No Nonsense Muscle Building

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No Nonsense Muscle Building

Introduction Chapter 6

After you withdraw this ‘large sum of money’ you will be in debt! Consider exercise, after a high intense anaerobic workout your body will be in oxygen debt, which is also known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). This is the key ingredient to anaerobic training because your metabolism will remain elevated following this exercise, or withdrawal, until you restore the ‘bank account.’ The size of the ‘withdrawal’ will determine how long your metabolism stays elevated. Very intense and

exhaustive exercise can keep your metabolism elevated for up to 1224 hours while light exercise may elevate your metabolism for only a few hours. 6. Interval Training

I believe that the best way to rapidly improve fat loss results is to incorporate interval training. Most refer to interval training as high intensity interval training (HIIT) which is very effective and time efficient. Interval training is when you alternate an extremely high intense period of activity with a very low intense period of activity for multiple times. This method of training conditions your body to higher intensity without fatiguing as quickly. Since you expose your body to a level of intensity for a series of repeats – you are able to do much more work in the same period of time than you were before.

Here are the reasons why I favor interval training for fat loss: · As you improve, the work intervals can get harder and harder, and the re- covery intervals can be shortened, or performed at a higher tempo. The only downside to this style of training is that it is very hard and will force you to suck for air! As my running buddies would say, ‘Interval training is guaran- teed to put you in the hurt box!’

INTERVAL · Do me a favor and visualize the start line of the Olympic 100m dash or any sprinting type event. Visualize some running backs and some speed skaters. Are you visualizing huge, ripped and super lean physiques? Do you ever wonder why these guys’ pecs, arms and abs look better than yours and you spend more time lifting weights to build muscle? Some of the most muscular athletes in the world are involved in anaerobic sport. · High-intensity cardio has a much stronger effect on GLUT-4 trans location in muscle cells due to the increased force of muscle contraction. This means that high-intensity cardio creates a much stronger nutrient partitioning effect towards muscle tissue than low-intensity cardio. · High-intensity training favors the fast twitch muscle fibers, which have the greatest chance of hypertrophy. Long periods of low-intensity exercise tend to “over-train” the fast-twitch muscle fibers and convert the intermediate muscle fibers to slow-twitch fibers. If your body has less fast-twitch fibers, © Vince Delmonte 2006. All rights reserved.

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