Wireless Magazine 2013 Freshers Edition

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A S S U R V E E N C E I C L V T L * L R I T H T O L IC ENC E It is a criminal offence to watch or record live television without owning a TV licence. Whether you’re watching live things on your laptop, telly, games console or any other device, you’re in danger of being charged a hefty fine and getting a black mark on your record if you haven’t paid up. We feel your pain - £150 per year seems like a hell of a lot of cash to part with, especially when residence fees, course costs and bar bills are grabbing at your student loan. Before you take the annual TV licence plunge, check out what else your hard-earned/ borrowed cash could buy. Let the ‘do we really need to watch live TV?’ discussion commence.

GET PLAYFUL: Games Console Put yourself in control of making cool stuff appear on the screen by buying a games console. You can pick up a brand new Wii with a couple of decent games thrown in for slightly less than a TV licence.

GET HI-TECH: Tablet With new versions of computer technology constantly in production, the costs of some basic tablets have dropped to less than £150. Instead of having one TV that can legally stream live programming, you could have a portable flat-screen device capable of hosting music, radio, downloaded films and old TV series, e-books, e-magazines, games, internet browsing, social networking and many more things depending on the apps you have.

GET CINEMA-REGULAR STATUS: Practically Unlimited Films Many chain cinema companies offer some sort of membership scheme for around £15 per month. You could see every film that makes it to your local multiplex in a ten-month period. That’d cover your film needs for the entire academic year and most of the holidays.

GET WALKING TALL: Covetable Footwear Be the envy of goths, tough guys and hipsters in last year’s fad footwear by giving your feet heavy duty armour. A pair of thick-soled Dr Martens Originals will last years and keep your tootsies dry and warm whatever the clouds throw your way.

GET SQUARE-EYED: TV Series Library Sure, live TV is the most direct form of television available, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it is the best. Reacquaint or introduce yourself to some of the greatest drama series of the past decade by buying boxsets of modern classics. You can kit out your DVD rack with series 1-5.5 of Breaking Bad, series 1-5 of The Wire and series 1-6 of The Sopranos and still have money for popcorn!

GET RIPPED: Gym membership / Muscle maker While live TV parties based around televised talent shows, unmissable series and old school movie reruns could lead to a couch potato bod, you could spend the £150 on a year’s gym membership. Sculpt your butt-imprint on the sofa cushion or your assets. 67

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