A-Town Fall 2018

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Fall 2018 City of Anacortes www.cityofanacortes.org 360-293-1900

FRONT COVER PHOTOGRAPHY EDDIE MURDOCK Photographer Since I picked up my first digital camera, I have been ‘bitten by the photography bug’. It seems that every year I am upgrading to more resolution, more pixels, more control, more lenses and, of course, more camera bodies. I never thought I’d see the day when I could put one of my cameras in the air, other than tying it to a kite or a rocket. Then along came the attack of the drones! I was immediately fascinated and KNEW I had to get one and did. Eighteen months later, I am on my sixth aerial device. The simplicity of the drone allows me to take unique and breathtaking views that would normally require a helicopter ride. As an Anacortes resident and photographer, I am always looking for ways to get new and different perspectives of my surrounding area. I am a professional landscape and real estate photographer, so drones are pretty much the cherry on top for me. The sculpture featured on the cover is in the beautiful Kiwanis Waterfront Park. "WINDSONG" was created by Leo E. Osborne of Guemes Island and is dedicated to Peace.

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O ne of the most important responsibilities of local government is planning, developing, maintaining, and improving infrastructure to benefit the residents of the City of Anacortes. This edition of our A-Town publication will focus on the element that highlights the foundation of the community that we enjoy every day in our City - infrastructure. Infrastructure is defined as the fundamental facilities and systems serving a city. This includes public and private improvements for the economy and primary functions. It is composed of our public physical improvements, such as roads, bridges, trails, water and sewer systems, electrical, natural gas, and telecommunications which include internet connectivity and broadband speed. In general, it has been defined as physical components of interrelated systems providing commodities and services essential to enable, sustain, and enhance society’s living conditions. At the City of Anacortes, the administration provides the governmental support for the foundation of our hard and soft infrastructure. Over the last 4.5 years, we have focused on the hard infrastructure element to maintain and rebuild our roads, water and sewer systems. We also have focused on soft infrastructure that maintains economic health, public safety, social and cultural well-being of our citizens. This includes our police force, fire department and emergency protection, medical systems, our parks and recreation department, senior services, public library, and museum. Our City Hall provides governmental infrastructure which is

the foundation of our hard and soft infrastructure. We are committed to developing and maintaining professional, highly-trained and service oriented workforce for the delivery of these city services and carry out the goals to accomplish this vision. The City of Anacortes has set goals to accomplish a vision to guide decisionmaking at all levels of City government to stabilize funding for our infrastructure. The economy has been strong the last few years with increases in all of our tax revenues: sales tax, REET, utility, and property taxes. We have been able to continue to invest in our infrastructure while building robust reserves with $4.2 million dollars in unrestricted funds, $4.5 million dollars in restricted funds and $5.5 million dollars in Equipment Rental and Reserves with a total of $14.2 million dollars set aside. We will be able to weather any disaster or downturn in the economy. Lastly, we are in the final stages of development of a business plan to bring fiber to our businesses and residents. We are currently in the final building phase to implement the telemetry for our water and sewer systems and late this year we will be ready to light a city fiber utility pilot project. As I shared in my opening remarks, infrastructure is to support the economy. I believe a public fiber infrastructure will enhance the city’s economic, social, educational, and medical systems and bring quality of life for decades into our future and for generations to come. Your Devoted Mayor,


A View from Councilman Matt Miller

We are approaching “Budget” season here in Anacortes. While we won’t be stringing up lights or decorating trees, the City staff, the Mayor and the Council will work to build a budget that we think best serves the public we represent. The Council will revisit and debate fiscal priorities set at our Council retreat, and over the next few months we will ultimately finish this year with a budget for 2019-2020. I would like to use this opportunity to talk about a small part of my view of fiscal responsibility as an elected official. As one of seven Councilmembers, I take my role on the budget very seriously and consider my unique background helpful in the process. I have had many years of budgeting experience in the federal government, currently with the city, and in the private sector, formatting and managing budgets. Voting on the Mayor’s proposed budget is one of the most important things we do on Council. The city’s revenue comes from primarily property, sales, and utility taxes. While our Finance Director has the ever challenging job of projecting future revenue, the rest of us will have the challenge of prioritizing the discretionary spending, trying hard to define critical needs versus wants. This

requires discipline of elected leaders, as it easier to accept everything as a priority and we all have varying opinions on priorities. During my time managing budgets for departments in the federal government I have never had, or even heard of department heads asking for less people and money for an upcoming budget cycle. This is all okay, and we as citizens should want our department directors to advocate for their departments, people and programs; however, as elected leaders we must understand our fiduciary responsibility to the citizens, as the only ones in a position to push back, if ever so gently. Finally, I’m fond of saying, during this festive budget season, “an FTE (Full-Time-Equivalent) is forever.” I say this to remind myself that once there is an ongoing salary for that FTE, there is likely a portion of future required infrastructure (capital expense) that we will have to fund from elsewhere. We must think beyond the two year impact of each FTE, even if it is an absolute, must have critical FTE that will be the greatest addition in the history of government staffing. Merry Budget Season!

Front Cover Photographer................2 Mayor Laurie Gere.............................2 City Council Member........................3 District Ballot Proposition................4 Future of Our Library........................5 City Infra-structure....................... 6/7 Bicycle Boulevards.............................8 Unknown Park Volunteers...............8 Thank You - Roundabout Patience..9 Anacortes Arts Commission.... 10-11 Outstanding City Employee...........12 Anacortes Aktion Club...................13 Guemes Channel Trail Volunteers......13 Help Name Broadband Network...14 Our Town..........................................14 Community Task Force...................15 Fall Prevention Fair.........................16 Washington Park..............................17 Sewer Backing Up?...........................17 Anacortes City Council Members.18 Solid Waste Schedule.......................18


Handy Numbers...............................19 Quarterly Menu................................19 Recreation Programs.................20-24


Senior Activity Center.....................25 Anacortes Museum....................26-29 Transition Fidalgo Gatherings.......29 Anacortes Farmers Market.......30-35 Friends of the Forest..................36-37 Shearwater University.....................38 Friends of Skagit Beaches................39 Class Act........................................... 40 Fidalgo Dance Works......................41 Anacortes Soo Bahk Do................. 42 Iyengar Yoga..................................... 43 Anacortes Senior College............... 44 Anacortes Open Streets.................. 45 FIGG................................................. 46 Transition Fidalgo Projects............ 46 Dialing 911: Part II...........................47 Fidalgo Bay Day............................... 48 Happyville........................................ 49 4th of July Thank Yous..............50-51 Energy Fair....................... Back Cover

Fall 2018 ATOT  3

Transportation Benefit District Ballot Proposition Sales and use tax for transportation improvements

At its July 23 meeting, the Anacortes City Council passed Resolution 2017, which calls for a proposition in the Nov. 6 election this year. If approved by voters, it would allow the city to authorize a sales and use tax of two-tenths of one percent (0.2%) within the boundaries of the Anacortes Transportation Benefit District, which coincides with Anacortes’ city limits. The tax would go into effect April 1, 2019, be for a duration of 10 years and generate revenue that would be used to help finance costs associated with transportation improvements in the district. The transportation district was established by the City Council in July 2014 in order to create policy for funding pavement maintenance and overlay projects. The district board’s rights, powers, functions and obligations were assumed by the City Council in January 2016.

