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“Dalí by Salvador Dalí “




c o n t e n t



Spirals, Strokes and Metaphors of Susana Gonzalez-Revilla - Allegro Gallery Antoni Tudisco


Dali by Salvador Dali

Open call for Documenta 2013 Woven Pain ng Turola Nicola exposes and profiles at UCAB

The legacy of Frida Kahlo Graffi ¿Arte o Vandalismo?

Enrique Bostelmann. Image, endless space Retrospec ve at the Museum of Modern Art Redactor Editorial Director Diseño Grafico editor Coordinador de Empresa Grafica Editora Fotógrafo Style Proofreader Angélica Díaz Angelica Diaz

Victoria Frances Passion Gothic



ANTONI TUDISCO Graphic Design, Illustration, Youth, Colorful and Detail.


NTONI TUDISCO, has only 21, and never tube formal academic training, his style is apparently the result of constant work and stubbornness to achieve an astonishing level. TUDISCO started in the world of graphic design when he started to look around the web design and seeing the need to experiment making simple graphics for your site, then tested with tshirt designs and then got money to buy the so ware I needed to learn and exploit, the rest has been dedica on and commitment to graphic design and illustra on. The list of clients includes companies ANTONI TUDISCO MTV, Nestle and Louis Vui on, among others, its graph is colorful and full of interes ng details in his style combined something of their Eastern roots from his mother, Italian elegance by of his father and graphic design inuences of Germany, where he was born and from which projects its work to the world.

: h p://www.colecďŹ co-de-ANTONI-TUDISCO.html#ixzz2SZWkQOHj

Graffiti Art or Vandalism? The truth is that now the graffi is very well regarded in society, only a few consider it art and say I should be in museums but the harsh truth is that even if I do I contribute my li le grain of rice to this scene I consider vandalism and the graffi once it goes from being an act of vandalism that can express yourself freely and becomes art ceases to be graffi and becomes something I at least do not know how to catalog. But the graffi in recent years h a s evo l ve d co n s i d e ra b l y t h a n ks to n ew technologies that form of expression that was born in America was eventually reaching the different parts of the world coming to become a world trend and thanks to new technological elements as computers and internet every day we meet new graffi styles and trends.


Open call for Documenta 2013 "The call for FrancoAndean Award Documentary Film” Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. "For the whole shapes look what looks" The compe on will be held in the framework of the 8th Award Documentary ictoria Frances is a young InternaValencian onal ar st who Film has Documenta 2013, Documentary Film Fes val organized by the French achieved success through in Caracas DOCUMENTS Embassy in Venezuela his trilogy "Favole" a vampire 2013. From Monday 08 and the Alliance story through April totold Sunday 04 of text and Française de Caracas, illustra equal for measure,with full the valuable August isons theinperiod of beauonful landscapes and registra to par cipate support of the Na onal melancholy characters. Despite in the Franco-Andean Film Authors


his youth, Victoria French is considered one of the top FILM FESTIVAL VI LATIN AMERICAN interna onal illustrators, his AND CARIBBEAN MARGARITA 2013 books are authen c bestsellers and has a legion of fans, something almost unheard of in the world of illustra on. His latest work The lament of the ocean, inspired by The Li le Mermaid, by Hans Chris an Andersen. Possibly Registra on will be un l his Junemost 7, Press Amazonia personal toFilm date, which Amazonia Films, Films. The work Na onal Distributor aannounces g a i n s h registra o w s h ons i s cfor o nthe c e6th r n edi on of the mul disciplinary wri and ng Caribbean and Fes val of La n American Film illustra ng a story that has Margarita 2013, to be held from 10 to 17 October in earned himself rave reviews. the state of Nueva Esparta, organized by the Film and "Since childhood I have always Audiovisual Media Pla orm felt a special affec on for the real version of the story Chris an Andersen's Li le Mermaid 'says Victoria. Basically been an inspira on when crea ng, The Lament of the ocean. 8

Associa on ANAC, the Espaces La no Associa on, the Center for Digital Design Coordinator CDD and La n American Cinema and Communica on

CLACPI Indigenous Peoples, and with support from the Ministère des Affaires for Foreign and Ins tut Français. The Franco-Andean Award Documentary Film DOCUMENTS 2013 is to present to the world a li le-known filmmaking affilia on united by a common historical me and geographical space together. is an enriching experience that has taught us that the best movie no audience is a failure and talent without promo on is a hidden treasure.


