Flour Additives

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Flour additives Natural aging occurs when freshly milled/ green flour is exposed to air. Natural aging disadvantages, requires time taking up silo space and can become contaminated more easily, can be inconsistent. Advantages, consumers often prefer unbleached. Maturing agents are flour additives that either strengthen or weaken the gluten which can be confusing. Potassium bromate & asorbic acid strengthen PB is the standard by which all maturing agents are judged. Carcinogen/cancer causing Bromate replacer – asorbic acid/vitamin C not as effective as PB Bleaching agents whiten flour. Benzoyl peroxide bleaches carotenoids (yellow to red pigment found in plants and animals) w/o maturing Chlorine is used mostly on cake flour, weakens gluten and has positive effects on starch that help mixing properties. Type Natural aging Maturing agents that strengthen

Additive Carotenoids Air (oxygen) Whitens

Gluten Strengthens

Starch No effect

Primary use All flours

Potassium bromate/ Asorbic acid

No effect


No effect

Bleaching agent Bleaching & maturing agent that weakens

Benzoyl peroxide Chorine


No effect

No effect

High Gluten flour/ High gluten & some bread flour All Flours



Increases ability to absorb water & swell

Cake flour

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