Andalucia LIfe Magazine December 2010

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Editorial Health & Beauty Pets & Pet Care A View from The Clubhouse Technology Andalucia Life News The Book Review Art & Craft The Patio Festival, Cordoba Madrid Update Maria The Stitch Suduku What’s On

Andalucia Life invites readers to contribute articles of interest, news and views, details of special events and special occasions.

Copy Deadline for May Issue - 15th April 2011 Contributors: Dr. R. Gonzalez, Age Concern, Pauline Bowden, Joanna Wyndham, NADFAS, Mike Hamence, Tom Crowley, Zoe Fisher, Philip Crawford & Pippa Barbovitch Front Cover: From the 9th hole, Cabopino Golf Course Disclaimer: No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without prior permission from the publisher. Andalucia Life does not accept responsibility for the contents of articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisiers. Andalucia Life C/Mijas 6, Sabinillas 29692, Manilva, Malaga. NIE: X 07427214 P Deposito Legal: MA-373-2004 Andalucia Life when talking to our advertisers 4 Please mention


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“So, . . . tell me – what exactly is Tantra?â€? This is a frequently uttered phrase when I am asked about what I do – and I tell them I am a TXDOLÂżHG PDVVHXVH EXW VSHFLDOLVH LQ 7DQWUD ,W LV RIWHQ VSRNHQ LQ D KXVKHG WRQH ZLWK D FHUWDLQ air of embarrassment, and furtiveness, as many people are fascinated by the subject of Tantra, EXW DUH QRW VXUH KRZ WR ÂżQG RXW PRUH DERXW LW I have been studying, practising and working with Tantra for 4 years now, and it has made D VLJQLÂżFDQW GLIIHUHQFH WR P\ OLIH 3UDFWLVLQJ 7DQWULF WHFKQLTXHV RQ D UHJXODU EDVLV FDQ OHDG to a more centred way of life, a sense of connection with your physical self, and a deeper awareness of your senses. It can also help you to be conscious of, and able to manage the natural energy that we all have in our bodies, but which most of the time, we are not very aware of. Once you start to achieve this, you can gain a sense of well-being, and empowerment, ZKLFK WKHQ UDLVHV \RXU OHYHOV RI FRQÂżGHQFH DQG LPSURYHV VHOI DZDUHQHVV

Oh, and yes – on the way, it can help improve your sex life too! How to practice Tantra? Well there are a number of methods, including Meditations, %UHDWKLQJ WHFKQLTXHV 7DQWUD .UL\D <RJD DQG 0DVVDJH 7DQWUD PDVVDJH ZRUNV VSHFL¿FDOO\ ZLWK the energy in the body, soothing and reawakening the sense of touch, and helping to move energy through the body, leaving you feeling deeply relaxed, but also recharged. I am also offering a series of 1 day Tantra Seminars, starting this Spring, covering a basic introduction to Tantric practice. For more detailed information on this subject, you can visit my website on Amanda tel: 669 894 550. What’s On Calendar, Business Directory and much more.... on


No editorial this month would be complete without a mention of the terrible disasters that have befallen Japan. First an earthquake, the worst ever recorded in Japan, then a tsunami DQG ¿QDOO\ QXFOHDU PHOWGRZQ DW IRXU UHDFWRUV Loss of life is into the tens of thousands and likely to increase and the economic damage will take years to repair. No less traumatic for those involved was the earthquake in Christchurch 1HZ =HDODQG 7KH 3DFL¿F µ5LP RI )LUH¶ LV OLYLQJ up to its name. All our thoughts are with the survivors and the rescue crews that have the unpleasant and dangerous task of recovering as many bodies as possible. It is heartening to consider the speed at which foreign powers offered and supplied assistance despite, in some cases, previous enmity. The front cover this month, a view from Cabopino Golf, may look simplistic but it is packed with meaning. Apart from the reminder that we are on the Costa del Golf it is probably the most expensive image I have ever taken. The occasion was the GITS monthly golf match in March that we, as Estepona Port Business & Internet Centre sponsored to the tune of 250€ plus a bottle of Moet for a prize draw plus, and you cannot see this in the picture, a dustbin full of beer and ice for thirsty golfers; and can those boys drink! Still it was a beautiful day, sunny and calm, ideal for sitting in the sun for four hours having my vocabulary expanded by sundry exasperated golfers who were either missing the ninth hole just below where I sat or missing the tenth fairway from the tee just to my left or in one case, a lady although from her language you would not think so, both. My photograph of her performing a country jig on the tee whilst threatening every living being within range of a wildly wielded golf club is not a pretty sight. I have deleted it so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. My thanks to Barry Gill of GITS, (Golf in the Sun for those wondering), for allowing me so much unexpected pleasure.

Finally, literally in this case, Julie and I have sold the magazine to Jacquie from The Diary. She is intending to continue with the style and content of the magazine and run it alongside The Diary. Michelle & David Hewitt will be carrying on with layout and no doubt improve it even more. We would like to thank all our advertisers past and present for their support and all the people that have contributed during the last 85 issues, far too many to mention by name. I am sure Jacquie will move the magazine forward and onwards and bring things to it that we never could; I am actually quite excited by it. Good Luck Jacquie. Andalucia Life has provided us with laughter and grief over the seven years and one month it has so far been published. We have had the opportunity to travel to places we would not have normally gone, we have stayed in the right hotels in the wrong towns and the wrong hotels in the right towns. We have been perilously close to distributing late by being stuck in the only snowfall for eleven years in Extremadura and reached the tops of more than a few mountains in our quest for the perfect walk. The photograph is Julie and myself on top of Torrecilla, at 1,919 metres it is almost twice the height of Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in England (978 metres). I wanted to use this as the last front cover but Julie put her foot down and as so often has happened in this editorial has the last word ‘If I had known you were planning this as a front cover I would have had my hair done.’ sponsored by Bruno’s Car Rental

“Julie & I must say goodbye, we have sold the magazine”

C. Levante, Edif. Boquerón, Puerto de la Duquesa


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Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system. The immune system produces antibodies to protect us from viruses, bacteria and other foreign substances. The most accepted theory admits that some of those antibodies get confused and consider myelin a foreign body. Myelin is the substance that surrounds and protects your nerve cells. That is why people with MS have problems with the transmission of neurological signs: it is like wires that have lost the surrounding protection so they do not work properly. MS can affect people of any age but it normally appears between the ages of 20 and 40. It affects more women than men, and more white (Caucasian) people than other races. Also, there is higher predisposition in relatives and some studies have shown that cold climates can increase your risk of getting MS. So, there is a mixture of genetic and environmental factors.

by periods without them. In less than 20 % of cases patients have a form known as primary-progressive MS (PPMS), when the disease gets steadily worse. There is no successful treatment for MS. The approach with doctors, psychologists, and occupational therapists as a team has EHHQ SURYHG YHU\ EHQH¿FLDO IRU NHHSLQJ WKH best possible quality of life for these patients. In the last few years two treatments have become very popular on social nets: Sativex: the use of cannabis in MS has been authorised in some countries like Spain, but only under consultant neurologist prescription when other remedies have proved helpless.

