that they can ‘be anything’ and ‘do whatever they chose’, we still continue to fail them when it comes to rolemodelling shared responsibility in the home. Even when, as female entrepreneurs, we break through the statistics of new venture failure by employing the support and expertise needed to grow our business and succeed, we are still perpetuating the societal conditioning of women which began way back when we all lived in the caves. As previously mentioned, statistics show that the gender imbalance in opposite-sex couple homes is still very real even in the modern, advanced and evolved

world of 2023. Yet on the home front, it should be easy to find the support we need to be successful as, after all, sharing the home with others who love us and care about our well-being, and dare I say it, our success.

I speak with women everyday who are struggling to balance being Mum and Household Manager with the time and energy needed to grow their business and step into the role of Successful CEO they dream of being. Imagine for a moment, a world where Household Management really is a Household Responsibility, and Mum is as free to spend half her day growing her business as Dad is. A world where they come home to jointly and equally share the mental and physical load of raising the children and managing the household. Imagine now what the children of this wonderful world experience and have rolemodelled in terms of gender equality and rights to personal success. I imagine this utopia, knowing it is not so far out of our reach, and smile at the number of successful femalerun businesses surviving beyond those first three, five, and even 16 years.


Women's Biz Magazine



By Laura Chappel


hen your child becomes a teenager and life gets drastically more complicated. Almost overnight your bundle of joy turns into a screaming banshee who slams doors and oozes disdain when you breathe the same air. They increasingly pull away from you physically and emotionally. They spend more time with their friends and no longer confide in you like they used to. You feel disconnected from and abandoned by the child who once adored you. It hurts, but I want to assure you, it is normal.



The teenage years represent a period of rapid and significant growth as children mature and develop into adults. Teens experience dramatic change in all aspects of their life simultaneously, which can be exciting, frightening, and confusing. Their brains aren’t fully developed so they’re ability to make decisions, problem solve, and control impulses are impacted; they appear reactive, erratic, and confrontational as they rely more on the amygdala (responsible for emotions) than adults do; they are more sensitive to dopamine (the happy hormone) which is involved in the reward circuit of the brain so they have a higher inclination to pursue pleasure despite the potential risks (think

driving too fast or taking that drug). Teens drastically change physically as they transition through puberty, which can trigger numerous issues such as low self-esteem and body confidence. They start to seek romantic relationships and intimate connections. They strengthen bonds with their friends and explore their own identity free from their familial roles, making them more impressionable to peer pressure and less influenced by you. They desire independence and everything it represents. However, teens often lack an understanding of what’s going on. They struggle to identify their needs and have difficulty expressing themselves. As such, these years are marked by challenges, including increased conflict with their parents (both in intensity and frequency). If your teens behaviour starts to escalate, it can bleed into your work life. Your focus might waver as your concern about your teen increases, you may be seething from an earlier argument, stressed about their behaviour, or worried about their future. You may be taking days off work because they refuse to attend class, are struggling at school or are grappling with their overwhelming emotions.

June 2023

Your window of tolerance gets smaller due to the pressures of home life, and your work suffers. You find yourself in a downward spiral and don’t know what to do. Here’s the good news, it absolutely does not have to be this way. There are practical things you can do to improve the situation for yourself, your teen and at work:

For yourself: The most control you will ever have is over yourself over your emotions, your reactions, and your actions. You can even influence your teens' behaviour by focusing on yourself. Try some of the following suggestions and see how they impact your teen. ▶ Focus on self-care - we’ve all heard the analogy about filling your own cup but do you do it? Is your wellbeing a priority or an afterthought?

Self-care is integral to your mental, emotional, and physical health. Self-care looks different to everyone so play with what works for you, but ultimately do it. Trust me, you will be a better you, better mum, and better worker.

amazed at the difference it makes removing even one thing from your ‘to do’ list.

▶ Do a life audit – this will help you discover how you spend your time and energy. Then decide what’s really important to you. Is it quality time with your kids; attending their sports games; reading; having financial freedom; speaking to your best friend every week? Make these a priority and a non-negotiable.

▶ Find your tribe - Talk to other mums of teens, join parenting groups on social media or in person. Sharing your experiences with others who understand your situation is gold. You will feel less isolated; your experience will be normalised; they can provide practical support like sharing the school run; they may suggest ideas you haven’t tried yet or you can brainstorm some together. Take strength from each other.

▶ Delegate tasks in the home/ hire help - reduce your load and stress levels. Get your family to contribute more to the household; get a dog walker; employ a cleaner; have healthy prepared meals delivered… whatever aligns with you, offloads tasks that deplete your energy and keep you from what’s important. You will be

▶ Get professional guidance and support – do not hesitate in seeking professional help if you need it. Support comes in many different forms and can be free. It could be a counsellor; psychologist; parenting coach; naturopath, or other alternative health practitioners, choose whoever you feel drawn to, they are experts for a reason!


Women's Biz Magazine

For your teen: Teens can be challenging when they are struggling to ‘be’ in the world, and it can impact everything around them, including you! But this is the thing, they can also be incredible, insightful, and inspiring. Use the tips below to support them through this developmental stage and help them thrive. ▶ Connect with them as individuals – learn about who they are as an independent person, not as your daughter or son. Get to know the adult they are growing into and form a new relationship with them. Respect they may have opinions, beliefs and values that differ from yours and be curious. ▶ Understand it’s a normal part of development – the more you understand about what’s going on for your teen, the more equipped you are to deal with their mood swings and behaviours. You will have empathy for them rather than anger or frustration towards them. You will stop taking their actions personally or feeling like you failed them in some way.


