External Positioning

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EGRD3013 Studio Practise 3A External Positioning Andrew Warrender

My Website Putting myself out there Over the summer I had begun creating my online portfolio displaying my graphics and also my photography which I have become heavily interested in. My website was far from complete so wanted to finish it off in this unit as it has given me the opportunity too. I used a website host called www. clikpic.com I had read about in a photography magazine. I’m pleased with having my website up and running now. There is quite a bit of work on there so this will help easily present my work along side a handheld portfolio. For the moment, I have not promoted my website. I have just got it up on the web. It can be found on google but I have not gone about aiming it at agencies or social networking sites to gain exposure. With my website being an online portfolio, displaying my skills, be it through photography and graphics, it is eventually going to be aimed at design agencies I’d like to work for. You can see that through not promoting myself properly yet I get weekly visits to my site which is pleasing.


Where I’d like to be Multidisciplinary Agency My main aim is to be working in a creative agency, one that deals with a variety of clients on a range of projects. The main reason I’d like to work here is because I don’t want to specialise on just one element of design I want to work on them all and improve and progress as a designer. I’m working on various skills but I think that layout and typography are my strongest. I get stuck into designing packaging, Corporate I.D’s and Print which are another set of strong skills I feel I have and that I can contribute to an agency. There are areas I’d like to improve in such as the whole web side of design. I need to figure out and come to grips with coding, but after that I will be able to implement my other skills to it and this could then lead me in a new direction...but one step at a time. I am planning to join lynda.com as I have heard from people who have used it that it is good for easy to follow tutorials to help learn coding. This will help me pick up the basics and then it will be about practising so that I can offer another skill to an agency. I will need to develop some sort of a mailer for each of the agencies I am looking at joining, in an attempt to be given an internship.

Social Networking LinkedIn Networking is a great way of getting yourself noticed and seen by a range people. If I am going to hopefully attract attention from Agencies it is an obvious avenue to test out so I have decided to join up to a few. LinkedIn is a really good idea which I hope to take advantage of in the near future. It links together professionals and people looking for work to apply for work and gain exposure. LinkedIn says “it helps you to make better use of your professional network and help the people you trust in return�. Now that I have a LinkedIn account, I am going to begin uploading and creating my profile to get myself out there in attempt to find work and interest with professionals in the industry.

aw Graphic Designer // Photographer Andrew Warrender

T: 07983404128 W: www.a-warrender.co.uk E: andrew.warrender89@googlemail.com



Corporate Identity Logo and Business Card With my website up and running now, I wanted to focus on my Logo and a Business Card to work alongside my website. I didn’t want anything too fancy but just something clean and simple. I am still developing it but this is the sort of look I am going for.

OCD Services/Groups Work being used to help others For my Independent Practise I have been looking into OCD. I have experimented in a range of different ways looking at how OCD effects people and how it is apart of everyday life for sufferers of it. For my final outcome I have produced a set of Prints that could be adapted into A5 Awareness Cards and used by Services/Groups that help sufferers deal with OCD. With this in mind I decided to contact a few Groups that dealt with OCD to see if they’d like to use my work. The OCD groups I have contacted are Tops UK, OCD Action, Rethink and Anxiety UK. Here are the responses that I’ve had so far.

Nicky Lidbetter, the Chief Executive of Anxiety UK e-mailed me back and said they would be delighted to use some of my work. He has put me in contact with the Communications Officer Terri Torevell, who I have recently e-mailed.

Trilby Breckham for TOP UK e-mailed me back and said that they are always interested in work that can promote their charity. She also stated that they could not afford to pay for the designs but I have recently replied and informed her that I would not be charging them in anyway for the designs and that my aim is for my Prints to help those who suffer from OCD and it gives me an opportunity to get my work out there.

Freelance Work Work for a motorbike shop I was contacted by a motorbike company called Bykebitz to create a flyer. The brief given to me was To create an e mail flyer to send to a 3500 database promoting the Halvarssons brand of motorcycle clothing and encouraging people to ‘buy it now’ before a price increase and vat rise.

Freelance Work Work for a motorbike shop I have produced work by Bykebitz before. They approached me in September and asked me to put together a Poster that would be displayed in there shop and on there website which was advertising there Bank Holiday Sale. The message of the advert was to not go out on a motorbike in the wrong clothing and they wanted me to play on these words.

