June E-Newsletter

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Oklahoma Reopens: As you are probably aware, Governor Kevin Stitt recently announced that our state is moving into phase 3 of the Open Up and Recover Safely (OURS) plan during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re providing a link to the latest document published about phase 3. Oklahomans are encouraged to minimize time spent in crowded environments and continue to follow the CDC guidelines for social distancing. Vulnerable adults remain under safer-at-home guidelines. Vulnerable citizens are those who are 65 years of age or individuals with serious underlying health conditions, including high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma and those whose immune system is compromised such as by chemotherapy for cancer and other conditions requiring such therapy. https://bit.ly/2Xie8JQ 1

In lieu of this, the RSVP offices will remain closed to the public. We will continue to stay in touch with you via email notices and on our Facebook page. We are also taking any hours you may have worked. Quite a few of you are working on various projects on your own! We salute you! RSVP volunteers are one resilient bunch and we wanted to make sure you know how much we appreciate you. You have found many other ways of giving back during this time. Please go ahead and report those hours to us. We will post them for you. Currently we are posting hours for March, April and May. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact any RSVP staff. We are in and out of our offices and ready to answer. Our contact information is at the end of this newsletter.


A SPECIAL NOTE FROM RSVP BOARD PRESIDENT MICHELLE EVANS As Oklahoma enters Phase 3 of the pandemic recovery, I find all of you in my heart now more than ever before. I cannot begin to imagine how it feels to be told to remain home for your own health and safety after already enduring several long months of isolation. Now we are also entering another tumultuous event in US history with the death of Mr. George Floyd and the subsequent protesting and rioting. Most of us have never seen anything like this so close to our own homes and watching this in our communities adds so much weight to our already heavy hearts. I am writing this today to ask you, if you are struggling, to please reach out. You are loved! If you do not have a friend or family member you can connect with, please consider calling the Mental Health Association at 918.585.1213 or the 2-11- Helpline. All of their services are free and confidential. Above all else, take care of yourselves! Do nice things for yourself! Treat yourself and speak to yourself the same way you would love ones! We will continue to keep you updated via email and Facebook. Well wishes, Michelle Evans RSVP Board President


Meals on Wheels Tele Checks - continuing In light of COVID-19, Meals on Wheels Metro Tulsa is asking for volunteers to help do what is called "Tele-Checks" to the clients who are signed up for Meals on Wheels. You will be checking on the elderly at home to see if their basic needs are being taken care of via phone calls. This will include our elderly and low-income population, who may need to be called and gain information as to what they need in order to get food deliveries started. Please call for more information if you are willing to help during this time. Please reach out as soon as possible. Contact info: Tara Harris at 918.921.3563 or email Tara at tara@mowtulsa.org

Please know you are not alone. If you need help or have questions -- related to COVID-19 or anything you need right now -- 211EOK is here for you. These are just a few of the many caring Resource Specialists answering calls at the Community Service Council's 211EOK Call Center. Dial 2-1-1, live chat at 211EOK.org, or search our extensive online service directory at 211EOK.org. Free. 24/7. ALL IS CONFIDENTIAL.


RSVP Tulsa Knittin’ Kittens group: If you are knitting and crocheting from home for our holiday season, and may need more yarn, let us know. We still have a little yarn left that you can possibly use. Just call or email us to make sure we’re at the office. RSVP Wagoner County Info: June is the kickoff for “Caps for Kids” for RSVP Wagoner county. They are needing volunteers to loom, crochet, or knit stocking caps for kindergarten students at Ellington Early Childhood Center. Every November we hand out stocking caps to all of the kidergarten students. You may use any pattern you have or you can contact Diana Cooper at 918.485.8992 and she will give you a pattern. If you need yarn, RSVP can supply you with that too! Be sure to keep track of your hours also. Let Diana know if you have any questions!


All the staff at RSVP miss our contact with you all! We are thinking of you and wishing you all the best. Be well, be safe! Annette, GaryAnn, Penny and Diana! RSVP OF TULSA, INC. AND COUNTY OFFICES: You are invited! RSVP membership is free for all people aged fifty-five years and better. Register online at www.rsvptulsa.org, or call the county office to say you want to volunteer and to schedule a personal appointment to explore local volunteer opportunities. RSVP CREEK COUNTY – Sapulpa rsvpcreekcounty@rsvptulsa.org 918-227-3844 Penny Woolery, Creek County Project Director RSVP TULSA COUNTY – Tulsa rsvp@rsvptulsa.org 918-280-8656 GaryAnn Tomkalski, Programs Director Annette Bowles, Volunteer Resources Director RSVP WAGONER COUNTY – Wagoner wagonerrsvp@rsvptulsa.org 918-485-8992 Diana Cooper, Wagoner County Project Director


Senior Corps Pledge I will get things done for America – to make our people safer, smarter, and healthier. When faced with a pressing challenge, I will bring Americans of all generations together to strengthen our communities. When faced with children at risk, I will help them stay in school and on track for a brighter future. When faced with older adults in need, I will provide support and compassion so they may age with grace and dignity. Working for the greatest good, I will use my lifetime of experiences to improve my country, my community, and myself through service. I am An RSVP volunteer, and I will get things done.



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