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There is only one RMA coordinator for each session. Maximum duration suggested is 3 hours. The space is organized in order to create a democratic, non hierarchical environment. Participants sit in a circle (sharing of power, equality), so everyone has the same distance from the centre and can look each other in the eyes. The space is the metaphor of relations, communication, expression and creativity. There isn’t any leader, boss, desk or pulpit. Haranguing the crowd from the balcony is totally different than trying to create a democratic dialogue where it is possible to listen to questions and think about making responsible choices. It’s useful to have a flipchart or a notebook to write down the diverse interventions and to record the outcomes of the session. Warm, bright and comfortable environment. A close connection with nature is very helpful. If possible, it is important to enable a coexistence between simple people, experts and professionals within the group.

Preparation to the RMA workshop It is advisable for everyone to make a priori preparation (by reading documents, researching, bringing articles, lyrics, pictures etc.). The subject matter that participants discuss is decided before the session, as it is necessary that everybody agree on the theme.


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