MARIO HERNANDEZ Prize is a compe on to design annual encourages crea vity of young designers, na onal and interna onal projects highligh ng the talents of students from Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela. For 2013 will be the seventh edi on of the award where we expect the par cipa on of Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela.

Alfredo Salazar “Art is knowledge and concern, this has to be provided with the ar st, and this is what has Alfredo Salazar."


y work is based on the simplicity of the colors and forms created by spilling paint in the base color, having previously prepared a color platform, whether primary or some secondary basis. For now, with great respect tertiary fit them into the work, as they are not easy to handle. It is a research work I have been doing for quite a while back, took as its starting point the work of Pollock and Action Paint or Driping, in turn conjoin also the teacher's work and transposition Cruz Diez color , hence birth in a plastic

agrees with this proposal, respecting the limits of the formats, playing with basic geometry formed by joining modules show a harmonious contrast in the forms represented. time ago, took as its starting point the work of Pollock and Action Paint or Driping, in turn conjoin also the teacher's work

and transposition Cruz Diez color, hence birth in a plastic agrees with this proposal, respecting the limits of the formats, playing with basic geometry formed by joining modules show a harmonious contrast in the forms represented. Plastic agrees with this proposal, respecting the limits of the formats, playing with basic geometry formed by joining modules show a harmonious contrast in the forms represented. The technique used in all of the works is: Acrylic / Fabric. In the figurative use the Oil, the measures used in most of the works are: 126X126 60X60 w / u but also formats 40X40 cm and 80X80 cm. “Let's keep creating, keep on doing, let's invent ..."

The mysterious and controversial biopic of Cantinflas "Surrounded by secrecy, soon begin shoo ng the film starring Mario Moreno Spanish actor Oscar Jaenada” The an cipated biopic about Mario Moreno Reyes (Mexico City, 1911 to 1993), the comedian Can nflas played one of the popular heroes Mexico in the twen eth century, will begin shoo ng on June 24. Spanish actor Oscar Jaenada will be responsible for bringing to life

this Charles Chaplin La n America where millions of people worshiped across the screen but only a few actually knew in macy. The son of actor, Mario Moreno Ivanova, told El Pais that is about to start up the project, surrounded by great secrecy by the producer. The only child of the Great Mimo shown less mysterious: "I gave my acceptance for years. I hoped to have it finished in

Director General de Publicidad Gerente de Ventas Coordinador de Avisos Angélica Díaz


Dali by Salvador Dali "REINA SOFIA MUSEUM EXHIBIT OPENS AN AMBITIOUS SURREAL GENIUS” On Saturday the Reina Sofia Museum welcomes one of those ar sts capable of ending the crisis, Salvador Dalí, with a retrospec ve that reaches the Parisian Pompidou Centre with about 200 works. The origin of important ins tu ons, private collec ons and the three trustees of the legacy Dali: Gala-Salvador Dalí (Figueres), Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg (Florida) and Reina Sofia Museum (Madrid), give an idea of the importance the

project in the historiographical overview of the ar st and in the Madrid museum coffers. The specialist advances the chronological journey through different spaces. The first part consists of self-portraits he did at 18 years old. The next important room is dedicated to staying at the Residencia de Estudiantes in Madrid, since late 1922, and his encounter with Federico García Lorca and Luis Buñuel. . The Great Masturbator (1929) stars the space devoted to Dalí's surrealist full stage, made the Angelus of Millet. where he developed his famous paranoiac-cri cal method. The next sec on is devoted to the interpreta on that the ar st

The legacy of Frida Kahlo

"Frida Kahlo was not a surrealist, but its very essence and your country”

"Nothing can describe what emanates one of his canvases. There, in the world full of passions hirsute, unravels the mystery of his stay. That's all that ma ers and transcends " A 105 years a er his birth and 58 of his departure, which commemorate the 6th and June 13th, the ar st con nues in the harrowing exuberance of an autobiographical work, deeply ideological and philosophical. "Revolu on is the harmony of form and color, and everything is and moves, under one law-life. nobody is beyond anyone. nobody fights for himself. everything is

everything and one.'s anguish and pain, pleasure and death are not nothing more than a process to exist, the revolu onary struggle is an open door to understanding. "Those are his words and more accurate descrip on of his life legado.Recorrer would talk about the illness he suffered from age 6, his accident at 18, the strength to overcome, authen c style, those hairstyles and raw sensuality of his thick eyebrows, the presence of Diego Rivera, his fervent devo on to the Le and death never fully explained.


