Anchorage Independent School District Strategic Plan

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Anchorage Independent School District Strategic Plan | 2018


Launching Lifelong Learning Through Inspiration – Exploration – Connection HTTP://WWW.ANCHORAGE-SCHOOL.ORG


Tradition of Excellence Anchorage Public School is one of the top-performing school districts in Kentucky. The school, which is a cornerstone of the community, is anchored in a rich heritage and tradition dating back to 1911. The success of our school and students is in large part due to the overwhelming community and parent support of our school. The Anchorage Parent Teacher Association, founded on April 13, 1915, volunteers more than 10,000 hours each school year to provide enrichment opportunities for students, facility improvements and instructional resources. Another key to our school success is the commitment of our instructional staff. Anchorage Public School’s staff is dedicated to providing students an exemplary learning experience, both in the classroom and through extra-curricular programs; and our students respond with impressive results in the classroom and through service to the community.


Strategic Planning Process The Anchorage School Community is dedicated to our students’ success and thus is committed to continuous improvement. Over seven years ago the school community invested a great deal of effort into collaboratively developing a plan with improvement goals and accompanying strategic objectives. Nearly all of the objectives of the plan have been achieved. During the 2017-2018 school year the focus shifted to developing a new strategic plan to chart a course for future improvements. The new strategic plan was developed with input from the school community through surveys and focus group sessions hosted by the school district. It includes a revised mission statement, revised core values and three specific improvement areas, which include measurable improvement goals for each. Members of the Anchorage School community will have an important role in the implementation of this plan as committees will be established to create strategic objectives that will guide attainment of each of the respective goals.



Mission The mission of Anchorage Public School is to unite with the Anchorage community to equip all students with the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and mindset that will inspire and empower them to make a positive impact on their community and world.


Vision The Anchorage School Learning Community Launching Lifelong Learning Through Inspiration – Exploration – Connection



Core Values Community Anchorage Anchors are dedicated, loyal, and responsible members of our community. We are considerate of all students, families, staff, and the environment around us. We are helpful, respectful, supportive, and welcoming. We believe in the power of teamwork as we celebrate our differences and embrace all members of our community. We strive to show commitment, character and integrity in every aspect of our lives. Excellence Anchorage Anchors pursue excellence in every facet of our lives and continually strive to make the best use of our talents, time, and resources. We search for ways to contribute to our community. We set high standards and commit ourselves to helping all students grow academically, socially, and emotionally. Adults and students engage in relevant, in-depth, individualized, and integrated learning that promotes whole- child growth. We endeavor to persevere in the face of adversity and work to perform at our highest academic level. At Anchorage, we are lifelong learners. Voice Anchorage Anchors value all members of the school community and believe stakeholder voice is a crucial component of the school culture. Seeking and valuing stakeholder voice promotes student success. We display tolerance of others who hold different beliefs and points of view, seek to understand others through active listening, and work together to prepare our students for the future. We believe that collaboration between the school and community leads to better decisions, better programs, better curriculum, and ultimately, better learning experiences for students. HTTP://WWW.ANCHORAGE-SCHOOL.ORG

Improvement Areas Syste ms nd a l cia ional o S ot g Em arnin Le

Academic Excellence


Systems Efficient and effective structures and processes ensure strong strategic and operational management.


Social and Emotional Learning Through Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) students gain the capacity to integrate skills, attitudes, and behaviors in order to deal effectively with daily tasks and challenges. This is accomplished through promoting intrapersonal, interpersonal, and non-cognitive competencies. Student SEL promotes learning self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making.


Academic Excellence Student engagement refers to the degree of attention, curiosity, and interest that students show when they are learning. This extends to the level of motivation they have to learn and progress in their education which leads to academic excellence.



Safety Goals Prior to January 1, 2020, the APS Safety Committee will identify, select and implement industry recommended equipment and procedures to further improve our school security and meet or exceed KRS 158.162 requirements.