The typical presentation of this disease is an episode of partial or complete loss of vision in one eye. Other symptoms can be: muscle weakness, fatigue, coordination and balance problems and pins and needles.

Low dose Naltrexone (LDN): the use of LDN has been very much discussed between patients, their relatives and doctors. So far, there is just one serious trial published: ‘Pilot trial of low dose naltrexone and quality of life in multiple sclerosis.’ Bruce A.C. Cree MD, 7KHUH DUH QR VSHFL¿F WHVWV IRU 06 GLDJQRVLV PhD, MCR, Elena Kornyeyeva MD, Douglas and, as with other autoimmune diseases, it can S. Goodin MD. They conclude that LDN EH D GLI¿FXOW DQG VORZ SURFHVV WR FRQ¿UP LW 7KH VLJQL¿FDQWO\ LPSURYHG PHQWDO KHDOWK TXDOLW\ combination of symptoms, their evolution and of life indices but has a poor effect on some blood and image tests is the base for the physical symptoms so, further studies with diagnosis. The prognosis depends on the form LDN in MS are warranted. of presentation: the most common form of MS sponsored by is known as relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS). Patients have periods with symptoms followed Dr Gonzalez Medical Centre Top Plaza Ginebra, Sabinillas


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Managing Sciatica with Yoga Sciatica is defined as pain caused by irritation or pressure anywhere along the sciatic nerve. Pain often starts in the buttock and extends down the rear of the thigh and lower leg to the sole of the foot, and along the outer side of the lower leg to the top of the foot. Pain may also be felt in the lower back. A primary cause of sciatica is a herniated or bulging lower lumbar intervertebral disc that compresses one of the nerve roots before if joins the sciatic nerve. Another cause is piriformis syndrome – if a short or tight piriformis is stretched it can compress and irritate the sciatic nerve. People who habitually stand with their toes turned out often develop piriformis syndrome, as do runners and cyclists who overuse and under stretch the piriformis muscle. Can you “cure” sciatica with yoga? The answer is yes and maybe, by using a management-style approach with the intention of keeping pain at bay. However, managing sciatica with yoga is not something you can accomplish in a few weeks, or even months. The reason is that it takes longer for nerve and spinal-related problems to heal from injury. Sciatica may seem like a pain to treat, but more than half of all sufferers can soothe DQG UHGXFH ÀDUH XSV E\ FRPELQLQJ \RJD WR strengthen the back and help relieve the pressure on the nerve root, with the judicious XVH RI QRQ VWHURLGDO DQWL LQÀDPPDWRU\ GUXJV Of course, more intense pain may need stronger medications or even surgery, but a yoga mat and a clear plan of yoga poses may be all that a sciatica sufferer needs. What’s On Calendar, Business Directory and much more.... on



How to Pick your Perfect Hair Colour Getting your hair colour right it’s actually quite simple: Stick to colours that compliment your skin tone, decide if you’re better off with block colour or highlights. It also helps to know what colours you’re naturally drawn to. If you have super pale skin and brown hair, consider going lighter, super dark shades can wash you out and even make you appear older. Almost everyone can go red, what’s most LPSRUWDQW LV ¿QGLQJ WKH ULJKW VKDGH DQG ZH suggest not trying it on your own. Get a professional consultation! Highlights look best when the stylist uses at least two different shades. Ask for more around your face, they can brighten your complexion. You can get up to 5 different shades in hair for a more natural look. Lowlight will add contrast with darker tones. Due to root growth, all-over colouring will need to be touched up every four to eight weeks, while highlights can last up to two or three months. Ask your stylist about a gloss treatment following your colour. You invested money for hair colour, now protect your investment with a quality colour-protecting shampoo and conditioner. Grey hair can be resilient to hair dye because of its coarse texture. If your hair is less than 15 percent gray, opt for a semi-permanent colour that’s a shade lighter than your natural colour (or matches your colour). Many women who are more than half gray opt to dye their hair blonde.

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Weight Around the Middle People often notice weight gain over a period of time and this can be a natural part of getting older. With age the body’s metabolism slows, we lose muscle and we get less active. A Harvard research study showed that women gain an average of 20lbs (or about 1 ½ stones) in 16yrs as they reach middle age. We actually need to consume less energy (less calories) over time to maintain the old weight. This can be hard when we are creatures of habit including our food intake. But, rather than looking at the body mass index (which would classify many international rugby players as obese rather than professional athletes) it is useful to look at your waist measurement, particularly in relation to your hips. This measurement is called the waisthip ratio. For women the ratio (waist - at the narrowest point - divided by hip - at the widest point - in either inches or centimetres) should be less than 0.8 and for men less than 0.95. This is a better indication of weight in relation to health as weight around the waist is a key predictor of diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers. Men have a natural tendency to gain weight around the waist (the beer belly) and women often fall into either a pear-shape (with extra weight around the hips, bottom and thighs) or an apple-shape (with the extra around the tummy) that is due to their genetic make-up. However, the menopause changes women’s shape and is often associated with weight gain, particularly around the middle. As the female reproductive organs stop producing oestrogen, fat deposited around the waist starts to manufacture oestrogen as part of the body’s way to keep protecting bones.

Another factor that can contribute to central weight gain is stress. Stress hormones promote fat storage around the middle. Here fat is close to the liver where it can quickly be converted back to energy. When we are under stress the ERG\ UHOHDVHV VWUHVV KRUPRQHV ZKLFK LQĂ€XHQFH where excess energy is stored as fat and also LQĂ€XHQFH DSSHWLWH DV WKH ERG\ WKLQNV ZH QHHG to respond to stress with physical activity (like running away from danger), and therefore need to eat more for energy. Also smoking promotes distribution of fat around the waist but scientists aren‘t sure why exactly. Fat around the middle was previously thought of as just a stored energy supply but has been shown to be ‘active’ or ‘toxic’ fat. Unlike fat on the hips and thighs, fat around the middle, SURGXFHV KRUPRQHV LQĂ€DPPDWRU\ DQG RWKHU substances that increase the risk of disease. 7KHUH DUH YHU\ IHZ VWXGLHV RI GLHWV VSHFLÂżFDOO\ targeted to losing weight around the waist with most focusing on total weight loss and/ or calorie reduction. However there is some HYLGHQFH WKDW HDWLQJ ÂżEUH DQG IRRGV ORZ LQ glycaemic index and load can help weight loss around the middle. So, get out a tape measure and check your waist-hip ratio to see if you need to lose some weight to improve your health. Then let the comfort of the waistband on your trousers and skirts be the monitor for your weight loss progress rather than what the scales tell you. sponsored by

Zoe Fisher Nutritional Therapy 12 Please mention Andalucia Life when talking to our advertisers

