ThanksgivingDay 2020

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November 26th, 2020 Secondary School George Emil Palade Buzau

Coordinating teacher – Camelia Timofte Class 5A

Dear parents, I want to thank you for everything that you have done for me, and because it is Thanksgiving, now it is the best time for it. Thank you for helping me every time I had a problem, for always standing by my side and never let me down. Thank you for giving me a chance when others don’t and for encouraging me every time I was let down. I will never forget those moments. I will never forget you and in the future, I will try to be a better son.

With love, Your son, Luca

Dear Alessia,

I hope you are well!! First of all, I want to thank you for the great time we spent together on the music camp. Our friendship that started in the camp is invaluable to me and I really appreciate it. Thanks to you, who gave me self-confidence, I followed my hobby – to play an instrument. Do you remember how much we had fun? I can’t wait to see you next summer. Because today it is a special day, I wish you a lot of happiness and a day full of smiles. Best wishes from me, Mara

My dear grandmother, On the occasion of Thanksgiving day, I would like to thank you for existing in my life. Whenever my mother couldn’t be next to me, it was you. Thank you for that unforgettable date, when you offered to sit next to me at the hospital. You took care of me, you encouraged me and you told me words of relief. When I knew you there, I felt safe and for that, thank you ! With you, time passed quickly and we forgot about the pain. You found an explanation for every question I asked you. I want to be by your side when you need me. With appreciation and gratitude, Your granddaughter, Oana!

Happy Thanksgiving Day! Dear Nico, I want to say thank you for all the efforts you have taken during our last years together. For me, because I joined your class in the first grade, it was very important that you received me well and made me fell like I was there from the beginning. I always enjoyed coming to school because of the innovative lessons and because you were always happy and nice to the kids. I also want to thank you for encouraging me to take part in all the activities even if I was not used to it and improve my grades from day to day. I thank you again for all the wonderful work you have done with us and wish you all the best in your next activities! Kind regards, Ianis H.

Dear Andrei, I am writing this letter in gratitude for our friendship. First of all, I want to thank you for still being my best friend from Kindergarten and for always being with me. In a short time I will turn 12 years old and I think we have been friends for almost 8 years. You taught me to overcome my fear of cycling and of course loving reading many books. My life is richter than I know you and I say that very honestly. I wish I had a brother like you. I would like to spend the winter holidays together and learn to ski. Thank you for existing! With best wishes, Gabriel

My beloved mommy, Today is Thanksgiving day; it is the day when we express our gratitude to family and friends for their help and forgiveness. So, I want to thank you for everything you’ve done to me‌for my education and for helping me all the time. I want to thank you for buying me everything I needed and for all the care and attention you offered me. I also want to thank you because you showed me when I did something wrong and you explained to me. Now, that I grew up and I am in the 5th grade, I need more help and support because I use to be very distracted. I like to help me with my homework but sometimes I want to do it by myself. I want to thank you for being my mommy and I promise I will make you proud of me. DRAGOS N

Dear Cindy,

I want to thank you for donating to the adoption centre in our city. I know you didn’t donate anything to me, but I just want to thank you for being kind to the children with no families. All the clothes and toys you donated amazed me. I’m sure the children enjoyed the gifts. The fact that you even cared for them warmed my heart. You inspired me to do the same. I also want to thank you for helping me with my Thanksgiving party, it was really nice of you to do that. I’m sure that everyone you helped this week (including me) is really thankful. You’re a wonderful person. With gratitude, Briana

Dear Ionuț,

Hello! I’m writing on Thanksgiving Day to thank you helped me. You helped me when I didn’t know anything. You are a true friend and always helps me. In the future, on Thanksgiving, I will give you a present for all help you have given me. I will try to help you too when you will need something. I thank you and I am grateful to you! With friendship, Ciprian