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“If approved by the voters, the sales and use tax will apply to persons who shop and thereby use the roads in the city and not just to city residents,” according to the resolution. Also according to the resolution, if approved by voters, the tax would replace the $20 vehicle tab fee residents currently have to pay when registering or renewing their registration for their vehicles. City Finance Director Steve Hoglund said the tax would cost shoppers in Anacortes 2 cents for every $100 spent, or $2 for every $1,000 spent. Currently, Anacortes residents pay an 8.5 percent sales tax, the majority, 6.5%, going to the state, 1% to the city, and the rest to various county services. Based on 2016 taxable sales, the 0.2 percent would generate $928,435 a year, Hoglund said. Last year’s taxable sales were not used for an estimate because the high school project would overinflate the estimate, he said.

The vehicle tab fee generated $317,255 for the city in 2016 and $335,392 in 2017, Hoglund said. “Really what it is, is a change in funding source from a $20 car tab that brings about $300,000 a year,” city engineer Eric Shjarback said. “We’re looking at implementing this 0.2 percent sales tax – people have to vote yes on it – and we’re going to un-implement the car tab sometime next year.” The funds generated by the tax would be used for “transportation improvements,” including “all associated maintenance, operation, labor, material, and equipment required for these projects and programs, and include the preservation, maintenance, operation and/or improvement of existing transportation infrastructure of the city,” according to the resolution.

Photos by Steve Berentson

THE FUTURE OF OUR LIBRARY by Ruth Barefoot, Director CURLING UP WITH A GOOD BOOK WILL ALWAYS BE IN STYLE. Our brains constantly build neurons as we understand new concepts and connect ideas. Demanding more creative thought from our brains keeps us nimble, resilient thinkers. We can receive the same effective brain workout reading fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, newspapers, magazines, and zines! As you might have noticed over the years learning formats like LPs, cassettes, beta, VHS, DVD and streaming may change but learning and discovery will never cease. As our brains learn and take in new ideas they are transforming. Viewing a movie is sort of a oneway feed of information. To fully benefit from multi-media have a discussion during or after the showing. Remember when we’d wait for a commercial to make a comment? We’d have this furious discussion before the show came back on. An interesting library development is redesigning both physically and operationally to better facilitate the community experience. Strategies driving how libraries lead this

platform are two-fold: improved access through fiber optics infrastructure; and moving from the traditional “transaction” to a “relationship” based service model. Three leading trends that capture how libraries transform service to the community are: Superconnectivity: the “capacity of the library to leverage its high-speed technological capacity and its well-designed and engaging physical spaces to facilitate the development of interpersonal relationships, collaboration, human capital.”* America’s Civic square: the “fragmented media environment means commercial brands are no longer doing an effective job at providing platforms for civil discourse and debate.”* Libraries must fill this vacuum. The App Library: the library would “design library environments that augment formal education by developing opportunities for learning and creativity.”* Anyone would contribute and the library would vet and align to community needs.

Individuals drive these trends. Pocket technology such as phones and smart tablets become everyday gear used at the speed of light to connect and participate in important conversations. The library continues to change over the years to connect resources to changing customer needs. The three trends above will impact how we move forward. How we use funds, train staff, and build services changes how we reconfigure to assist with teaching the customer how to use the library. It has changed how backroom efficiency is essential so that staff are freed up for more valuable customer interactions. In the months to come please support your wonderful library and the adjustments being made, say hello to staff, and let them know what you need to transform your day! Resources: * From the Aspen Institute on Libraries, Libraries in the Exponential Age: Moving from the edge of innovation to the center of community. (2016).

Fall 2018 ATOT  5

The city recently completed a project, which replaced the mechanical screens at the water treatment plant intake facility. These screens remove sticks and debris from the river water before being pumped to the plant for treatment. The screens that were replaced had been in service for nearly 50 years.

Reservoir Project

The city is in the final stages of completing the construction of two new 1.5-million-gallon reservoirs, which replace the existing 3-mg reservoir. The first of the two tanks is already in service and the second tank has been constructed. Each tank will receive a coating which will protect the steel from corrosion. Final site work will be completed in the coming weeks and the project is expected to be completed by the fall of this year.

Intake Water Screens This project was done in partnership with Skagit County and included extensive repairs to Heart Lake Road in preparation for the county’s cape seal work itself and new striping. The cost of cape seal is significantly cheaper than typical mill and fill overlays which allows our paving budget to stretch further.

Heart Lake Road

Rebuilt the Third Street sidewalk from Commercial Avenue to Q Avenue to match the width and style of the original sidewalk. The project also included stamped brick gutters, stormwater rerouting and ADA improvements.

Third Street Sidewalk

Marine Heights Slurry

6  ATOT Fall 2018

Our second annual slurry seal in the Marine Heights neighborhood went very smoothly despite denying residents access to their homes by vehicle for 8 hours.

The WSDOT aren’t the only folks who have been doing infra-structure work around Anacortes lately. Our own Public Works Department has been doing and over-seeing quite a few projects. Here is a listing of some of the bigger ones. These projects are conducted annually to reduce infiltration of stormwater into the sewer system and reduce the peak flows at the Waste Water Treatment Plant.

Sewer Inflow and Infiltration Work

The city is in the final stages of completing the construction of two new 1.5-million-gallon reservoirs, which replace the existing 3-mg reservoir. The first of the two tanks is already in service and the second tank has been constructed. Each tank will receive a coating which will protect the steel from corrosion. Final site work will be completed in the coming weeks and the project is expected to be completed by the fall of this year.

Commercial Avenue Overlay

The City has constructed a fiber optic backbone for utility use that links the Water Treatment Plant, the Wastewater Treatment Plan, the pump stations and other facilities that support the water and wastewater utilities for telemetry and control of the utility systems. The city is using a new technology that provides a “pipe-in-a-pipe” conduit for the purposes of installing the fiber cable. A small-bore pipe is installed within the existing waterline and once the pipe is installed, fiber can then be safely installed within it, without it ever coming into contact with the water. The WA Dept. of Health approved this process after rigorous review.

32nd and D Roundabout

March Point Road Widening

In August 2018, the city will construct a single-lane roundabout at the intersection of 32nd Street and D Avenue. This is a busy intersection that was called out in the comprehensive plan to fail in the next 10 years if no improvements are made.

The city widened the shoulders on March Point Road near the Tommy Thompson Parkway connection for bicycle and pedestrian safety. In addition, a flashing crosswalk signal was installed along with a crosswalk at the trestle.

