Takeaway Campaign Proposal

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Anika Molina Address: 1018 MN, Amsterdam Phone: +31 641415772 Email: anikamolss@gmail.com

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Background Takeaway.com, is a Dutch dot-com company specialised in online food ordering and home delivery. It is an intermediary online portal between the customer and the restaurants, where customers can order food online from restaurants’ menus, and have it delivered by the restaurants directly to their home.

Worldwide, the market for food delivery stands at €83 billion, or 1 percent of the total food market and 4 percent of food sold through restaurants and fast-food chains. It has already matured in most countries, with an overall annual growth rate estimated at just 3.5 percent for the next five years.

However, as in so many other sectors, the rise of digital technology is reshaping the market. For example, technology in the fitness sector has become important in today’s life because of the concern of excessive physical inactivity. Millennials, for example, have been sedentary pretty much from very early in life.

The Netherlands is internationally one of the top markets in terms of ordering food. The food delivery market looks interesting now with a lot of competitions and rivalries. Considering this scenario, the market for online ordering is huge and expected to record consistent growth rates over the period due to several factors and technology development.

People can’t run away from their routines or lifestyles but they can alter it just a little to get the best of both worlds: food and fitness/ health, and the best news are: Takeaway will help people achieve this objective.

Market Research The following SWOT analysis about Takeaway aids to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the brand. This is a strategic planning tool which, analyzing every section, which helps Takeaway.nl reach its objectives.

Strenghts: Pioneer in the Netherlands Wide and diversified customer data base

Weaknesses: Not enough interaction with users in the brand’s social media

Quality and functionality related to price

Opportunities: Brand is original and innovative Amsterdammers lifestyle and habits Partnerships New restaurants and users

Threats: Brand faces market pressure regarding price A lot of competitions and rivalries Uber Eats has collaborated with more than 1,200 restaurants in the Netherlands.

Amsterdammers & Fitness The Amsterdammer is slightly sportier than the average Dutchman, according to a study. But the enthusiasm is not the same in all neighborhoods of the city.

The Netherlands is known as a fit country – just ask any foreigner to describe an average Dutch person, and you’ll likely be met with a associations involving cycling, hockey, football or ice skating. De Parool’s latest study, which found that 69% of Amsterdammers takes part in sport at least once a week, backs up this generalisation, and it’ above the European Union average of 38%. Participation in sport and exercise is closely related to the theme of (preventive) health care. Physical exercise through sport helps people maintain physical activity in a society in which more and more functions are being taken over by machines and automated systems

Dr. Jason DelCollo, a primary care physician with Crozer-Keystone Health, told PhillyVoice that his millennial patients are living more sedentary lifestyles and being less social. We know that sedentary lifestyles are bad, and if you’re taking fewer than 5,000 steps a day on average this can lead to weight gain, increase your risk of bone loss, muscle atrophy, becoming diabetic and this litany of issues.

Embracing Modern Technology Technology has inevitably crept into every part of our daily lives, and health and fitness is no exception to this. There is one generation that is the most affected by it; Millenials.

A report by Goldman Sachs recently sifted through data about different generations’ attitudes, spending patterns and progressions through major life stages. Millennials are far stingier than older generations, yet they’re still increasing their spending in one category, wellness, which is a window into an overall attitude towards health. Although health is important to most in this generation, spending more on the wellness category is an exercise in budget prioritization, and according to Mobi Health News,Millennials use fitness and health apps twice as much as the average of other age groups.

Millenials drawn to the new online fooddelivery platforms have a different set of needs and expectations from the traditional pizza customer. The food delivery market is getting more competitive as new players are emerging with time. So it is neccesary to work in the direction to provide more customers’ food behavioural data to the restaurants for the enhancement of service.

It has been proven that that when customer’s

habits are changed, so are consumer’s choices. This could provide Takeaway with an advantage, while at the same time, extend to a different target market that the competition has not considered yet.

Brief Takeaway is an intermediary online portal between customers and restaurants.

Campaign Background: Takeaway wants to continue expanding to new restaurants and users. Food delivery market is getting more competitive as new players are emerging with time.

Target Audience: Males and females between 20-35 years old that live in Amsterdam and have a busy routine, but still consider fitness and healthy food choices to be essential for a healthy lifestyle.

Campaign Objective: Provide Takeaway with an advantage over its competitors. Reach a new target audience market that the competition has not considered yet

Facts and Benefits: Fitness is important to the Amsterdammers In order to reach new users, a different approach should be considered. Takeaway has a ‘Mobile First Mindset’ = smartphones

About the Campaign Users will be able to turn their daily physical activity into a free meal or get numerous discounts.

Helping customers change their habits can help Takeaway create a big margin of difference between them and other competitors in Amsterdam.

The main objective of this campaign is to motivate people to excercise more each day, and encourage consistency in making time each day to take care of their physical health.

This campaign encourages fitness lovers (and couch potatoes as well) to walk, work out or be in constant movement. Movement includes human motion that can be captured by the smartphone sensors such as: walking, running, riding, dancing, waving your hands around, and many other forms of movement.

Takeaway will not only provide people with their wide variety of food choices, but will also engage with a different target audience, meanwhile increasing its number of users. In addition, it will also be part of some amazing life changing results and help people become more active.

The user’s movement data will be sent to Takeaway for validation. Once validated, a reward or discount will be added to the user’s balance. This will allow users to get discounts for their daily movements and they just need the Takeaway iPhone or Android mobile app.

_Ben Running has always been his passion. but he also enjoys to order food on a lazy Sunday.

__#takeamove The hashtag #takeamove could make this campaign viral by users, as they would be able to share with their friends and family what activities they have accomplished after each day. The idea of the campaign is to show people doing daily activities, such as walking, rynning or cycling while creating movement data in the Takeaway’s app, supporting the message of the campaign: Take a move!

While Takeaway is a food delivery platform, and usually what it uses as propaganda are good-looking food pictures, this campaign would change the approach and create a more meaningul relationship with users, as it helps them not only to move or excercise more, but also after each day, people can check their movement balance and enjoy their rewards or discounts based on their activity.

_Bill & Anne Walking around the city is something they like to do together every weekend, and when they go home, they like to order sushi on Sundays.



References Uber Eats in The Netherlands (2019, January 29). Retrieved from https://siliconcanals.nl/news/uber-eats-plans-to-deliver-food-in-3new-dutch-cities/ OneFit raises â‚Ź4.25 Million. Retrieved from https://siliconcanals.nl/news/startups/ onefit-raises-e4-25m-how-it-became-netflix-of-fitness-in-the-netherlands/ The changing market for food delivery. Retrieved from https://www.mckinsey. com/industries/high-tech/our-insights/the-changing-market-for-food-delivery Millennials and fitness: Generation wellness. (2018, July 29). Retrieved from https://asweatlife.com/2015/03/millennials-and-fitness/ Chauhan, R. (2018, April 26). How Technology Is Reshaping The Fitness Industry. Retrieved from https://sites.ndtv.com/techconclave/technology-reshaping-fitness-industry-362/ Boon, L. (2017, November 30). Amsterdam in cijfers: 69 procent sport 1 keer per week - Amsterdam - PAROOL. Retrieved from https://www.parool.nl/amsterdam/ amsterdam-in-cijfers-69-procent-sport-1-keer-per-week~a4542416/

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