Blackstone & Brenwen: The Mirror & The Meretrix

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Blackstone & Brenwen: The Mirror & The Meretrix quite capable of safely mating and their resulting offspring will always be Fire. So, in the hereditary stakes Fire consumes Wood to produce more Fire, Wood absorbs Water to leave Wood and Water extinguishes Fire to leave Water. Thus Fury was not born from the heavens on a bolt of lightning as she would prefer, but was simply the product of a passionate Fire-Nymphet mother and a submissive Wood-Nymph father. Each of the Nymphelementa had its own personality traits that were more dominant than other characteristics, and they were best remembered from a rhyme Fury once heard as a child: Water-born is destined to flow, To a life in arts it might bestow. Wood-born are most un-swerved, amongst Amidst Arbor’s Nature never unnerved. Fire-born is full of fervour, To traverse the World-Tree, one might go further. Water-Nymphs tended to be artistic by nature, their minds constantly finding new ways to look at the World-Tree. In the ripples of a stream they can visualise anything from Cause and Effect principles to the resonance of Arbor’s mystical pulse. Nymphs of this species are incredibly creative but easily distracted. Wood-Nymphs are usually steadfast and reliable. They are predisposed to nurture and sustain. Whilst many of this species are considered set in their ways, no other Arborian race is so in tune with the changing cycles of the World-Tree and the forces of its nature. Wood-Nymphs are kind and gentle and wise. Fire-Nymphs on the other hand have a less wholesome pedigree. They are considered impulsive, rude and unpredictable. In a small few these characteristics have produced some of the greatest Nymphonial generals Arbor has ever seen, but in others these traits can often lead to self-destruction and desolation. FireNymphs are ambitious and never shy away from speaking their mind. So, as Vincent paused outside Fury’s office to check if she was 73

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