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The Transport Workers Union (TWU) WA Branch has proven its commitment to securing substantial wins for transport workers through fierce industrial and political campaigning. Following Mark McGowan’s recent retirement, and a new Cabinet coming into power, the TWU want to acknowledge the support Premier Mark McCowan and Transport Minister Saffioti had for Transport Workers.

The TWU will always continue to be relentless in our pursuit for our members, with an unwavering dedication to improving working conditions, advocating for fair wages, and prioritising our members’ wellbeing.


Over the last several years the TWU has successfully achieved significant milestones that have positively impacted transport workers in WA. The TWU has a history of organising industrially and politically, working hard to back-in legislation that assists working people and successfully lobbying State and Federal Governments for wins that include:

1. $50 Million Commitment for Road Transport Assembly Areas (RTAA): Recognising the importance of safe and adequate facilities for transport workers, the TWU campaigned for the construction of RTAA’s. Through our fierce political advocacy, the union secured a $50 million commitment towards the development of these areas. RTAAs provide designated spaces for drivers to sleep, rest, relax, and eat during their journeys. This initiative ensures that transport workers have access to suitable facilities, promoting their wellbeing and enhancing road safety. Yes, more needs to be done and the TWU will be fighting for more.

2. $1.1M Funding over 4 years to Improve the Mental Health of Transport Workers: The TWU has been at the forefront of addressing the mental health