Woven Pain ng Turola Nicola exposes and profiles at UCAB "The ar st presents a series of large pain ngs” although he did not live, As part of the celebra on believes it has a special of the jubilee year to the magic that will not return. 60 years of the Catholic Also, the ar st's University Andres Bello, technique by not defining Nicola Turola displays his faces is another feature fi h individual collec on, that draws the a en on this me called "Pain ng of this new sample; Woven and profiles", contours, shapes, composed of pieces that brightness, calm and appear to be three a tudes of the characters dimensional, not only for moments around the life are enough to cap vate etc.., Mixing design, texture, but also the who admire them. of the woman at the fashion and lifestyle of mixture of bright colors center of everything, as a the era of modernism in in each of the situa ons mother, homemaker, the 50s ". It is in this described ar st. daughter, granddaughter, way Turola gives a "In this new series tried grandmother, tribute to the female to capture everyday businesswoman, friend, figure and a period,

Enrique Bostelmann. Image, endless space Retrospec ve at the Museum of Modern Art In his work, combined Bostelmann portray concern for man in space and experiment with the boundaries of photography: Eugenia Macias, curator. A retrospec ve thema c versa lity to work and the work of photographer Henry Bostelmann is shown through 80 photographic images Enrique Bostelmann the temporary exhibi on. Image, inexhaus ble space at

the Museum of Modern Art (MAM) since last May 23. As a tribute to the long history and contribu ons of the photographer, as part of its tenth anniversary of the death, the exhibi on presents images in color, black and white sequences.

Spirals, Strokes and Metaphors of Susana Gonzalez-Revilla - Allegro Gallery Allegro Gallery presents from May 29 the first solo exhibi on of the young Panamanian ar st Susana Gonzalez-Revilla. For Susan, life is created. Each canvas is a story, a journey: search and bridge with the spectator who will soon become an essen al part of the process. His primary medium is pain ng, but experimented with sculpture and printmaking, as well as more immediate

conceptual means as performance and installa on. Each represents a challenge and an opportunity for seeing the world differently, to think about the reality and try to understand it.



THE BEAUTIFUL AND TALENTED ILLUSTRATOR VALENCIA RETURNS WITH A NEW WORKS ON SIREN AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Victoria Frances is a young Valencian ar st who has achieved success through his trilogy "Favole" a vampire story told through text and illustra ons in equal measure, full of beau ful landscapes and melancholy characters. Despite his youth, Victoria French is considered one of the top interna onal illustrators, books are authen c bestsellers and has a legion of fans, something almost unheard of in the world of illustra on. His latest work The lament of the ocean, inspired by The Li le Mermaid, by Hans Chris an Andersen. Possibly his most personal work to date, which again shows his concern mul disciplinary wri ng and illustra ng a story that has earned himself rave reviews. "Since childhood I have always felt a special affec on for the real version of the story Chris an Andersen's Li le Mermaid 'says Victoria. Basically been an inspira on when crea ng, The Lament of the ocean.

And so I put it in the note which included the author of the b o o k . D u e t o a misunderstanding on the promo on of the work, the people have been le with that this was an adapta on Andersen tale, but the truth is that anyone who has read The Li le Mermaid, you know that the ocean is a sorry tale own "" the story begins in a hazy seasays Victoria. a merchant ship sails dri ing is ravaged by the Black Death. Firstly skipper dies and then spreads the youngest of the crew, quickly decides to end his life by jumping into the sea. It is then, when a spectral appears before the body of the dying boy. It is a mermaid, which eventually leads to the sea surface. She is amazed at the first man that looks so close and finally decides to take him to the coast to save his life. "

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