▶ Help them understand what’s going on for them or find someone who can. Helping them understand the psychological, emotional, physical, and social changes that occur during adolescence that assists in easing their transition from childhood into adulthood. They are more able to identify and verbalise their needs instead of reacting from a place of confusion and overwhelm. ▶ Allow them to take more control of their lives – give them more responsibility, let them make informed decisions, and collaborate on rules and punishments. Teens are often expected to behave as adults but are treated as children. Instead, start treating your teen as a young adult, and they will start behaving as one. ▶ Teach them life skills – teaching your teens life skills not only empowers and gives them a head start in life, but it also makes it easier for you to let them go, confident in their abilities and decision making. ▶ Talk to the school – not only can they be supportive of and responsive to your teen during

school hours, but you can also collaborate and take a united approach to managing your teens behaviour, which will be much more effective. ▶ Get them professional support – sometimes your teen needs the support of an expert who has the tools and knowhow to support them effectively. It’s common for teens to be more comfortable opening up to people who are not their parent’s (for numerous reasons), and though easier said than done, you shouldn’t take offense by this. Rather encourage them to seek the help they need and to trust other adults to guide them.

For work: By managing your workload and reducing stress levels associated with your job, you will have a greater capacity to deal with your teens' challenging behaviour at home. In the process, you will streamline your work and prioritise your tasks, so you are more focused, and productive, despite the pressures at home. Try incorporating some of the points below:

June 2023

▶ Set boundaries – whatever this looks like for you. It might be no calls after hours; set lunch times; no talking to you while you’re working as it disperses your focus. Boundaries help reduce stress levels; decrease potential conflict; lessen resentment, and limit complaining, all of which take a toll on your wellbeing and productivity. ▶ Mark the beginning and end of each workday – listen to music, a podcast or audio book; read; talk to a friend… take the travel time home to do something that forms a psychological break between your work and home life, and helps you decompress. You will be less likely to take issues from home to work, and visa-versa.

▶ Delegate tasks at work/ hire help – if possible, reduce your workload while things are challenging at home. Decide what tasks are important and must be done by you, look at delegating those you deem less important, are not timely or fall outside your expertise. ▶ Make your managers and/ or co-workers aware of what’s going on – if you are struggling with your teen’s behaviour, inform your manager and any colleagues you feel comfortable confiding in. If they are aware of your situation, they will be more likely to support you and be understanding if your work is subsequently impacted. ▶ Ask for what you need – maybe that’s time off; flexi hours; no late nights or

The retreat includes: 1-on-1 time with Bridget A private chef Cozy accommodations with inspiring views A deep dive into your own story for breakthrough development Activities and exercises you can't get in a classroom! This accelerated weekend is for all writers to learn concepts from outlining your bestseller to the smartest ways of publishing.

weekend work, while you get the situation with your teen under control. It doesn’t need to be ongoing, but you will be better focused and less stressed if you can reduce some workrelated pressure for the time being. So, you’re a working mum with a teenager. You’re struggling to manage their behaviour. You’re feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and out of control. Even your work is suffering. But this needn’t be the case. By understanding what’s happening for your child during the teen years and incorporating some of the useful tips in this article, you can change your reality and thrive both at home and in the workplace.

Hosted by New York Times Bestselling Author & Mentor Bridget Cook-Burch LEARN MORE AT InspiredWritersRetreat.com


Women's Biz Magazine


By Lisa Wilkes


s a flight attendant, animal rescuer, licensed social worker (LMSW), and published author, it would appear my passions are vast and varied. Yet there is a recurring theme among each of these seemingly unrelated pursuits: the written word. Even while jetting across the country or completing a local animal rescue mission, I always find time to write. The thread woven into every aspect of my existence is just long enough to display the entire alphabet. Thankfully. In elementary school, I wrote a novella about a rescued cat. It was only sixty-nine pages, but it sparked my lifelong desire to become a published author. A few years later, I joined the editorial team of my high school’s newspaper. During my two-year commitment to AmeriCorps, the domestic version of the Peace Corps, I wrote articles detailing our work in low-income neighborhoods. Throughout my mid-twenties and early thirties, I wrote web content for several


organizations, ranging from large corporations to nonprofits to aviation-themed startups. Over a span of two years, I penned twelve articles for my airline’s internal newsletter. In 2020, my debut romance novel was released by The Wild Rose Press. I published a short story in a charitable anthology one month later. My second novel, Mid-Flight, officially entered the world on March 31, 2023. Interestingly, my literary pursuits mirror my responsibilities as an airline stewardess, animal rescuer, and social worker. In each instance, I am expected to set the right tone, resonate with my audience, and embark on a new journey surrounded by curious—and sometimes skeptical—strangers. In 2022, I stepped outside my comfort zone. During a sinister political showdown, I launched a solo project with a social conscience. My fingers trembled as I created a brandnew website for women in need. This site differed sharply from my previous online endeavors. It

wasn’t designed to boost sales or establish brand loyalty. It was not an awareness piece written for the local paper, nor was it a carefree, whimsical anecdote conjured by my imagination. This was a unique endeavor, and perhaps my most impactful literary undertaking. The website was a labor of love. It was an online oasis born of compassion, grit, and sheer outrage. In September of 2021, Texas revoked life-saving healthcare for women. The painful effects of this legislation were felt by women all over the state. Texas lawmakers used religious dogma to rally their extremist base. Overnight, all females in Texas lost the ability to make medical decisions affecting their future. Texas was ground zero for the full reversal of women’s rights which would soon spread throughout the nation. Lives were destroyed swiftly and unapologetically. Many of my social work clients, academic peers, neighbors, friends, and coworkers were irreversibly

June 2023 harmed. My youngest patients, barely old enough to vote, were denied access to medical care in the wake of horrific abuse and exploitation. My own body was no longer mine to govern; a small group of autocrats now had control of my physical being. When the initial numbness and disbelief wore off, I stepped into action. My heart ached for all women in Texas, including myself. I could not remain silent in the face of systemic oppression. My heart and my conscience wouldn’t allow it. So I launched a rebellion using my favorite tool for empowerment and solidarity: the written word. The clock was ticking. I needed to move fast, but I had to be thorough. Lives were at stake. I began my research in December of 2021. Two months later, I had compiled a network of trusted transporters and medical professionals. These were our allies, our fullyvetted sources of hope and redemption. Once those relationships were solidified, I built an intricate platform linking women to resources with the click of a button. Vibrant hyperlinks provided access to articles, infographics, and in-depth explanations of local laws. Additional links put women in contact with reputable service providers. Instantaneously. When the site went live, I faced grave consequences. Legal repercussions were—and still are—a very real threat. In 2021, the government cracked down on all forms of communication. Texting threads were subject to scrutiny by local authorities. Human rights advocates faced jail time, lawsuits, loss of employment, and worse.

