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Truckie mental and physical health in Television focus


ips on what to eat, how to exercise and what signs to recognise for mental health are tackled in new series of videos for truck drivers. Road Safety and Freight Transport Assistant Minister Scott Buchholz said the series by Whiteline Television gave practical tips from truckies who were often on the road for several days at a time. “Truck drivers have been one of the unsung heroes in recent months ensuring the most basic of day-to-day essentials

I want to thank all of our transport operators and truck drivers for the amazing work they have been doing, keeping shelves stocked and essential freight moving continued to be delivered and communities stay connected through the movement of freight,” Mr Buchholz said. “I want to thank all of our transport operators and truck drivers for the amazing work they have been doing, keeping shelves stocked and essential freight moving. We don’t thank our drivers enough but during this pandemic, the importance of their work has been on display. NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto said the series of three short videos added to the important on-going conversations about driver welfare. “The average age for Australia’s truck drivers is mid-40s and many are away from their homes and families for long periods of time,” Mr Petroccitto said. “At the same time the challenges have never been greater and truckies’ health and wellbeing is vital, whether it’s somewhere to pull up for a rest or looking after themselves with a bit of exercise and just talking about mental and physical health is an important first step.” The videos are funded from Round 4 of 22

WATM • June 2020

the NHVR’s Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative (HVSI), supported by the Australian Government who provided $17.3 million for 62 HVSI grants over the past four years to deliver safety benefits for the heavy vehicle industry and other road users. The three videos are available at www. truckingnation.com.au The HVSI is also funding research on driver mental and physical safety and safety by Perth-based Injury Matters and Canberra-based OzHelp.



ork has commenced to ease congestion on the busy offramps to Perth Airport, with upgrades underway at the busy Tonkin Highway/Dunreath Drive intersection. The works will modify the existing Tonkin Highway southbound off-ramp to provide a dedicated turn lane into Dunreath Drive, with the northbound off-ramp improved by part-time roundabout metering. Unlike normal traffic signals, the new metering signals on the roundabout only operate when traffic builds up - at all other times normal roundabout rules apply. This creates gaps in traffic, helping to ease congestion and solve excessive queuing and delays during peak periods. Over 14,000 vehicles use the Dunreath Drive off-ramp every day with this number expected to climb by at least 30 per cent with the opening of Perth's first Costco in the area, later this year. Construction is now underway, with completion expected later this year. The project is jointly funded by the State Government and Perth Airport.

Two consortia shortlisted to build Bunbury Outer Ring Road


wo consortia have been shortlisted and will be invited to submit detailed proposals to design and construct the Bunbury Outer Ring Road, bringing the project another step closer to construction. The two consortia are made up of the following companies: The Forrest Alliance (comprising CPB Contractors, Carey MC, Densford Civil, GHD and BG&E) Southwest Connex (comprising Acciona, NRW Contracting, MACA Civil, AECOM and Aurecon) It is anticipated an alliance contract will be awarded before the end of the year with construction of the project to begin in 2021, subject to environmental and heritage approvals. Main Roads will also be calling for early tenders soon for the supply of an initial quantity of crushed rock road base. This will give local suppliers time to identify potential material sources, plant and personnel requirements for the early stages of the project. Western Australian Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said the project will deliver huge benefits for the economy both during its construction and once in operation. "The Outer Ring Road is the biggest transport infrastructure project ever planned for the South-West and will generate significant economic and employment opportunities," Ms Saffioti said. "Maximising local business procurement is a key objective for the project. The procurement process includes set criteria to ensure potential contractors incorporate initiatives to maximise local content. "We have also opened a Local Capability Fund to support small and medium South-West firms to tender for work on Bunbury Outer Ring Road. "During construction, Bunbury Outer Ring Road will provide up to 5,680 direct and indirect employment opportunities, benefiting the State and local community." The $852 million Bunbury Outer Ring Road project is fully funded, with the Australian Government contributing 80 per cent of funding ($681.6 million) and the State Government contributing 20 per cent ($170.4 million).

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Articles inside

Model Trucks

pages 26-28

Truckie mental and physical health in Television focus

page 24

Major projects fast tracked in WA

page 20

WA Transport History

page 25

VALE – Sergio Casotti

page 21


pages 22-23

Fuel tax increase cancelled

page 19

LRTAWA – Youth and experience are a constructive mix

page 18

Western Roads Federation – The group who kept WA’s Freight Industry moving

pages 16-17

Additional regional services for REX

page 10

Truck registration freeze – But what about WA?

page 14

Truck licensing called into question

pages 4-7

Bird’s Eye View

page 15

Port community working together through COVID-19 pandemic

page 11

Fair Go for Owner Drivers

pages 12-13

Questions to WA State Government

page 9

Route planning requirements for OSOM vehicles

page 8
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