Ani Glass - Mirores

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The Ballet of a Good City

The Ballet of a Good City

Y diafol yn llechu Cysondeb anghysondeb The ballet of a good city

The devil lurks here Consistently inconsistent The ballet of a good city

Cymeriad cyhoeddus cyn cwsg A criss-cross quick conversation In the ballet of a good city

A public preacher, praise be! A criss-cross quick conversation In the ballet of a good city

Adfywio wrth neidio Yr egni yn tywynnu Moving along, moving along The ballet of a good city

The energy intoxicates Rest and regenerate Moving along, moving along The ballet of a good city

Peirianwaith Perffaith

Perfect Machinery

Bale newydd, hen esgidiau blêr Cam heb amcan, symudiad sigledig Ydwyf, ydwyf, ydwyf, ydwyf Good morning, and it is a very good morning in Wales

New ballet, worn out shoes A step in the dark, a shaky start I do, I do, I do, I do Good morning, and it is a very good morning in Wales

Cadw at ymylon y stryd A’r galon yn glyd Y peiriant wnaeth newid y byd

The edges grow nearer The heart beats faster The machine changed the world

Strydoedd yn symud Peirianwaith perffaith Strydoedd yn symud, peirianwaith Strydoedd yn symud Peirianwaith perffaith Strydoedd yn symud

As long as we’re moving Perfect machinery As long as we’re moving, perfection As long as we’re moving Perfect machinery As long as we’re moving

Anatomeg dinas a dyn Economeg sy’n gweld bod peiriant yn newid y byd

The anatomy of man and machine The engine of dreams It pays to change the world

Ynys Araul


Sŵn y camau’n atsain swyn wrth droedio gyda’r wawr Yr afon tanom, llonydd, llwyd A’r golau’n gysur gwag

Our footsteps echo spells as we march towards twilight The river is grey and lifeless The light too weak to guide us

O fy Nuw Mae’r dorf yn ddilyw ac mae’r nos yn fyw Dilyn ysbrydion wna rhai Tra fod dy galon ar gau

Oh, my Lord The nights are awash with hopeless crowds The haunting sounds of broken hearts

Ynys araul, meddwl gwag sy’n gweld Llonydd yw’r bryd, fe ddisgleiriai Tawel yw’r byd heb dy wên

Serenity, the mind is empty Through the stillness I see the silence without your smile

Y Cerrynt

The Current

Ystafell newydd yn chwilio am stori Coedwig o adeiladau yn codi Edrych mewn trwy’r ffenestri Does dim lloeren na theledu yn fan hyn

New rooms search for a story Forsets of buildings grow Camera-secura, as they lie empty Like paintings from the future

Ond ni’n gaeth i gerrynt cynydd ‘mond afonydd sydd yn rhydd

We are bound by the raging current Only the rivers run free

Creigres o fariau a gwestai gwag Cotiau’n gwibio heibio tuag adref O, droednodyn! Dyna i ti ddegawd sydyn Yn fan hyn

Past the reef of bars and hotels A school of coats rush home Oh, footnote! That decade passed me by Didn’t it fly?



Mi a baraf i ddyn araf Or a garaf ryw ogerydd I lyfasu, fy lliw lasu A’m lliasu em lliosydd Gwn na’m cery gwan y’m pery Gwas a’th ery gwys ith ddyrydd A llafuriais fy lleferydd

I shall create a song for a gentle person that I love To permit my complexion to burn pale and to overcome me and my lusts I know that you do not love me For you I wrought my speech

IBT Oh, yes I know, oh, yes I know, oh, yes I know, oh, yes I know, oh, yes I know Oh, freedom, oh, freedom, oh, freedom, Freedom is coming, oh, yes I know Oh, power, oh, power, oh, power, power is coming, oh, yes I know



Hwylio bob un haul yn hel atgofion Rhwyfo pob un llyn a'r sêr uwchben Cofio gweld y byd yn colli calon

Sailing the suns of memory Rowing the rivers and stars above I remember losing hope

Heaven, stars and money Mond i'r sawl sy'n cyfri

Heaven, stars and money For those who count

Awen, awen, awen Mirores, Mirores, Mirores Mirores ov vy

Muse, muse, muse Mirores, Mirores, Mirores Mirores and me

Clywed straeon hirfaith am y storm Berw gwyllt y dorf yn wledd i'r blaidd Amau pob anwybod, cestyll tywod

I heard stories of the storm And the wolves Grains of doubt built sandcastles

Heaven, stars and money Dyna'r cyfan sydd gen ti

Heaven, stars and money That’s all you’ve got

Nerth ha nel an lanwes kosel Gwyns an nos dre'n sita spavel Miras, miras bys pan welen Gwolow kler an loer ha'n awen

The strength of a silent tide The night wind blows through steady streets The clear sky paints a guiding light

Goleuo’r Sêr

In Darkness

O mae’n flêr, o gawn ni oleuo’r sêr?

In darkness the stars shine brighter

Paradwys nid ond mewn gerddi ond fe gawn ddawnsio yn y cysgod tan ein tro ni

Paradise haunts gardens but we’ll dance in the shadows until they listen

Arllwys fy mywyd mewn i’r ddinas Gorffwys ond yn teimlo’n wanach

I pour my soul into the streets Resting only makes me weak

Catherdral in the Desert Collective hallucination Silhouettes everywhere Collective hallucination Silhouettes everywhere This time it’s different Cathedral in the desert We are a floating congregation Dyma sŵn dodrefn plentyndod (This is the sound of childhood furniture) The myth of a good place That’s why I find it hard you see We are controlled by buildings The myth of a good place That’s where you’ll find your odyssey We are controlled by buildings The captain of this vessel would like to draw your attention to the following safety procedures



Gwastraffu ieuenctid ar heneiddio Ble’r wyt ti nawr, ar ddiwrnod clir? Lliwiau oer pan na ddaw’r haul Gwyneb gwlad a grëwyd gennyt Paid camu dros y llinell!