This new website would place me in the line of fire. Knowing the risks, I pressed forward. It was the right thing to do. Women deserved better. I couldn’t watch them suffer for absurd and unacceptable reasons. Women are strong, smart, and resilient. A curious kid growing up in Chicago, I discovered early on that women were expected to criticize each other. If one female achieved greatness, there would be fewer opportunities for other women to taste success. Sabotage was the only realistic option, it seemed. Over time, I began questioning that directive. I couldn’t accept a divisive, antagonistic approach to life without at least exploring its roots. Who created this rule? Did that person benefit from ensuring women never discovered, pursued, or celebrated their infinite potential? The answer was clear, so I chose a different path. Then I watched, in awe, as those around me also selected the route of compassion and mutual understanding. With solidarity as our rally cry, we achieved remarkable things. During college, we created mentorship programs and launched a movement in favor of basic human rights, including affordable healthcare and housing. A decade later, we began our own animal rescue mission, clearing out dozens of high-kill shelters, one animal at a time. Together, there was nothing beyond our reach. My newest novel, Mid-Flight, echoes this sentiment. MidFlight depicts the firm, untenable bonds among individuals fighting for justice. Unity is perhaps the biggest

asset available to us as women, human beings, and catalysts for positive change. When I completed Mid-Flight, I had no idea I would embody its premise, emanating the protagonist’s goals and initiatives in my own life. But I did know the book aligned with my ideals as a social worker, animal rights advocate, activist, and public servant. Mid-Flight’s dedication says it all: to the romantics who view love and justice as inextricable forces. To the optimists who envision better days, then fight like hell to attain them. You are a catalyst for change in this aching world. Lexi’s story is also yours. If I have learnt anything through my humanitarian projects over the past few years, it is this: we always have a choice. We don’t have to follow the societal norms which incite disdain or indifference. Instead, we can choose to stand united. We can cheer for one another, dispersing care and encouragement at every opportunity. There are countless ways to make a difference in this broken world. Each of us has the chance to do good and do it often. Women are unstoppable, especially when we band together in support of one another. We all have talents to offer and specialized areas where we can assist. Admittedly, there’s a long road ahead of us. The good news is we can trek it in unison, with each person making their own unique contribution. In my case, those contributions included a website, a book, and a willingness to put everything on the line in the ongoing pursuit of equality.


Women's Biz Magazine



By Bracha Goetz


e’ve all been duped! We thought we were eating food when we really were not . According to Google, food is defined as “any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth”. Typical snack food like potato chips, soda, and donuts, for instance, do not maintain life or growth. I take that back. They do make people grow in certain ways, but not exactly helpful ones. It’s easier and quicker to see the harmful effects of soda, for example, on a plant than on an animal or human. Ever try


watering a plant with soda? Give this experiment a try sometime on a plant you don’t love. Maybe an annoying weed you don’t want around? And see how long it takes before it’s gone.

The statistics are shocking. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 42% of adults in the U.S. are

obese. Including those who are obese, over 73% of Americans are considered to be overweight. And these stats were from before the pandemic, before many stayed home for months, eating endless snack “food.”

June 2023 There has been a huge surge in Type II diabetes which can result from being overweight. Other consequences include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, several types of cancer, breathing problems, and depression, which can all lead to increased mortality. A new book, Hooked: Food, Free Will And How The Food Giants Exploit Our Addictions, by a formerNew York Times investigative reporter, Michael Moss, documents how the food industry has purposely sought to turn us into overweight food addicts. He explains in the book how the Standard American Diet (fittingly known as SAD) is designed by chemical researchers in the food and beverage industry to be addictive. As with tobacco and cocaine, which are also very addictive substances, highly processed food is derived from naturally occurring plants, but stripped of the components, such as water, fiber, and protein, that slow its absorption into the bloodstream. The most addictive “food” generally has large amounts of trans and saturated fat combined with an excess of refined carbohydrates. This concentrated combination is not found in nature, where natural food may be quite sweet or fatty, but not both at once. This triggers an abnormal spike in the pleasure center of the brain which can lead to cravings to overeat, similar to the spike that results from addictive substances like tobacco and opioids. According to Susan McQuillan, M.S., RDN, a wellknown food and health writer, “The addictive nature of other substances, such as tobacco and opioids, was denied for

decades for some of the same reasons, and these products were heavily promoted to consumers, just like processed foods.” The American Psychiatric Association defines an addiction as “the compulsive use of a substance or behavior despite its harmful consequences.” When we discover that two-thirds of all grocery items currently have added sugar in them, we can begin to understand how we are being set up to develop food addictions. According to the CDC (the Center for Disease Control), 40% of all cancers are now attributable to obesity – that is 13 types, including colorectal, pancreatic, liver and kidney cancers. As Dr. Jason Fung, best-selling author of The Obesity Code explains, “Cancer exists in our bodies all the time, but the immune system keeps it in check. Cancer is always trying to grow and spread, and the best defense we have is a healthy diet.” I also read that our immune cells have receptors (which can be imagined as being similar to parking spots) for the vital nutrients we need, and they only function at full capacity when there is a daily supply of these nutrients.

