Making our schools a better place

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Ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε, Μοῦσα, πολύτροπον, ὃς μάλα πολλὰ

πλάγχθη, ἐπεὶ Τροίης ἱερὸν πτολίεθρον ἔπερσε·

πολλῶν δ' ἀνθρώπων ἴδεν ἄστεα καὶ νόον ἔγνω, πολλὰ δ' ὅ γ' ἐν πόντῳ πάθεν ἄλγεα ὃν κατὰ θυμόν, ἀρνύμενος ἥν τε ψυχὴν

Tell me about a complicated man, Muse, tell me how he wandered and was lost when he had wrecked the holy town of Troy, and where he went, and who he met, the pain he suffered in the storms at sea, and how he worked to save his life and bring his men back home.

Narrami, o Musa, dell'eroe multiforme, che tanto vagò, dopo che distrusse la rocca sacra di Troia: di molti uomini vide le città e conobbe i pensieri, molti dolori patì sul mare nell'animo suo, per acquistare a sé la vita e il ritorno ai compagni.

Háblame, Musa, de aquel varón de multiforme ingenio que, después de destruir la sagrada ciudad de Troya, estuvo peregrinando un larguísimo tiempo, vio los pueblos y conoció las costumbres de muchas gentes y padeció en su ánimo g ran número de penalidades en su navegación por el mar, mientras procuraba salvar su vida y la vuelta de sus compañeros a la patria.

καὶ νόστον ἑταίρων. ἀλλ' οὐδ' ὧς ἑτάρους ἐρρύσατο, ἱέμενός περ· αὐτῶν γὰρ σφετέρῃσιν ἀτασθαλίῃσιν ὄλοντο.
Πες μου, ω Μούσα, για τον πολύπλευρο ήρωα, που τόσο πολύ περιπλανήθηκε, α φού κατέστρεψε το ιερό φρούριο της Τροίας: από πολλούς άνδρες είδε τις πόλεις και ήξερε τις σκέψεις, υπέφερε πολλούς πόνους στη θάλασσα στην ψυχή του, να αγοράσει τη ζωή του και να επιστρέψει στους συντρόφους του.

A different journey in Europe

etting inspired by the ancient Odyssey, together we are writing the story of a modern Odysseus who discover our countries Lliria, Foggia and Igoumenitsa, guided by the Human Rights and the Inclusion. Why?

We live in a particular period in the history of Europe. Due to the pandemic and now the war, the economic crisis rages, countries are buffeted, battered, bleading. Students receive information they struggle to interpret. They are embedded in the information from the media. We want through our educational adventure to help them decode this.

The Odyssey is a metaphor of what we are experiencing. The path of Ulysses is full of hardship, suffering, choice, hope, longing for freedom. Who can describe, better than young people their countries, their visions of things, their fears, their expectations.

We are three countries and we are united to write this modern Odyssey. We are fortunate to have with us in Greece. Cradle of civilization and democracy. For over half a century, Europe is an area of peace, democracy, respect for human rights. Is this still true?

We live today in highly multicultural environments, in urban areas populated by an ever increasing number of immigrants. Obviously this can be a source not only of cultural and linguistic enrichment, but also of prejudices and intolerances. Most of these people, not having a good command of the language of the host country and not having adequate qualifications

to be fully integrated in the context of life and to find a legal place in the labor market, have a strong need for help. If neglected, such problems risk contributing to the creation of ghettos and the rise of racist and xenophobic movements. In this scenario, migrant women have the worst, as they represent the weakest groups and tend to occupy the lowest positions in society. For them, all this can lead to double discrimination, both ethnic and gender. So, the main goal behind this transnational collaborative project was to help facilitate inclusion. And this magazine aims to document the most representative activities carried out together by students and teachers during the two -year period of the project and to allow for the sharing of the work carried out, the comparison of different methodologies and systems, peer learning and the growth of the sense of active citizenship European.



Alexandra GARRIDO OLIVARES HEADTEACHER CPFPA Spain Coordinator Project Alfonso RAINONE Teacher CPIA Italy Antonia CAVALLONE HEADTEACHER CPIA Italy Anna MariaDI BARI Teacher CPIA Italy Vasileios NANIS Teacher EKATH Greece Eirini BOUSI Teacher EKATH Greece Beatriz FERNÀDEZ CORREAS Teacher CPFPA Spain specifically
5 IN

Presentato nei rispettivi Paesi in occasione degli ErasmusDays

(Italia 15 ottobre 2021, Spagna 14 gennaio 2022. Italia 13 ottobre 2022) e mediante cross presentation events on line, dopo la parentesi pandemica che ne aveva bloccato l’avvio, è ormai giunto a conclusione il progetto Erasmus+ di partenariato strategico MAKING OUR SCHOOLS A BETTER PLACE tra tre scuole europee, operanti tutte nel settore della formazione permanente delle persone adulte.

Come nelle intenzioni degli ideatori, il progetto ha mirato a sviluppare buone pratiche educative tra gli adulti attraverso la collaborazione e il confronto, concentrandosi in particolar modo su due aspetti principali: l'inclusione dei migranti di diversa estrazione religiosa e culturale e l'inclusione (aiuto all'emancipazione) delle donne.

Sono state scelte queste due priorità orizzontali del programma Erasmus+ per una serie di ragioni. Le scuole coinvolte, il CPFPA di Lliria (Spagna), il CPIA 1 Foggia (Italia) e l’IKE di Igoumenitsa

(Grecia) hanno lo stesso background: sono ubicate in aree con un'alta percentuale di persone a rischio che affrontano problemi di inclusione sociale; e, in più, espletano la loro azione formativa in ambienti altamente multiculturali, ovvero in aree urbane piccole, ma popo-

te bisogno di aiuto.

Problemi siffatti, se trascurati, rischiano di contribuire alla creazione di ghetti e all'ascesa di movimenti razzisti e xenofobi. In questo scenario le donne migranti hanno la peggio, in quanto rappresentano le fasce deboli e tendono ad occupare le posizioni più basse della società. Tutto ciò per loro può comportare la doppia discriminazione sia etnica che di genere.

Allora, l’obiettivo principale sotteso a questo progetto di collaborazione transnazionale è stato quello di contribuire a facilitare l'inclusione dei gruppi che frequentano i corsi formativi delle tre scuole coinvolte.

late da un numero sempre più crescente di immigrati.

Ovviamente ciò può essere fonte non solo di arricchimento culturale e linguistico, ma anche di pregiudizi e intolleranze tra la popolazione locale. Si aggiunga anche che la maggior parte di queste persone, non padroneggiando bene la lingua del paese ospitante e non avendo qualifiche adeguate per essere pienamente integrate nel contesto di vita e per trovare una collocazione legale nel mercato del lavoro, ha un for-

Ciò ha comportato un ampliamento delle prospettive di intervento scolastico attraverso la realizzazione di attività comuni e di cooperazione europea, che andassero oltre lo sterile localismo.

Per questo motivo sono stati programmati tre incontri transnazionali del team di progetto e due mobilità con docenti e studenti, al fine di consentire la condivisione del lavoro e il raggiungimento degli obiettivi prefissati..

Tre scuole europee del settore dell’istruzione degli adulti in sinergia per un progetto di partenariato strategico sull’inclusione delle fasce deboli


Work shop of integration and multiculturalism

In September the CPIA 1 FG reopens its doors with the sound of the bell after the long stop imposed by the pandemic for the Covid emergency. The goal is always the same: to promote the values of integration and multiculturalism. Our school, in fact, is a multiethnic school with many Italian and foreign adult students who have chosen to start a new life with us, giving themselves a second chance. Our workshops have been characterized by an interactive methodology and have given us the opportunity to interact with the territory, through educational outings in local companies and the collaboration of expert volunteers who, with their experience and their specific skills, have been able to involve, intrigue and stimulate the students. These images testify to the integration and the interaction with the territory.

A settembre il CPIA 1 FG riapre i battenti con il suono della campana dopo il lungo stop imposto dalla pandemia per l'emergenza Covid. L'obiettivo è sempre lo stesso: promuovere i valori dell'integrazione e della multiculturalità. La nostra scuola, infatti, è una scuola multietnica con tanti studenti adulti italiani e stranieri che hanno scelto di iniziare una nuova vita con noi, dandosi una seconda possibilità. I nostri laboratori sono stati caratterizzati da una metodologia interattiva e ci hanno dato la possibilità di interagire con il territorio, attraverso uscite didattiche in aziende locali e la collaborazione di esperti volontari che con la loro esperienza e le loro competenze specifiche hanno saputo coinvolgere, incuriosire e stimolare gli studenti. Queste immagini testimoniano l’integrazione e l'interazione con il territorio.



The landing place

A loaded boat left him exhausted on the shoreline of Lampedusa. He comes from a poor country in Asia or Africa, where it is difficult to live and where human rights are often lacking. He has abandoned his loved ones and left to Italy. Finally, at the cost of many sacrifices, he manages to conquer freedom, paid for with the sweat of so many families and passed through the inhuman gallows of Libya. His story is that of many other migrants, a hundred, a thousand Ulysses, who attempt the crossing of life at the mercy of the winds and swells of the Mediterranean. Without luggage, but with all his culture and all his land... Now he wants to help his family pay off the debt and, why not, be successful.

Italy, his dream of life, is coming true. However a lot of people tell of the economic crisis that has been raging for years. Part of the population is unemployed. Young people are disillusioned and take refuge in artificial paradises. And as if this were not enough, the pandemic has also been added.

Loses ground under the feet, the emotion is too strong. Doubt invades him, did he make the right choice?

He is stubborn, he relies on reception institutions. Destination: a small town in the province of Foggia. He has to go to school, he has to learn the language of the host country. The CPIA 1 Foggia is the right school for him. He wants to understand the meaning of his journey ... the story of Ulysses and the other migrant students will help him. The journey has just begun, there will be other destinations.


Una barca carica lo ha lasciato esausto sulla battigia di Lampedusa. Viene da un paese povero dell'Asia o dell'Africa, dove è difficile vivere e dove spesso mancano i diritti umani. Ha abbandonato i suoi cari ed è partito per l'Italia. Finalmente a costo di tanti sacrifici riesce a conquistare la libertà, pagata con il sudore di tante famiglie e passata attraverso la forca disumana della Libia. La sua storia è quella di tanti altri migranti, cento, mille Ulisse, che tentano la traversata della vita in balia dei venti e delle mareggiate del Mediterraneo. Senza bagagli, ma con tutta la sua cultura e tutta la sua terra... Ora vuole aiutare la sua famiglia a saldare il debito e, perché no, avere successo.

Italia, il sogno della sua vita si sta realizzando. Tuttavia molti raccontano della crisi economica che imperversa da anni. Una parte della popolazione è disoccupata. I giovani sono disillusi e si rifugiano in paradisi artificiali. E come se non bastasse si è aggiunta anche la pandemia.

Perde terreno sotto i piedi, l'emozione è troppo forte. Il dubbio lo invade, ha fatto la scelta giusta?

È testardo, si affida agli istituti di accoglienza. Destinazione: un paese in provincia di Foggia.