Increase the level of protection provided to APS students, staff and visitors from exposure to weapons and threats on school grounds each year from 2019 through 2022 as measured by annual local law enforcement reviews.


Implement equipment and procedures to further improve the level of protection provided to students, staff and visitors from injury from physical hazards, severe weather, fire, and natural disasters as measured through decreasing injury/incident reports from 2019 through 2023.

Maintain zero incidences of possession, sale or use of illegal substances on school premises and develop initiatives designed to prevent substance abuse among APS students during and outside of school.

Create and sustain a school-wide, systemic effort to prevent violence and bullying that reduces discipline referrals and decreases the percentage of student responses indicating “never feeling safe at school” on a School Climate Survey annually from 2019 through 2023.


Goals The APS Facilities Committee will develop a recommendation for a thoughtful and defined plan for APTA Board and School Board consideration of program/facility space revitalization prior to the start of the 2019-2020 school year. The plan will include spaces such as our school library, STEM labs, technology labs, auditorium, art/music classrooms, gymnasiums, cafeteria and athletic field.

The APS Communications Committee will develop defined parameters for the use of social media and will annually review current communication structures of the school and district in order to make recommendations to the Board for identified changes that will improve communication within our school community. The effectiveness of communication within the school community will be measured each year through a survey developed by the committee and administered to the Board, School Council, APTA Board, Homeroom Parents and Student Councils. (Updated April, 2021)


A consistent grading system that is evidenced in research to support student learning will be implemented across grade levels. Successful implementation of the new system will be measured through tri-annual principal evaluation of IC data and learning walk student interview data collected during learning walks.

Approved as a 2021-2022 Priority Goal Area with work to develop and adopt new goals underway.

Social and Emotional Learning

Goals By December, 2018, the APS Social and Emotional Learning Committee (SELC) will identify research-based student social and emotional skills that are important to APS achieving our mission.

During the 2018-2019 school year, the APS SELC will research and recommend a comprehensive school-wide social and emotional learning program and evaluation tool.


All teachers and administrators will be trained in the implementation of the school-wide social and emotional learning program and evaluation tool.

The school-wide social and emotional learning program will be fully implemented beginning in the 2019-2020 school year.

Academic Excellence

Goals All teachers will provide personalized/differentiated learning within their individual students’ zone of proximal development as evidenced by classroom observations and by a 2.5% annual increase in the percentage of students reaching or exceeding their annual MAP proficiency growth targets in reading and math.


Priority Goal (2021-2022) Develop and implement a systematic approach to literacy instruction at Anchorage Independent School District thereby yielding: • Meet or exceed the 50th percentile MAP Reading Conditional Growth Index at each grade level Fall → Spring. • Meet or exceed the 50th percentile MAP Language Conditional Growth Index at each grade level Fall → Spring. • Increase the percentage of students within the same grade level group scoring proficient or distinguished on the KSA Reading and Writing assessment annually. • Annually monitor and report progress toward CSIP disability achievement gap goal for reading.

All teachers will be provided with the training, resources and support needed to engage students in learning through evidence-based Cultures of Thinking activities such as Socratic Circles, projectbased learning and design thinking. Successful implementation will be measured by student voice engagement construct survey results of 80% or higher, evidence of activities in classroom observations across all content and grade levels and 100% of students reaching or exceeding their annual MAP proficiency growth targets in reading and math.

Implementation 

Goal Committees Formed 

Review relevant research

Develop an agreed upon list of strategies/activities to reach the goals

Develop a budget that includes a list of needed resources

Develop a timeline

Present recommendations to staff, School Council and School Board

The leadership team will oversee implementation of strategies/activities

The superintendent and principal will present semi-annual strategic plan updates to the School Council and School Board


Anchorage Public School

11400 Ridge Road Anchorage, KY 40223 T: 502.245.8927 F: 502.245.2124 E: HTTP://WWW.ANCHORAGE-SCHOOL.ORG

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