Short gnh index

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A Short Guide to GNH Index

Figure 2: Identifying who is happy according to the GNH

Figure 2 uses an illustrative sample of 7 people with 9 domains to show how step 5 works in practice.27 The people at the top have sufficiency in the fewest domains, while those at the bottom have the most. How do we move from this picture to the GNH? Here 4 out of 7 people are not yet happy – 4/7 = 57%, while 3 out of 7 people are happy – 3/7 = 43%. Once we have this figure, to compute the GNH Index, we only need to know one more thing: Among the not-yethappy people, what percentage of domains do they enjoy sufficiency?

Note that this is a simplification: the actual calculation uses 33 indicators and calculates an individual deprivation profile based on these rather than only 9 domains, but the same principles apply. 27


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