Deve andare a scuola, deve imparare la lingua del paese ospitante. Il CPIA 1 Foggia è la scuola giusta per lui. Soprattutto vuole capire il senso del suo viaggio... la storia di Ulisse e degli altri studenti migranti lo aiuterà. Il viaggio è appena iniziato, ci saranno altre destinazioni.



Unpaired Socks Day

Who, at least once in his/her life, hasn't opened a washing machine and has found only one sock?

Whether the legend of the "kidnapping" washing machine is true or not, with the birth of Unpaired Socks Day, it will no longer be a problem!

It’s the ninth edition this year, but Unpaired Socks Day was born about ten years ago in an elementary school in Terzo of Aquileia (Udine) thanks to the teacher Sabrina Flapp’s idea. The initiative is celebrated every year on the first Friday of February. Its goal is to raise awareness of what diversity is, transforming it into something unique, into what makes a person inimitable and spreading a message of solidarity and inclusion too.

A sock, even if unmatched, fulfills its function and in the same way, a person who isn’t considered “normal”, has its function in society.

Normality is what conforms to society’s expectations, but as Bukowski quoted: “who defines normality”?

Except for monozygotic twins, our DNA is unique, unrepeatable…ergo…. we are all different from each other! So where is the problem? Why is it necessary to raise people's awareness of diversity? The reason could be that, despite being different in DNA, we are similar in everything that concerns what society has imposed on us: how to behave, how to dress best , what hair color is more serious than others, what shoes to wear. This is normal and when someone is slightly different from you, then you are the "normal one" and he or she is not!

This is the reason for this initiative of unmatched socks day, precisely to raise people's awareness, to let people understand that mutual respect is the basis of normality. Look at the effect of the socks, one different from the other! Isn't it nice to see? Doesn't it make you happy compared to two identical and monotonous socks?

An unmatched sock does not lose its function and effectiveness but certainly two socks with different colours and patterns are much more original than two identical ones. This is precisely the meaning of this day: to get to define the concept that different is beautiful.

There are no A-series and B-series human beings; each of us has the right to be himself/herself without being judged or excluded. Each of us has specific aptitudes and characteristics that make us unique. The diversity of each of us, in the way we speak, in our attitudes, in the color of our skin must be considered an added value from which to start to understand not only who is different from us but especially to get to know ourselves better, to realize that you can only learn from others.

We are all "the other", because we are all unique!



The Municipality of Foggia and the CPIA 1 of Foggia, through a grant from the Apulian Region, created a short film entitled "Red Tails, Code Rosse dalla pelle nera, una storia foggiana" on the theme of discrimination, inspired by to the story of the black pilots of the 335th FG who operated in the Foggia area during the Second World War.

On the imaginative narration of two parallel lives set in 1944 and 2020, Roy Lee Jackson, a pilot from Alabama and Mamadou, a migrant from Senegal, compare their experiences, within a nocturnal dream.

The short movie was shot involving the students of the school, including migrants who often escape from war, but who in integration they find the greatest difficulties of life. In a small exhibition section, inside the “Museo Pinacoteca Novecento” in Foggia, photos and related models in the presence of the Tuskegee Airmen in Apulia, are exhibited.



Craft workshop activities to encourage the integration of our foreign students. A path of learning the italian language in the working context ... and not only

Ripartire insieme è il titolo di un progetto del CPIA 1

Foggia con cui si intende contrastare la povertà e l'emergenza educativa (DM 48/2021 e DD 39/2021). Ma per ripartire insieme, innanzitutto c’è bisogno di abbellire e rendere accogliente il luogo di lavoro. Ci vuole qualcosa che faccia sentire tutti ospiti graditi. Ma cosa ci inventiamo? Diverse sono le provenienze geografiche e culturali dei nostri apprendenti: Bangladesh, Nigeria, Senegal, Gambia... femmine e maschi, mamme e ragazzi. È difficile trovare elementi comuni che possano farli sentire a casa.

Partiamo, allora, dagli spazi.

Così come sono, gli spazi della nostra scuola si presentano veramente miseri e poco adatti all'accoglienza di studenti nuovi arrivati. diamoci da fare, dunque!

Ecco fatto! L’androne si presta bene a sistemare qua e là striscioni con scritte d’effetto... sono parole semplici, incoraggianti e accoglienti! In autunno gli alberi perdono le foglie, l’albero del CPIA invece si arricchisce di foglie speciali, che recano buoni propositi.

Al welcome day affidiamo all’albero dell'accoglienza le nostre aspettative e riflessioni sul nuovo percorso e la scuola …. e le scriviamo su post-it a forma di foglia. Bando alle ciance, non perdiamo tempo! Andiamo tutti nell'aula-laboratorio, dove fare esperienza con il lessico specifico e con una serie di attività manuali, che forse un giorno potranno tornarci utili. Tutto viene nominato: oggetti, strumenti e azioni. Ed eccoci qui, finalmente alle prese con la parte pratica e creativa del nuovo percorso: il restauro di un pannello decorativo degli inizi del '900. Sverniciamo, incolliamo, stucchiamo, levighiamo, patiniamo. Ogni parte, con cui è stato sezionato l'oggetto da restaurare, rappresenta un passaggio del lavoro.

Il primo pezzo mostra come si presentava in origine l'oggetto: scuro, sporco con molti buchi e alcune rotture.

E per evitare i passaggi troppo pericolosi, che ogni lavoro artigianale comporta, ci esercitiamo con materiali e strumenti sicuri, affinché possiamo dare sfogo alla nostra creatività. Tutte le tecniche apprese, le applichiamo per costruire un semplice manufatto

Di che si tratta? Di un oggetto, che ha una sua utilità pratica, un porta-cellulare ricavato dall’assemblaggio di alcune mollette in legno per il bucato. E' proprio attraverso la realizzazione di quest'oggetto che abbiamo esercitato le varie procedure del restauro: sverniciatura, pulitura, stuccatura, levigatura, incollaggio, coloritura.

Dire che ci siamo divertiti è poco. Abbiamo esercitato la lingua italiana in un contesto reale e di cooperazione e abbiamo acquisito anche alcune competenze - seppur minime - relative ad un ambito specifico dell'artigianato, quello del restauro. Speriamo di farne altri di questi laboratori.


CPIA 1 Foggia, sotto la direzione dalla prof.ssa Antonia Cavallone, non è del tutto estranea a quell’apertura europea, a cui le politiche scolastiche sia comunitarie che nazionali con insistenza stanno da tempo spingendo. L’avvio in questa direzione è stato dato dal prof. Alfonso Rainone nel lontano a.s. 2014-2015, anno della nascita dei CPIA, da un progetto multilaterale eTwinning di gemellaggio virtuale europeo sull’imprenditorialità, che ha fatto ricevere alla scuola l’alto riconoscimento del quality label nazionale. Inoltre nel 2017-2018 la scuola per adulti di Foggia ha felicemente portato a termine - nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ azione


- un altro progetto di collaborazione tra istituzioni scolastiche europee, un job shadowing con una scuola omologa di LLiria nella regione valenciana di Spagna, Together for sharing

Altro progetto Erasmus+, dal titolo emblematico Una seconda volta per tutti. Organizzazioni della seconda opportunità a confronto, si è svolto nell’a.s. 2019-2020 con proroga nel 2021 a causa della pandemia.

In linea di massima il progetto ha previsto e realizzato due mobilità, una in Francia a HérouvilSaintClair per osservare il sistema pedagogico della rete delle scuole della seconda opportunità, e una in Spagna ad

A Lama in Galizia per studiare il modello della formazione in ambito carcerario.

Poi nel luglio 2021 in consorziato con un ente di formazione siciliano Education in progress quattro docenti e un’assistente amministrativa del CPIA 1 Foggia insieme a colleghi di due CPIA napoletani hanno effettuato una formazione a Palma de Maiorca, seguendo dei corsi strutturati: uno di spagnolo, uno di euro progettazione, uno di mindfulness.

A febbraio dello scorso anno scolastico nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ ha ospitato una delegazione spagnola di colleghi galiziani che lavorano nel cento penitenziario di A Lama Spagna e ad aprile un altro gruppo di docenti spagnoli di Madrid di un centro che si occupa dell’istruzione degli adulti per attività di osservazione sul campo.

Il CPIA 1 Foggia ultimamente ha portato a termine come socio un progetto di partenariato strategico Making our schools a better space - con il CEPA di Lliria e la scuola di formazione professionale EKATH di Igoumenitza in Grecia per sviluppare buone pratiche educative tra i suoi studenti adulti, concentrandosi in particolar modo su due aspetti principali: l'inclusione dei migranti di diversa estrazione religiosa e culturale e l'inclusione (aiuto all'emancipazione) delle donne.



On 25 of October, a demonstration on "Migrant writers" was held at the “Cpia 1” in Foggia: a real socio-political conference where, after the customary greetings of the Headteacher Antonia Cavallone, Antonio Tasso, deputy of the Italian Republic, and the journalists Giulia Fresca and Mariantonietta Di Sabato intervened. The guests, with great success and sensitivity, wanted to highlight the issues relating to immigration literature, often unknown to the public. Everything was led by Marcello Casalino, head of the school library and organizer of the meeting. To brighten up the day, a musical quartet composed of Sergio Picucci, teacher of Cpia 1 Foggia, Luigi Mitola, Bruno Caravella and Alfredo Ricciardi. A special video contribution came from the Honorable Nicola Fratoianni, who explained that immigration is a structural phenomenon that involves millions of people coming mostly from the third world, and is mainly due to problems of inequality and interests in the hoarding of resources. The Honorable Antonio Tasso stressed that immigration arises from the desire to improve one's living conditions. In the same song "Amara Terra Mia", a song by Domenico Modugno performed by the musical group during the disquisition, it is in fact told of the willingness of Italians to emigrate to foreign places; at the same time, Antonio Tasso highlighted a lack of preparation for welcoming on the part of Italians, who usually see immigrants as invaders or usurpers of the rights of the indigenous population. On the contrary, they are often of great help, as they undertake jobs that Italians refuse. The protection system for asylum seekers and refugees were found to be failures in the absence of an integration and education process. It is therefore necessary to adopt a true reception policy.

Very relevant was the intervention of Giulia Fresca, who said she experienced firsthand "the sense of heavy

gaze" wearing the Hijab in Italy, and becoming, as she herself specified, "the object of a thousand attentions". Only if we place ourselves in the garments of others, is it possible to go beyond the visible and nurture a form of respect for the different from us. The journalist also said that minors are, more often than not, unaware of what awaits them. They hide a malaise, an inner suffering as they escape from dramatic situations and are reluctant to tell their stories in order not to relive them again. Sometimes it is also a matter of gender-based violence, of women raped on boats; but these are events that it is good to know so that society can understand the human drama that afflicts our country on a daily basis, without getting to grips with it. All this gives rise to a literature of denunciation. Marcello Casalino then introduced the literary part by talking about the literature of migration from the historical-social point of view and citing the most significant examples among genre writers.

Some Cpia students then read passages taken from books by immigrant writers such as Pap Khouma and Amara Lakhous. Journalist Mariantonietta Di Sabato instead focused on Jim Longhi, a writer born in New York to parents originally from the province of Foggia. Graduated from “Brooklyn Law School”, where he became a lawyer, he nurtured a fervent passion for the theatre, composing various texts and drawing inspiration from historical and port themes and his Italian heritage. Michele Paglia, teacher of literacy and editor, then spoke, highlighting how the literature of migration is almost completely ignored by today's society.

