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Tips when planting shade trees

Beautiful landscaping can add instant curb appeal to a property. But beauty isn’t the only thing that makes idyllic landscaping attractive to homeowners. Some landscaping features, such as shade trees, save homeowners money while adding aesthetic appeal.

The U.S. Department of Energy notes that shading is the most cost-effective way to reduce solar heat gain in a home. Shading also cuts air conditioning costs, which tend to be expensive in areas with warm, humid climates. In fact, the DOE notes that wellplanned landscapes can reduce unshaded homes’ air conditioning costs by anywhere from 15 to 50 percent.


When planting shade trees, one of the first decisions homeowners will need to make is which type of tree, deciduous or evergreen, they want to plant. Deciduous trees are those that seasonally shed their leaves, while evergreens are trees that keep their leaves throughout the year. Deciduous trees can help keep homes cool in the summer by blocking sun, and those same trees can be beneficial in winter after they shed their leaves by letting the sun in and keeping homes warm. But evergreens also can be beneficial in winter by blocking wind, potentially preventing cold air from making its way into a home through cracks in walls or around windows.

When planting shade trees, techniques vary depending on which type of tree homeowners ultimately choose to plant.

Planting deciduous trees

The DOE says that deciduous trees that are between six and eight feet tall when planted will begin shading the windows of a home within a year of being planted. Depending on the species of the plant and the home, those same deciduous trees may begin shading the roof within five to 10 years of being planted. When planting deciduous trees, homeowners should keep these tips in mind.

• Plant trees to the south of the home. When planted to the south of the home, deciduous trees can screen between 70 and 90 percent of the summer sun while still allowing residents to feel summer breezes.

• Consider sun angles. Homeowners who want to shade their homes from low afternoon sun angles should plant trees with crowns that are lower to the ground on the west side of their homes.

• Cool air before it reaches your home. Shrubs and groundcover plants can be planted to cool air before it reaches a home.

Evergreen trees

Planting evergreens to block wind is known as “windbreaking,” which lowers the wind chill near a home. Wind also can be used to cool a home in summer. But these benefits can only be realized when evergreens are strategically planted.

• Location, location, location: The DOE advises planting evergreen trees to the north and northwest of the home to stop wind. In addition, to get the most bang for your windbreaking buck, the distance between the home and windbreak should be two to five times the height of the mature tree.

• Plant trees on either side of the house. Planting trees on either side of the house will direct cooling winds toward the home in the summer.

Shade trees can help homeowners reduce their energy bills, making them valuable and attractive additions to any landscape.

5 mistakes to avoid when cleaning your windows and mirrors Ready, set, declutter

Clean mirrors, windows and glass furniture add instant sparkle to your decor. In your haste to get the shine, you may make mistakes that cause you to double your efforts. Avoid these five habits to get the best results the first time.

1. Cleaning when the weather or lighting is bad, like freezing rain or glaring sun

2. Neglecting to dust surrounding spaces, like mirror frames, before cleaning

3. Using a poor-quality cleaning solution

4. Drying surfaces with a non-absorbent, dirty or lint-covered cloth

5. Forgetting to wipe the squeegee after each pass

Purchase the best cleaning products and accessories at your local stores. You could also try hiring a cleaning pro for dazzling results.

Tackling spring cleaning without first decluttering a few rooms, drawers, or cupboards can be futile. Is this task worth the effort? The answer is a resounding yes. Getting rid of unnecessary things gives you, among other things, an incredible feeling of lightness and well-being. Here are a few tips on how to make this chore go smoothly.

Many find that sorting through their belongings brings up various emotions. Can you relate? To lighten the emotional load, start with items with little or no sentimental va lue , such as leftover renovation materials or take-out containers that can go in the recycling bin.

Once you’ve done this, sort through other items. When deciding if you should keep something, ask yourself if it’s useful.

If you haven’t used it in over a year, it’s not essential. If you’re reluctant to part with an expensive item, remember that you can sell it to someone else who can give it a new life.

If you have several duplicates of nearly identical items, keep only one or two (the least worn, for example). If you’ve been hoarding clothes that no longer fit, be realistic. Sell them if they’re in good shape or donate them to an organization that helps needy people.

After decluttering, reward yourself with a relaxing massage or meal out.

How to clean your walls without damaging the paint

Washing painted walls can be tricky and requires special care. Follow these steps to avoid marring the paint or leaving unsightly scuffs.

1. Gently remove dust and cobwebs with a vacuum cleaner or duster.

2. Place old towels along the baseboards to absorb excess water.

3. Wash the walls with a sponge or mop, working from top to bottom. Gently scrub away stains as needed. Water alone is usually sufficient for surface dirt, but you may need to use a mild detergent for stubborn stains.

4. Dry the cleaned and rinsed surfaces with a fresh cloth as you go.

Psst! The darker the paint colour and the more matte the finish, the less scrubbing you should do.

Spring cleaning: 5 fabric care tips

While spring cleaning your home, don’t forget about textiles. Here are a few tips for cleaning your quilts, bedspreads, curtains, cushions, duvet covers and more.

