traffic updates

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Traffic Updates In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. With that Name, we start a new era for Generation’s School as we prepare for students to walk in to our new South Campus tomorrow, 02 August 2011. I will be looking forward to welcoming students and parents alike personally over the next few days insha’allah. An important aspect for us all to focus on over the first few days of School will be how to make the arrival and departure of the students effective and smooth. To that end, please ensure that you familiarize yourselves and your drivers with the traffic plan and the ground rules concerning it. This will be especially crucial over the next few weeks, while everyone settles in the new learning environment.

Traffic plan The South Campus has three gates. • Gate 1 : main entrance for the vehicles. • Gate 2 : pedestrian entry and exit. • Gate 3 : exit for vehicles. Alhamdulillah, the South Campus is served by • One external drop lane (service lane) outside . The external drop lane has parking spaces on both sides. • Two internal drop lanes inside. Both these lanes are strictly for drop and pick up purposes only.

Ground rules Compliance with the school staff on duty is essential for the safety and security of your children. Please ensure that you and your drivers adhere to the following ground rules. • A team of Generation’s School wardens will insha’allah be on duty to ensure a safe and smooth flow of traffic. Staff, wardens, signages and barriers of all sorts must be respected and complied with at all times. • No cars must stop in the Pick-Drop-Go zone for more than a few seconds. Students must have their belongings ready with them as they approach the school campus.Our staff will be on hand to escort them out of their vehicles onto the main walkway. • If you feel the need to park your car, please use the external drop lane, where parking spaces are available. No parking is allowed inside the School at any point in time. • Please do not park your cars in any way that may hinder the flow of traffic, even for a short period of time. This includes double parking. • Please do not blow your horn in the School vicinity at any time.

• It will be more convenient for you to approach from Naurus Chowrangi in order to avoid the U turn, which you will have to make if you come through Siemens Chowrangi. • Public transport (taxi, rickshaw etc) and any van other than Al-Makkah vans will not be allowed to enter the Campus. Students using any of these transports will be dropped in the External Drop Lane (service lane) and will use Gate 2 (pedestrian gate) to enter the campus.

Inter-campus Shuttle Service: Timings during Ramadan: Morning Time Departure from North Campus Monday to Wednesday Friday

7:20 a.m.

Home Time Departure from South Campus 12:50 p.m. 12:20 p.m.

In the morning, the shuttle will not be able to wait for the latecomers. Students who miss the shuttle will have to make their own arrangements to reach the South Campus on time. We expect the parents to be present outside the North Campus five minutes before the arrival of the shuttle to ensure direct transition of the student from the shuttle to the car. In the South Campus, boarding and alighting (getting-off) of shuttle students will take place inside the School premises. Al- Makkah vans have been allotted a separate area in the South Campus to park their vehicles. Students will be dropped and picked-up by the Al-Makkah drivers in that specific area.

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