To conclude, there was the intervention of Alfonso Rainone, teacher of literature and former author of essays on the genre, who recalled the figure of authors such as Charles and Antonio Calitri who, together with Joseph Tusiani, Giuseppe Cautela, Jim Longhi and others, are among those very talented but still little-known immigrant writers. They definitely deserve to be reevaluated through a better advertising campaign.

Talking with several illustrious guests about migrant writers in the headquarters of Cpia1 Foggia


The sisters Ghizlane and Nadira, born in Morocco, tell us about their return to school together. They also give us some consideration about their role as mothers.

mary school for six years; then, they attend the lower secondary school for three years. Moreover, if you decide to continue your education, you have to attend three more years which are the same in all schools. Finally, you can decide to continue your education in what you want to specialize.

How was your return to school after so many years?

Ghizlane and Nadira, thanks for accepting to answer to our questions of this interview. We want to be better acquainted with you. How long have you been in Italy?

Ghizlane: " I arrived in Italy ten years ago. "

Nadira: "I reached my sister two years later." I have been living in Italy for eight years. Both of us lived in Casablanca, Morocco.

What did you do in Morocco? Did you attend a school in your country?

Nadira:" When I finished attending the high school years, I came to Italy. I was seventeen years old. Yes, we both studied until we were seventeen.

Ghizlane: It is important to explain the difference in the school system. In Morocco the children attend the pri-

Nadira:It was wonderful to come back to school. I did something important for myself. It really felt like going back in time as if we were in Morocco. At first, I was a little restless for the experience, then I understood that we all felt the same feeling and,after a few days, I calmed down.

Ghizlane: It was beautiful. At first, it was strange to say: " I have to go home." However, after a while, it became a new habit. I decided to go to school for my children, too. That way I felt more confident and more able to speak up.



Women's obstacles in the world of work: are there still any?

The students of the Cpia 1 of Foggia, the delivery point of S. Giovanni Rotondo, have chosen to create a photographic work with the women of various nationalities who attend our school, imagining themselves above everything, on a skyscraper because with the their education and professionalism can lead the world to a more altruistic, tolerant, just and peaceful life for all, as quoted by Nobel Peace

Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi. With this photographic work we want to send a message of hope to all the women of the world who are denied freedom and dignity, the same ones who have no time but they are the time, the future, always planned with kindness and courage.

Women and work: stereotypes even if today there is greater equality and equal rights, the stereotypes that have consolidated over time regarding women and the world of work are struggling to be completely overcome.

According to the answers provided by the women interviewed research, the stereotypes about career women that emerged as the most widespread, as well as obstacles for women in the world of work, are the


Gender differences

It is a consolidated trend to generally attribute specific characteristics to men and women on the basis of their gender. For example, a woman is expected to have greater empathy, sensitivity, mediation skills and a

Work and motherhood

It can be difficult for a working woman to reconcile her career with family commitments. You are weighed down, directly or indirectly, by feelings of guilt resulting from cultural and social legacies that can cause you a feeling of inadequacy. Just think of the fact that 44% of Europeans believe that a woman's main task is to take care of the house and children. To which is added a 43% according to which earning money is the first task of man, as reported in the document "A Union of equality: the strategy for gender equality 2020-2025".

preference for humanistic and literary studies. However, all this is nothing more than the result of a tendentious deductive operation.

Family and work

For a long time the female figure has been associated with the role of wife and responsible for taking care of the home and children. This practice is still wide spread in the culture of our country, where it is often the woman who punctuates life and family activities, who takes care of her partner, children and the elderly.


In our country, the gender pay gap manifests itself differently depending on the sector to which it refers. As reported by Eurostat, in the public sector the percentage of the wage gap is around 4%, a number which, however, rises to around 17% in the private sector. European women earn on average 14.1% less per hour than men.



Our Editorial Director answers the questions of the trainees about her seven-year experience at the head of CPIA 1 Foggia.


“You are the manager of CPIA 1 Foggia. How do you manageyourworkefficiently”?

“The CPIA 1 Foggia is a very complex school: it branches out at various points of school delivery. We must try to manage the financial, human and instrumental resources. A quality school passes through the well-being of the individual and of the entire School Community. It is also necessary to take care of the interpersonal relationship”. “If you didn’t become a school administrator, what would you have done in your life”?

“I entered the school at six years and I stayed there. I have thousand hobbies and passions but the biggest one is the school. I ‘m happy to “live” in school. Sometimes they ask me if I also have beds in the institution. As a paradox it can be said that we are the only workers who reply to those who ask when we leave home, “we go to school”, instead of the usual phrase “we go to work”. That’s because we love school so much.So if I had not done the manager, I would still have been a teacher.


“What do you think of the teachers who teach in our school “?

“Exceptional people. Many of them have chosen to teach here through a decision not simple but conscious. They dedicate themselves to everything ,as a true mission. Together we make a good team, we have a good dialogue and empathy. Certainly, someone has some different opinion but it is always expressed in a compound way.”


“Were there any students of the CPIA 1 Foggia who made success by using skills acquired at school”?

“Many students arrived, like you, lacking in knowledge but then they succeeded in the field of work. Same of them work at the police station or in the prefecture. A student, last year became an appreciated singer.


“Having regard to the numerous acts of racism,howcan the school encourage integration”?

“The presence of so many foreigners is part of a dynamic system which includes profound transformations. We have foreseen reception protocols of agreement and cooperation: our central task is to extend interculturality to others. We make sure to make known your traditions e cultures. The comparison of different cultures is useful to understand how we can get rich by knowing each other. Often it is the lack of knowledge of the other that generates mistrust.


“How do you plan to tackle the new challenges”?

“We need to be ready for change, to be able to adapt to what can happen at any moment! All this must be taken into account: our life is made of ups and downs, there is an alternation of happy and unhappy days. You must have the ability to adapt to every circumstance.”



The activities that favor Competence, Heart and Courage

tled "Me / We"

One of the issues that are close to the heart of the C.P.I.A. 1- Foggia, is giving a voice to women through empowerment and orientation activities that favor and enhance three important elements: The transversal/soft “Specialist digital technical Competence”, together with the desire to write, read, study; The "Heart", that is the ability to get involved with one's work dream; The "Courage", or the ability to get out of mediocrity, to bring out the intrinsic motivation that drives action and allows you to realize your own "vision".

A practical example of the work carried out in this sense at CPIA 1 Foggia, is precisely an interesting Uda conceived by the teacher Caterina Iorio with her students of the Literacy course, section G, which allowed the creation of the "Manifest of the young women of the C.P.I.A" , and the Poster enti-

The latter was presented at the National Competition "Young women who plan the future", announced by the Ministry of Education, ranking first. The award was collected at the Quirinale last March 8 by the Head teacher Mrs Antonia Cavallone.

The protagonists of the "Me / We" Poster are the Algerian Lounici Sara, the Venezuelan Rangel Gomez Iscarel Josefina, the Nigerian Omordia Oyenka Linda, and the Tunisian Belhiba Wafa

Their faces are covered by some writings in English, French, Spanish and Arabic langages, to highlight the concept of equality and fairness, in full respect of the differences. Visionaries, explorers, innovators and inventors: these are the women of the C.P.I.A. who are trying to accelerate the change, to revolutionize the world around them with ideas.



The 2022 calendar of the restricted students of Lucera (FG) dedicated to women.

The inmates of the Lucera Prison also this year propose their different way of circulating art outside and inside the walls of the place that temporarily hosts them.

The novelty compared to the calendars of previous years is the monographic character of the artifact, focused on the works of a single artist and in particular on the female figure: a sort of tribute to the often vilified and mistreated woman, still relegated to a subordinate role.

So, for this artistic calendar, we have taken Amedeo Modigliani as a reference, who, more than others, has celebrated women. It is no coincidence that the choice fell on him, because his portraits fully represent a praise to the mystery of female beauty and dignity.

TO YOU, WOMAN is the title of this calendar, which, in its simplicity, intends to convey an important message: to give the right consideration to women, recognizing their importance at a time when certain stereotypes keep coming back. Art, in this sense, represents a powerful tool: it allows those who practice it and those who enjoy it, not only to have fun, but also to start a process of transformation and acquisition of lost values.

With these assumptions we started our work, proposing to the inmates of CPIA 1 Foggia an educational path on artistic heritage through practical laboratory activities. We started from the observation and analysis of some of the masterpieces of the great artist, Amedeo Modigliani, to arrive at the reproduction of some of his works.

The technique used is always that of tracing, which allows everyone to try their hand at without necessarily having skills or artistic bases.

Compared to the originals, the chromatic effects, even if they have not been fully respected, have certainly been dictated by the emotional state of the moment, going to connote the final work more.

For this task, the works were chosen, above all, in which the woman is celebrated not only in her ideal beauty, but also in her daily life ... as we often see the women of our life: mothers, sisters, wives, friends, colleagues.

It still seems absurd to talk about discrimination today, since society has progressed compared to the past, making great strides towards the well-being of all. Evidently there is still work to do to reach the long-awaited goal.

Meanwhile, let's dedicate this calendar to YOU, WOMAN, to YOU fighting small and big obstacles in life; to YOU, who can find the strength to fix what is wrong.



World Kindness Day

An educational activity on inclusion and gender equality

In occasione della Giornata Mondiale della Gentilezza per favorire l’inclusione dei nostri studenti nel Punto di Erogazione Monti Dauni a Bovino, è stata festeggiata la gentilezza in chiave multietnica. Che valore ha la gentilezza? Compiere atti di gentilezza aumenta la soddisfazione per la vita, migliora l’umore. Essere gentili non significa soltanto essere educati e seguire le regole che ci sono imposte dalla società ma soprattutto dimostrare empatia nei confronti dell’altro, accoglienza e altruismo. Salutare, ringraziare, sorridere sono gesti gentili che possono essere tradotti in una ricerca della condivisione degli stati d’animo di chi ci è vicino. Partendo dalle definizioni e da un vocabolario di “parole gentili” in varie lingue costruito insieme ai ragazzi, abbiamo letto insieme aforismi e pensieri sulla gentilezza e cercato anche illustrazioni, foto e video sul tema.

Ai ragazzi è stato anche chiesto: “Cos’è la gentilezza?”

Ecco alcune delle loro risposte:

Hassan: “Dividere la merenda con il mio compagno di classe.”

Karim: “Telefonare un amico per chiedere come stai?”

Natalia: “Augurare la buona notte alle persone care”

El Badri: ”Per me gentilezza significa fare delle buone azioni”

Harjot: “Salutare con un ciao le persone che incontro”

Gurjot: “Per me la gentilezza è racchiusa nella parola GRAZIE”

Emily:” E’ il sorriso degli insegnanti che ci accolgono in classe”.

Emily e Natalia sono due nostre alunne provenienti rispettivamente dal Sudamerica e dall’Ucraina e quest’anno stanno facendo la loro esperienza scolastica in un contesto caratterizzato da una prevalenza di alunni maschi. Un’inclusione a tutto tondo che rafforza il concetto di “empowerment femminile” e considera l’inclusione delle donne una vera fonte di ricchezza, intesa a ridurre la disparità di genere.