Fiber Opic Pipe in Pipe

Fall 2018 ATOT  7

Bicycle Boulevards K AVE A E AV









Bicycle boulevards are streets with low motorized traffic volumes and speeds, designated and designed to give bicycle travel priority. Bicycle Boulevards use signs, pavement markings, and speed and volume management measures to discourage through trips by motor vehicles and create safe, convenient bicycle crossings of busy arterial streets. Also commonly called neighborhood greenways they provide a safe environment for bike riders and bike riding families who want to ride but are otherwise nervous to ride on busier streets. S 6TH ST



















5TH ST 15 15TH




6TH 16TH 16 H ST ST






21ST 2 1ST ST


TH ST 26T 26TH

S 27TH ST 7TH CT 27TH 2




8TH ST 28TH 28

29TH 29T TH H ST

The project will include new speed limit signs where applicable, roadway bicycle/sharrow markings, signage, and a custom “South Hill Greenway” logo to place on the pavement to aid in directing riders in the correct direction.



8TH 38 38TH























36TH 3 6TH S T ST







T TH CT 40T 40TH










DR R 7TH D 37 37TH




39 TH















33RD 3 3RD ST T







T 31ST 3 1ST ST


30TH S



30TH 3 0TH ST T





6TH ST 26 T 26TH





2ND ST 22ND 2

23RD 2 23 RD ST 24TH ST



4TH CT 24TH 2

5TH-H CT 25TH-H 2






22ND 2 2ND ST ST






/ R/Q

0TH ST 20 20TH


41ST 4 41 ST PL

UNKNOWN PARK VOLUNTEERS Our community is very fortunate to have many dynamic and incredibly generous volunteer organizations. The City of Anacortes has enjoyed partnerships with so many of these fantastic groups, and at Parks & Recreation, we are particularly beholden to their on-going support and kindness. It would be impossible to name them all, but it’s hard to walk very far in any direction in this town without crossing paths with one of them. In addition to these very organized groups, there are many equally generous individuals and families that we as staff may never meet. They are using our parks and forest lands every day. They are sending checks in the mail. They are telling our seasonal help “good job” and talking with our City Council members in the grocery line. They are proud

8  ATOT Fall 2018

of their community, and do the things that often fall through the cracks of maintenance plans and funding priorities. While you may not find the names of many of these upstanding citizens on plaques and banquet programs, you enjoy their work every time you enjoy a City of Anacortes Park, Forest or Recreation Program. Without them, the face of our community would be very different, and nowhere near as welcoming as it is. For those of you who never expect nor ask for a thank you, please accept this one. On behalf of all our colleagues here at the City of Anacortes, thank you so very much. Your care and thoughtfulness touches us deeply, as both your city staff and your neighbors.

For 83 days, you dealt with roundabout construction as WSDOT contractor crews from Tapani, Inc. built first the SR 20 and Miller Gibralter roads roundabout, then the bypass lanes and finally the Sharpes Corner roundabout. No matter where you traveled on Fidalgo Island the effects of this busy Department of Transportation construction season were felt by everyone. Despite the high impacts at Sharpes Corner, from April 2 until June 23, you planned your trips around construction, dealt with congestion and helped keep crews safe in this busy work zone. For all of that, we thank you. In addition we thank you for: •

Your engagement in the project starting with sharing your concerns about the former intersection so we could find the practical solution to improve safety and ease congestion.

Your attendance at open houses to provide input and learn about the phases of construction.

Your feedback following project opening as everyone adjusts to using this new intersection.

You, your neighbors and all members of the Anacortes community were crucial to the process and you are the reason for these corridor improvements. You can now: •

Get to and from your daily destinations with better safety and efficiency.

Forget about a teetering line of tourists headed toward Deception Pass as you try to start your Friday night.

Look left, yield and quickly be on your way.

Use a new bicycle/pedestrian trail to access businesses or connect to bike routes in the area.

We are proud to have delivered this project under budget and ahead of schedule thanks to amazing efficiency by Tapani, Inc. and great partnerships with the local businesses, emergency providers, city of Anacortes and Skagit County. As we wrap up the final striping and landscaping of roundabout construction and 7 miles of new paving through your town, we look forward to bringing even more practical solutions to highways in the Anacortes area. We’ll continue to work to improve safety, traffic flow and mobility for all travelers. But don’t worry, we’re giving you a WSDOT construction break, at least until 2019. Don’t worry, all we have scheduled right now is work on Deception and Canoe Pass bridges. Fall 2018 ATOT  9

Anacortes Arts Commission MISSION STATEMENT: The Anacortes Arts Commission supports excellence, vitality, diversity, and accessibility of the arts as essential to the quality of life for all Fidalgo and Guemes Island residents by fostering a community cultural vision through the acquisition, placement and maintenance of public art and by promoting participation, innovation and partnership in all the performing, visual literary arts.

‘New faces’ and ‘familiar favorites’ featured in 2018 Artist’s Studio Tour October 20-21 If it’s October — It’s time for the 98221 Artist’s Studio Tour in Anacortes and around Fidalgo Island. On the weekend of October 20-21, the 2018 studio tour celebrates its third year and, “Once again, we’ll be able to offer a fascinating mix of artwork as we invite Anita Mayer in Studio art enthusiasts to meet our local artists and to learn about their work by offering opportunities to talk to them directly,” said Lisa Rhoades, the Anacortes Arts Commissioner who chairs the event. “We believe it’s this kind of personal interaction that’s made the tour so successful,” she added. The Studio Tour will feature 30+ artists at over 20 venues this year. Watch local media and the anacortesartscommission.com website for a complete listing of artists and studios on this year’s juried tour. The 98221 Studio Tour will introduce “new faces, new techniques and new perspectives in fiber art, photography, painting and jewelry-making,” Rhoades said. Many “familiar favorites” will also be back, she said, “inviting you to step behind the scenes and watch them at work.”

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A preview of the tour's artwork will be offered at the Depot Art Center on Friday, October 5, during the Downtown Art Walk from 6 p.m. AnnetteTamm in Studio to 9 p.m. All participating artists are invited to show a sample of their work that evening. Maps for the self-guided route will be available at all participating studios, downtown Anacortes art galleries, at the Depot Art Center and the Croatian Cultural Center. Hours for the free tour on both days will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The annual Studio Tour helps visitors gain a clearer understanding of what it takes to be an artist — the tools, the skills, the materials — everything that goes into the creative process. The tour also helps local artists increase their work’s visibility in the community while they receive feedback and candid reactions to their art from local and visiting art lovers. Plan to join the “conversation” on October 20 and 21. Art by Cathy Schoenburg


Lüüke Honey of Anacortes

Emmit J of Anacortes

Postcard Art Project Underway in Anacortes If you love living in Anacortes, and if there’s a place, quality, person or reason that makes you feel that way — you may want to participate in the new project “Post-Art to Anacortes.” On a blank postcard, you’re invited to “Get creative,” and do some doodling or draw a picture, write a poem, compose a song or create a collage — and then send it to a growing collection of postcards that will be shared with the whole community. Your card will show up online, and perhaps also in a display or in print somewhere in town. “You can keep it simple, or go into detail — but by putting what you want to share about Anacortes on the project's postcards - it will become part of an effort for both residents and visitors to look at our community in a new way,” according to Zachary Wight, the creator of the Post-Art to Anacortes project. The project grew after Wight presented his idea to the Anacortes Arts Commission and then began implementing some of the commissioners' advice. The cards are free and available at locations around town. The mailing address is already printed on the card — “All you need to do it put a stamp on it and send it on its way,” Wight said.