At clinics in Estepona and Gibraltar


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ADANA Dog Show comes early this year Now that the Dog Show can be held in the Palacio de Congresos in Estepona, ADANA has decided to move the date forward to May 8th instead of the usual September. “We hope that the new date will be more convenient for exhibitors and spectators alike” said David McNally, the show organiser. “This year we have many new classes and we are featuring young people and their dogs”. $Q DQRQ\PRXV VSRQVRU KDV FRYHUHG WKH HQWU\ IHHV IRU WKH ¿UVW \RXQJ SHRSOH WR UHJLVWHU IRU WKH Junior Handler Class. The old favourites are all there but we have a version of the English Kennel Club Good Citizen Classes and some fun agility courses for beginners as well as old hands (or paws). Full details including a registration form are on the web site For more information please contact or Marjorie on 636 934 146

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As we step into April it feels only fitting to mention the wonderful St. Patrick´s Day celebrations held at The Clubhouse Bar & Restaurant on March 17th. Friends both new and old gathered to enjoy live music from house band Deuce and enjoy the gastronomic delights on offer such as Homemade Shepherd´s Pie, Beef and Guinness Pie and traditional bacon & Cabbage. A huge thanks to those who joined in on our annual St. Patrick´s Day Golf outing to Valle Romano. The weather was unusually good, typically it pours buckets on St. Patrick´s Day but maybe that´s only in Ireland! Although a little windy, the course at Valle Romano was in excellent condition. First ladies prize was won by Mary Kieren, Gents second prize was won by Chris Day and Gent´s first prize won by Rory Mehigan. Sincere congratulations to Caroline & Jack who tied the knot in Manilva on March 11th. Following their intimate ceremony they enjoyed a splendid reception at The Clubhouse Bar & Restaurant. Regardless of the wind and rain outside, the atmosphere indoors was most definitely warm and welcoming with music supplied by Pete Black and further entertainment provided by Flamenco dancer Ava. Tom and Noreen would like to wish Caroline and Jack every happiness in the future.

Don´t forget Mother´s Day on Sunday April 3rd. Treat your Mum, Wife or Grandmother to the Best Roast on the Coast $W 7KH &OXEKRXVH %DU 5HVWDXUDQW FRPSOLPHQWDU\ WUXIÀHV RQ WKH GD\

ClubHouse Tours Honest Reliable Weekly Wednesday Outing with Ladies & Gents Great fun & Craic at The Presentation afterwards Competitive Prices

Clubhouse Golftours Offer of the Month

Valle Romano EarlyBird 8-9am & Twilight after 2pm 54€ pp inc.Buggy

Call Tom on 646 420 547.

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Technology Satellite Imagery It is in the face of adversity that technology pushes forward. Satellite imagery came into its own this month. In the aftermath of Japan’s devastating earthquake and tsunami, satellite maps have been a vital part of search and rescue efforts by providing clear pictures of how the land has changed, and where buildings and roads once stood. Satellite imagery of the areas hit hardest by the 9.0-magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck the northeastern coast of Japan on the 11th March is being provided by several space agencies and operators around the world to assist the relief efforts currently underway. Following the massive earthquake, the Cabinet 2IÂżFH RI -DSDQ LQYRNHG WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO Charter ‘Space and Major Disasters,’ which is a mechanism that ensures timely satellite images are made freely available to authorities and aid workers. The International Charter was founded 10 years ago as a way to combine Earth observation data from different space agencies.

“By combining Earth observation data from different space agencies, the Charter allows resources and expertise from around the world to be coordinated for rapid response to major disasters,â€? RIÂżFLDOV ZLWK WKH (XURSHDQ 6SDFH Agency explained in a statement. More than 63 satellite observations were made LQ WKH ÂżUVW KRXUV IROORZLQJ WKH SRZHUIXO quake. Data is being collected from a wide range of satellites, including spacecraft from the U.S., Germany and France. The satellite images are being used to map and assess the stricken areas. Japan’s northwestern coastline is thought to have shifted by as much as 13 feet (4 meters) to the east, and whole towns have been washed away by the tsunami, completely changing the landscape. Over the coming weeks, access to updated satellite data will prove essential for continued crisis response, recovery and reconstruction. The information will also be used to help further scientists’ understanding of geological threats and ultimately help with future warning systems.

left: Satellite images of the Japanese coastline

sponsored by Plasabi Computer Shop C/Miguel Delibes 2, Sabinillas

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Earthquakes, Tsunamis and Nuclear Fallout So that’s what hit the Japanese and its economy in March Japan - Its economy contracted more than the government initially estimated in the fourth quarter because of a downward revision to capital investment and consumer spending. Gross domestic product shrank at an annualised 1.3% rate in the three months ended December 31st, more than the 1.1% contraction reported last month, the Cabinet 2IÂżFH VDLG LQ 7RN\R LQ 0DUFK And that was BEFORE their crisis hit. We also had civil unrest in many of the North African countries and other mainly Arab and oil producing states. Middle East - The economy of oil and gas exporter Qatar, the world’s wealthiest country per capita, will grow 20% in 2011, said the IMF. Âł4DWDU KDV ZHDWKHUHG WKH JOREDO ÂżQDQFLDO FULVLV H[FHSWLRQDOO\ ZHOO UHĂ€HFWLQJ WKH VZLIW and strong policy response by the authorities,â€? the International Monetary Fund said about the country of 1.7 million people. “Growth has rebounded to 16% in 2010 and is projected to accelerate to 20% in 2011.â€?

Of course there will always be knee jerk reactions in the stock markets, as there are every time a natural disaster happens, but they bounce back every time. Oil prices go sky high, food prices will too. For investors this can be seen as an opportunity to make money. And GOLD has always been seen to be the safe haven in times of crisis. Commodities - Gold tracked oil higher during March as investors waited to see if the international community would agree to D ÂłQR Ă€\´ ]RQH IRU /LE\D ZKLOH KROGLQJV LQ WKH world’s largest silver exchange-traded fund VWUXFN D UHFRUG KLJK UHĂ€HFWLQJ JUHDWHU interest in the cheaper precious metal. Bullion traders remain focused on mounting unrest across the Arab world and renewed concern about euro zone debt, factors that sent prices to an all-time high above USD 1,440 per ounce this week. (15.03.11) In short there is always a way to make money whatever happens in the world. So rely on a good Multi asset Fund manager to do the job for you?

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Drop-In Centre Progress Firstly I would like to give you an update on the progress of our Drop-In-Centre now open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 10.00 to 13.00 in Calle, Zaragoza 25, Estepona. As expected we have had a steady trickle of people SRSSLQJ LQ WR ¿QG RXW ZKDW WKH &HQWUH LV DOO DERXW DQG KRZ we intend to operate it. Encouragingly we have also had people come in to seek advice and information – people so far not known to us. We expect the numbers coming in WR JURZ UDSLGO\ DV PRUH ¿QG RXW DERXW ZKHUH ZH DUH DQG what we can offer. Excellent news for the volunteers who have helped to get the Centre up and running.