And it takes about 400 repetitions to form new synapses in the brain, but it takes only 10-20 repetitions when done playfully, according to research conducted

by Dr. Karyn Purvis. So what’s the quickest way to make positive changes? Joyfully! For lifelong fitness we get to enjoy eating food that is both delicious and nutritious instead of food-like substances that are chemically manipulated to be delicious and addictive. An orange was designed with infinite intelligence and beneficence, while an orange-flavored Tangy Taffy really provides nothing good for us besides the immediate sensation. Yes, we were duped, but we don’t need to be anymore. With wisdom, we can now joyfully aim to keep our wondrous immune systems strong, doing what is within our power to lead healthy, happy, and long lives.

About Bracha Bracha Goetz is the Harvardeducated author of 41 books that help children’s souls shine, including her empowering picture book, Let's Stay Healthy. She is also the author of one book for adults, a candid memoir documenting her spiritual journey of overcoming food addictions.


Women's Biz Magazine



By Ivana Katz

you stand out in a crowded market and connect with customers on a deeper level. For example, let's say you run a cleaning service. A benefitdriven tagline might be something like "Relax in a clean home - let us do the dirty work!" This communicates the benefit of a clean home, which is a feeling of relaxation and peace of mind, while also emphasising the convenience of having someone else take care of the cleaning.




n this article, I'll share some key strategies for making your website truly exceptional. Whether you're a startup entrepreneur or an established business owner, these tips will help you take your website to the next level and leave a lasting impression.

Start with a benefit driven tagline By using a benefit-driven tagline, you can communicate to potential customers what they can expect to gain from working with you. This can help

Another example might be for a fitness trainer, who could use a tagline like "Transform your body and your life with our personalised training programs." This highlights the benefit of transformation, which is often a primary goal for people seeking fitness training, while also emphasising the personalised approach of the trainer.

Don’t sell products & services, solve problems When it comes to designing a website, one of the most important things you can do is to understand your customer's problems and work to solve them with your products and services.

June 2023 Your website is not about you, it’s about how you can help your visitors. To start, you need to identify your customer's pain points and obstacles that might prevent them from achieving their goals. For example, if you are a business coach, instead of selling your coaching services, offer solutions to your clients’ problems, such as: ▶ Lack of clarity or direction in their business goals and strategies ▶ Inability to effectively manage their time and priorities ▶ Difficulty with decisionmaking and problem-solving ▶ Struggles with communication and leadership skills ▶ Challenges with marketing and promoting their business effectively ▶ Difficulty with managing and motivating employees or team members ▶ Struggles with work-life balance and personal fulfilment in their business pursuits.

Focus on user experience Creating a great website is like building a house. You want to make sure that it's not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional and comfortable for the people who will be living in it. Similarly, when designing a website, it's important to focus on the user experience. User experience (UX) refers to the overall experience that a person has when interacting with a website. It encompasses everything from the layout and design of the site to the ease of

navigation and the speed of the page load times. Just as you want your house to be comfortable and inviting for your guests, you want your website to be easy and intuitive for your users. One way to improve the user experience on your website is to focus on simplicity. Just as clutter can make a house feel cramped and unwelcoming, too much information or too many design elements on a website can be overwhelming and confusing for users. Another important aspect of user experience is speed. The same way a slow water flow can be frustrating in a house, a slow-loading website can be frustrating for your visitors. People have become accustomed to getting information quickly and easily, so it's important to make sure that your website is optimised for fast load times. This can include compressing images, embedding videos instead of uploading them and minifying code (the process of removing unnecessary characters and whitespace from source code to reduce its file size).

Be authentic Using authentic imagery and language that reflects your brand personality and values can help your website stand out in a sea of generic corporate messaging. Think about what sets your brand apart from others in your industry. What values and principles do you stand for? What makes your brand unique?

Incorporating these elements into your website can help you create a strong brand identity that resonates with your audience. Let's say you own a fitness studio that offers personalised training programs and a community-focused approach. To showcase what makes your brand stand apart, you could create a website that features photos of your studio and clients in action. You could also include a page that explains your personalised training approach and communityfocused values. On your homepage, you could use messaging that highlights your unique selling proposition, such as "Experience the personalised training that gets results" or "Join our supportive community of fitness enthusiasts." By using language that reflects your brand personality and values, you'll create a connection with your audience that goes beyond just selling fitness programs.

Offer valuable content Creating valuable content is a powerful way to connect with your audience and build trust with potential customers. By providing them with relevant and helpful information, you're not only showcasing your expertise, but also demonstrating your commitment to their needs. For example, if you run a business that sells organic skincare products, you could create a blog post about the benefits of natural ingredients in skincare. This content not only educates your audience, but also positions your brand as a knowledgeable and trustworthy source for information on natural skincare.


Women's Biz Magazine

Similarly, you could create howto guides that demonstrate how to use your products effectively or provide tips and tricks for solving common skincare problems. By sharing valuable information, you're not only building credibility, but also fostering a sense of community and connection with your audience.

quizzes, calculators, or surveys, you can create a more fun and interactive experience for your visitors.

Case studies and videos are other examples of valuable content that can help to establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

Be consistent

For instance, if you offer a service such as social media marketing, you could create a video that showcases a successful campaign you ran for a client. This type of content not only highlights your skills and experience, but also provides real-world examples of how your services can benefit potential clients.

Use engaging visuals Use visually appealing graphics, images, and videos to make your website stand out. This can help capture visitors' attention and keep them engaged with your brand. For example, if you're a hairdresser, you can showcase your expertise and skill by including before and after images of your clients to demonstrate your ability to transform their hair. Or create videos showcasing different styles or techniques, or even tutorials which teach how to create certain hairstyles.

Incorporate interactive elements By adding elements like


Not only does this make your website more engaging, but it can also encourage visitors to spend more time exploring your site and learning about your brand.

Being consistent in your branding, messaging, and visual design is a crucial element of building a strong and recognizable brand. When your website and marketing materials look and feel consistent, it helps to establish trust with your audience and builds brand recognition.