Some cards are already posted online at postarttoanacortes.com (or on Instagram or Facebook). You can look there for some inspiration, or dream up your own way of illustrating something you love about Anacortes. Wight predicts that the on-going project will, “create points of interest, strengthen our sense of place and foster creativity in Anacortes.” As an artist and small business owner himself, Wight believes that "Post-Art to Anacortes is meant to show that everyone can create something that will make a positive difference in another person's life. Anacortes, with its focus on the arts is the perfect place and has the perfect community to do this." Both locals and visitors are invited to participate. Each card is numbered as a way to help the donor keep track of his or her postcard entry by recording the number before it’s mailed. You can find Post-Art to Anacortes cards at the following locations: How It Works, Rockfish Grill, Scott Milo Gallery, Johnny Picasso Coffee Shop, Pelican Bay Books, The Good Stuff Arts, and Burton’s Jewelry. Fall 2018 ATOT  11

Outstanding City Employee


The City of Anacortes prides itself on providing excellent customer service and amenities to its citizens. Mayor Laurie Gere knows exactly who to thank – She said the City provides such great service because if is jampacked with outstanding employees such as Shelly Jensen. The City's 2018 budget is an investment in people. Of the nearly $60.6 million budgeted for 2018, 57 percent will pay the wages and benefits of more than 200 people who maintain our parks, streets and public buildings, clean our water, deal with our trash and sewage, provide our recreation and library programs, run the Municipal Court and Legal Department, and provide first response to crimes, fires and medical emergencies. They also do less visible tasks that make sure the City runs smoothly – accounting, administration, information systems, mechanical repairs and human resources. Her summers are spent with her family on a 34-foot Tollycraft, cruising the waters of Washington state and Canada. In the winter, that same family is huddled in the cab of a restored 1969 orange Tucker Sno-Cat, which runs on articulating tracks and was once used for snow grooming, cruising the snowy trails of the nearby mountains. By day, Shelly Jensen is answering calls from Anacortes residents who want to know everything from when their garbage will be picked up to what’s to be done about the water bubbling up in the middle of their street.

solid waste. She also provides assistance to Operations Manager Sandi Andersen and takes care of invoicing, timesheets and employee training. Jensen, who was born and raised in Portland during her early years, moved to Anacortes in 1986 as a middle school student. “This became home quickly,” she said. “It’s beautiful here.” Jensen and her husband Aaron, who works at the Shell

refinery on March Point, lived in Bellevue during college but came back to Fidalgo Island where they wanted to raise their family. Their daughters Katie, 18, and Alyssa, 15, join them on their Tollycraft every summer, making it as far north as Nanaimo. Next year they hope to reach Desolation Sound though they travel unhurried, she said, only about 8 to 9 knots at top speed.

“I like feeling like I’ve helped people at the end of the day,” Jensen said. “I believe public works is just as important as police and fire.” As the City of Anacortes Public Works Administration Manager, Jensen’s role is finding solutions to problems in several departments including streets, storm-water, sewer, water and

12 ATOT Fall 2018

At the top of Mt. Constitution – Orcas Island Daughter Katie (white sweater), Alyssa (glasses), husband Aaron, Shelly and Dog Sailor

Guemes Channel Trail

Volunteers Rock The Kiwanis Club for Adults with Disabilities


hat does one do with an old Zenith Chromacolor Console TV that’s been down in basement gathering dust since 1997? Or with that Tandy TRS-80 color computer sitting next to it? None of the thrift shops in town will take old computers and televisions, and the Transfer Station won’t let you drop them off there, either. Fortunately, we have a solution for that dilemma here in Anacortes in the form of the Anacortes Kiwanis Aktion Club. Aktion Club members run the State of Washington’s E-Cycle program in Anacortes, and they will take—free of charge—those old computers, televisions, laptops, computer monitors, portable DVD players and E-readers (like Kindles) off your hands, put them on pallets and ship them off to one of three deconstruction facilities in

Washington State, where 98% of the components will be recycled. This e-cycling effort is the signature project for the Kiwanis Aktion Club, a service club for adults with disabilities. The 40 members of the Aktion Club in Anacortes are part of a team who are learning to become better leaders and better citizens, and the community learns that people with disabilities can make a difference. The Aktion Club’s recycling business is open on the second Saturday of each month, from 9:00 AM until Noon at Web Lockers at Seafarers Way and R Ave at Cap Sante Marina. See for the exact location and more details.

Actually they “plant” really well. Volunteers and staff have been working on a variety of plantings along the Guemes Channel Trail since its first section went in several years ago. This year alone they have planted 100 Nootka rose, 50 Douglas Maple, 50 Douglas fir, 50 alder, 50 shore pine and 25 cedar trees. They have removed thistle, mulched around new plantings, helped with watering and removed poison hemlock from Ship Harbor. In previous years they have transplanted dune grass, planted dune grass seeds, planted trees and watered. The area is coming along nicely with lots of new trees, shrubs and grasses thriving. The beach sediments are increasing and natural volunteer growth up the bank is encouraging. There is still work to do so it’s nice to have such dedicated volunteers helping on the trail that so many people love and enjoy every day. Thanks to all.

Fall 2018 ATOT  13


Public Safety

Information Future Community Owned




Utility Use

Connection Technology


Wifi Fiber Optic

Digital Healthcare Communication Economic Development Gigabit Speeds

Help us name the Anacortes Community Broadband Network Finalists will be featured on the city website and invited to share their idea at a City Council meeting.

The City is leveraging the fiber-optic utility backbone to build out a high-capacity broadband network in Anacortes. This network will bring world-class services to local businesses, schools, healthcare facilities, public safety agencies, government buildings and residences. Go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ NameOurNetwork to submit your entry.

Fidalgo Ukulele Network Jams & Classes • F.U.N. (fidalgoukulelenetwork.com) meets every other Thursday at the Anacortes Senior Activity Center. All levels of uke players are welcomed, or folks who love to sing but don’t play uke. • Beginner uke classes will start November 1st. • Email Linda,zuke.uke@gmail.com, to enroll or for info.

Free Summer Concert Series at the Heart of Anacortes Sponsored by the Rick Epting Foundation for the Arts and the City of Anacortes • Aug 18th - 6-8pm Naughty Blokes Rock at it’s finest • Aug 26th - 5-8pm The Penny Stinkers High Energy Trips Down Memory Lane REFA Benefit and Silent Auction • Sept 1st - 6-8pm Pazific Latin Pop and Soul

Kids Fun at San Juan Lanes Learn to Bowl or Join a Youth League Call 360-293-5185 for more information or to reserve a spot.

