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Lights on the Hill at Talbott’s farm at Brunswick Junction

By Kevin Toovey

There are some big gum trees at Talbott’s farm and this day was one of those days when you didn't walk or park under them. The wind was strong enough to blow a dog off its chain.


There was never any trouble to see what club we belonged to either, the HCVC flag stood straight out all day making it very easy to read.

I have been to this event several times now and when you come and it is very nice weather it all seems very romantic out there in the paddock with the machinery working. On days like that the nostalgia sets in, however a bit of wind and rain brings back some different memories and puts it all in a different light. It was still a great day out and many thanks to Tracmach South West Branch for inviting us.

There were two of the green painted Cat graders in action. They would blend in well with the bush if they ever worked out on the road. There is a reason for why shire graders and main roads maintenance vehicles are usually those bright yellow colours.

The heavy duty fire pits were appreciated to keep us warm, they were very substantial and had to be put in place with a forklift before lighting up.

The tractor pull always attracts an audience. Smoke and noise appears to be the crowd pleaser, many of the old machines had a go. The Detroit powered Oliver was certainly the loudest, many operators of these old tractors are a bit deaf these days.