1 minute read

Sharing the roads

Winter is well and truly here and it’s a great time for grey nomads to head north on their annual pilgrimage to seek the sunshine and warmth.

Truck drivers have a lot to contend with on the road and this becomes the time when trucks and caravans have to learn to share the roads. This can be an interesting time for both parties.


Truck drivers have a tight schedule as time means money so many see caravans as an unnecessary obstacle for them to negotiate.

Caravan drivers are on holidays so their brain is in holiday mode and they are intimidated by the size of trucks on the road.

Some give and take is required as trucks share the road with these caravans. Many truck drivers have come up behind a slow moving caravan that’s wandering all over the road and wondered why the caravan driver does not have to have special license to tow a caravan.

The question often asked is should caravan drivers be required to undergo training and have a special caravan license.

I have owned both large trucks and caravans and I consider myself competent to drive caravans especially with my trucking experience so I do not see the case for me to have a separate caravan license.

However, many people as they get older dream of heading off in their own van to see this magnificent country of ours. A lot of these people have only ever towed a small trailer to the rubbish tip and have very little