Want to get your group or activity publicized? Send us information on your group - gathering activity and we may be able to include it in this section at no charge. You can call Gary Robinson at 360.293.1918 for more information or e-mail him at gary@cityofanacortes.org.

14 ATOT Fall 2018

Alcohol-related tips for parents and teenagers:

• Driving habits. Teen drivers crash at

ISSUES TO DISCUSS WITH YOUR KIDS With kids heading back to school, there are more concerns than ever for both parents and kids regarding safety and peer pressure.

Cyberbullying. Kids can be incredibly cruel to one another for the sake of popularity. In times of social flux, it's important for parents to talk their kids about cyberbullying. Experts say it can contribute to anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts and behaviors; it can also leave young people vulnerable to online predators.

Alcohol abuse. Research shows us that brains do not finish developing until the mid-twenties, and introducing alcohol during this time of development can have severe, long-term consequences. When alcohol consumption interferes with this early adult brain development, the potential for chronic problems such as greater risk for alcohol addiction, dangerous risk-taking behavior, reduced decision-making

ability, memory loss, depression, violence and suicide is greater. Other potential risks of underage drinking are risky sexual behavior, increased risk for physical and sexual assault, unintentional accidents and even death. Drug abuse. Many teenagers who abuse prescription opioids report getting them from friends or family members. Be sure to monitor and evaluate your teenager’s prescription

a rate four times higher than any other age group - in part, due to risky driving habits. Give your kids a refresher course on the dangers of distracted driving, not wearing seatbelts, being in cars with other teen drivers, and getting into the car with someone who’s under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Also, make sure kids know they have the ability to call their parents, without consequences, to get them out of an unsafe situation. Offer alternatives from a no-questions-asked ride home policy to an Uber app phones. • Let them know they should always

call you. Kids need to know that if something is going very badly, it is always in their best interest to call a parent for help. You may have a conversation later (much later) about the poor judgment, but impress upon them that they shouldn’t hesitate to call for a ride or any other help. • Help a friend and you won’t get in

use and secure all prescription bottles and pill packets in the house as well as disposing of all expired medications to decrease the opportunity for your teen or their friends to abuse medications in the medicine cabinet, your purse or the bathroom drawer. Internet Safety. Remind kids of the importance of not providing personal identifying information on social media, chat platforms, or in shared gaming environments. Considering installing computer controls to allow you to check (and them to know you are checking) where they are and have been.

trouble - it’s legal. Help your teenager understand that they should never let a friend pass out while lying face up because they could choke. Reposition the friend so they are lying on their side, and do not leave them alone. When in doubt, call 9-1-1. In Washington State, teens won’t get in trouble for underage drinking by calling 9-1-1 for a peer in a medical emergency, thanks to what are known as our “medical amnesty” law. • Don’t host parties with alcohol. It

encourages teens to drink and appears that parents are then giving teens their stamp of approval. • Track the alcohol you have in the house. Whether it’s in the fridge, liquor cabinet, garage, hall cupboard or wine cellar, you want to know what you’ve got. Not necessarily because you are concerned your teen will consume alcohol (or collect quantities from various liquor bottles to fill their 12 ounce water bottle) but to help him or her avoid peer pressure to do so.

Fall 2018 ATOT  15

16 ATOT Fall 2018

Washington Park Seasonal Super Stars professional behavior, keep As summer arrives each year,

Anacortes Parks & Recreation works to gather the best group of seasonal hires it can find, and puts them on the front lines. These are typically college kids, who have grown up enjoying our parks, programs and forest lands. As these jobs are filled, they quickly go from local “kids”, to the face of government and hospitality for our much loved community. Their responsibilities vary, and are critical to the health and future of our storied and coveted public lands and facilities. They are sent out on fire patrol, litter patrol and late night park is closed patrol. Their work is challenging, and not without risk. They have to listen, think, respond, and seek help in what can be very trying circumstances. They see and help visitors who are mostly having “a mountain top day”, but are also called to help folks work through very stressful circumstances. These jobs are not, “Just put on this orange vest and check the garbage cans.” These jobs are: represent the tax payers of Anacortes with your most

our thousands of visitors safe, and protect the finite number of beautifully wooded and infrastructure rich forests and parks. It is a great pleasure to work with these young people. Those of us on the full time side of the ledger get to see how much our seasonal staff cares about their home town, and the places they have grown up loving, enjoying, and telling the world about. There are few secrets left here on the north end of Fidalgo Island’s recreational paradise. Visitors keep coming every day, eager to see and experience the wonderland we call home. I want to extend a very special thank you to all of the seasonal workers we have on staff. They are at a most critical nexus for all of us. Their commitment to each other, their passion for their home, and their willingness to put themselves in many trying situations is to be commended. Bob Vaux

Park Manager

Sewer Backing Up? Give the City a Call Before You Call A Plumber! Sewer problems can be difficult to figure out. You may wonder, where is the blockage occurring? Is it in the side service, which is the private line between the home and the sewer main? Or is it a bigger problem; one occurring in the city sewer main? Well, the city is here to help. If you are experiencing a sewer back-up you may call our Street Utilities division to inspect the city sewer main that is adjacent to your side service. By doing so, we can ensure that the back-up is not in the city main, and located in the side sewer. We can offer advice on dealing with sewer back-ups and help you decide if a plumber may be needed before you incur that expense. Please give our Public Works Operations office a call at 360-293-1921 when experiencing a sewer backup during business hours. Outside of normal business hours please call 911 and they will dispatch our crew. For more information please find related information on the City of Anacortes website. The link to our sewer information is https://www.anacorteswa. gov/481/Streets-Utilities.

Fall 2018 ATOT  17

Anacortes City Council Members

Eric Johnson

Anthony Young

Ryan Walters

Laurie Gere

Brad Adams

Liz Lovelett

Bruce McDougall

Matt Miller

360-840-5415 ericj@ cityofanacortes.org

360-873-8407 anthony@ cityofanacortes.org

360-610-7770 ryanw@ cityofanacortes.org

360-588-8707 lovelettl@ cityofanacortes.org

303-551-5554 brucem@ cityofanacortes.org

360-588-9070 mattm@ cityofanacortes.org

Ward 3

Position 7

Ward 1


Ward 2

360-299-1950 360-391-9771 laurieg@ brada cityofanacortes.org @cityofanacortes.org

Position 6

Position 5

Solid Waste Holiday Schedule for the Remainder of 2018 There is no garbage collection on the following holidays. Garbage collection will be moved a day.

