Mystery of God, Jesus and Christianity

Page 394

Mystery of the Ages

holds the world captive through sin, 117-119 lied to our first parents, 35 master broadcaster, 143-144 originally a super archangel or cherub, 61 removed at last!, 310 tries to destroy the Christ-child, 217 second coming, the of Christ, 139 the last generation before, 139-140 to be preceded by the appearance of an Elijah, 9 simon Magus aspired to turn his pagan religion, under the name “Christianity,” into a universal religion, 52-53 attempted to supplant the Christian Passover with ceremonies now called Easter, 53 leader of the Babylonian mystery religion in Samaria, 51 sought to buy the power of apostolic office, 52 turned the doctrine of grace into license to disobey God, 52 sin

and sexual promiscuity, 192-194 and “the new morality,” 192 given public acceptance today, 191-192 homosexuals, 193-194 the transgression of the law of God, 72, 73 wages of, brings death, 22

sons of god angels are, by creation, 60 shouted for joy at the creation of the earth, 71 truly converted Christians shall become born as, 51 soul Adam became a living, 22 can die, 22, 108-109 each animal is a, 22 is mortal, 103-104 is physical—formed from matter, 22 translation of the Hebrew word nephesh, 22, 102 sunday observance authority for, assumed to be in the


Bible, ix enforced by Council of Laodicea in fourth century, 284-285 Herbert W. Armstrong challenged on question of, ix, 18-19 tartaros condition of restraint for sinning angels, 72 referred to in only one passage in all the Bible, 72 traditional christianity (see also clergy) a counterfeit, 249-251, 279-282 an error of, merely to “accept Christ,” 238-239 assumes a contest between God and Satan, xiii blinded to a time order for salvation, 215-216 deceived by Satan, xiii, 272-273 does not understand the mystery of God, 3 has generally denied God’s commandments, 6 one modern example, 206-207 says, generally, that God’s commandments were nailed to the cross, 6 seems not to have comprehended the seven great mysteries, 5 source of its popular belief and practices, 26 teaches that God is desperately trying to “get the world saved,” xiii teaches that “whoever will may come” and be “saved” now, xiii why, cannot understand the Holy Bible, 6 tree of knowledge of good and evil epitomizes human self-reliance, 121 forbidden to man, 115 represents the getting ways of the present world, 327-328 symbolic of human-created knowledge under Satan’s sway and rejection of reliance on God’s revealed knowledge, 121 tree of life freely accessible to Adam in the Garden of Eden, 116-117 represents way of love and giving, 327 symbolic of immortal life, 116

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