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Paws 4 Thought (hooman) Keeping Safe in Summer part 2

By Marilyn King

on Canada Day with a jug of water in one hand and a dog bowl in the other, asking dog owners if their dog would like a drink. A lot said no the dog was fine, only to find out when I put the dog bowl near the dog that it was in need of a drink. Not recognizing the combination of fur, exercise and hot weather had given their dog quite a thirst and, because the people were keeping themselves hydrated, they assumed their dogs were OK too.


More importantly, with major events, not all dogs enjoy being jostled by large crowds. If your dog is of a nervous disposition, or doesn’t like hordes of people, leave him/ her at home.

PAWS: For most of the year, our dog’s paws are unaffected by the climate. However, in the summer months, please pay attention to the thermometer, particularly when walking on paved surfaces. One quick test you can try is this: place your hand (or arm) on the surface to be walked on. If you cannot keep it there for five to ten seconds, it is too hot for your dog to walk on. We all want the best for our dogs, so let’s consider the needs of our furry friends and all enjoy this Summer.