To achieve consistency, start by defining your brand's visual identity, including your logo, colour palette, typography, and imagery. Use these elements consistently throughout your website and marketing materials, such as social media posts, email campaigns, and advertising. Red Bull is a great example of a brand that has successfully implemented design

consistency across all its marketing channels. From their website to social media and event sponsorships, they use the same distinct and recognizable branding elements such as the iconic red bull logo, vibrant colour scheme, and adventurous and extreme sports imagery. This consistency has helped to build trust and brand recognition with their audience, allowing them to stand out in a crowded market and become a leader in the energy drink industry. Transforming your website from ordinary to extraordinary can be a challenging task, but it is well worth the effort. By focusing on user experience, being authentic, offering valuable content, using engaging visuals, incorporating interactive elements, being consistent, and utilising benefit-driven taglines, you can create a website that truly stands out from the crowd. The end result? Professional, custom-made sites that give your business the extra oomph it needs to stand out from the competition and make an impact. Whether you’re a brand-new business or an established one ready to improve your digital presence, Ivana makes it easy to get your business online very quickly. Her websites are professional, tailored to fit your budget, and give your business a serious boost.

June 2023


A WOMAN'S PATH TO LEADERSHIP IN THE EVOLVING DIGITAL INDUSTRY By Caylee Pharaoh As the Head of Digital at Localsearch, a digital presence provider for small to medium businesses, my career has been both an exciting and dynamic journey, full of opportunities to learn and grow. When I first started in my role, I held a junior position in the SEO department, and where we were just a small team of two – three if you count the whole digital department. Five years later, a lot has changed – for starters, the team has grown considerably. And as a senior leader in the business, I couldn’t be prouder of the resilience and adaptability that our organisation has shown in navigating challenges and disruptions within the tech industry, demonstrating our ability to thrive in a constantly evolving business landscape.


’m now the Head of Digital, and a key part of the leadership team in a role that allows me to oversee everything that we do in the digital space across the business. Being a leader in digital is something that I’m incredibly proud of, and something that I hope inspires more women looking to break into a career in STEM. In my role, I have the opportunity to work across tech, automation and marketing, implementing new systems and processes that continue to transform the way that we work and the output we provide for our customers. It’s one of my favourite parts about working in digital - the constant change which serves as a driving force to stay ahead of market trends and maintain a competitive edge. One of the challenges in digital has

always been the ability to keep up with and stay ahead of the curve, which is even more critical now as we continue to evolve and innovate, harnessing new technology rather than shying away from it. Today, as the tech space continues to grow, and we continue to see advancements in AI and the like, there must also be significant transformation in how we approach our work and the tools we have available to us – it's an incredibly exciting time to be in digital. The impact that we can make as a business is also a big part of why I love my job, and I feel really lucky to work in a role that delivers both complexity and impact. I’m the most motivated when working on projects that push me outside of my comfort zone, working on new and complex problems that challenge me. I’m even more

motivated by my team - being a part of something bigger, a business that strives to be a leader within our industry, constantly innovating and changing how we work to stay on top. After relocating from South Africa to Australia, I was captivated by the vast opportunities in the digital realm. Growing up, digital marketing was never considered a typical career path or the field that I thought I would end up in. But it was during my time working at a fashion magazine & PR agency before my move that it became increasingly apparent that this was my calling – I knew that I wanted to immerse myself in digital marketing, which led me to Localsearch.


Women's Biz Magazine

I’ve now been in my role for five years, and it still feels like I’m just getting started. In the next three months, I’m looking forward to completing my MBA, and feel very lucky to have the support around me to do so. The pace of change in this industry is faster than ever, and there’s always more that we can be learning. In the long term, I see myself progressing within the business, continuing to drive growth within the business and industry.

Outside of my day to day work, I’m hoping to continue doing strategic work in the not-for-profit space, which stems from volunteering for a non-profit organisation last year and closely collaborating with their committee. But more than anything, I want to continue doing what I love, striving to be a great thought leader in the industry, working with an incredible team of like-minded individuals to execute our strategic goals and 58 | WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM

drive the success of the business. It's important to recognise the significance of having relatively few women in leadership roles within the digital industry – including my own position – which is why mentoring is so important to me. I want to empower my team to grow and succeed, and I want to empower others to thrive in digital. If you're a woman looking to explore a career in digital, my advice to you is this: don't be afraid to take risks and try new things. The digital industry is constantly evolving, and there's always something new to learn. Be open to that learning and embrace the challenges that come your way. Find a mentor or a support network that can help guide you, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I’m lucky that my journey in digital, and my journey to leadership has never been influenced by my gender. Localsearch truly bridges the gap when it comes to gender equality in the workplace, never once considering it as a factor in their decisionmaking processes, creating a positive and supportive work environment where women are celebrated. I’m fortunate to have some incredible men and women at my workplace whom I consider having been my biggest supporters and mentors along the way. I recognise this isn’t always the case and feel lucky to have found an employer that aligns with my own values, and walks the talk. When I think about my own success or challenges, I don't think of gender. There are tech

teams within the business that are predominantly female. It comes down to the drive we each have as individuals. I encourage anyone reading this to have the courage to step out of their comfort zone, with some of the most difficult or challenging experiences leading to the most significant growth. Lean into the discomfort, and never underestimate your ability - back yourself. I also encourage women to stay curious, embrace challenges and seize every possibility to broaden your skill set and knowledge. Don’t be influenced by others, and make sure you follow your passions, even if they don’t align with traditional STEM paths – accomplished leaders in the field often bring diverse perspectives and backgrounds that enhance their work. The industry is constantly evolving, and there are always new challenges to overcome. I'm proud to work at Localsearch, who continues to champion excellence in digital, and I hope that more women will consider exploring a career in digital. I want other women hoping to break into STEM to know that getting your start in the tech industry is possible when you have a strong work ethic and positive attitude - the technical skills can be learnt, passion for the job can’t.

