Dissertation submission

Page 37

Policy Review In order to explain the architectural response to flooding in the

underpinning planning” (p.2 ibid) and bases this principle on the

UK, this chapter will provide an overview of government policy as

classic definition given by the Brundtland Report:

it applies to flooding and development. Development policy in the main is controlled by the Town and Country Planning system, this

“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the

system is comprised of a body of national policy that then informs

present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet

regional policy and finally plan making, objective setting and

their own needs” (Brundtland 1987).

decision making at a local level. Government policy therefore has an indirect influence over all development taking place in locations

In terms of flooding PPS1 states that local planning authorities

affected by flooding across the UK.

should consider : “the potential impact of the environment on proposed developments

National planning policy is framed in overarching terms by

by avoiding new development in areas at risk of flooding and sea-level

Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 1, Delivering Sustainable

rise, and as far as possible, by accommodating natural hazards and the

Development (DCLG 2005), which sets out a set of objectives

impacts of climate change” (DCLG 2005 p.8)

that need to be “taken into account by regional planning bodies […], the Mayor of London […] and local planning authorities

Planning authorities also have a responsibility to prepare robust

in the preparation of local development documents (p. iii DCLG

policy that are based on objectives for the future of the area,

2005). PPS1 makes “sustainable development the core principle

objectives that should include ensuring that developments “are


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