Dopo l’intensa lezione partecipata che ha coinvolto i ragazzi di tutte le classi, gli alunni hanno realizzato biglietti di benvenuto con illustrazioni, parole, frasi, pensieri personali o aforismi, sulla gentilezza in genere.

Questi biglietti sono stati poi scambiati dai ragazzi di classi differenti, sia con uno scambio uno ad uno tra alunni di classi differenti e sia della stessa classe.

Anche i docenti hanno partecipato a questa iniziativa scambiando biglietti con gli alunni esattamente come tutti. Questa giornata è stata molto significativa sia per gli alunni che per i docenti… ci ha resi tutti più felici e con il cuore pieno di gioia, ecco perché siamo convinti che la gentilezza non vada festeggiata solo il 13 novembre, ma tutti i giorni. In questa giornata e non solo questa, ESSERE GENTILI diventa la parola d’ordine che riguarda un modo incentrato sull’attenzione verso l’altro al quale riservare la cortesia di piccoli gesti ,la pazienza e l’ascolto .La gentilezza ha anche i suoi colori …e trova la sua maggiore espressione nel colore viola .Il viola è un colore che nasce dall’unione del blu (profondità) e del rosso ( oncretezza) ,colori che indentificano la gentilezza nel suo modo più completo. ”Be kind whenever possible …it’s always possible”(DALAI LAMA)


Dal 6 all’11 Febbraio le delegazioni di studenti e docenti della Spagna e della Grecia sono venuti in Italia per la seconda mobilità, hanno visitato la scuola del Cpia 1 di Foggia e hanno potuto confrontarsi con gli studenti italiani. Il confronto tra sistemi d’istruzione diversi arricchisce gli studenti, fornendogli nuove prospettive e spunti utili per il loro percorso formativo. Durante la loro permanenza hanno potuto visitare alcuni punti di erogazione e sono stati coinvolti in attività laboratoriali che hanno permesso loro di conoscersi e socializzare.

Il giorno 8 febbraio sono venuti a visitare il punto di erogazione di San Giovanni Rotondo dove sono stati accolti con grande entusiasmo, dopo aver visitato la cittadina ed il santuario di San Pio di Pietralcina, sono venuti presso la scuola De Bonis. Le attività sono state precedute dall’ascolto degli inni nazionali suonati dai maestri del corso musicale della scuola.

Gli studenti del 2PD di San Giovanni Rotondo


E’ stato un momento di intensa emozione per tutti, subito dopo si è passati a parlare di un tema molto attuale che riguarda la questione della disuguaglianza di genere, gli studenti di tutte e tre le nazioni hanno letto brani, poesie, parlato di eperienze personali e presentato canti, man mano che si alternavano nelle attività si sentivano sempre più coinvolti e partecipi. Uno dei momenti più coinvolgenti è stato quando sono cominciate le danze tipiche, tarantella, sirtaki , flamenco, tutti sono stati coinvolti ed è stato bello vedere come attraverso il ballo csi siano stati momenti di integrazione tra tutti e ognuno ballava con partners di nazionalità diversa, tutti allo stesso tempo insegnavano ed imparavano i passi dei vari balli, non c’erano differenze, il divertimento e la passione ha coinvolto docenti e studenti. Alla fine dell’esperienza dopo i saluti e lo sventolio delle varie bandiere è stata fatta una bella foto di gruppo che ha suggellato la bellissima giornata trascorsa insieme all’’insegna della integrazione.

Rotondo fanno il resoconto


In a period in which gender inequalities in many areas of life are still a problem - not only in countries where women have always had a subordinate role, but also in those where some rights of equality seem acquired,we have proposed practical activities to reflect on the need to review the role of women in society.

Once again the culture of ancient Greece came to our aid. As in the first part of the project to address the issue of inclusion and migration we made use of Homer's Odyssey, so in this second part to address the issue of women we made reference to a Greek work, Assemblywomen by Aristophanes , a comedy that through fiction offered the opportunity to reflect carefully on the women's question. The play is about a group of women, who decide to infiltrate the assembly to get the men to pass the law to give women the power of the city of Athens.

Disguised as men, because otherwise they would not be able to enter parliament, they accomplish the task.

On the occasion of the second mobility of the project in Foggia, the revisited, reduced and simplified comedy was proposed to the three groups of students gathered in Bovino, who, after having studied it, tried to stage it in a multilingual way. Specifically, three groups were formed, one for each country (Italy, Spain, Greece).

With the guidance of the responsible teacher, each group studied the script in the language of the country in which they live (Spanish, Greek, Italian) and rehearsed Aristophanes' comedy, without necessarily memorizing the part, but simply making a dramatized reading each in their own tongue. Once ready, the groups took turns performing to represent the work in various languages.



Lo scorso febbraio è giunto a conclusione il progetto Erasmus+ di partenariato strategico denominato “Making our school a better place” tra 3 scuole europee che si occupano dell’istruzione degli adulti.

Le scuole coinvolte sono il CPIA 1 di Foggia con alcune sue sezioni (Bovino, Foggia e San Giovanni Rotondo), il CFPA di Lliria (Spagna) e l’ EKATI di Igoumenitsa (Grecia), tutte operanti nel campo dell’apprendimento degli adulti al fine di migliorare le conoscenze, le capacità e le competenze in una prospettiva personale, civica, sociale e occupazionale.

Il 9 febbraio 2023 in occasione dell’ultima mobilità degli studenti, il punto di erogazione di Bovino ha dato con grande gioia il benvenuto ai partners greci e spagnoli del progetto pianificando insieme a loro una serie di attività didattiche sui temi dell’inclusione e la parità di genere.

Dopo una visita agli spazi della scuola ci siamo cimentati in un workshop multilinguistico, la rappresentazione teatrale della commedia “Donne al parlamento” di Aristofane durante la quale noi e i nostri ospiti, utilizzando ciascuno la propria lingua, abbiamo recitato alcune parti della commedia e indossato tuniche simili a quelle indossate in passato dagli antichi greci. Le performances dei docenti e degli studenti sono state spettacolari e il role playng si è

rivelato un’ottima metodologia didattica per condividere idee ed emozioni nel costruire, realizzare e rappresentare la storia.

È seguita poi la visita al centro storico di Bovino e quindi alla cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta e al Castello Ducale. Al rientro nel nostro punto di erogazione i nostri ospiti hanno potuto degustare le tipiche specialità culinarie dei Monti Dauni grazie ad un ricco buffet da noi preparato. La giornata si è conclusa con lezioni di dan-

za popolare impartite da un insegnante appartenente all’organizzazione culturale Bellinsé.

É stata una giornata indimenticabile, che ci ha fatto riflettere su come culture differenti messe a confronto, riescano a fondersi e a creare momenti di convivialità e condivisione unici.

Natalia, una delle nostre studentesse proveniente dall’Ucraina, ha commentato a proposito del nostro Erasmusday: ”Quella mattina nevicava, ma è stata comunque una bella giornata. Ragazzi provenienti dalla Spagna e dalla Grecia sono venuti a visitare la nostra eccellente scuola. Ci siamo divertiti molto insieme e i ragazzi sono stati simpatici e socievoli. Abbiamo recitato insieme a loro durante lo spettacolo. Io mi sono cimentata nella lingua italiana, i ragazzi spagnoli e greci nella lingua del paese da cui provenivano. Tutto ciò ha dato colore alla nostra performance creando una sorta di teatro amichevole. Ad un certo punto gli insegnanti si sono infiltrati nello spettacolo e hanno iniziato anche loro a scambiarsi delle battute. A fine giornata, finita questa avventura, mi sono resa conto di avere nuovi amici e il mondo ha visto nuovi attori di talento.” A fine giornata, finita questa avventura, mi sono resa conto di avere nuovi amici e il mondo ha visto nuovi attori di talento.”



Ja fa alguns anys, vam proposar als alumnes realitzar un viatge d’estudis a Londres o a alguna ciutat de la Gran Bretanya per tal de practicar l’anglés. El preu d’un viatge d’aquestes característiques, i la consegüent negativa dels alumnes per a dur-lo a terme (malgrat que aquest fora el seu desig inicial), va ser l’esperó que va provocar el desig de trobar maneres de dur a terme, efectivament, una mobilitat d’aquestes característiques.

Va ser aleshores quan ens vam plantejar l’opció de sol.licitar una beca Erasmus per als alumnes amb un major perfil d’inclusió social que tenim al centre, és a dir, aquells que venen a cursar estudis d’alfabetització i Graduat en educació secundària: es tracta de persones que per diverses mancances de caire econòmic, personal o cultural, no van concloure els seus estudis quan tenien l’edat i ara troben en la nostra escola la segona oportunitat que necessitaven.

Ha estat un viatge llarg i costós des del principi (només la sol.licitud de la beca eren més de cent pàgines), plantejat de manera que les tres escoles d’adults que conformen l’associació (la nostra, la CPIA Foggia d’Itàlia i EKATH a Igoumenitsa, Grècia) dugueren a terme un projecte educatiu comú que vertebrara la vida escolar dels tres centres durant dos cursos (que, a causa de la pandèmia, finalment han sigut tres). Com no podia ésser d’una altra manera, aquest eix vertebrador havia d’estar relacionat amb el perfil de l’alumnat destinatari d’aquest projecte: és per això que vam escollir el tema de la inclusió social: així, durant el primer període els alumnes han estat treballant temes relacionats amb la lluita contra el racisme, mitjançant el visionat de pel.lícules, lectura de llibres i fins i tot la visita d’una catedràtica de literatura americana que va vindre a donar una xerrada anomenada ‘Dones i Esclavitud’ sobre la situació de les dones negres americanes. Endemés, el nostre projecte està vinculat a l’aprenentatge de llengües, la reducció del fracàs escolar i l’absentisme, així com la lluita per la inclusió social. Tot basant-nos en el mite d’Odisseu, hem fet una primera mobilitat que ens ha dut a Grècia, i l’any que ve ens durà a Itàlia. Com en el cas d’Odisseu, aquest viatge transmediterrani no ha estat exempt de riscos i turbulències: problemes amb la documentació d’alguns dels aspirants (que malgrat tindre l’estatus de refugiats no tenien permés viatjar), reticències d’algunes alumnes a participar-hi, control de la medicació d’altres alumnes, etc.