June 2023




hat might worklife look like if you defined success as the freedom to be fully yourself? If your ‘why’ was found having the time of your life with your best mate? If your brand took shape as a natural expression of stepping into that place of authenticity together? Happily for best friends of 30 years, Jo Thomas and Karina Barry, embarking on an entrepreneurial journey together into a new world of sparkling teas has been so life changing and life-giving, that they’re dispelling every cautionary ‘what-if’ around going into business with your bestie. An Australian first, low-sugar, alcohol-free and oh-sogorgeous sparkling teas are the cornerstone of Jo and Karina’s Buds & Beads brand and business partnership. With a lifetime of hospitality and wine industry experience between them, “We’ll admit there was a time it was all about wine,” Karina says. ”But arriving at a place in our lives

where what matters most to us is feeling good in ourselves, mind, body and spirit, has led us to make choices that nourish us, and opened us up to new possibilities, personally and professionally.” The safe space created by their supportive friendship was a constant that carried Jo and Karina through the uncertainty of the pandemic. So in the aftermath, when Jo was left reeling by redundancy and Karina felt held-back by her own hidden struggles with anxiety, the opportunity to embrace a whole new life trajectory together seemed timely. “A Tea Master who supplied my boutique resort, Bells at Killcare,

approached me about buying her business and I was excited by the possibility but had to be realistic about my capacity to take it on at that time,” Karina said. “It was only do-able in partnership with my best mate, Jo, whose instinct was that we should explore this together.: “Karina and I went into this together with our eyes wide open to the ‘what-if’s’ of blurring the lines of our friendship,” Jo says. “Bearing our souls over countless cups of tea and glasses of wine as we’ve journeyed through life together has taken the trust between us so deep that it counterbalances any creative tensions.


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For the best friendsturned business partners, contemplative bushwalks became invigorating ‘whatif’ sessions. Daily meditation practice is a discipline that continues to shape business decisions, including connecting with a brand name. “The ‘buds’ are the delicate first flush of Spring growth hand picked for our loose leaf teas, while the ‘beads’ are the stream of fine bubbles that effervesce from our sparkling teas,” Karina says. The sense of purpose Jo and Karina share is so true to who they are that they’re comfortable with making big business decisions intuitively. “We’ll ask one another, what’s your gut feel on this, and won’t hesitate to go with it,” Karina says. “There’s such joy in allowing ourselves to be guided by instinct.”

All sparkle and no regrets Where career success in a traditional sense had fallen short of bringing Jo true satisfaction, building from what has real meaning for her has been the key to happiness. “It’s in my nature to build community and really cherish time with friends and family,” Jo says. “Buds & Beads is about engaging with what nurtures me, in every way, from the creative process to cracking that lovely bottle of bubbles to share. It doesn’t feel like work to me, it’s just me being who I am. Being in business with your bestie builds you up and keeps you accountable.”

“Just be yourself,” is the best business 60 | WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM

advice anyone’s ever given me,” Karina says. “Knowing that Jo has my back, 100%, in this partnership has given me the confidence to finally feel ok about being truly authentic. We’re not out to prove anything to anyone, we’re just enjoying where this is taking us in life.” Jo and Karina’s joie de vivre has struck a chord with women from all walks of life. “My daughter loves switching from cocktails to a sparkling tea later in the evening, so she feels energised the next day. We’re doing a lot of ‘babymoon’ getaways at Bells and couples are loving the option of celebrating with a bottle of bubbles that will only nourish.” Karina says. Pretty, blush-pink Ginger Rose is proving popular by the glass on restaurant menus, and a winemaker has approached the duo about designing something for the range from a bi-product of their production. Once you get a taste for seriously good tea and start to understand the nuances of terroir and time-honoured methodologies behind each of the seventeen loose leaf blends in the Buds & Beads range, it’s addictive. Tea selection for a table of friends

or family becomes every bit as adventurous as choosing which wine to serve. “We’re wild about food pairing with our teas and every blend we’ve selected has a story of origin that makes a great conversation starter,” Karina says.

“From designing our gorgeous packaging, to creating a healthy beverage that looks gorgeous in the glass, we’ve loved collaborating to make Buds & Beads an experience to be shared.” Jo says. “We’ve found meaning in wanting everyone to discover for themselves how wonderfully fulfilling it can be to start making choices that nourish and nurture us.” The nutrient-rich sparkling tea selection includes exotic, non-caffeinated Ginger Rose, a lightly caffeinated and heavenly scented Silver Needles, and the evocatively named Before Rain. Alcohol-free, low in sugar and calories, they’re an indulgence to feel good about.

June 2023

Ginger rose

All Buds & Beads teas are ethically sourced from premium and family-run plantations all over the world, in ways that support local communities to thrive.

The special occasion choice, Ginger Rose is blush pink in your glass and deliciously crisp with fresh citrus aromas and flavour-bursts of cardamomginger, rose petal, lemon myrtle, hibiscus and zesty lemongrass, Organic ginkgo, turmeric, paw paw leaf and just a hint of liquorice make for moodaltering magic, without the alcohol or sugar hangover.

“We feel so grateful to start every day now, knowing we’re making a positive impact in the world by doing what fills us up,” Jo says. ”We’ve made the subtle, life altering shift from chasing happiness through success, to finding true success in simply loving doing what brings us happiness.”

Silver needles Pearls of premium, hand-

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Lisa Solis DeLong

picked, silvery white-tea buds, once reserved for the Chinese Imperial family, are the delicate base of this delightful drop that’s fruit-tingly on the tongue. Simmering salmon-pink in colour it has a juicy rose-petal and natural vanilla finish.

