Along Liquid Paths: Research Book

Page 156

The Drowned World / JG Ballard

The Migrant Image / T.J. Demos

‘The depot ship had been a gambling steamer and floating vice

A way for corporate power to disguise its own dealings and ‘in-

den, moored beyond the five-mile limit outside Messina or Bei-

crease forms of inequality by absenting itself from regulatory

rut, or in the shelter of some estuarine creek under the blander,

mechanisms, taxation, and the spotlight of legal and financial

more tolerant skies south of the equator.’ P93

scrutiny’ ‘Areas of exception have also proliferated in the geography of

John Donne - “World within world, each man an island unto

global capital, allowing financial bodies to operate outside the

himself, swimming through seas of archipelagos…” (later in this

state’s borders’

poem Donne says ‘ask not for whom the bell tolls’)

‘A related cause and consequence of neoliberalism is the construction of the financial offshore, according to which multina-

‘But gradually, as the exertion of pulling the cart cleared their

tionals are able to make enormous profits by circulating their

heads and made them move in step, the men between the shafts

capital through complex networks of financial exchange via

began to sing what sounded like the lay of an old Haitian cargo

semilegal and ethically dubious mechanisms; as a result, they

cult, a deep crooning melody that again underlined their ambiv-

are able to pay virtually no taxes to the nations and states where

alent attitude toward Kerans.’ P140

they operate, defining further heights of wealth differentiation and an emerging model of accumulation by dispossession’ p 161. 156

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