Malgrat aquestes vicissituds, hem arribat al primer destí, i podem dir que s’ha assolit l’objectiu que esperàvem: fer un viatge de caire cultural amb alumnes que, en molts casos, difícilment en tornaran a fer un altre. Es tracta d’alumnes de diversos països i cultures, en alguns casos amb estatus de refugiats. Tots ells han pogut compartir les seues vivències personals, aspectes de la seua cultura i la seua manera de veure Europa, tot creant un autèntic ‘melting pot’ on tots hem pogut aprendre de tots. No podem deixar d’esmentar aquells alumnes d’origen europeu que, malgrat que no hagen patit el racisme directament en la seua pell, van patir diversos problemes de tipus personal o cultural que van impedir que acabaren els seus estudis de secundària quan estaven a l’institut i han trobat a les escoles d’adultes la segona oportunitat que necessitaven. És el moment, per tant, de fer ‘Un brindis pels bojos, pels inadaptats, pels rebels, pels esvalotadors, pels qui no encaixen, pels qui contemplen el món d’una manera distinta’.



ome years ago, we proposed our English students to go on a study trip to London or to some city in Great Britain in order to practise their language skills. The price of such a trip, and the consequent refusal of the students to go on it (even though this was their initial intention), was the expectation that provoked the desire to find ways of actually going on a mobility of this kind. It was then that we considered the option of applying for an Erasmus grant. It was then that we decided to offer an Erasmus grant for the students with a higher profile of social inclusion that we have at the school, that is to say, those who come to study literacy and secondary education: these are people who, due to various economic, personal or cultural handicaps, did not complete their studies when they were old enough and now find in our school the second chance they needed. It has been a long and costly journey from the beginning (only the application for the scholarship was made by the students). licitud de la beca eren més de centàgines de pàgines), plantejat de manera que les tres escoles d'adults que conformen l'associació (la nostra, la CPIA Foggia d'Itàlia i EKATH a Igoumenitsa, Grècia) dugueren a terme un projecte educatiu comú that vertebrara la vida escolar dels tres centres durant dos cursos (que, per la pandèmia, finalment han sigut tres). As it could not be otherwise, this backbone had to be related to the profile of the students targeted by this project: that is why we chose the theme of social inclusion: thus, during the first period the students have been working on issues related to the fight against racism, through the viewing of films. During the first period, the students have been working on themes related to the fight against racism, by watching films, reading books and even the visit of a professor of American literature who came to give a lecture called 'Women and Slavery' about the situation of black American women. Finally, our project is linked to language learning, the reduction of school failure and absenteeism, as well as the fight for social inclusion. Based on Odysseus' myth, we have made a first mobility that has taken us to Greece, and next year it will take us to Italy. As in the case of Odysseus, this trans-Mediterranean journey has not been without risks and turbulence: problems with the documentation of some of the applicants (who, despite having refugee status, were not allowed to travel), reluctance on the part of some students to take part, medication controls on other students, etc. Despite these vicissitudes, we have reached our first destination, and we can say that we have achieved the objective we had hoped for: to make a cultural trip with pupils who, in many cases, will find it difficult to go on another one. These students come from different countries and cultures, in some cases with refugee status. All of them have been able to share their personal experiences, aspects of their culture and their way of seeing Europe, creating a real 'melting pot' where we have all been able to learn from each other. We cannot fail to mention those students of European origin who, although they did not experience racism directly on their own skin, suffered various personal or cultural problems that prevented them from finishing their secondary school studies when they were in high school, and who have found the second chance they needed in adult education. It is the moment, therefore, to make 'A toast to the poor, to the misfits, to the rebels, to the rebels, to the rebels, to those who don't fit in, to those who see the world in a different way'.

25 S

After three years of efforts, we are finally putting an end to this strategic association onsocial inclusion that we started during the April of the COVID pandemic, by writing the application form.

Our project was conceived as a partnership aimed at helping our adult students, who inmany cases approach our lifelong l earning centres after having dropped out of their primary or secondary schooling, due to a number of reasons, mainly economic and/or, social but also because they were victims of bullying or because they had psychological problems.

Our idea was to give them a second chance to learn languages and to make them notice how important

schooling is, thus encouraging them to continue them with their studies. The topic we selected was that of social inclusion, to be considered from different perspectives, one for each year: the inclusion of all the races and cultures within society, and the inclusion of all genders and sexual orientations.

The methodology we tried to apply was a practical one, by getting students into doing things: this can be seen in the videos the students prepared about situations of racism (even adding the subtitles in English by themselves), or about Greek methodology, or in compositions in which they state their opinion about Feminism. It was quite a gratifying surprise to notice the immense capcacity of human race: here we have

a group of drop-outs of primary and secondary school, attending adult education centres, with psychological and economical issues going on in their minds, and yet being able to produce essays about Feminism in English and to follow a conference about Prehistorical Matriarchy and writing an essay about it.

Overall, we were proud of the things they managed to do and the skills they acquired:reading classical literary works, creating videos, preparing power point presenta tions, leaflets about their countries, adding subtitles and editing a video, using English for some of their pieces of work (not all the students). We even have the case of a sixty -year old lady from Colombia, who is attending the Basic Litteracy (neolectores) group and who read and wrote an essay about Malala.

We have to remark we relied a lot on the voluntary work of more cultivated people we contacted: for example, university professors to give talks, police officers talking about violence of gender, retired secondary teachers approaching the school to give lessons, students from the creative writing workshop helping out with the literary part of the magazine, etc.

The local authorities were informed of the project at all times, with the Italian school even receiving a formal recognition from their Ministry for their educational work on inclusion, and the Spanish team being invited by our regional Government to give an online talk about the project.

A strategic partnership project on inclusion and gender equality

These activities and results of our project can be found online, since they have been uploaded to different digital platforms, so as to give them visibility, as well as the project:

-Facebook site of the project: Making-our-schools-abetter-place/100063955188522/

-Google site of the project: makingourschoolsabetterplace?


-EPALE: en/content/making-our-schoolsbetter-space-erasmusstrategic-partnership-inclusiveness; node/327206

- Local press: https:// -lliria-posa-rumb-a-grecia/ -Videos prepared by students that have been uploades in our youtube site: EPA Lliria: @cpfpaaltsdelmercat6015/videos

-Twitter proyectos europeos EPA Llíria: lang=ca

The second anecdote refers to a girl who had converted to Islam a few years ago and was wearing a hijab. After the mobility to Foggia and after all the activities aimed at reflecting on equality between men and women, she decided to take off her hijab, noticing that she could be a believer without necessarily having to cover her hair.

It has been a long, difficult path since the beginning, and there have been many hours of personal time taken away of the participating teachers-it takes a lot of enthusiasm for a teacher to develop and implement such a complex partnership and not everyone would be willing to do so (to start it, even less to finish it). Our suggestion

concerning this would be that the educational bodies in charge should either reduce the teaching hours of the teachers actively involved in this type of projects, or else the national agencies should simplify the bureaucracy and workload.

However, we have some anecdotes that exemplify how deep the impact of this project has been and we as schoolteachers will keep them in our hearts as an immaterial result of the project: the first one is that of a student who participated in the project last year and came to visit us in October. He told us that he is now studying Bachillerato, and that it was thanks to that mobility in Greece that he noticed that he actually liked art, history, and languages, and most importantly, that he was good at them. He was thankful that he had been given the opportunity to notice that he could do it.


Des que finalitzara la segona Guerra Mundial, entrar a formar part d’una aliança amb altres països, també membres, ens ha proporcionat més seguretat per a encarar possibles conflictes bèl·lics, com per exemple el que estem vivint ara com ara amb la guerra d’Ucraïna i Rússia.

Cal recordar que pertànyer a la Unió Europea, si fa o no fa, quaranta anys enrere, ens va obrir un mercat fins aleshores desconegut. Així mateix, ens va facilitar la lliure circulació de persones i mercaderies.

Fins i tot, les empreses ho van tenir més fácil estalviant -se els problemes amb les aduanes i despeses d’aranzels.

D’altra banda, com si d’una orquestra de música clàssica es tractara, cal que hi haja un director encarregat de supervisar perquè es complisquen unes polítiques de convivència, amb la qual cosa quedarem sota el flex tots els seus integrants per tal de garantir una evolució econòmica positiva.

Al marge d’això, el fet de tenir com a moneda única l’euro dins d’un context internacional ha sigut competitiu.

Tanmateix, la moneda de canvi ha cimentat un

desequilibri entre països rics i altres que no ho són tant i d’ahí que es perda la seua credibilitat al fer-nos més dependents de la zona euro.



Des que va nàixer la Comunitat econòmica europea s´ha erigit com un espai per al comerç lliure i ha millorat la relació entre els països que en formen part, tot junt, generant una interdependència que dificultaria l’aparició de conflictes bèl·lics entre ells. No debades l’estat espanyol no en va poder formar part fins que es va establir una democràcia d’acord amb els estandards occidentals.

L’aparició de l’euro també constitueix una fita molt important, la qual cosa assegura una un mercat interior amb suficient importància per poder competir amb gegants com els Estats Units o Xina. Així mateix els països que en formen part troben més facilitats per comerciar, i es porta a terme una política de préstecs que en els pitjors anys de la crisi va suposar un salvament per alguns estats que estigueren prop de fer fallida.

Però no tot son flors i violes. Pertanyer a la Unió Europea també comporta obligacions que moltes voltes ens fan perdre competitivitat front a d’altres com en el cas dels productes hortocitrícoles pels quals s’ens exigeixen condicions més restrictives front a tercers. Masa voltes veiem com s’ens imposen condicions abusives que no hauriem d’assumir si no formarem part de la UE.

Comptat i debatut, podem dir que pertànyer a la UE ara per ara ens resulta positiu. Tanmateix no estem exempts d’obligacions que ens poden posar moltes voltes en situacions de desequilibri.



This academic year, 2021-2022, we have carried out part of the “Erasmus+ KA 204 student mobility” project that had already started in the academic year 2020-2021, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic had to be postponed. At last it has been possible to carry out the activities that were planned for that time. The project has as its motto “the fight against racism, xenophobia, sexism and discrimination of any kind”, all of which are unacceptable and irrational behaviour, as our pupils have recognised very well.

Various activities have been carried out, both in and out of class, in which almost all the pupils enrolled in formal education at our school have participated (Literacy, Neo-Readers, Basic Education, Secondary Education Graduate courses I and II, University Access and Access to Higher Level Vocational Training), the result of which has been to raise awareness of all these behaviours and situations, which unfortunately occur more often than we really realise. In some of them, some students have shared personal experiences, how they lived them, how it affected them at the time and how they overcame them.

The outcome of all this has been highly positive.They all agreed that these situations should never happen under any circumstances.

The activity that lasted the longest was the one-week trip to Igoumenitsa, Greece, where the three adult schools that are part of this project came together. It has been a really great experience that has shown, from the very first moment, how culturally inculcated are those beliefs that lead some people to behave in a racist, xenophobic, sexist, etc. way, since the students of the three schools did not know each other before the trip and from the first day they were all together sharing spaces and activities without anyone being excluded for any reason, either racial, physical or cultural or because of different intellectual abilities. This shows that in reality we are all simply human beings and that it only depends on ourselves and our example to eradicate all those baseless and senseless behaviours that prevent this world from being a happier and more peaceful place.