Before rain Like the scent of rain before a storm, this evocative blend is pale straw in colour and an addictive mingling of nectarlike jasmine pearls, infused in an exotic ritual that involves blanketing the tea leaves with jasmine buds that open at midnight, with the earthy characters of Woojeon green tea, grown in volcanic soils and salty sea breezes on a tiny island where it’s hand harvested before the monsoon rains. Could you imagine anything more seductive? The warmth of natural vanilla and fragrant sweet orange peel extract round it off! Finish your night right!

Lapsang souchong Be spirited away to whiskey lounges with deep Chesterfield sofas and leather-bound books when you inhale this Cuban cigar of teas! A decadent, loose leaf brew with a brilliant amber liquor that warms the soul with intoxicating burnt-toffee vapours when swirled in a whiskey balloon. Steaming hot or over ice, its peaty character, bittersweet dark-chocolatewhiskey flavours and chewy texture make this a not-soguilty pleasure by a crackling fireplace, or cracking into a velvety crème brulee.

DeAnna Carpenter


June 2023



The darkness enveloped me, muffling my screams for help. My mask of confidence hid the despair within. Each morning, I faced a long day ahead, knowing that evenings were distant memories , and upon arrival would speed by quickly, presenting me with another endurance test in the form of a ‘day’. My athletic career was over, and my strength to walk, gone. I was spiralling into oblivion, with answers as to why eluding me. This is the stark reality for those of us in the grips of an eating disorder.


he plight of eating disorders across the planet grows more intense every day, with currently 9% of the global population impacted by this brutal diagnosis. My question, "Why does this number continue to rise?" Surely, with medical research realising endless growth in understanding how our bodies work, answers should be finding their way to us. However, the cloak of mystery persists. Where, in the endeavour of progress, are we missing the mark for this important collection of people? With my own lived experience, and in working with those enduring the impact, I have come to understand that indeed the word 'understanding' is the vital missing link. Within the corridors of medical professionals, the consensus for treatment remains heavily divided; the lack of understanding perhaps is the reason why. For understanding to prevail I discovered the ultimate goal was to identify individual ‘why’s’, explore their content and contribution, and to design an individual pathway for healing.

Therefore, through adopting ‘understanding’ I also acknowledged another important aspect for the recovery process to be understood - ‘one size does not fit all’. There needed to be a way where individuality was considered. Before I continue to outline what appears to be a doom and gloom article, let me encourage you to continue reading because out of the darkness, empowerment can emerge, taking the once frail rendition of a sufferer to the heights of strength. So, let's see how this transformation has the opportunity to occur, starting with that missing link and the idea of individuality! Understanding is where empowerment begins. It unfolds when a client explores their story to date. Life events that disrupt when recalled are the clues for identifying the vital ‘why's' behind the development, which leads to greater knowledge. Contributing life events not only demonstrate clues, but in consultation, form the basis for designing solutions, allowing recovery to be achieved. As stories are different in their content, individuality is the necessity. WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM | 63

Women's Biz Magazine

Exploring the messages taught regarding how life apparently works is key to understanding. Messages, undisputed and adopted as truth, hold immense power over a person and can take them down a road of misconception where the only way out is for the body to scream loudly in response. One of those screaming responses is an eating disorder! Through the process of true understanding, a client will eventually connect the dots between their life events and the eating disorder. This form of education gives the client valuable learnings, or as I refer to them, pearls of wisdom; little gems that enlighten, inform and free the soul. However, do know, once ‘why’s’ present themselves I caution, we do need to hold tight! Healing can be challenging … hold the vision of recovery as motivation. Through enduring many failures in attempting to recover, a textbook approach simply does not work. Individuals need, and deserve, individual applications.


And now, with a little bit of contradiction, I reference my good fortune - or universal intervention - in stumbling across a lady who practised 'Reality Therapy' underpinned by 'Choice Theory’. This is of course outlined in a text book! What then is the difference?

The beauty of this therapy and theory is that the nature of its construction allows flexibility depending upon the client's story elements. 'Reality Therapy' strongly believes that the first question asked of a client wishing to heal is, "Tell me your story." The second line of

inquiry asks, "Why you are?" not "Who you are?" Eating disorders take a person to a place where knowing "who you are" is lost to the damning messages influencing the disorder, adding massive confusion. Hence, with understanding, and individuality, the "why you are" will add to the guidance for a person searching for answers. The most enlightening of discoveries arrives when a client realises the systems available in support of recovery were patiently waiting in the wings to inform them all along. The systems I refer to include our: - Thoughts - Behaviours - Emotions - Physical symptoms

June 2023

'Reality Therapy' encourages the client to explore each of these areas, acknowledging that they are intertwined. By changing one, the others will fall into line, encouraging and supporting the desire for freedom. Additionally, this therapy aims to explore a person's wants and needs, and examine their beliefs and values with the view of defining their truths, which may be quite different to the truths currently lived by.

Too often someone else's voice may dominate these areas of their life. Which raises what I feel is the most important understanding to be understood the influence of relationship(s) past, present and with the self. This is essential. The connections made with others has the greatest opportunity to influence how we perceive life, and how we see ourselves. 'Reality Therapy' is based upon the reality of one's life. It takes the dynamics currently influencing a person's choices for living and turns them into opportunities instead of

dominant forces, which is where 'Choice Theory' comes in. Every step a client takes in identifying ‘why’s’ will result in a choice; to continue as is, or design a new choice, one supportive of 'who they are’ not ‘why they are’. Choices are considered, decided upon and undertaken. Revisiting may mean fine tuning. Eventually a choice in line with ‘who they are’ emerges, healing occurs and recovery is moving toward the finish line! Kindness forms the foundation for this therapy and its theory. Each of the suggested areas come together to form a framework that designs the pathway for recovery. I have found this approach not only works but provides a tool for any future challenges a person may face. One of my story elements, connected to having experienced sexual abuse as a child, was the thought that if I told the truth, I would not be liked. Without the opportunity to turn this thought around, I wore its truth like a glove. As I grew I took this belief with me into every situation. I truly believed I was not liked - hence I created the outcome. Recovery found me examining this for its origin, and it’s truth. I made the connection to my eating disorder. Understanding joined me. Gradually I developed a new thought. I freed myself from the fear delivered while being abused and the words designed to silence me.