Dear Mom, I am writing this letter to you because I want to say that I am grateful for everything you’ve done for me so far. Thank you, mom, for your patience and all the good advice you gave me. Thank you for teaching me to skate even when I thought I wouldn’t make it. Thank you for taking me to all the trainings: football, basketball, table tennis, karate, dance. Thank you for making me confident in my abilities! Thank you for the beautiful summer vacation at the sea, spent with my friends. Thank you for the surprise party you organised for me when I turned 10 years old! Thank you for everything you have done for me and know that I love you very much and I know that we will have the same relationship in the future. Sasha

Dear friend, Today is Thanksgiving Day and I want to thank you for your gesture. You helped me with my math homework. It was Monday and it was fifteen minutes until the math lesson. You called and asked me if I have done my math homework. I said no because I thought we didn’t have a homework but I was wrong. You quickly sent me the answers to the problems. That day the math teacher asked me about a math problem and I knew it because of you. I didn’t forget to do the homework because of this event and I am grateful to you for helping me when I needed the most. From Cosmin

Thanksgiving day Hi! It was nice talking to you again. How have you been? I really missed you! I wanted to thank you for your gesture. I appreciated that you helped me with my computer last Sunday. I was hopeless! No one knew what was wrong with it, until I reached to you ! I really needed it for my online classes, since we are in a pandemic. It works perfectly fine. It seems brand new. I am very thankful that you helped me. How could I return my favour? I thought about this for a while. Since tomorrow is thanksgiving, I want to invite you to my house for thanksgiving dinner. This is one of my thank you gifts since I am very grateful for your act of kindness. I am warmly appreciative that you helped me get through this and that you are always by my side. I am thankful for having friends like you, that are very supportive. I Will defently use my computer for a long time from now on. Each time I will think of you! P.S : I can’t wait to meet you tomorrow. Don’t bring anything, no need to ! Sending hugs and lots of love, stay safe and take care! Best regards, Maria

Dear Irina, Today is the day when I need to thank you for every moment you helped me with something….so I thank you so much because you were with me every time. I cannot forget about that moment when you let me to come at your house because my mother didn’t come home. I really want you to know that I am going to be with you when you need my help. I will try so hard to help you, because you are a good best friend. I do not know what I was going to do without you that moment. Oh… and I forgot to tell you. Thank you for helping me at German homework…I got a A at it ! Actually…I am going to come at you and help you with your homework .Wait for me ! Natalia

Dear mum, I’m writing this letter to thank you that you did a lot of good things for me. I want to thank you that you: bought me a pet, taught me to ride a bike, you bought me a lot of things, you take care of me and that we went in a lot of vacations. I am sure that our relationship will be the same: we will go in vacations, we will spend time together. Stefan M.

Dear Grandma and Grandpa, I am writing this letter to you because I need to tell you something important. I want to say Thank you! Thank you, Grandma, for all your warm hugs, for all the magical stories you told me every night before going to bed. Thank you for all the pancakes and pies you cooked for me with so much love. Thank you for the surprise party you organised for me last year! You are the best granny in the world! Thank you, Grandpa, for all your good advice, for all your patience and kindness. Thank you that you helped me ride a bike when I was 5 years old. You made me believe I can do anything when you are by my side. Thank you for the amazing tree house you built for me in the oak behind the house. All my friends wanted to have one! I love you both to the moon and back and I am very grateful to have you in my life. Love, Patrick L.

Dear Andrei,

I want to thank you for saving my life last winter. I'm going to remember this story all my life. I was on the ski slope and I fell. You called the mountain rescue and transported me together to the nearest hospital. My leg hurt and I was really scared, you stayed with me and always encouraged me. Because I got into the care of the doctors urgently I had my leg immobilized only two weeks. After two weeks, I followed a recovery program and exercised every day. This winter I'll be able to ski again because I'm healthy. I hope to see you on winter vacation and spend time together. You'll always be my friend.


Secondary School George Emil Palade November 26th, 2020

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