Este curso, 2021-2022, hemos llevado a cabo parte del proyecto Erasmus+ KA 204 de movilidad de alumnos que ya se había iniciado en el curso 2020-2021, pero que debido a la pandemia de Covid -19 se tuvo que aplazar. Por fin se han podido realizar aquellas actividades que estaban previstas para entonces. El proyecto tiene como lema la lucha contra el racismo, la xenofobia, el sexismo y la discriminación de cualquier tipo, todas ellas conductas inadmisibles e irracionales como muy bien han sabido reconocer nuestros alumnos y nuestras alumnas. Se han realizado diversas actividades, tanto en clase como fuera de ella, en las cuales han participado la práctica totalidad de los alumnos matriculados en la enseñanza reglada de nuestro centro (Alfabetización, Neo-lectores, Educación Base, Graduado de Educación Secundaría cursos I y II, Acceso a la Universidad y Acceso a grado Superior de ciclos formativos) cuyo resultado ha sido la concienciación de todas aquellas conductas y situaciones, que por desgracia, se producen más a menudo de lo que nos damos realmente cuenta. En alguna de ellas, algunos alumnos han compartido experiencias personales, como las vivieron, como les afectó en su momento y como las superaron. El resultado de todo esto ha sido altamente positivo. Todos han estado completamente de acuerdo en que estas situaciones no deberían producirse jamás bajo ninguna circunstancia.La actividad que más ha durado ha sido el viaje de una semana a Igoumenitsa, Grecia, en la que nos hemos reunido las tres escuelas de adultos que formamos parte de este proyecto. Ha sido una experiencia realmente óptima que ha demostrado, desde el primer momento, lo inculcadas culturalmente que son esas creencias que llevan a algunas personas a comportarse de forma racista, xenófoba, sexista, etc., ya que los alumnos de las tres escuelas no se conocían entre ellos antes del viaje y desde el primer día estaban todos juntos compartiendo espacios y actividades sin que nadie fuera apartado por ningún motivo, ni racial ni físico ni cultural ni por diferentes capacidades intelectuales. Esto demuestra que en realidad todos somos simplemente seres humanos y que solo depende de nosotros mismos y de nuestro ejemplo poder erradicar todos esos comportamientos sin base ni sentido que impiden que este sea un mundo más feliz y pacífico.




Alo largo de todo el curso y desde los diferentes talleres se han estado llevando a cabo actividades encaminadas a dar a conocer los aspectos fundamentales de los que trata el proyecto. Estas actividades han quedado plasmadas en los materiales producidos por los alumnos y que incluimos en las siguientes páginas de esta revista. Por un lado, hemos intentado dar a conocer la Unión Europa, así como divulgar un sentimiento de pertenencia a la misma entre el alumnado: así, se los ha invitado a los alumnos a reflexionar sobre los pros y los contras de formar parte de la UE, primero mediante debates dentro del aula y posteriormente mediante la elaboración de redacciones escritas.

También y desde las asignaturas de informática y competencias digitales, se les ha animado a crear guías turísticas de las ciudades y países involucrados en el proyecto. Posteriormente, eso se hizo extensible a otros lugares de Europa, lo cual ha quedado reflejado en el blog, el cual os animamos a visitar. Como no podría ser de otra manera, hubo trabajos sobre la civilización griega, sus historia y mitología; además de otros pueblos de Europa (como los vikingos).Por lo que respecta a la inclusión social, además de estudiar el tema desde la literatura y la cinematografía, los alumnos han preparado vídeos en los que debatían sobre el racismo en la Europa actual, así como pequeñas representaciones teatrales de cómo sería un día en la vida de una persona que llega a nuestro continente desde fuera. El resultado de estos trabajos se puede visualizar en el canal de youtube de nuestra escuela.

Throughout the course and from the different workshops, activities have been carried out to raise awareness of the fundamental aspects of the project. These activities have been reflected in the materials produced by the students, which are included in the following pages of this magazine. On the one hand, we have tried to raise awareness of the European Union, as well as to spread a sense of belonging to it among the pupils: thus, pupils have been invited to reflect on the pros and cons of being part of the EU, first through debates in the classroom and then through the preparation of written essays. They were also encouraged to create tourist guides to the cities and countries involved in the project through the computer science and digital skills subjects. Subsequently, this was extended to other parts of Europe, which has been reflected in the blog, which we encourage you to visit:

As it could not be otherwise, there was work on Greek civilisation, history and mythology, as well as other peoples of Europe (such as the Vikings).

As far as social inclusion is concerned, as well as studying the subject through literature and film, the students have prepared videos in which they discussed racism in Europe today, as well as small theatrical representations of what a day in the life of a person arriving in our continent from outside would be like. The result of these works can be viewed on our school's youtube channel.



Las escuelas de adultos, por lo general, tienen un alumnado formado por personas de muy diversas edades que vienen a estudiar para completar o mejorar su formación académica cuando en su momento no lo hicieron por una variedad de motivos. Unos por razones culturales no tuvieron la oportunidad, otros por razones personales de necesidad de trabajar y algunos, más de los que me gustaría reconocer, por desmotivación. En este punto es realmente importante el ambiente que se crea entre alumnos. Hacer amigos en clase, que se encuentran en tus mismas circunstancias o muy parecidas, les impulsa a seguir y querer conseguir sus objetivos. Se dan cuenta de que no están solos en una situación que para ellos puede ser complicada y agotadora porque no olvidemos que la mayoría de las personas que deciden acudir a un centro de formación de personas adultas normalmente tienen un empleo y/o familia lo cual les dificulta la tarea de asistir a clase, estudiar para las pruebas, realizar las labores pedidas en cada asignatura, etc. Por todo esto es fácil que puedan volver a caer en la falta de motivación y se planteen nuevamente dejar de estudiar. Aquí es donde se aprecia realmente el efecto incentivador de los proyectos europeos de cooperación entre escuelas porque les proporciona un motivo para llegar a final de curso. Aunque parezca algo banal no lo es. El hecho de que en un momento determinado del curso, aquellas personas que acuden regularmente y tienen verdadero interés, puedan acudir a un viaje en el cual se relacionan con alumnos de otras escuelas es un incentivo increíblemente motivador. De esta forma pueden comprobar que sus situaciones realmente no son tan anómalas como les pueda parecer y que ocurre en más lugares. Además, ver otros lugares y relacionarse en otros idiomas, les impulsa a querer saber más del sitio al que viajan, mejorar en los idiomas, en la historia y la cultura, etc. Y quizá lo más bonito, emotivo y perdurable de estas experiencias es la oportunidad que se le brinda a personas que ya con una cierta edad, en ocasiones ya por encima de los treinta años, que por diferentes motivos, generalmente económicos, miedo a no saber enfrentarse a la situación por falta habilidades comunicativas o inseguridad no han salido apenas de su lugar de residencia o no han podido realizar un viaje de estudios ahora tienen la oportunidad de vivir algo único que no olvidarán nunca y que influirá muy positivamente en sus proyectos de futuro.

Adult schools, in general, have a student body made up of people of very different ages who come to study in order to complete or improve their academic training when they did not do so for a variety of reasons. Some for cultural reasons did not have the opportunity, others for personal reasons of needing to work and some, more than I would like to admit, for lack of motivation.

At this point it is really important the atmosphere that is created between students. Making friends in class, who are in the same or very similar circumstances as you, encourages them to continue and to want to achieve their goals. They realise that they are not alone in a situation that for them can be complicated and exhausting because let's not forget that most of the people who decide to attend an adult education centre usually have a job and/or a family, which makes it difficult for them to attend classes, study for the tests, do the work required in each subject, etc. Because of all this, it is easy for them to fall back into a lack of motivation and to consider giving up studying again. This is where the incentive effect of European school cooperation projects really comes into its own, because it gives them a reason to make it to the end of the school year. This may seem banal, but it is not.

The fact that at a certain point in the school year, those who attend regularly and are genuinely interested can go on a trip where they can meet pupils from other schools is an incredibly motivating incentive. In this way they can see that their situations really are not as anomalous as they might think and that it happens in more places.

In addition, seeing other places and interacting in other languages encourages them to want to know more about the place they are travelling to, to improve their language skills, history and culture, etc.

And perhaps the most beautiful, emotional and lasting aspect of these experiences is the opportunity given to people who are already of a certain age, sometimes over thirty years old, who for various reasons, usually economic, fear of not knowing how to cope with the situation due to lack of communication skills or insecurity, have hardly left their place of residence or have not been able to go on a study trip, now have the opportunity to experience something unique that they will never forget and that will have a very positive influence on their future projects.


Las escuelas de adultos tienen una importancia y una relevancia en nuestra sociedad mucho más grande de lo que en apariencia podría pensarse, no en vano son conocidas en algunos lugares como escuelas “de segunda oportunidad”. La función que cumplen es precisamente esa, dar una segunda oportunidad a aquellas personas que, por motivos muy variados, no pudieron estudiar en su momento y ahora tienen la ocasión de poder retomar sus estudios para poder redirigir sus vidas. Algunos alumnos quieren acabar los estudios que interrumpieron para encontrar un trabajo mejor o simplemente encontrar un trabajo. Otros porque quieren cumplir sus sueños de poder ejercer una profesión que siempre les gustó. En cualquier caso, al dejar de estudiar o no haber llegado a hacerlo, dejaron de vivir experiencias excitantes, enriquecedoras y maravillosas que las escuelas de adultos les brindan la oportunidad de poder disfrutar. Entre otras están aquellas que las becas Erasmus les ofrecen. Por desgracia hay mucha gente, más de la que pensamos, que nunca tuvieron la bendición de hacer un viaje de estudios con compañeros de clase y menos al extranjero, donde pueden conocer a otros alumnos de escuelas de otros países, aprender cómo trabajan en escuelas de adultos fuera de España, que asignaturas estudian, cuáles son sus programas de estudios y sus ofertas formativas, tan variadas y al mismo tiempo tan similares. Sé que puede sonar a incongruencia, lo que intento explicar es que, si bien las ofertas formativas son muy variadas en realidad todas están enfocadas en el mismo fin. Que aquellas personas que lo deseen tengan una segunda oportunidad de vivir todo aquello que les quedó por vivir en su vida académica y puedan alcanzar sus ilusiones consiguiendo , al mismo tiempo, mejorar en algo esta sociedad en la que vivimos. Es muy interesante y muy bonito ver como personas que , se puede decir, ya tiene la vida hecha, se ilusionan con una experiencia como la que les dan las becas Erasmus, cambia su percepción de la vida , de esta sociedad y les impulsa a querer mejorar tanto su entorno próximo como toda la sociedad en general.


Adult schools have a much greater importance and relevance in our society than one might think, and it is not for nothing that they are known in some places as "second chance" schools. Their function is precisely that, to give a second chance to those people who, for a variety of reasons, were unable to study at the time and now have the opportunity to resume their studies in order to redirect their lives. Some students want to finish the studies they interrupted in order to find a better job or simply to find a job. Others want to fulfill their dreams of being able to pursue a profession they have always liked.

In any case, by dropping out of school or not having completed their studies, they have missed out on exciting, enriching and wonderful experiences that the adult schools give them the opportunity to enjoy. Among others are those that the Erasmus scholarships offer them. Unfortunately there are many people, more than we think, who have never had the blessing of going on a study trip with classmates, let alone abroad, where they can meet other students from schools in other countries, learn how they work in adult schools outside Spain, what subjects they study, what their curricula and educational offers are, so varied and at the same time so similar. I know it may sound incongruous, but what I am trying to explain is that, although the educational offers are very varied, in reality they are all focused on the same goal. Having those people wishing to have a second chance to live everything that they have left to live in their academic life and can achieve their illusions and, at the same time, improve something in this society in which we live.

It is very interesting and very nice to see how people who, it can be said, already have their life done, get excited with an experience like the one given by the Erasmus scholarships, it changes their perception of life, of this society and drives them to want to improve both their immediate environment and society in general.