Foreign Residents Event 7LPH VHHPV WR À\ E\ DQG LW FDPH DV TXLWH D VXUSULVH WR ¿QG WKDW WKH )RUHLJQ 5HVLGHQWV (YHQW KDV come round again. A different format is being adopted this year but Age Concern will be there on the 10th April – the second day. As usual this is being held at the Palacio de Congresos, Estepona ZKHUH ZH ZLOO EH VHOOLQJ FDNHV TXLFKHV HWF DV ZHOO DV KROGLQJ D UDIÀH 7KH VWDQG ZLOO EH VHOOLQJ WHDV FRIIHHV DQG SURGXFH RI DOO NLQGV :H DOVR KRSH WR UXQ D WRPEROD UDIÀH DQG DOVR VHOO LWHPV of all kinds including clothes. To make the event a huge success we need your support – both in making produce to sell, running the stall, or simply coming along to support our worthwhile cause. We need cakes, biscuits, quiches (always a great favourite), pies, sausage rolls, anything edible! If you can help in any way contact us now on 951 318 234 and leave your details or ring Richard on 952 913 174.

Sponsored Walk Later in the year we are planning to hold a sponsored walk in the Sabanillas/Manilva area as well as running a golf competition at El Paraiso Golf on the 5th June. By the time you read this a very successful 24 hour Knit-A-Thon will have raised several hundred Euros in sponsorship and a successful venta lunch will have been enjoyed (or about to be enjoyed), at Alfonsos in Estepona. These events take planning and effort and we are grateful to Richard and Julie Wood for spear heading the fund raising efforts.

Telephone Numbers The charity shop has a new telephone number - 608 587 538 - and should be used for all inquiries on donations for the shop, and disability aids. The number is available from 10.00 to 13.30 Monday to Saturday, shop opening hours. For all other contact on advice and information call the ususal number of 951 318 234. 7KLV LV WKH RI¿FH QXPEHU LQ WKH 'URS ,Q &HQWUH ,I QR RQH LV WKHUH SOHDVH OHDYH D message – it will be picked up. FINALLY: For elderly people who require help or advice Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650 163 928. 24 Please mention Andalucia Life when talking to our advertisers

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Estepona Reading Group Book Review

The Other Hand - Chris Cleave This book should come with a warning – ‘Beware, you may be shocked’, because there are some horrific scenes contained within, but there should also be a codicil that says it contains several funny and heartwarming moments as well. This second novel from author Chris Cleave is moving and challenging. It tells the story of Little Bee, a young Nigerian girl whom we meet when she has just been released from a British Immigration detention centre, and Sarah, an ambitious magazine editor married to Andrew and mother to four year old Charlie. We hear the story from different viewpoints, as Cleave alternates the narrative voice between the two women, and as he says himself ‘This is a story of two worlds, the developed and the developing’. Sarah and Andrew have gone on holiday to Nigeria to try and repair their troubled marriage. The couple inadvertently come across Little Bee and her sister on the beach in front RI WKH KRWHO DQG VRRQ ÂżQG themselves surrounded by a group of mercenaries intent on killing the girls. Sarah and Andrew become involved in a tense situation that involves one of them making a great VDFULÂżFH

The story moves back to England, where Sarah is now trying to cope with Andrew’s suicide, her guilt at having had an affair, and Charlie who lives life in a Batman costume that he refuses to take off. Little Bee suddenly appears on the day of Andrew’s funeral, and thereafter Sarah is DEOH WR ÂżQG WKH DQVZHUV WR ZKDW KDSSHQHG DIWHU that fateful day on the beach. Ultimately, and ironically, it is the displaced refugee who ends up helping Sarah and Charlie, rather than the other way around, and the emotional events that unfold during her stay with them changes their lives forever. However, even though the friendship between the two women is tested to the end degree, the moral of the story is that humanity can prevail above everything. The novel, which incidentally was titled ‘Little Bee’ in the USA and Canada, was used as a vehicle by Cleave, a journalist and one time columnist for The Guardian, to expose the treatment of asylum seekers when they arrive in the UK. Interestingly it is written by Cleave from a woman’s perspective, which is not always an easy task for a male novelist, and he seems to carry it off more convincingly as Little Bee than he does as Sarah, for ZKRP \RX PLJKW ÂżQG OLWWOH empathy. The plot structure was interesting as it seemed to move forward to take us back to events in the past, and for many of the Reading Group the ending seemed contrived and not entirely credible. Despite this, The Other Hand is a book that VKRXOG GHÂżQLWHO\ EH RQ \RXU reading list! Joanna Wyndham

The next meeting of The Estepona Reading Group will be held at the Elemi CafĂŠ, near Estepona Port on Thursday, 7th April from 6pm until 7.30pm, when we will be discussing One Day by David Nicholls. For Further information call 956 794 279 26 Please mention Andalucia Life when talking to our advertisers

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The Bosom Buddies Cancer Trust

Easter Fashion Show The Bosom Buddies have been raising money for cancer FKDULWLHV ORFDOO\ IRU ÂżYH FRQVHFXWLYH \HDUV DV ZHOO DV FUHDWLQJ awareness via their annual fashion show which this year takes place at the Convent Ballroom, Gibraltar on the 14th April at 7 pm. Survivors of cancer take to the catwalk at this emotional but fun Easter Parade with make-over by Claudia’s Beauty Clinic team and clothes provided by Heart’s Boutique. All proceeds from this event is for this cause. “The Bosom Buddies annual fashion show was an idea I had six years ago when I was diagnosed with breast cancer myself!â€? says Sonia Golt producer of the show. We like to focus on awareness and on creating self-esteem amongst people suffering from cancer to give them the opportunity to participate in their own fashion show as PRGHOV DV WKLV KHOSV WR UHVWRUH WKHLU FRQÂżGHQFH DQG IRFXV RQ D OLIH DIWHU FDQFHU ´ Tickets available from Hearts Boutique.

Plan Renove Thinking of replacing an electrical appliance? Then make sure you visit a store that is part of the Plan Renove scheme. This scheme is organised by the regional government. So long as you replace DQ DSSOLDQFH ZLWK RQH PRUH HQHUJ\ HIÂżFLHQW WKHQ \RX TXDOLI\ IRU D discount that will be applied at the store. Furthermore the store will dispose of your old appliance. Typical discounts are: 400 Euros for air conditioning units, 85 Euros for ovens, fridges and freezers attract 105 Euros for class A+ and 125 Euros for A++. The discount can be up to 25% of the cost of the new appliance.

