Lissitzky's Levitational Fields for IKEA office

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IKEA |Lissitzky’s

Levitational Fields

"The purpose of architecture is to transmute the emptiness into space, that is into something which our minds can grasp as an organized unity." –

El Lissitzky

IKEA experiments and designs with geometries and forms, composing them in different iterations to form multiple elements and spaces. Scaling up this idea to architectural and interior spaces, inspirations have been derived from the works of Russian suprematist, El Lissitzky and his PROUN spaces and paintings. Much like IKEA, Lissitzky believes that space is built for human beings, not human beings for space.

PROUN is a series of artworks forming compositions and interaction between geometrical forms in a space where Lissitzky establishes a connection between them to derive 3-dimensional spaces.

The entire site has been interpreted as a space where various forms come to interact with one another forming various kinds of spaces. The workstations are encompassed inside a black cube which houses the existing structure while bridges connect it to a tilted red cube which represents newness and togetherness. Another connection leads to a triple-height display system, displaying the classic chairs of IKEA. All spaces have been derived with reference to the existing system, complementing its character.

Where the PROUN brings different geometries to interact, IKEA brings them together through a modular system of elements. As also quoted by IKEA - "The journey is as important as the destination.", one gets a new experience at every transition while following a constant set of elements.

Tale of 2 squares (1920) Parallels from Artists and their artworks Artworks from the 7 works of zero category PROUN Room PROUN 19D (1922)
COLOUR THEORY Hybrid Typologies and Adaptive Reuse | Unit Tutors: Krishna Shah, Percy Pithawala | Teaching Assistant: Niyati Shah

Stage 1

Translating El lissitzky’s artworks to create a PROUN - inspired space by introducing various shapes and forms inside the record room.

The amalgamation of these forms floating in a space, give a different experience in every volume, enhancing the character of each one.

Rotation of cube at various angles to create a functional space with

Transformation of Lissitzky’s shapes into volumes to achieve a functional composition. indoor-outdoor
relationship Stage 1
Stage 4
Art to Architecture ID4021 | Hybrid Typologies and Adaptive Reuse
the composition
Scaled translation of artworks into architectural context
Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 2 Stage 3
Stage 5 Stage 6
| Unit
Tutors: Krishna Shah, Percy Pithawala | Teaching Assistant: Niyati Shah
within context creating pivot points and axes at the intersections of cubes and surrounding elements

Lissitzky’s artworks were translated into the architectural context in form of levitational cubes, interconnected to one another through bridges. The rotation and level of cube were derived based on the function in an office space. Subsequently, the junctions and pivot points formed by the arrangement of these elements were worked out to add another layer of geometry.

The furniture layout has been done with projections from the primary geometry, retaining the existing structure. Afterwards , the connection and furniture details were designed by a kit of parts, followed throughout the interior space, bringing harmony in the space.

ID4021 | Hybrid Typologies and
to models
Adaptive Reuse
Tutors: Krishna Shah, Percy Pithawala Teaching Assistant: Niyati Shah
Stage 1 - Placement of cubes
Stage 2 - Establishing connections between cubes Stage 3 - Inclusion of vertical circulation Stage 4 - Designing intersections and junctions of

The State record room in Vadodara has been re-purposed as an IKEA office. The existing building houses an independent metal structure throughout the building carrying old records. Metaphorically, the modular system of the structure can be seen as a kind of Lego where elements can be rearranged and taken out without affecting their surroundings.

The individual spaces are designed using a kit of parts customized according to the function. The flooring, the railing, the amphitheater steps of the red cube, and the furniture, follow a similar set of components and joineries, bringing uniformity to the entire building.

Existing Site

Relationship between existing and new intervention

Stage 1- Existing Site

Stage 2 - Retained v/s new intervention

Stage 3 - Red cube as a force of change

Stage 4 - Introducing new structure within the shell

Stage 5 - Development of connections

Stage 6 - Establishing inside-outside relationship

Stage 7 - Vertical Circulation inspired by PROUN

Stage 8 - Contrast between old and new

Stage 9 - Volumetric development of courtyard

Stage 10 - Building the programme

Stage 11 - Interior details integrating IKEA and Lissitzky

Stage 12 - Contrast to building envelope through materials

| Hybrid
Typologies and Adaptive Reuse | Unit Tutors: Krishna Shah, Percy Pithawala | Teaching Assistant: Niyati Shah
State Record Room | Lego
ID4021 | Hybrid
and Adaptive Reuse | Unit Tutors: Krishna Shah, Percy Pithawala | Teaching Assistant: Niyati Shah
Ground Floor Plan
Section AA - Cutting the courtyard to show the tilt of red cube and its relationship to the building

First Floor Plan - The intersections of different forms add another layer of geometry

ID4021 |
Typologies and Adaptive Reuse | Unit Tutors: Krishna Shah, Percy Pithawala | Teaching Assistant: Niyati Shah Section BB - Showing the relationship of cubes and the connections linking them
ID4021 | Hybrid Typologies and
Adaptive Reuse
Unit Tutors: Krishna Shah, Percy Pithawala Teaching Assistant: Niyati Shah Section DD - Cross section of the site showing the details of red cube and its relationship with the building
Second Floor Plan
Section CC - Cross section showing the display system for IKEA chairs

Existing structure


Existing Structure

Display System for the classic chairs of IKEA, retaining the existing structure Volumes and cubes creating drama in the space Central System with a triple height display system housing IKEA chairs Lighting and display detail Oak wood IKEA light Metal pipes using the technique of metal insertion Metal grating
ID4021 | Hybrid Typologies and Adaptive Reuse | Unit
of the
and name display system Metal grating on the existing structure Tutors: Krishna Shah, Percy Pithawala
Teaching Assistant: Niyati Shah Details
display system
ID4021 | Hybrid Typologies
Adaptive Reuse | Unit Tutors: Krishna Shah, Percy Pithawala | Teaching Assistant: Niyati Shah
Steps flowing into the courtyard establishing indoor outdoor relationship
Steps of the red cube flow into the landscape breaking the barrier between indoor and outdoor Interaction of red and black cube with each other and other elements
Wooden planks
Metal box sections painted in red
Entrance into the cube from first floor
Wire laminated glass
Metal structure painted in red Details of the Red cube

Hierarchy of intervention

Skin on the periphery of workstations, partially segregating the interior from exterior.

Material : Wire laminated glass


Bridge overlooking in the red cube and plaza , leads to the other side of the building

Curtain wall creating a contrast between old and new while enhancing the inside -outside relationship

Display space for the classic IKEA chairs while retaining the old structure

Breaking the rigidity of the grid by inserting a new grid inclined to the existing

Red Metal cube as an interactive space , contrary to the environment of black cube Material : Wire laminated glass

Details inspired from PROUN artwork and IKEA design concepts height entrance plaza peeping from the front facade to engage attention Existing metal grid
Exploded isometric drawing showing individual
of their placement ID4021 | Hybrid Typologies
elements and hierarchy
and Adaptive Reuse | Unit
Tutors: Krishna Shah, Percy Pithawala | Teaching Assistant: Niyati Shah

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