Family Guide to College and Financial Planning

Page 19

A UCLA Higher Education Research Institute study

than getting a job. It is a unique four-year experience

by Henderson and Railsback revealed that at the

that will make more of an impact than any other

end of their college career, 52% of all students who

period in a student’s life. As foundational as the

identified themselves as “born-again” and attended

high school years have been, the college years will

a public university will no longer identify themselves

be even more significant in shaping who the

as born-again or will not have attended any kind of

person will be.

religious service in the past year. Believe it or not, the percentages for students who attend other secular institutions (including those that are “church-affiliated,” but not specifically faith-based) are even higher. I don’t want to scare someone into choosing a Christian college. But I think it is important to go

There are lots of reasons to choose a good Christian university like Anderson. A Christian university will have dedicated faculty committed to good teaching and to their students. It will have a culture of collaborative learning, and a positive social and spiritual climate. (Continue on the next page...)

into the college selection process with our eyes wide open. The college experience is about much more 17

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