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/Ĩ LJŽƵ ǁŽƵůĚ ůŝŬĞ ƚŽ ĚŝƐĐƵƐƐ LJŽƵƌ ƉĞŶƐŝŽŶ ƐŝƚƵĂƟŽŶ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ WĂƵů dĂLJůŽƌ ŽŶ ϲϰϲ Ϯϵϵ ϲϴϯ KZ ϵϲϲ ϰϲϮ ϵϲϬ KZ Ăƚ ƉĂƵů͘ŽĨƐƐƉĂŝŶΛLJĂŚŽŽ͘ĐŽŵ͘ K&^ ^ƉĂŝŶ ŝƐ Ă ƚƌĂĚŝŶŐ ƐƚLJůĞ ϬĨ 'ůŽďĂů WĂƌƚŶĞƌƐ >ŝŵŝƚĞĚ ǁŚŝĐŚ ŝƐ ĂƵƚŚŽƌŝƐĞĚ ĂŶĚ ƌĞŐƵůĂƚĞĚ ďLJ ƚŚĞ &ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂů ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ŽŵŵŝƐƐŝŽŶ 'ŝďƌĂůƚĂƌ ;>ŝĐĞŶĐĞ EŽ͘ &^ ϭϭϭϴ Ϳ͕ ĂŶĚ ƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ '^ ŝŶ ^ƉĂŝŶ͘ ^ƵŝƚĞ 'Ϯ͕ dŚĞ ƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ĞŶƚƌĞ͕ dŚĞ ůŝŽƩ ,ŽƚĞů͕ Ϯ 'ŽǀĞƌŶŽƌ͛Ɛ WĂƌĂĚĞ 'ŝďƌĂůƚĂƌ͘

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Estepona Floral Art Club $I¿OLDWHG WR 1$)$6 /RQGRQ 2YHUVHDV

Annual Away Day

Next Demonstration

This year’s Annual Away Day for the Estepona Floral Art Club starts with a visit to the Botanical Gardens in Torremolinos. We will then go onto the Viveros in Alhaurin where there are many items of interest to see and we will have a 3-Course Menu del Dia lunch. We will end our trip with a visit to the Wine Museum in Málaga, where we will have the opportunity of tasting the various wines on offer and learn about the making of the wines in Spain. This event will take place on Tuesday April 12th 2011. The coach will stop along the coast at various pick-up points starting at Swings Restaurant in Estepona, at 9.30am. The cost of this trip is only €25 per person so please contact our Chairman for further information.

Our next demonstration will take place on Tuesday 17th May 2011, at El Campanario Golf & Country Club, (behind the Diana Hotel). We will be welcoming Elizabeth Graham, NAFAS National Demonstrator, from Newport, Wales. This will be an opportunity to see the art of ‘Flower Arranging’ at its best! Don’t miss out on this afternoon.


In June we will be holding our A.G.M. therefore there will not be a demonstration that month. During July and August the Club takes a break for the summer and will resume on Tuesday 20th September 2011. If you wish to join us on our day trip, or visit us for an afternoon’s demonstration of ‘Flower Arranging’ at its highest standard by UK NAFAS National and Area Demonstrators, then please come along where you will be most welcome. For further information on the above event or the Clubs’ Demonstrations, please contact our Chairman, Marilyn Pemberton on tel: 952 928 197 34 Please mention Andalucia Life when talking to our advertisers

Indian English . . . MY NAME IS Jillian Haslam. I was born in India to British parents. On the surface, the details of my story may read like a chronicle of some of the worst abuses of discrimination, social injustice, and living conditions that a human being can endure. Revealing it all to you makes me ask; Why do people treat others so inhumanly, why do most people never heal and yet some don’t only heal but also go on to lead very successful lives? Hopefully you will not be overwhelmed by a dense heaviness after reading my text. Make no mistake, the agony is not the entire story. We dwelt in circumstances beyond harsh poverty and abject hardship. Not to mention we suffered severe racism and abuse - words that are not used or known where I grew up. My story examines many emotions and events that may seem lost or unimportant, but in this story, it is my desire that you feel the upside, the positive, the uplifting, what American President Abraham Lincoln called “the better angels of our nature ´ For every atrocity described here, there is a parallel kindness. One cannot overlook the small, the VHHPLQJO\ LQVLJQLÂżFDQW WKH GDLO\ WKH PXQGDQH IRU ZLWKLQ ZKDW PRVW SHRSOH ZRXOG ODEHO VPDOO DQG ordinary things, normal events, and regular people, thrives a grace beyond description that literally saves lives every day. Kindness triumphs in the face of impossible odds. In the grim and grimy slums of Calcutta where we lived huddled together underneath steps, people helped us. Among the hardened, violent, and ugly VWUHHWV WKDW GHÂżQH WKH ZRUVW SDUWV RI SRVW FRORQLDO ,QGLD EUXWDOLW\ DQG KXPDQ NLQGQHVV ZDOW]HG LQ D slow and intricate dance. I can hear the mystery of that particular music when I revisit the land of my ELUWK HVSHFLDOO\ DPRQJ WKH ORZHVW RI WKH ORZ WKH Âł,QGLDQ (QJOLVK´ My story probes the composition of what some people call the journey of the soul.

It explores; A family’s humble struggles, The human propensity for cruelty, Hatred stirred by ignorance, 7KH VKUDSQHO RI ORYH 6TXDORU 0DJQL¿FHQFH Heartaches of loss, Obligation, Headaches of daily life, The juxtaposition of values inherent in class warfare, Discrimination, Determination, Abuses too many to name - some for which there even are no names, And most of all the capacity to overcome and to heal Jillian is the Founder of Help Yourself Associates a life improvement coaching and training organisation. 6KH LV D TXDOL¿HG H[SHULHQFHG 1/3 0DVWHU 7UDLQHU D 6XFFHVV &RDFK D 0RWLYDWLRQDO 6SHDNHU DQG DQ $XWKRU DQG KDV VSHQW PDQ\ \HDUV OHDUQLQJ DERXW OLIH VNLOOV DQG WKHLU DSSOLFDWLRQ 6KH KDV XVHG WKHVH SULQFLSOHV WR KHOS FKDQJH KHU RZQ OLIH DQG IRU WKH SDVW IHZ \HDUV KDV HPEDUNHG XSRQ WKH PLVVLRQ RI XVLQJ WKLV NQRZOHGJH DQG H[SHULHQFH WR KHOS RWKHUV FKDQJH WKHLU RZQ OLYHV

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Patio Festival Cordoba Patios, cool courtyards shaded from the blistering mid summer sun, have been a feature of houses in Andalucia since Phoenician times. The Romans developed the patio into an enclosed area in which the family could eat, talk and, in the grander houses, receive guests. 7UHHV VKUXEV DQG ÀRZHULQJ SODQWV DQG KHUEV added to the ambience and contributed to the cool atmosphere you experience in these places. The Moors took the patio one step further with the addition of creative pools and fountains. After the re-conquest even the smaller dwellings in a city were built to include a patio, typically entered via a short passageway directly behind the door leading to the street. From the outside you would have no idea that a cool glade existed within the house itself. For centuries Cordoba has been noted for its fabulous patios, large and small. In 1918, as a tribute to those who were continuing the tradition, the government inaugurated the Patio Festival and introduced small prizes to those who were judged to have the best patios. For one week in May the patios of Cordoba are 36 Please mention Andalucia Life when talking to our advertisers

ANDALUCIA LIFE NEWS thrown open to the public. In almost a century the festival has become world famous. The hotels and hostels will be full, the bars and restaurants will be crowded and the squares are lively with every pavement cafĂŠ table taken. The old city resounds with music from a dozen sources and the chatter of many languages whilst every patio is a quiet haven from the bustle outside.

