Jolene Hart "Eat Pretty"

Page 17

From the moment your soles hit the floor in the

morning, your beauty endures an endless stream of assaults from the ­outside. Your skin, hair, and nails get hit from every angle: UV rays from the sun, environmental pollution in the air, toxins in your products, stress at the office—not to mention regular scrubbing, tanning, brushing, blow‑drying . . . you get the picture. To avoid these outside beauty stressors completely, you’d have to stay under the covers! While we can’t eliminate outside beauty saboteurs from our daily lives, we can stop ourselves from creating an additional beauty burden inside our ­bodies. This means freeing our diets of what I call Beauty ­Betrayers: the foods that actually do damage to our healthy skin, hair, nails, weight, and moods. Beauty Betrayers may taste great and seem harmless when they pass between your lips, but they’re just plain lousy for long-term glow. Beauty Betrayers cause inflammation and digestive difficulties, increase your body’s toxic load, speed up the aging process, and ­generally throw a troublesome wrench in your healthy vanity. To add insult to injury, they don’t supply the building blocks that your body needs to perform its essential processes of repair, detox, and defense. They leave you feeling exhausted, moody, and craving even more foods that stress your beauty from the inside out. The only way to stop the cycle—and regain your gorgeous glow—is to kick them off your plate. You’re about to find out how easy and delicious that can be!

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