Colourgraphic Arts Interview with a Creative Director While at School and College, I got the opportunity to do some Work Experience. My Dad got to know the Creative Director of a company in Bordon called Colourgraphic Arts who specialise in print and web, and put me in contact with him. I have got to know him well over the last few years when I was there and I am in regular contact with him regarding Graphics and it has now become an agency that I’d be interested in work for. I arranged a meeting with him to discuss my work and see what he thinks and to also ask him a few questions regarding progressing and getting into the industry. These are a few of the questions that I wanted to put to him: - What would you expect to see if I was applying to an agency? - Would you look for a mix of client work? - What technical abilities would you look for?

h of a style, show your “You don’t want too muc atility” different styles, your vers

“Website - On homepage use something more prominent, saying what I do, Who I am – Mission Statement”

“Website - Simplicity of website is good”

“When explaining your work, divulge it so...“I had a week to do it. The Client wanted red but I wanted this because it fitted better with this…”

- What do you think of my work? Standard? - Does having a unique style/skill help or is being versatile better? We went in-depth into these questions which led to other avenues of discussion.


“Not all about design is about the idea” Website - Put work into sections such as print, brochure, packagin g etc”


“Website - On homepage say “Past Clients include…”

u put it

yo n talk about how ca u yo re e h w rk “Have wo ally, the process” ic n ch te r e th ge to

Colourgraphic Arts “Are you a Graphic Designer tha t comes up with ideas i.e. straplines, slogans? Can you come up with these things?”

“Graphics is about conveying a Message/Clarity” you did a piece of work “You need to know why actions” like you did; Justify your

“Website - Graphics on front instead of photography slideshow”

Outcome from meeting The meeting with Andrew Brabyn was a really encouraging one. He gave me a lot of feedback and advice on how to approach the industry and what I should need to make it as a designer. I went away from the meeting with a few areas to look into and work on which I was encouraged about. - Change certain sections of my website such as the homepage so it informs the reader who I am, what I do, what I’m doing at the moment - Arrange my work differently to show my specialise subjects such as print, web, brochures, packaging, corporate id etc - On homepage say who my past clients have been - When it comes to putting together my handheld portfolio make sure it includes work that I can talk about and explain to justify my reasoning behind it

Renaissance International Photography 2011 Moments that Matter I have decided to enter the Renaissance International Photography 2011 Competition. I have been rather busy with a camera this year, travelling places, to events, snapping away and it is something I am passionate about. Though I am really into photography, it is just a hobby, and is not the path I’m going to take, graphics is where my future lies. The reason I am entering this competition is because I see photography as another skill to my package as a graphic designer. The photographs that you can submit have to relate to one or more of the categories on offer. These are Environment, Expression, Shape/Form, Motion and Time. On the next few pages I have shown some of my photography that I am going to be entering into the competition. In each corner is the category the photograph is being entered into.






I have quite enjoyed this unit. I feel that I have been able to position myself much more and begin to see myself outside in the industry. Although I have completed my online portfolio, there are a few changes I’d like to make from the feedback I gained from Andrew Brabyn, the Creative Director at Colourgraphic Arts.


The next step for me is to work on my Handheld Portfolio and my C.V which I have not had time to do recently. I’d like to sit down and really think about the best way to present these two areas. I am going to continue building my body of work through freelance work and display it anywhere I know possible for people to stop, look and take note.


With me joining LinkedIn.com I will set up my profile and begin promoting myself on here to try and gain exposure and contacts.


I produced some work for a company on the unit, and it was good to get some ‘on the side’ work. The client was really happy with the outcome and said he would be contacting me very soon to design some more adverts for him and his shop, Bykebitz.


I have identified where I’d like to work in the industry. As I feel I’m quite a versatile designer and have a passion for many disciplines in design, I feel that my path should lead towards working in a Multidisciplinary Agency. I will aim to contact my hit list in the coming months and hopeful plan a studio visit.

http://www.newdesignpartners.com/Home/Default.aspx http://www.anxietyuk.org.uk/ http://www.together-uk.org/ http://www.rethink.org/ http://www.ocdaction.org.uk/ http://www.colourgraphic-arts.co.uk/ http://www.aplusbstudio.com/large.html http://www.999design.com/ http://www.oddlondon.com/ http://www.thelondonbranch.com/branch.html http://www.deep.co.uk/ http://www.thechase.co.uk/homepage/index.php http://www.linkedin.com/ http://www.a-warrender.co.uk/ http://renaissancephotography.org/launch/index.php

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.