From the outside you would have no idea that a cool glade existed within the house itself. This year the festival is between the 4th and 15th May. VivAndalucia are running two day trips to the event, on the 5th and 12th May. To enjoy the festival, see the patios and join in the fun, without the trouble of driving, parking and worrying about the return journey you can travel in a luxury air conditioned coach. To book your place call in at Estepona Port Business and Internet Centre. What’s On Calendar, Business Directory and much more.... on 37


When The Going Gets Tough. Expert Help Is At Hand! In the current economic climate, marketing is key to the survival of any company on the Costa del Sol, regardless of size or industry. Although budgets are tighter than ever before, even the smallest but most effective initiatives can make the biggest difference. With Spring just around the corner, now is an opportune time to kick-start your marketing and get ahead of your competitors. Outsourcing your marketing and PR has never been more cost-effective and guarantees to make your budget go further. Dedicated to delivering cost-effective initiatives and immediate results, Diamond Marketing & PR is a small but hands on, full service bilingual marketing and PR agency based on the Costa del Sol. Charlotte Ferrey set up Diamond Marketing & PR in 2006 and has HDUQHG D UHSXWDWLRQ IRU SURYLGLQJ ÂżUVW FODVV

professional services to a wide range of FRPSDQLHV LQ 6SDLQ DQG IXUWKHU DÂżHOG 8. Morocco, Turkey, USA, Central America, South Africa etc.) Whether you are a start-up company requiring a corporate identity and brand image or an established company wishing to grow your sales and services to a wider audience, why not take advantage of a FREE no obligation marketing consultation, courtesy of Diamond Marketing & PR. Providing no-nonsense advice and cost-effective marketing and PR solutions, Diamond Marketing & PR aims to make your budget go further with the desired results. For full details of the extensive services provided by Diamond Marketing & PR, visit or contact Charlotte Ferrey on (+34) 655 218 449.

International Club Of Estepona ICE is for all English speaking people and meet at Urbanisation Bahia Dorada Entrada 4 or 5 at km 149, A7 Estepona. Tel 952 802 549 VISIT OUT WEBSITE Every Sunday from 12.30 to 2.30pm and every Tuesday from 11.00am to 2pm the bar is open for drinks and tapas. Every Thursday from 10.30am to 2pm the bar is open for drinks and lunch. Weekly meeting 11.30am. New Members always welcome.

Special Events April Friday 2nd April

- Quiz Night

Friday 8th April

- Fish & Chip Supper


Sunday 10 April

- Foreign Residents Day 12.00pm Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Estepona

Friday 22nd April

- Trip to San Roque Semana Santa rd

Easter Saturday 23 April th

Easter Sunday 24 April

- Madeline Bell at the Clubhouse - Easter Sunday Lunch at the Clubhouse

Further details on our website or by contacting the clubhouse. 38 Please mention Andalucia Life when talking to our advertisers


New Premises For English Butcher

Now open in Puerto de la Duquesa. Trevor, the English Butcher, has moved into a large locale on the top road next to the Straw Donkey. With all new modern facilities and a large storage and preparation area the new shop is a major step forward from the old locale opposite the Don Marino car park that was used for retail only and the Sabinillas shop that combined retail with preparation.

Fathoms Bursary Supports Five Students Tony and Heather’s support for the less advantaged children in Isandlwana in South Africa, scene of the battle of the same name and the Battle of Rorkes Drift during the Zulu Wars, is well known in Sabinillas. Patrons of the pub have, through the Swear Box, Charity Books, UDIÀHV GRQDWLRQV DQG (XURV SHU ZHHN IURP WKH ERQXV EDOO UDLVHG DQ DPD]LQJ (XURV HQRXJK WR ¿QDQFH ¿YH students to further education. They have also kitted out a football team. On the 23rd April they ZLOO EH KROGLQJ D UDIÀH at the St. George’s Day Bunny Hop where they have also arranged for Marcus to play and for FREE English tapas. To support this worthy cause turn up at Fathoms about 8pm on the 23rd. 3LF ULJKW )LYH OXFN\ VWXGHQWV (Tony cannot spell their names)

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Dfas De La Frontera From Cook to Gauguin – the Cult of the South Pacific Our lecture on 20th April will take us on a voyage of exploration. Come with us to the exotic shores of Tahiti, discovered in 1767, and then follow the journey of this enduring Western obsession with ‘exotica’ and ‘the noble savage’ through painted images of the island and its people. Find out how exotic plants and animals FDPH EDFN RQ HDUO\ WULSV IURP WKH 6RXWK 3DFLÂżF along with stories of the strange culture. See how they have been portrayed in the art of Western Europe from the time of James Cook and look at how Paul Gauguin’s rich, languid SDLQWLQJV RI 7DKLWL UHĂ€HFW WKH DOOXUH RI WKH VLPSOH life they portrayed. Lecturer Leslie Primo is a television presenter and freelance lecturer and a tour guide at the National Gallery, the National

The de la Frontera lectures are held at 11.00am on the third Wednesday of the month at the San Roque Golf and Country Club, Km. 127 (A7). There is a chance to socialise with

Portrait Gallery, the National Maritime Museum and the Courtauld. As you read this our Young Artists’ Competition winners will have been announced. The competition was organised with the invaluable assistance of San Roque Ayuntamiento and 6 schools within the San Roque catchment area took part. Each school held its own internal competition and selected its best pieces to go IRUZDUG DV ¿QDOLVWV WR WKH H[KLELWLRQ KHOG DW WKH Galeria del Arte in San Roque. The standard of work was exceptional, with the winner of the main prize being awarded ₏500 and the work RI DUW FKRVHQ E\ PHPEHUV EHQH¿WLQJ IURP Ÿ sponsored by The Sovereign Group.

members and friends at our after-lecture drinks reception and an opportunity to win a book on WKH OHFWXUH VXEMHFW LQ RXU UDIĂ€H (QWU\ DW WKH door is â‚Ź12, with free entry for members.

