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Anderson Wodarski

Westerville, United States

The colorful summer is coming again, summer is the most beautiful season for me, I love summer, because I can join many comic cons in summer, and play lots of roles that I like. Wearing cosplay costumes, wearing cosply wigs, taking a lot of cosplay photos, in a word, everything is fine and nice in summer. Surely, I know, many contemporaries and I have the same hobby. They love life and love cosplay, meanwhile, they experience and share their own pleasure in playing all kinds of roles! As we all know, many things seem very easy, in fact it is not easy. For example: when I trend to play some role, I'm very happy, but when I prepare for cosplay costume, cosplay wigs and cosplay swords about the character, I'm really down, because I can't buy a satisfying items. However, some friends are talented, they can do all cosplay items. And then, the rest of friends will be confused by this problem. By now, I have loved cosplay for three years, so I picked up much experience in cosplay. And I want