Labor Day

Monday, September 3, 2018

Collect Monday and Tuesday on TUESDAY, September 4, 2018

Veterans Day

Monday, November 12, 2018

Collect Monday and Tuesday on TUESDAY, November 13, 2018


Thursday, November 22, 2018

Collect Wednesday and Thursday on WEDNESDAY, November 21, 2018

Friday, November 23, 2018 Collect Friday and Monday on MONDAY, November 26, 2018

Christmas 2018 Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Collect Tuesday and Wednesday on WEDNESDAY, December 26, 2018

**If your collection day is Thursday be sure to put your garbage out a day EARLY!**

18  ATOT Fall 2018

Position 4

HANDY NUMBERS City Hall........................................... 293-1900 *Emergencies................................... Dial 911 Facilities.......................................... 299-1961 Finance............................................ 299-1962 Fire Department........................ *293-1925 Human Resources......................... 299-1941 Library............................................. 293-1910 Legal................................................ 293-1912 Maintenance & Operations........ 293-1921 Mayor’s Office................................ 299-1950 Museum.......................................... 293-1915 Municipal Court............................. 293-1913 Parks and Recreation................... 293-1918 Permit Center........................... 293-1901 Planning Department................. 293-1907 Police Department.................... *293-4684 Public Works................................... 293-1919 Wastewater Tx Plant.................... 299-0953 Water Treatment Plant................ 428-1598

COMMUNITY RESOURCES American Red Cross........................293-2911 Anacortes American.......................293-3122 Anacortes School District...............293-1200 Anacortes Senior Center................293-7473 Boys & Girls Club.............................588-9045 Chamber of Commerce..................293-7911 293-3832 Driver’s Licensing Office.................588-0508 Fidalgo Pool & Fitness Center.......293-0673 Island Hospital.................................299-1300 Passport Applications.....................293-1910 Port of Anacortes............................293-3134 SKAT Transit......................................757-4433 US Post Office...................................299-6689 Vehicle/Vessel Licensing Office.....293-5533 WA State Ferries..................... 800-843-3779 Waste Management.............. 800-592-9995

The Menu will be published three times per year. There will be a Spring / Summer edition published in late April each year, a Fall edition published in late August and a Winter / Spring edition published in early December. Alternately the menu is available on our website at www.anacortes.wa.gov.

Registration Procedures Some classes require a minimum number of participants registered to be held. Such classes are canceled if the minimums are not met. Therefore, if you signup for a class, please plan on participating. If you need to cancel your registration, please notify the parks and recreation staff as soon as possible before the first day of the class. The Parks and Recreation Department will start taking online registration for most programs on Monday, August 20th. Please be aware that in order to register for classes, payment will be required up front. Registration will also take place by going to the parks and recreation page: www. cityofanacortes.org. Participants can still register over the phone. This can be done by giving a debit/credit

card number. Or, if participants would rather register in person, that can be done at the parks and recreation office (City Hall, 6th and Q) where cash, check, and debit/credit cards will be accepted.

Insurance APRD does not have medical insurance coverage for program participants and is not responsible for injuries that may occur as a result of participation in City sponsored recreational activities.

Please Note The City of Anacortes Parks and Recreation Department does not discriminate against any person on the basis of gender in the operation, conduct, or administration of community athletic programs or sports facilities. Any citizen who feels she or he has been the victim of discriminatory treatment in violation of this policy should report this concern to the Parks and Recreation Director, Gary Robinson, at 293-1918.

Accessibility If reasonable accommodation due to a disability is needed, please contact Mac Jackson (299-1961) at least 48 hours prior to meeting or event date.

Fall 2018 ATOT  19

Tango Tuesdays

DROP-IN VOLLEYBALL 18+ Fidalgo Elementary Gym

Argentine Tango Continued … Come experience the beauty and magical connection found in Argentine Tango! Health Studies place dance at the top for promoting brain health while exercising. This class is for all levels. Singles and couples welcome. Held monthly with a lesson on the 1st Tuesdays and practice on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Tuesdays. LOC: THE DEPOT (611 R AVE) INST: PAMELA GOOD MIN/MAX: 5/30 FEE: SINGLES $25 COUPLES $45 AGES 18+

Wednesdays & Fridays (7:00-10:00pm)

PICKLE BALL 18+ Mt. Erie Elementary Gym Sundays (10:00am-12:00pm) Tuesdays & Thursdays (7:00-9:00pm)

SOCCER 18+ Rice Field at AHS Mondays & Thursdays (7:00-9:00pm) **time and location might be adjusted per AHS fall athletic schedule

DATE 9/4 - 9/25 10/2 - 10/23 11/6 - 11/27 12/4 - 12/18 (this session will only be 3 Tuesdays)

TIME 6 - 7:45P 6 - 7:45P 6 - 7:45P 6 - 7:45P

Messy Me

Messy Me is a perfect class for you and your child to get Messy! Come each week to do different art projects that will include, but not limited to stamping, painting, gluing, shaving cream sculpting and many more messy projects. At the end of the class we will have circle time, sings songs and get your kids moving. The best part is that we do all the cleaning up! Space is limited, so sign up early! LOC: SUNRISE ROOM @ SENIOR ACTIVITY CTR. INST: NICOLE JOHNSTON MIN/MAX: 10/20 FEE: $25 AGES 1 - 3yr


DATE 8/29 - 9/19 10/3 - 10/24 11/7 - 11/28

TIME 10:30 - 11:15A 10:30 - 11:15A 10:30 - 11:15A

Pee Wee Soccer

Learn the FUNdamentals in our popular Pee Wee Soccer program. The Pee Wee Sports program is designed to give kids a basic introduction to the sport of their choice in a safe and fun atmosphere. In this class kids will learn basic aspects of soccer; dribbling, scoring, passing and kicking through fun drills and games. In order to keep out participant numbers manageable, kids will not be allowed to register for both U6 league and the Pee Wee Soccer program. Participants will receive a t-shirt. LOC: KIWANIS MEADOW FIELD (VOLUNTEER PARK) INST: NICOLE JOHNSTON MIN/ MAX: 25/60 FEE: $25 GRADES 4 - 6yr

20  ATOT Fall 2018

DAY Tues


DATE 9/7 - 9/28

TIME 4 - 4:45P

Flag Football Clinic Come try out flag football, learn fundamentals of the game, get some conditioning and most importantly have some fun playing flag football with friends in a way that is organized, competitive and spirited. Each day of turn out, kids will warm up, rotate thru various drills, play mini scrimmages and end with a fun game. No cleats or football pads needed. Please wear running shoes and bring a water bottle. LOC: VOLUNTEER PARK INST: BOB VAUX MAX: 50 FEE: $30 (INCLUDES REVERSIBLE JERSEY) GRADES Going into 3-5th Grade


DATE 9/7 - 9/28

TIME 4 - 4:30P

Women’s Wellness Workshop Eat Better, Move More and Unleash Inner Joy! a.k.a. LIVE FULL A Busy Woman’s Guide to Nutrition, Exercise and Well-Being. This workshop is designed to help women whether they’re brand new to the world of food, fitness and fulfillment or they’re a healthy lifestyle veteran. You’ll be reminded of the importance of putting yourself first. You’ll leave understanding that by giving back to yourself and making your health a priority, YOU will make a difference in the lives of your family and friends. Join in on the fun and enjoy healthy recipes, inspiration and fitness tips that will leave you feeling refreshed and living life to the FULLEST. Bio: Hi ladies! I’m Kalie, a certified fitness instructor, healthy lifestyle coach and registered dental hygienist. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences and am the founder of FULLforLife, a company that has helped countless women create a healthy, well-balanced life. I’m one half of a mother/daughter duo who was inspired by my late grandmother to help other women create a lifestyle that fits their goals. LOC: SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER INST: KALIE SCHWAMB MIN/MAX: 2/25 FEE: $20 AGES 25+