'Reality Therapy' helped me to understand that life's messages were

not always accurate and through identifying the lies to then adopt the truth would lead to lasting change. This approach provided the hope that my life could have purpose and value, which was an essential turning point; empowerment through recovery being the result. The message I wish to convey is that healing is available. Eating disorders are brutal, but with a focus on understanding, individuality, ‘why you are’ and a willingness to explore life's messages, change can happen. There are no guarantees in life, but the knowledge that healing is available provides a beacon of hope. I believe the missing link in the treatment of eating disorders is understanding joined by individuality. In exploring individual stories to date, contributing life events, and messages taught regarding how life works, valuable learnings inform and guide. ’Reality Therapy' underpinned by 'Choice Theory' provides the framework leading to empowerment through recovery. In this space eating disorders meet their match, release their hold and find themselves a new home - the bin! WOMENSBIZGLOBAL.COM | 65

Women's Biz Magazine



Women's empowerment to me is about a woman's self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change for themselves and others. As a woman working in the legal industry which for years has been male dominated, I have faced so many stereotypical trends and barriers that have shaped the business women I am today.


was a young mother, having my first child when I was just starting law school at the age of nineteen, growing up in a low socio-economic part of Western Sydney. People constantly doubted my ability to succeed because of where I came from. I remember being at lunch with a friend and his father, who was quite well off financially, directly said to me, perhaps you should be more realistic and aim to be a legal secretary which is probably the best you can hope for. Not only was this person telling me that this was a more suitable job for a woman and someone with less money in their family, but this job was less significant than the one I was aiming for. In hindsight, I have worked with some exceptional legal assistants over the years and this kind of comment reflects such ignorance. My current assistant Tayla Jones is the backbone of my practice, and her role is very significant to us both. I could not operate


as efficiently without her.

to such a high pressure industry.

For the first ten years of my career, I studied and worked for city law firms. I had my son in full time childcare, which then creates the reality of facing guilt and judgement you receive when you are trying to balance the want for being successful in your career and spending enough time with the family. Women want to believe they can have both however it is a personal struggle given the time required to be dedicated

It wasn’t until many years later when I overheard my son saying to his friend, “my mum isn’t home because she works really hard so we can have nice things”, that your children do notice when you are working but they also understand that there is a positive reason you are going to work. You are teaching them that to have a better quality life you need to work hard for it.

June 2023

In 2012, I decided that I would move regionally for a better work life balance. I started working for a firm (in property law) and was offered various promises of career progression, working very hard to achieve my targets over the next few years. It was at this time, I was told that the firm was being sold, and that everything I had worked towards would not come to be. I would be required to change my role and help with other areas of law that I was not interested in. I was absolutely devastated. I remember feeling hurt and helpless. I had always been employed by other people as I felt it provided more financial security. So why did I then feel like I never had any control over my choices?

After many tears and some discussion with close peers, someone asked me, why didn’t I “go out on my own”. The thought initially filled me with fear and uncertainty. The more I thought about my skills and support network, I knew I was capable of something great and it really only needed to be given the chance to be created.

When I first voiced my idea of creating Smart Coast Conveyancing to a male colleague in the industry, I was instantly subjected to gender discrimination. I was informed that I had no idea of what it takes to create a successful small business. Also that I did not have what it takes for that commitment to business, in both a personal and financial sense. Even to the extent that you never see conveyancers driving “BMW’s”. Your actions as a woman always seem to be under the scrutiny of your male peers. If you are too assertive and confident, you are criticised for not behaving in a ladylike fashion or being unprofessional. If they are not assertive enough, you are seen as lacking the confidence to get results. We doubt ourselves because we find it so hard to break the bias trying to rationalise why we are making choices, because if we fail we don’t want to hear “I told you so”. The reality is that many men have failed in business before us and it has nothing to do with gender or social status. Any person with the right skill set can be successful in business. In a moment of clear sight, I was resolute. I am not defined by my gender. I am not defined by where I come from. These are all just small parts of all the things that make me who I am. I am tenacious, capable, empathetic, generous, benevolent and driven. I wanted to open my own small business and create a legacy I could be proud of. I decided to trust in my own strength and forget the status quo. I partnered with another confident and inspiring woman,

Kellie Cary, who is still my business partner today and together, brought the “Smart Coast difference” to life. We have now been operating for over six years and we have a strong and successful conveyancing business. We have over 200 (5) star reviews on google and we offer exceptional service to all people buying or selling throughout all of NSW.

At no point was the journey ever easy, but surrounding yourself with the right support network (personally and professionally) and making sure you delegate tasks where you have any weaknesses, are valuable insights to remember. Dedication, commitment and achieving your goals are not attributes that should be affected by gender or race. If you want the freedom to create a life that supports your core values; If you want a career that inspires you to get out of bed in the morning to make a difference each day, be empowered and happy. It is time to be fearless and brave and create the life or career that you want, no matter the outcome, you will always know that you made the right choice for yourself.


Articles inside


pages 66-67


pages 63-66


pages 59-63


pages 57-58


pages 54-56


pages 52-53


pages 50-51


pages 46-49


pages 44-45


pages 41-43


pages 39-40


pages 36-37, 39


pages 34-35


pages 32-34


pages 28-31


pages 26-27


pages 23-25


page 22


pages 20-21

Isabella’s Moon

pages 19-20

Book Review by Kez Wickham St George About Author

page 19

Book Blurb for Echoes of my Heart About Author

page 18

Book Review

page 18

Book Review by JIGSAW

pages 17-18


pages 16-17


page 15


pages 12-14

Show Up, Stand Up, Speak Up: Why Women In The Equality Sector Are Set To Make Change

pages 7-11


pages 4-5


pages 2-3
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