Este viaje ha aportado muchas cosas a mi vida, he conocido gente nueva, lugares nuevos, culturas nuevas y sitios históricos. Nunca había subido a un avión y este viaje me ha dado la oportunidad, nunca había salido del país y este viaje me ha dado la oportunidad. No me esperaba que fuera a nevar tanto y menos que nevara en dos pueblos diferentes.

Me lo he pasado genial he conocido gente ya sean españoles, italianos o griegos han sido todos muy amables y con buena educación. Los pueblos de San Giovanni Rotondo y Bovino son muy bonitos y además tienen una historia única. La ciudad de Foggia muy bonita y tranquila, tiene de todo, tiendas de ropa, tiendas de comida, supermercados…



Los institutos a los que fuimos eran parecidos a los nuestros, los estudiantes fueron muy amables con nosotros y nos trataron muy bien. Hicimos actividades de diferentes culturas y nos reímos todos juntos.

La ciudad de Pompeya me ha aportado respeto por las vidas que se perdieron allí en cuestión de segundos y las casas que quedaron destruidas y aún podemos ver las ruinas excavadas. Fue una experiencia inolvidable y única.

La ciudad de Napoli la verdad me decepcionó mucho porque podría haber sido una ciudad muy bonita para ver y por culpa de la delincuencia y la mafia no pudimos verla. Estaba todo en mal estado y era muy peligroso salir de noche.

Me ha encantado pasar este viaje con mis amigos y compañeros y lo volvería a hacer.



Μια ακόμα Δράση με ποιότητα και ουσιαστικό αποτέλεσμα από την « EKATH»

Με μεγάλη χαρά και ικανοποίηση συμμετείχα τα τελευταία χρόνια, ως εκπαιδευτής και συνδιοργανωτής σε κάποια από τα διακρατικά προγράμματα που σχεδιάζει και υποβάλλει με αντίστοιχους εταίρους του εξωτερικού, κυρίως μέσω ERASMUS+ για εκπαίδευση ενηλίκων, ο Εκπαιδευτικός –Συμβουλευτικός οργανισμός «ΕΚΑΤΗ» στην Ηγουμενίτσα.

Πριν λίγες μέρες, από 6-11 Φεβρουαρίου 2023, συμμετείχα ως Εκπαιδευτής στο 2ο workshop του προγράμματος Erasmus+ «Making our schools a better place » στην Foggia της Ιταλίας.

Στο πρόγραμμα συμμετείχαν επίσης δύο εκπαιδευτές και δώδεκα ενήλικες εκπαιδευόμενοι από κάθε εταίρο του προγράμματος, ήτοι CPIA 1 FOGGIA, ITALY, CPPA ALTS DE MERCAT, ILLIRIA SPAIN και φυσικά ΕΚΑΤI , IGOUMENITSA .

Κατά την υλοποίηση, όπως είχε προγραμματιστεί, δόθηκε έμφαση στην ενίσχυση συμμετοχής της γυναίκας στο κοινωνικό γίγνεσθαι και στο ρόλο της εκπαίδευσης, της συμβουλευτικής και του πολιτισμού στην κατεύθυνση αυτή

Ήταν μια εξαιρετική ευκαιρία για όλους τους συμμετέχοντες από τις τρείς χώρες να συνδημιο-υργήσουν, να πληροφορη-θούν για καλές πρακτικές που εφαρμόζονται από κάθε οργανισμό και να επισκεφτούν χώρους εκπαί -δευσης και πολιτισμού.

Σημαντικές ήταν επίσης οι κοινές δραστηριότητες στην ενότητα, ο «ρόλος της γυναίκας


διαχρονικά», η ανάγνωση ποιημάτων στις τρεις γλώσσες, η μουσική και ο χορός και το ανέβασμα από κοινού αποσπάσματος από τις Εκκλησιάζουσες του Αριστοφάνη το οποίο ήταν μια ανεπανάληπτη εμπειρία για όλους. Αυξημένη αξία προσέδωσε στην όλη διοργάνωση, μαγνητοσκοπημένο μήνυμα της κας Σταυρούλα Μπραϊμη-Μπότση, Προέδρου του Περιφερειακού

Συμβουλίου Ηπείρου, στο οποίο τονίζονταν

εμφαντικά η δύναμη, η ικανότητα και η θέληση των γυναικών να τα καταφέρνουν εξίσου καλά στον οικογενειακό, στον επαγγελματικό, αλλά και στον κοινωνικό τομέα.

Θα ήθελα να τονίσω για μια ακόμα φορά το υψηλό επίπεδο του στελεχιακού δυναμικού του Κ.Δ.Β.Μ.

ΕΚΑΤΗ , που δημιουργεί πρωτοποριακά

προγράμματα και εκδηλώσεις έξω από τις συμβατικές υποχρεώσεις Ιδιαίτερη μνεία χρειάζεται, στην Ειρήνη Μπούση Irini Bousi, εθελόντρια, επιστημονική υπεύθυνη του προγράμματος από πλευράς ΕΚΑΤΗ, για την καθοριστική συμβολή στον σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση του προγράμματος.

Αξίζουν τέλος συγχα-ρητήρια σε όλα τα μέλη της ομάδας μας για την ατομική και συλλογική δουλειά, που έφερε τελικά αυτό το εξαιρετικό αποτέλεσμα.

Ευχαριστώ από καρδιάς τους διοργανωτές Ιταλούς και την Ισπανική αποστολή για την αρμονική συνύπαρξη και συνεργασία μας αυτές τις μέρες.



εκλείψει από τη σύγχρονη κοινωνία, παρά τα τεχνολογικά επιτεύγματα και την

καλύτερη από άποψη ποιότητας παιδεία που λαμβάνει ο άνθρωπος σήμερα.

Τα αίτια της λανθασμένης συμπεριφοράς

και τακτικής του ανθρώπου σε βάρος

ευπαθών ομάδων έχουν πολλές ρίζες.

Ένας λόγος αποτελεί, η ασφάλεια και η

οικειότητα του ατόμου μέσα στο γνώριμο

και οικείο περιβάλλον που έχει δημιουργήσει, και γι’αυτό το διαφορετικό

Με τον όρο ρατσισμό

εννοούμε τη διάκριση σε βάρος ατόμων, κοινωνικών ομάδων ή κατηγοριών

ατόμων, που προσδιορίζονται με βάση τα

φυλετικά ή και πολιτισμικά τους

χαρακτηριστικά, με συνέπεια την

ανάπτυξη αισθήματος υπεροχής και

ανωτερότητας προς αυτούς. Τα είδη του

ρατσισμού είναι πολλά, εμείς όμως θα

εστιάσουμε στον κοινωνικό ρατσισμό, που

αφορά ζητήματα όπως, διακρίσεις

βασισμένες σε πολιτικές, ιδεολογικές, πνευματικές, οικονομικές, πολιτιστικές

διαφορές, διακρίσεις σε βάρος των

γυναικών, των μειονοτήτων, των ατόμων

με ειδικές ανάγκες. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, ο

κοινωνικός ρατσισμός στρέφεται εναντίον

ανίσχυρων και αδύνατων κοινωνικών

ομάδων, που διαφέρουν από τους άλλους

συνανθρώπους τους ως προς τον τρόπο

ζωής, ως προς το θρήσκευμα, τις

αντιλήψεις τους, τις ερωτικές επιλογές

τους, το φύλο τους. Λυπητερό είναι το

γεγονός , ότι αυτό το φαινόμενο δεν έχει

του προκαλεί φόβο και ανασφάλεια, με αποτέλεσμα να το αντιμετωπίζει ως απειλή, ως επικίνδυνη εισβολή που πρέπει να εξοντωθεί. Σε αυτήν την περίπτωση, καθοριστικό ρόλο παίζουν οι προκαταλήψεις και τα στερεότυπα με τα οποία διαπαιδαγωγούνται συνήθως οι

άνθρωποι από μικρή ηλικία. Τα στερεότυπα αυτά ενισχύονται από τα ΜΜΕ που προβάλλουν με έμφαση

διάφορα περιστατικά, προκλητικά για την κοινή γνώμη σχετικά με τη δράση και τη ζωή ατόμων όπως οι ναρκομανείς, οι ομοφυλόφιλοι, οι ανύπαντρες μητέρες.


Ένα άλλο, ίσως και το πιο σημαντικό, αίτιο είναι η αμάθεια και η έλλειψη παιδείας και αγωγής των για τη δημιουργία φαινομένων μισαλλοδοξίας, φανατισμού και ρατσισμού.

dangerous. On the contrary, those like us are considered harmless and, consequently, acceptable.


κοινωνικός ρατσισμός εγκυμονεί σοβαρούς κινδύνους για μια κοινωνία, διότι διακρίνει

τους ανθρώπους σε δυνατούς-ανώτερους και αδύναμους-κατώτερους, περιθωριοποιεί και αποκλείει ευάλωτες κοινωνικές ομάδες και άτομα παραβιάζοντας απρόκλητα σημαντικά ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα. Οι έντονες διακρίσεις, οι κοινωνικοί αποκλεισμοί μπορούν να οδηγήσουν σε διχασμό, αναταραχές, σε βίαιες συμπεριφορές, επικίνδυνες για το κοινωνικό σύνολο, ακόμα και στην εξόντωση σε οτιδήποτε διαφορετικό.


The dire economic situation that some people experience leads them to adopt racist attitudes towards foreigners because they are a cheap workforce and they "take their jobs".

In addition, economic and political problems of a society (violence, crime and unemployment create tension which is relieved on foreigners who become the lightning rods).

Racism is used as an alibi to disorient people from serious economic and social problems.

Lack of education (the uneducated become mainly victims of propaganda, they can not judge, the learned can cultivate in people feelings of inferiority or fanatize them against other groups).

Desire of some individuals or peoples to gain power and authority (economic, territorial, social, political interests).

The degree of influence of religious beliefs and moral deprivation.

Social stratification, inequality of opportunity, social equality are more theory than practice as well as the prejudices created by family, tradition and the content of our education system.

Nationalist causes (small peoples are afraid of being assimilated by the big and powerful and use their nationalism as a shield to secure their identity).

The different always scares. It is considered alien,

Racism also reinforces the narcissistic orientation of the education system. Through history, mainly, students acquire an idealized image of their nation and origin, considering other nations inferior.

Racism is also sparked by the media, which for television purposes mythologize the actions of immigrants, presenting them as a source of crime.


Inequality in education - easy to manipulate victims of racism.

Exploitation, violations, scandalous actions, hypocrisy.

Violence, crime.

Absence of healthy democracy due to lack of equal opportunities for dialogue, public participation and pluralism.

Insecurity - stress (for victims of racism).

Nationalism - triggering wars and conflicts.

Not everyone contributes to the extent that they could in the economic development of the country. Society does not make full use of its creative potential.

Lack of cooperation, solidarity and socio-political consciousness - lack of humanity.

Widening the gap between developed and nondeveloped countries ("two-thirds society").

Minorities living in conditions of poverty, etc.

Barriers are rising in human relationships. Alienation, which is based on racial or cultural criteria, is predominant.

People who suffer from racism experience ridicule, ridicule, professional exclusion. Existing problems are exacerbated, social cohesion is undermined and people are divided into privileged and non-privileged, with similar consequences for education and professional careers.