1. Before putting any textiles in the washing machine, shake out all the dust and debris or vacuum them. This will make cleaning more effective.

2. Me tal accessories such as zippers can damage delicate fabrics. Don’t take any chances! Wash your delicates in a separate load. Also, place particularly fragile fabrics, like lace, in a mesh laundry bag.

3. Use a mild detergent, and don’t use bleach, which can discolour your fabrics.

5. The drying method you use depends on the fabric type. You can generally use the dryer for heavy-duty texti les. However, hang other materials to air dry before steaming or ironing them.

Do you have high walls that are nearly impossible to reach?

4 Tips For Tidying Your Home

4. Wash your fabrics in cold water on the delicate or normal cycle. Follow the care instructions on the label whenever possible.

If you have any items with special cleaning needs, bring them to your local dry cleaner.

Expert tips for maintaining your flooring

Have you finished most of your spring cleaning but haven’t washed your floors? Here are a few tips for maintaining your flooring without damaging it.

• Ceramic tiles. Clean the grout lines with a product specifically designed for this purpose. After letting the product soak in, scrub the grout with a clean brush or cloth and rinse. You can easily clean the surface of the tiles with a mixture of water and white vinegar.

• Vinyl. This popular material is easy to care for and will look new for years. Gently mop the floor with a vinyl cleaner to remove grime. Then, rinse with clean water and let dry.

• Floating floor. This type of flooring is practical and attractive but vulnerable to moisture. Therefore, avoid soaking it with water when washing it. Purchase a product designed for floating floors. Follow the instructions to restore your floor to its former glory.

• Hardwood. Restore the shine of this elegant material with an environmentally friendly, no-rinse cleaner. That way, you won’t leave behind streaks or residue. Avoid using scouring pads and other aggressive tools to remove stains. These items could damage the floor’s finish.

Visit local stores to find products and accessories to make your floors shine.

Have you carefully sorted your belongings down to the essentials, but your home is still a mess? Don’t worry! Here are a few tips to help you tidy up.

1. Take advantage of space. Go around your home and look for unused spaces underneath staircases and beds, over cupboards and behind doors. Make the most of this space with hooks, shelves and storage bins.

2. St ore seasonal items. For instance, put your camping gear and Christmas decorations in marked bins or bags and store them in your basement or shed. Make sure these items are easily accessible when you need them.

3. Keep frequently used items at hand. It doesn’t make sense to stow away items you use several times a day or week. Instead, place them within easy reach or on attractive displays. Keep rarely used products out of sight unless they’re particularly decorative.

4. Invest in multifunctional furniture. Convertible furniture, multi-purpose shelving and storage benches or ottomans are perfect for stowing away things in style. Visit your local stores to explore your options.

Consult a specialist in your area for personalized advice on organizing your home.

No matter what type of flooring you have, remove debris, crumbs and dust with a broom, vacuum or cloth before you start cleaning.


Being a victim of theft — or a home invasion — is a horrifying experience that we all want to avoid at all costs. Fortunately, several options exist to discourage thieves from breaking into your home. Here are four that can help you feel more safe and secure.


Home security alarm systems are increasingly sophisticated and accessible. In fact, homeowners can now protect their property remotely and at any hour of the day or night by using “smart” surveillance cameras and motion detectors. Such devices can be connected to security company switchboards or even to the homeowner’s Wi-Fi connected tablet, phone or computer.

The latest alarm systems typically include:

• Fire detectors

• Window breakage detectors

• Water leak detectors

• Carbon monoxide detectors

• Lighting control

• Thermostat control

• Notification of the locking and unlocking of doors

Tip: be sure to choose a recognized professional to install and maintain your alarm system. Ask family or friends for references or consult consumer protection organizations to find the right people for the job.


To discourage thieves from targeting your home, consider replacing your windows with high-security models fitted with reinforced glass. These windows are incredibly resistant and are effective as a deterrent to thie ves, who will most likely want to try their luck somewhere else. Check with local window manufacturers and installers to find out more.


Cheap locks can be easily picked by thieves, even inexperienced ones. In other words, your possessions aren’t necessarily protected when you lock your doors before leaving home. Several reputable companies (Medeco, Abloy, Mul-T-Lock, Corbin and Ilco) have developed high-end locks that sell from around $200. Here are a few examples:

• Key control locks

• Double-cylinder deadbolt locks

• High-security rotary disk locks

• Code (or combination) locks

• Fingerprint locks

• Locks controlled via a Bluetooth system

Alarm systems, windows, doors and locks: several products can help you protect your most valuable possessions.

Check with locksmiths in your area to find a suitable model that will deter thieves.


There are several ways you can make your doors more secure. You could, for example, add an additional lock to your front door or block the sliding mechanism of your patio door with a metal rod.

Door manufacturers also use such materials as burglar-proof glass, steel and composite to reinforce some of their mo d els. Check with the specialized companies in your area and improve your home security before — not after — your home is broken into.

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