Mt. Erie Road & Trail Run Are you up for the challenge? The annual event tests the endurance and stamina of anyone willing to take the challenge. Mt. Erie has one of the best viewpoints for miles. Runners will jog up to the summit, with an elevation gain of 1,213 ft. The last 1.5 miles gains 884 ft. Participants have the option of running the paved road route, 3.6 miles, or the trail route, 2.5 miles. All participants are required to check-in and get pre-race instructions between 9:00-9:30 a.m. at Mt. Erie Elementary (41st & “M” Avenue) in Anacortes. Awards and refreshments will be given out at the school after the race (approx. 11:30 a.m.) Runners must either jog or have transportation back to the school. Trophies will be awarded to the first man and woman to cross the finish line from the road and trail runs. Prizes will be awarded to the first place finishers in each of the following men’s and women’s age divisions: 14 & under, 15-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60 & older. To register or to view a map of the course route and past years results visit the parks and recreation page on our website at www.cityofanacortes.org or if you need more information please email: dustins@cityofanacortes.org or call 293-1918. Fee: $20 w/shirt, $10 w/out shirt Participants must pre-register in order to guarantee they receive their shirt by event day Pre-registrations due by Friday, September 28. Important pre-race instructions will be given at Mt. Erie Elementary School at 9:45 a.m. A prize raffle for all participants after the run!

Saturday, October 20 10:00 a.m.

(Check-in begins @ 9:00 a.m.)

DATE 12/8

TIME 10 - 11:30A

Fall 2018 ATOT  21

Field House Fun

Get a “kick” out of this program! This is a great opportunity to get out on the field with your toddler. We will go through basic soccer drills, basketball drills and burn off some energy and most importantly have loads of fun. Parent / Guardian participation is REQUIRED and needed to assist the child through the different activities and drills. All participants will receive a ball. LOC: VOLUNTEER PARK FIELDHOUSE INST: NICOLE JOHNSTON MIN/MAX: 7/20 FEE: $25 AGES 18mo-3yrs

DAY Tues

DATE 9/25 - 10/16

TIME 10 - 10:30A

Glow Disc Golf Event Jazz Drumming Lessons This class is for drummers (beginners and up) who want to improve their drumming style by learning the fundamentals of jazz rhythms and patterns. It does not matter if you are a rock/funk/metal drummer, learning jazz and studying the styles of great jazz drummers will make you a better player. Braydn Krueger drummed for the Lonely Forest and many other local bands. He has been teaching drums for 13 years. Drums and sticks will be provided for each lesson. The class is open to youths and adults and is made possible through the Anacortes Public Library’s Manieri Jazz and Swing Endowment. Space is limited to one person per session, these are individual lessons, so register early. LOC: ANACORTES SENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER INST: BRAYDN KRUEGER MIN/MAX: 1/1 FEE: $99 AGES DAY 8+ Fri

DATE TIME 10/26 - 11/16 4 - 4:45P 4:45 - 5:30P 5:30 - 6:15P 6:15 - 7:00P

22  ATOT Fall 2018

Come learn about the sport of disc golf (or commonly called Frisbee Golf) and play at the only 9-hole course currently located in Anacortes. Pre-registration is required in advance and the first 50 participants to sign-up for this event will receive your own commemorative glow disc! Play your round of disc golf under the full moon and use your glow disc to make it an extra special evening. (Noshows to the event will not receive their disc.) For more information about other “moon viewing” activities, visit the Anacortes Library. LOC: ROTARY PARK (701 T AVENUE) MAX: 50 FEE: FREE AGES All


DATE 10/20

TIME 6 - 8:00P

Child & Babysitting Class

The Child and Babysitting Safety (CABS) program covers child safety and basic care techniques for infants and children. CABS stresses the priority to keep the babysitter and the children you care for safe. Some of the topics covered in the program: before parents leave, play-time, telephone calls / stranger knocks, hand washing, meal times, bedtime, and providing emergency care (first aid / CPR). Sheila Davis is a Certified First Aid / CPR instructor with the American Safety & Health Institute, more information available at www.bee-safe.com . Bring a sack lunch and a drink with you to class. A mini first aid kit will be given to each student and is included in the class fee. The class is held on a “non-school” day. LOC: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS INST: SHEILA DAVIS MIN/MAX: 10/25 FEE: $48 AGES 10+


DATE 10/26

TIME 9:00A-3:00P

Anacortes Art Dash 2018 Thank you to the Anacortes Art Dash sponsors:


• Island Hospital Physical Therapy

Top Five Finishers

• Samish Indian Nation


• NW Endurance Events


• Talking Rain


• Clif Bar

1. Kristen Schafer

1. Logan Hanrahan

2. Kate Clarke

2. Patrick Wildman

Breakfast With Santa

3. Olivia Nelson

3. Myles Simon

Come visit jolly old Saint Nick while enjoying a tasting breakfast (pancakes & sausage) with your family and friends. Join us at the Senior Center for this great family tradition of Breakfast with Santa.

4. Casey Lemrick

4. Michael Hanrahan

5. Roberta Hitchcock

5. Keith Webster

5k Art Dash Winner 2018 Logan Hanrahan

Not only is there breakfast, but live entertainment scheduled all morning long. Kids will also get the opportunity to decorate a holiday cookie and a holiday ornament. Tickets must be purchased in advance. There are two scheduled seating’s for Breakfast: (8-9:30am and 9:30-11am). LOC: SENIOR CENTER INST: NICOLE JOHNSTON MAX: 150 PER TIME SLOT FEE: $6 PER PERSON AGES Open


DATE 12/1

TIME 8-11:00A

Wonderland Walk At Washington Park Come enjoy the creative spirit of the holidays at the Wonderland Walk at Washington Park. Part of the campground will be decorated with holiday cheer by local groups, organizations and clubs. There will be live music scheduled for each night, camp fires and hot chocolate. This event is held rain or shine and we even recommend you bring a flashlight or head lamp to help guide you thru the event. If you would like to decorate a campsite for the event, please contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 293-1918 or email nicolej@ cityofanacortes.org . LOC: WASHINGTON PARK CAMP GROUND INST: NICOLE JOHNSTON FEE: FREE AGES Open

DAY Fri & Sat

DATE 12/7 - 12/8

TIME 5 - 8:00P

10K 1. Abigail Johnson

1. Scott Warwick

2. Kathryn Merrill

2. Logan Franey

3. Rachel Slater

3. Pierce Simmerman

4. Eilis O’Neill

4. Nathan Spencer

5. Genevieve Ladiges

5. David Cook

Half Marathon 1. Katy Rader

1. Jawn Angus

2. Galina Free

2. Brian Houck

3. Lucy Fox

3. Tyler Mangum

4. Lisa Swanson

4. Scott Matthews

5. Monica Ochs

5. Michael Brisbois

Fall 2018 ATOT  23

2018 Girls Youth Basketball League **Registration deadline is Friday, October 5th**

Kids R Best Fest Participants! Anacortes Parks and Recreation would like to “thank” the following organizations/businesses for their continued support of our annual Kids-R-Best Festival. You have made it possible for us to provide this event for the past 29 years! If you’d like to help make our 30th annual event extra special please contact APRD.