More information can be obtained by calling (00 34) 956 796 622 or 956 794 279 or at our new website 40 Please mention Andalucia Life when talking to our advertisers

WITH L�NEA DIRECTA THE BEST TRAVEL ASSISTANCE FOR EXPATS Línea Directa, market leader in the direct sale of car, motorbike and home insurance, is offering its customers Travel Assistance, which covers road incidents occuring in Spain, the rest of Europe and all countries included in the Green Card. Línea Directa’s Travel Insurance covers not only the vehicle, but more importantly the occupants, offering its Expat customers a fast, quality service. $V IRU WKH YHKLFOH VHUYLFH WKHVH DUH MXVW VRPH RI WKH EHQH¿WV ZKLFK Expat customers can now enjoy: ‡ From the point of departure: the customer receives assistance wherever the vehicle breaks down. ‡ If the vehicle breaks down and only requires a quick repair (taking no more than half an hour), Línea Directa will repair the vehicle on the spot, so that customers can continue their journey. ‡ If the customer runs out of petrol, Línea Directa takes the vehicle to the nearest petrol station. ‡ If the customer gets a puncture on route, Línea Directa will help to change the wheel. Travel assistance is a service offered by Línea Directa without timetable restrictions: 24 hours a day 365 days a year and it is one of the services for which Línea Directa receives most praise from its Expat customers due to the fact that it offers safety, trust and peace of mind when it is most required. Further information on this service in future editorials. ,I \RX ZLVK WR ¿QG RXW PRUH FDOO QRZ

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Madrid Update

Last month we had an article about a visit to Madrid and made a mistake relating to the time of the high-speed train journey. Philip put us right and has more tips for people visiting the city. Your travel article in the March edition about Madrid was really interesting, but the reported four hour high speed train journey from Malaga does RENFE a great disservice! The AVE completes the journey in two-and-a-half hours and the company have a unique guarantee that would undoubtedly cause the bankruptcy of British Rail. If the train is more WKDQ PLQXWHV ODWH DW LWV GHVWLQDWLRQ WKHQ ¿IW\ percent of the fare is refunded, and if it is more than 30 minutes late then the total fare is repaid. The journey is the ultimate in comfort and relaxation and the whisper quiet trains glide through the Spanish landscape at speeds of up to 300 km/hour. There is little sensation of speed other than the occasional illusion of cars travelling on parallel motorway fast lanes appearing to be going backwards. Arriving relaxed in the city centre has a huge advantage over the outback where the airport is located, and think of missing all those airport queues. A few worthwhile tips. Senior travellers can purchase a ‘carta dorada,’ the equivalent of a Senior Railcard. This costs seven euros and can be obtained on production of a passport or NIE from railway stations or the travel bureau at El Corte Ingles Puerto Banus or SuperCor Estepona. Production of this card discounts fares by up to 40 percent.

Online booking via at least 15 days ahead offers further massive savings, and this combined with the carta dorada can save up to 70 percent of the fare. The website has been made much more user-friendly in the last two years, and has an English language option. &RQVLGHU WUDYHOOLQJ ¿UVW FODVV DV WKH SUHPLXP LV not so high and the perks include free car parking under Malaga railway station, use of the VIP lounges at both ends, and on-board snacks, meals and drinks. The extras often add up to more than the premium. Whilst Madrid is a sprawling city, and the old part at its heart is relatively compact and can be explored on foot, it is worth using the super HI¿FLHQW PHWUR %X\ D VHYHQ HXUR WLFNHW IURP RQH of the machines which is valid for nine journeys. Sixteen high-speed trains a day in each direction run between Málaga and Madrid, making a day trip a viable option. However, staying overnight opens up all the advantage of taking part in Madrid’s night life, and last week I found eating in local bar restaurants just off centre far cheaper than Estepona with plenty of variety. Reasonable priced hotels are in profusion: I stay at the Hotel Santo Domingo, once a Best Western and now part of the French Accor Group and which has the advantage of the Santo Domingo metro outside the front door. Again booking via the internet www.accorhotels. com saves serious money: I stayed last week for €65 a night which is good for a clean and comfortable hotel bang in the centre of the capital. Philip Crawford

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‘MARIA THE STITCH’ by Per R Dewar My writer’s eye constantly looks out for people who might become characters in my work: a reflection here, a story there. Manilva’s downtown barrio – city ward – Sabinillas, has been my home for a quarter of a century. It could well have been here that the writer Laurie Lee, nearing the end of his walk through Spain in 1936, (in fact just after he had been deported from Gibraltar), “tarried with the gypsies”. Sabinillas did not prompt Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Smuggler’s Song’, but you need only to apply this innuendo: “Brandy for the Parson, Baccy for the Clerk, Laces for a lady, letters for a spy, Them as asks no questions, Isn’t told a lie, And watch the wall, my darling, While the gentlemen pass by . . .” And so my writer’s eye, while looking for characters, finds nicknames for day-to-day local Spanish folk and the gatherings of expats in Sabinillas’ ‘Albert Square’. But firstly an anecdote. Picture this: Sabinillas ‘Main Street’ – ‘Avenida de Manilva’ – one sunny morning recently. Two ladies - obviously holidaymakers, stroll by. “Ere!” exclaims the one, “Did you ‘ear that Spanish bloke just call that girl a pakki! Wouldn’t do that back ‘ome, would ‘e?” “Nah,” sniffed her friend. The Spanish nickname, ‘Paqui’, pronounced ‘Pakki’, I imagine raises eyebrows among many racially conscious holidaymakers. It derives from ancient Castilliano script for Francisca and by the same token, Francisco becomes ‘Paco’. In the same vein, some readers will know that Spanish men called José (Joseph) are nicknamed Pepe – the tongue-in-cheek assumption that the Virgin Mary’s husband was a ‘padre putativo’ – ‘potential father’. We have several neighbours called Maria; one, across the street, is a seamstress; to us she is ‘Maria the Stitch’. Likewise there are umpteen ‘Juans’, the most important being the Repsol man. I call him ‘Juan the Gas’. Older readers might recall the song: ‘Pedro the Fisherman’. (“He was always whistling such a happy tune”.) Pedro doesn’t whistle on Levante days here in Sabinillas, when huge, dirty grey waves send all sorts of rubbish swirling up the beach. A Ducados smouldering in his mouth, he huddles in the lee of a boarded-up chiringuito, scuffing his feet aimlessly in the sand. Passing through ‘Albert Square’, as I do most days, it’s not so much a case of finding nicknames; look at Hogarth’s paintings, ‘Gin Lane’ and ‘Beer Street’ and you have more innuendo. Finally, the name I have given to a neighbour here in our condominium, who insists on having trees and hedgerows hacked down so that she can scream from her kitchen window at friends in the street. I call her ‘Madame Bonsai’.