Training of Returnees and People with Disabilities

Functional Illiteracy – Social Inclusion

(Counseling, Pre-training, Training)


n the framework of the Educational Unit "Integrated interventions for people who are in a state of social exclusion" we have planned a series of educational programs with an integrated character. The aim is to provide information, counseling services for vocational guidance, pre-training that includes introduction to language and digital education and the main education, in which the trainees attended courses in thematic units, such as:

The structure of the Greek state and its functions.

The relationship and role of the European Union.

History and culture.

Grammar and digital literacy.

The thematic unit for poetry as a vehicle of hope and free thought was important.

We focused on the fact that poetry is a universal language that nourishes human liberation; it is another way of escaping from the gloomy reality, as Thomas Eliot used to say

"Poetry is not a release of emotion, but an escape from emotion. It is not an expression of personality, but an escape from personality".




target group:

seasonal workers who are at risk of not being employed again the next tourist season.


Teaching hours: 80

Duration of implementation:

23/11 till 19/12/2022




Teaching hours: 80

Duration of implementation: 9/11 till 8/12/2022




Educational programs EKATH- 2nd semester 2022


The Evolution of Societies has brought great changes in the role of women in recent years

The woman today, as a worker, as a mother, as an unemployed person, who is struggling in a not so favorable environment where there are still inequalities due to gender, is trying to find the role she deserves.

The main cause of difficulties is, to a large extent, the lack of systematic education, the renewal of knowledge and the acquisition of skills that are necessary in the modern production model with the entry into the 4th Industrial Revolution. With systematic counseling, retraining and practical training to connect theory and reality, we create a framework to help women to find work and participate equally in social activities.

Our organization systematically educates and trains adults and places greater emphasis on women. The goal is employment and the prevention of social exclusion.

With our actions, it is possible for the unemployed to find employment or to create their own business and for the workers, a large percentage of whom are seasonal, through retraining and specialization to stabilize their work and improve their position in the workplace.


Training programs and upskilling in high-demand industries with a focus on digital and green skills.

target group: unemployed women

unemployed women, who are threatened with social exclusion

Seminars implemented

1. Title: «Environmental Management, Business Health and Safety»

Teaching hours: 200

Duration of implementation: 14/10 till 22/11/2022

Professional Certification


2. Title: «Ε- Commerce»

Teaching hours: 200

Duration of implementation: 19/11 till 22/12/2022

Professional Certification


3. Title: «Basic Digital Skills»

Teaching hours: 200

Duration of implementation: 16/10 till 24/11/2022

Professional Certification




At the time when Europe was experiencing its Renaissance, the foundation of a new world, Greek men and Greek women together with all the people of the Byzantine Empire came under Turkish rule. In the worst position of all slaves, regardless of social class, were the female sex, as it was considered "natural" for male masters to enjoy the women of the slave race.

The fact that when the Turks finally managed in 1803, after about 400 years, to enslave Souli, an area in Thesprotia 50 kilometers from Igoumenitsa, caused a global sensation, the women, in order not to fall into the hands of the enemy, jumped together with their children into the cliff. The composition of statues recalls the martyrdom event

We are therefore not surprised that women also resist slavery and take part in the struggle for freedom. The song The thief refers to an unnamed woman who dressed as a man and went out to the mountain with the thieves: "Who saw fish on the mountain and the sea sown, / who saw a daughter lithe in thieves' clothes? / For four seasons she walks with charioteers and thieves, / no one he did not know her from her company..." (Akritika, 72, B΄).

A variation of this is Arkadiani, which is still sung today: "Who saw, hello to Arkadiani, who saw Arkadiani? / Poor Arkadiani, dressed in thieves' clothes. / Twelve times the daughter was with the thieves, / no one recognized her as a girl. / And on a bright day, on a Sunday, on a 'celebratory day', the thieves went out to throw the stone./ The thieves throw it forty paces./ He throws it, and Arcadiani takes it forty-five...". The woman in the fight for freedom stands next to the man with the same attitude!



Kallipateira was the daughter of the famous "journalist" Diagoras. Her siblings were also Olympians. When Kallipateira's son would take part in the Olympic Games, her desire to see him compete was great. But there was a strict Olympic law that women could not watch the games. If such a thing happened, they would have to be thrown down from the high mountain Typaio as a punishment. And the threat of death still did not prevent her from facing her son win. Kallipateira did not calculate the risk. She dressed as a gymnast and with the crowd entered the stadium unnoticed. When her son finally managed to win, his mother was so moved that she ran to hug him adoringly. Alas! Her cloak fell and her womanly nature was revealed. He was immediately arrested. The punishment should be death. Nevertheless, she was pardoned because her family was famous. Kallipateira escaped certain death. Even the laws bent before such an accomplished family, a family of Olympians.

This event had such a great impact on poets and writers that it inspired the poet Lorenzos Mavilis (1860-1912) to write the following poem:


'Rhodian lady, how did you enter? An ancient custom does not admit women.'

'I have a nephew, Eucles, a father, a son, three brothers: all champions; you must allow me, Judges, to take pride in the fine bodies wrestling for Hercules' wild-olive branch, admirable manly souls.

I am not like other women; my kin will shine down the ages with the never-fading privileges of bravery. Written in gold on bright marble it is glorified by a golden hymn of the immortal Pindar.'

Kallipateira was a Greek lady of noble birth, daughter of the famous Olympic Games champion, Diagoras of Rhodes, for whom Pindar wrote his celebrated VIIth Olympian Ode. Pindar's ode was carved in golden letters on a marble slab of the temple of Athena at Lindos, Rhodes.


Η Καλλιπάτειρα ήταν κόρη του

ξακουστού "περιοδονίκη" Διαγόρα. Τα

αδέλφια της ήταν επίσης Ολυμπιονίκες.

Όταν ο γιος της Καλλιπάτειρας θα

έπαιρνε μέρος στους Ολυμπιακούς

Αγώνες, η επιθυμία της να τον δει να

αγωνίζεται ήταν μεγάλη. Υπήρχε όμως

αυστηρός Ολυμπιακός νόμος να μην

μπορούν οι γυναίκες να

παρακολουθήσουν τους αγώνες. Αν

συνέβαινε κάτι τέτοιο, θα έπρεπε να τις

γκρεμίσουν από το ψηλό βουνό Τυπαίο

για τιμωρία. Και η απειλή του θανάτου

ακόμη δεν εμπόδισε τη λαχτάρα της

μάνας να αντικρίσει το παιδί της νικητή. Η Καλλιπάτειρα δεν υπολόγισε τον κίνδυνο. Ντύθηκε γυμναστής και μαζί με το πλήθος μπήκε μέσα στο στάδιο απαρατήρητη. Όταν ο γιος της τελικά κατάφερε να νικήσει, η μητέρα του συγκινήθηκε τόσο πολύ που έτρεξε να τον αγκαλιάσει με λατρεία. Αλίμονο! Ο μανδύας της έπεσε και αποκαλύφθηκε η γυναικεία της φύση. Αμέσως τότε συνελήφθη. Η τιμωρία θα έπρεπε να είναι θάνατος. Παρ' όλα αυτά της δώσανε χάρη, επειδή η οικογένεια της ήταν φημισμένη. Η Καλλιπάτειρα

γλίτωσε από βέβαιο θάνατο. Ακόμη και οι νόμοι λύγισαν μπροστά σε μία τόσο

καταξιωμένη οικογένεια, μια οικογένεια Ολυμπιονικών.

Αυτό το γεγονός είχε τόσο μεγάλη

επίδραση στους ποιητές και λογοτέχνες

ώστε από αυτό να εμπνευστεί ο ποιητής

Λορέντζος Μαβίλης (1860-1912) και να γράψει το παρακάτω ποίημα Αρχόντισσα Ροδίτισσα, πώς μπήκες; Γυναίκες διώχνει μια συνήθεια αρχαία εδώθε». «Έχω ένα ανίψι, τον Ευκλέα, τρία αδέρφια, πατέρα Ολυμπιονίκεςνα με αφήσετε πρέπει, Ελλανοδίκες, και γω να καμαρώσω μες τα ωραία κορμιά, που για το αγρίλι του Ηρακλέα παλεύουν, θαυμαστές ψυχές αντρίκειες. Με τες άλλες γυναίκες δεν είμαι όμοια στον αιώνα το σόι μου θα φαντάζει με της αντρείας τα αμάραντα προνόμια. Με μάλαμα γραμμένος το δοξάζει σε αστραφτερό κατεβατό μαρμάρου ύμνος χρυσός του αθάνατου




Κι όταν σε πήρε το φιλί, γυναίκα

Με την πρώτη σταγόνα της βροχής σκοτώθηκε το καλοκαίρι.

Μουσκέψανε τα λόγια που είχανε γεννήσει αστροφεγγιές.

Όλα τα λόγια που είχανε μοναδικό τους προορισμόν


Πριν απ’ τα μάτια μου ήσουν φως.

Πριν απ’ τον Έρωτα έρωτας.

Κι όταν σε πήρε το φιλί Γυναίκα...

Κατά πού θ’ απλώσουμε τα χέρια μας τώρα που δε μας

λογαριάζει πια ο καιρός.

Κατά πού θ’ αφήσουμε τα μάτια μας τώρα που οι μακρυνές γραμμές ναυάγησαν στα σύννεφα.

Κι είμαστε μόνοι ολομόναχοι τριγυρισμένοι απ’ τις νεκρές

εικόνες σου.

Πριν απ’ τα μάτια μου ήσουν φως.

Πριν απ’ τον Έρωτα έρωτας...

Κι όταν σε πήρε το φιλί Γυναίκα...

And when the kiss took you, Woman

When the first rain drop fell the summer died The words that starlights had born were saturated All the world that had as their only destination You!

Before my eyes you were light. Before the Love love. And when the kiss took you, Woman. To where will we stretch our arms now that, Time does not consider us. To where will we leave our eyes now that the distant lines shipwrecked on the clouds. And we are alone, all alone, surrounded by your dead images.

Before my eyes you were light. Before the Love love. And when the kiss took you, Woman.



This star is for all of us

When I was a child and my mother would see me sad she would lean down and ask. What is it my boy? I wouldn’t talk. I would only look behind her shoulder at a world without you.

And as I would go back and forth with the pencil it was as if I learned to write songs for you

When I would touch the wet glass of the window it was because you were late when at night I would gaze the stars it was because I missed your eyes and when my doorbell rang and I opened no one was there. However somewhere in the world your heart was beating.

I’ve lived this way. Always. And when we first met you remember? you opened your arms ever so tenderly as though you had known me for years. But of course you knew me. Because before you came to my life you had lived in my dreams my beloved.


I will want to call your name, love, with all my strength. Let the builders hear them from the scaffolding and kiss the sun let the heaters learn it on the ships and let all the roses breathe may spring hear them and come faster for the children to learn so that they are not afraid of the dark, let the reeds on the banks of the rivers say it, the sparrows on the fences let the capitals of the world hear them and repeat it with all their bells to be talked about in the evenings by the washerwomen stroking their swollen hands. To shout it so loud so that no dream in the world will ever sleep again no hope for him to die anymore.

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