Wasting youth on growing old Oh, fair day, where are you? Cooling colours soften the sun I see the land in your lines

Ond mae pawb yn chwilio am iachawdwriaeth dragwyddol Rydym ni yn gymylau yn crwydro’r awyr Yn newid Ni ellir gweld y rhan fwyaf o bethau Sawl sgwâr yn adlewyrchu golau Digon i ddallu neu i ddiflannu Trydan yn treiddio drwy’r canfas Beth yw’r gaeaf heb yr haf? Cymaint o bethau mwy i ddrysu amdanynt Felly pam hyn? Chwilio am gysur mewn person gwag Llenwi’r lle â thawelwch

But we’re all searching for eternal salvation We are but drifting clouds We change No one can see it all Squares of light reflect so brightly Blindly concealing As electricity penetrates the canvas What is winter without summer? There are greater things that weigh us down So why this? An empty soul cannot console It fills the air with darkness

The Rising of the Moon

The Rising of the Moon

Lies sita re beu ran a’w bywnans… Londres… ha lies sita na vien vy ynno… Yerusalem, Rom, Berlin… mes ha my maw y’n Tiredh Ughel, Dulynn o an sita war an gorwel dhyn ni. Radio Iwerdhonn o krevva es an Home Service fest a-venowgh. Y fedha ow poesa war an gewer yn gwiryonedh. Ha kefrys y hwelsyn ni an mirway marthys ma – The Rising of the Moon – yn mirji byghan esa yn Delyowboll. Yth esa tri hwedhel ynno, onan war an mes o hwedhel pur Gernewek, marnas an blasow Gwydhelek, yn kever den yth o gwell ganso mones dhe’n prison es diharas dhe dhen a frappyas ev rag gelwel gowleveryas warnodho. Yth o an nessa huni yn kever tus esa owth assaya gortos tren. Yth esa gorsav byghan genen dhe’n termyn ne, kyns es an Doktour Beeching. Yma kov dhymm a boenya di yn-unn waytya gweles an SixFive Special. Ott o an dowlenn gynse yn kever ilowtros yn Kortyb. Nyns esa pellwolok genen ni, mes yma kov dhym a weles an Six-Five Special gans Pete Murray yn-dan eneba yn chiow ow howetha, gans the Six-Five Special’s coming down the line, the Six-Five Special’s right on time, mes ny vedha’n Six-Five Special ow tones dhe Dhelyowboll. Na fors fatell vo, yth o an tressa huni selys war wari-mir gans an Ardhoedhes Gregory, mes re bia nowisys an termyn dhy dermyn an Bresel Rydhses. Yth esa eth pur, pur dewl yno genev vy. Y fedha ow korra browagh ynov. Wosa kavoes an bladenn y’n eur ma, tro hy ogas hwegh deg bledhen a-wosa, y hwonn vy y’n eur ma dell o gwari-hwardh herwydh gis pur Wydhalek. Wosa henna yth esa hwans dhymm a vones di hag y fydhen vy ow koslowes worth Radyo Iwerdhon. Yth o da genev an hwedhlow yn kever bughwesyon yn Radio Iwerdhon. Res awosa my dhe glywes Gwydhalek pell kyns dell glywis vy Kernewek, yw tra goynt dh’y leverel. Henn yw, ha my ow trehedhes Iwerdhon yth esen vy ow synsi meur anodho dhe ran a’n Tiredh Ughel. Yma an rannyans ma yn Kernow. Kyn na yllir mones moy es pymp po hwegh milder a-dhiworth an mor, y fyth unn enep ow mires tro ha’n Kledh, ha’n enep arall ow mires tro ha’n Dyghow. Rag henna y fydh an gwynsow eno ow mones a-dhiworth an Arthros, mes war an tu arall, was arvor an Dyghow, y’th esa palmwydh tevys. Yw henna lowr?

Many cities have been part of my life… London… and many cities where I have never been… Jerusalem, Rome, Berlin… But when I was a boy in North Cornwall, Dublin was the city on the horizon. The Irish radio was stronger than the Home Service very often. It would depend on the weather in truth. And also we saw that wonderful film, The Rising of the Moon, in the little cinema that was in Delabole. There were three stories in it, one in the countryside that was a very Cornish story, except for the Irish accents, about a man who preferred to go to prison than apologise to a man he struck for calling him a liar. The second one was about people who were trying to wait for a train. There was a little station at the time, before Doctor Beeching. I remember running there hoping to see the Six-Five Special. That was the first programme about pop music on the BBC. We hadn’t got a television, but I remember seeing the Six-Five Special with Pete Murray presenting in my friend’s house, with the Six-Five Special’s coming down the line, the Six-Five Special’s right on time, but the Six-Five Special didn’t come to Delabole. Anyway, the third one was based on a play by Lady Gregory, but the period had been changed to the period of the War of Independence. There was a very, very dark atmosphere in it. It terrified me. Now that I’ve got hold of the DVD, almost sixty years afterwards, I know now that it was a comedy, after a very Irish mode. After that I wanted to go there, and I used to listen to the Irish radio. I liked the stories about cowboys on the Irish radio. I must admit that I heard Irish long before I heard Cornish, which is a very strange thing to say. That is, when I reached Ireland I was considering it as part of North Cornwall. There’s this division in Cornwall. Although one cannot go more than five or six miles from the sea, one face looks towards the North, and the other face looks towards the South. Therefore the winds there are from the Arctic, but on the other side there are palm trees growing. Is that enough?

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