. . . ‘As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning’ What’s On Calendar, Business Directory and much more.... on 43

Gibraltar destined for the big screen! Primetime audiences in the UK may have had an education into the secret history of Gibraltar’s iconic ‘stay behind cave’ recently after its appearance on BBC One’s flagship The One Show, but that will pale into insignificance compared to an ambitious plan to dramatise the story for the big screen, the media can reveal. The tale of the WW2 plan Operation Tracer to secrete teams of soldiers in the Rock in the event of invasion forms the basis for an ongoing project to make Gibraltar the focal point of a special effects-laden blockbuster – which is already attracting strong interest IURP ¿QDQFLQJ DQG GLVWULEXWLRQ FRPSDQLHV worldwide.

an important part in the history of Gibraltar allowed me to envisage how dynamic the story of the Tracer plan could be. It’s clear KRZ SDVVLRQDWH HYHU\RQH RQ WKH 5RFN LV DERXW WKHLU UROH LQ WKH GH¿QLQJ FRQÀLFW RI WKH 20th Century. It’s a story that’s itching to be told, and one of the most exciting I’ve been LQYROYHG ZLWK LQ \HDUV RI PDNLQJ PRYLHV ´

Gibraltar-based Gold The majority of the “It’s a story that’s itching ¿OP ZLOO EH ¿OPHG RQ Productions Studios, run by Martin Nuza, has partnered to be told, and one of the location in and around the Rock of Gibraltar. with UK producer James most exciting I’ve been Davidson to bring the story The last major movie involved with” to the big screen and are to place Gibraltar at its in advanced stages of heart was the James GHYHORSLQJ D IXOO OHQJWK IHDWXUH ¿OP XQGHU Bond The Living Daylights, and it’s hoped any production here will spell great news the working title Tracer. for local companies – and boost tourism Respected Hollywood director Jim Isaac thereafter. has already travelled to Gibraltar and seen ¿UVW KDQG WKH H[WHQVLYH tunnel networks in the Rock, which will form the dramatic backdrop for the movie. Isaac is part of a major production deal with Hollywood giant Kerner Studios, the force behind PDQ\ RI WKH 6WDU :DUV ¿OPV Isaac said, “Being in the tunnels and seeing the locations that played such 44 Please mention Andalucia Life when talking to our advertisers


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Cabopino in the Sun Cabopino provided us with the venue for our second golf day this year and what a day it turned out to be. We were provided with beautiful sunny weather, no wind, and wonderful course conditions.

As always, there were many laughs and surprises on the day, one of the more memorable for me was, having previously watched our inspirational leader Paul and his four ball tee off on the 18th, my four ball patiently waited before following up the 18th and then onto the 1st tee to continue our round. Imagine my surprise when I looked back to see Paul and his gang behind us as we prepared to putt out on the 2nd green! Hey guys, just a little reminder, when you start a shotgun on the 18th the next hole is the 1st, not the 10th. Our sponsor and charity prizes were won by Mike Cronin and John Higgins again, winning them respectively a bottle of Moet champagne in the EportBic prize draw, and 20 euros for John’s guess of 107 blobs on the day. Didn’t we have to eat humble pie after all laughing at John’s guess before play commenced, but he was nearest to the total of 110 blobs by a country mile. Our special thanks go to Carmen and all of her team at Cabopino for their help in making the day so special for us, the free shot saver course management guide’s were a very nice and unexpected touch. Also thanks go to Manolo in the restaurant for his great value drinks and WDSDV GHDO DQG ¿QDOO\ WR WKH (VWHSRQD 3RUW %XVLQHVV DQG ,QWHUQHW &HQWUH IRU VSRQVRULQJ WKH day and providing very welcome refreshments on the 10th tee. Thanks also go to all you guys who played for continuing to support both our society, and our charity raising efforts for Ciudad de los Ninos, in Målaga. We raised a further 100 euros on the day, so well done to all.

Our next golf day will be at Calanova on the 16th April, so for now, ³.HHS ¾HP GRZQ WKH PLGGOH´

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Semana Santa, jubilant in Seville and Andalucía and solemn elsewhere in Spain, is defined by its stunning processions. Each of these processions typically boasts two intensely adorned floats, one of the Virgin and the other of a scene from Christ’s Passion. Take in the lavish decoration of these incredible creations as they slowly pass before you accompanied by the music of coronets and drums; its hard to do so without getting chills. Underneath each float, you’ll just barely be able to make out rows and rows

Sudoku For Fun 8 1

7 3 4 9

3 9 6

6 4 8


of feet. There are up to forty men, called costaleros, who haul the float on shoulders and control the swaying motion of the float. In fact, they practice so much and are so in sync with each other that the realistic figures on top look eerily as if they were walking along to the music. Impossible to miss are the seemingly endless rows of nazarenos, or penitents, who walk along with the float.. You may even see some nazarenos walking barefoot, which is pretty impressive considering some of the processions last up to 14 hours. Don’t be thrown off by the resemblance between the pointy hoods and long robes of the nazarenos and those of the Ku Klux Klan; it’s coincidental and completely unrelated. Don’t be surprised to see how nicely the people dress to watch the processions. If you want to fit in leave the t-shirt you wore to paint the garage behind.



5 2 6

7 2 4 7 5 4


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What’s On Along The Costa Estepona 2nd April from 10am to 2pm ADANA Car Boot Sale Enjoy home cooked lunch by the river at this lovely spot. Bric a brac, jewellery, records, cakes, plants, collectables, ‘Cash in the Attic treasure’ plus more surprises every month. Safe, grassy children’s play area. First market full and a great VXFFHVV P 6WDOO ¼ +HOG LQ WKH ¿HOG DW Bar Eden, beside El Eden Vivero. Forest Hills Road on the outskirts Estepona. N340 ‘Cambio’ Laguna Village / Escuela Ecuestre. Head for the Forest Hills signs on the country road. Find us just past the right turn for the Riding School Escuela, straight over mini roundabout. To book or for more information and directions, contact Paulina, email: adanamarket@ 656 310 304 In case of bad weather, the event always takes place on the following Saturday. th


9 and 10 April Foreign Residents Exhibition at the Palacio de Congresos 16th April at 12 noon El Calvario Park. Easter Music Bands Concert “Villa De Estepona 2011” Puerto de la Duquesa Every Weekend Full Sports Program at Ryders Friday Nights Karaoke at Kinsale Karaoke at Hemingways

Sabinillas 8th April Foreign Residents Department Trip to Benajoan. In the heart of the Ronda mountains, Benajoan is a beautiful white village. Nearby are the Pileta caves in which you will see prehistoric cave drawings. You will also be taken for lunch to sample the typical dishes from this area. Departure is at 9am and you will return about 6pm. The price of 25 Euros per person includes transport, a visit to the caves and lunch. To book your place contact the Foreign Residents Department at the castle in Castillo 952 893 548 or the Tourist ,QIRUPDWLRQ 2I¿FH LQ 'XTXHVD DIWHU SP 663 969 636. 12th April - Informative Talk on Alcohol and Drug Dependency at the Multi-Use building at 5pm. Gibraltar 13th April John Mackintosh Hall. Concert by the classical guitarist Stephen Greenwood. More information and tickets Dyana Dessar; 670636 063 All Towns and Villages 17th to the 24th April Semana Santa, Easter Week. You can expect processions on most days. San Roque is famous for its Semana Santa celebrations.

sponsored by Ryders The 19th Hole Top Level, Puerto de la Duquesa

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