Indoor and outdoor games in the past

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Erasmus+ project ‘To Healthy Lifestyle Step by Step’

Indoor and outdoor games in the past

by Amelia Jaszecka Szkoła Podstawowa nr 9 im. Mikołaja Kopernika Dzierżoniów, Poland


Erasmus+ project ‘To Healthy Lifestyle Step by Step’

When my parents where children, they play games that were similar to the ones we have today. They had less games than we have now, but they spent more time with each other and they spent more time outdoors. They played tag, hide and seek, they played ,,Ciuciubabka’’ and ,,Two fires’’, they often played on the beater.


Hide and seek


Erasmus+ project ‘To Healthy Lifestyle Step by Step’


,,Two fires”

Playing on the beater 3

Erasmus+ project ‘To Healthy Lifestyle Step by Step’

Girls jumped on the skipping rope and played with the Chinese jump rope or hopscotch.

Skipping rope

Chinese jump rope


Boys liked to play ,,caps’’.



Erasmus+ project ‘To Healthy Lifestyle Step by Step’

In the past, people also had board games like ,,Eurobusiness’’, that is similar to the game ,,Monopoly’’ that we play today.

Another popular board game was ,,Chinese’’.


Erasmus+ project ‘To Healthy Lifestyle Step by Step’

My parents also liked to play ,,City-States’’ or cards.

,,City – States”


My dad had an old game console ,,Pegasus’’ and he played car races with his friends on it.

In the past, children didn’t have that much electronic devices that we have now, but they were happy because they spent time together and they made up new games.


Erasmus+ project ‘To Healthy Lifestyle Step by Step’

To Healthy Lifestyle Step by Step

Poland – Portugal - Spain

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 9 im. Mikołaja Kopernika Dzierżoniów, Poland

Dzierżoniów, 2021


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