AHS Key Club Anacortes Community Energy Anacortes Fire Department Anacortes Lacrosse Club Anacortes Library Anacortes Police Dept. Anacortes Sanitation Dept. Anacortes Soo Bahk Do Family Life AG Fidalgo Animal Medical Center Fidalgo Christian Childcare Fidalgo Island Rotary Fidalgo Pool & Fitness Center Girl Scouts Jennings Chiropractic Juliet+Echo Kiwanis Club, Noon Kiwanis, Sunrisers Linda Earwood Playhouse Dental Samish Head Start & ELC WWU - Shannon Point Marine Center Skagit Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services Skagit Valley USBC Soroptimist International of Anacortes Trinity Anglican Church Whidbey Coffee Wolf Hollow Wildlife Center

24 ATOT Fall 2018

Basketball season is just around the corner. We are now taking registrations for our recreational girls basketball league. This noncompetitive and instructional league is offered to girls who are in grades 1st - 6th and who want to learn new and improve existing skills. Good sportsmanship and equal participation are emphasized in this program. To maximize fun and skill development, rules will be modified for 1st - 4th grade divisions. BECAUSE OF CONSTRUCTION AT THE HIGH SCHOOL IT WILL BE PUTTING SOME CONSTRAINTS ON GYM SPACE FOR THE 2018 SEASON. Because of this, each team will only practice once per week and games will be held on Saturdays. 1-hour practices will be scheduled between 4:00 and 6:00 pm on weekdays. Some weekday games may be scheduled as well. Teams are formed by the Parks and Recreation staff. Volunteer coaches are needed, especially coaches who can coach during the weekday times of 4-6 pm. Registrations are currently being accepted on the Parks and Recreation page: www.anacorteswa.gov. A team shirt is included with the registration fee. DIVISIONS: “A” 5TH/6TH GRADES “B” 3RD/4TH GRADES “C” 1ST/2ND GRADES DATES: NOVEMBER & DECEMBER (finished by Christmas Break) FEE: $38

Boys Youth Basketball League

The APRD boys youth basketball league will run similar format to the girls program. However the dates of the program will be different. Registration for Boys league will start in October and the deadline to register will be November 30th. With practices starting the week before Christmas Break and games starting after. (No practices or games will be held during Christmas break.)

Fancy Nancy Holiday Tea Party

Come celebrate this Splendiferous Holiday Season with your Fancy Nancy friends. We encourage you to dress up both parent and child and enjoy the morning by making some magnificent holiday projects and enjoy some tasty treats and “tea”. Is there such a thing as too much tinsel? LOC: SUNRISE ROOM, SENIOR CENTER INST: NICOLE JOHNSTON MIN/MAX: 7/20 FEE: $15 AGES 6 and under Open

DAY Wed Wed

DATE 12/19 12/19

TIME 10-10:50A 10 - 10:50A


Where Seniors Thrive 1701 22nd Street, Anacortes, Washington 98221  (360) 293-7473  www.anacorteswa.gov



There’s More!

Watercolor & Acrylics Classes Weaving Mosaic Art & Stained Glass Drawing Classes Art Appreciation Woodcarving Basket Weaving Creative Circle (multiple crafts) Cultured Purls (knitting) Fiction Writing

FREE Computer Clinic FREE Wi-Fi Computer Classes Closed Circuit TV (Visual impairment aid)

Intergenerational Activities Community Resources for Seniors Writing Classes Book Discussion Group Special Holiday Celebrations Haircuts and Foot/Hand Care Services Library /Book Sales And much more! Newsletter & calendar at anacorteswa.gov.


Ukulele Classes Weekly Ukulele Jams Singing with Soul SongShine Special Events Concerts & Performances

Flyswatter Volleyball Silver Foxes Exercise Strength and Balance T’ai Chi Chih Gentle Yoga Seated Wellness Line Dancing

Health & Wellness Wellness Day Presentations Blood Pressure Checks Dental Hygiene Clinic Chair Massage / Reiki Therapy Cooking Classes

Assisted Listening Devices (Call a day ahead) Hearing Loop for T-Coil Devices


Cards & Games Pinochle Double Deck Canasta Bridge Partner Bridge Cribbage Scrabble Mexican Train Dominos

Hot Meals Hot lunches are served Monday-Friday from 11:30 a.m. to12:30 p.m. No reservation necessary. Suggested donation for 60 and over is $5. Nonseniors are welcome for $7. Meals on Wheels: To sign up for hot meals for homebound seniors, call (360) 416-1500.

Volunteer Opportunities Join the more than 120 volunteers presently working at the Center. For more information, contact the Center Administrator at (360) 293-7473.

Fall 2018 ATOT  25


“Puget Pulp Pioneers” featured at the Maritime Heritage Center “Puget Pulp Pioneers” the first in a series of Anacortes Working Waterfront Exhibits, is now showing at the Anacortes Maritime Heritage Center, 703 R Ave. Open daily (except Mondays) through August; Saturdays and Sundays in September and October. Admission is free. For Gib Moore, a longtime member of the Museum Advisory Board, the pulp mill was a family concern, employing his father, Leonard, and providing him with summer jobs and a scholarship. The mill had a family atmosphere, and relationships endure today, as proven by a group of former employees who met for months to share their stories, photos and artifacts. The Coos Bay/Scott Paper Co. Mill.

Contributors include Ken Moore, Brian Rockom, Noel Johnson, Paul Lunsford, LeAnne Downs, Brad Walters, Jerry Annett, Bob Whitney, Bill Matson, Stan Shimkus, Andy Tubbs, Dan Coleman, Wayne Melvin, Reece Perkins, Cory Nibarger, Virgil Keltz, Dick Spradley, Diane Lundberg and Gib Moore. Financial support was provided by the Anacortes Museum Foundation.

The mill site now includes Seafarers’ Park, the Marine Technology Center and the old log yard proposed for development by MJB. The mill operated for over 50 years, mostly under Scott Paper Company’s ownership. Recently the Port of Anacortes, State Ecology and Kimberly-Clark completed a major toxic cleanup. Newer residents may be surprised at Anacortes’ pungent past. “Having grown up in the neighborhood myself I have vivid memories of the mill’s aroma,” said Museum Director Bret Lunsford, who designed the exhibit. Gib is more blunt: “The steam cloud when the digesters were released (top relief) was eye watering, nose offending and full of sulfur dioxide gas.” Pulp workers knew to live upwind. But it was also the smell of opportunity. “It was a place where a high school grad could make a family wage income right out of school,” Gib said.

Kiwanis Noon Club grant keeps database The Kiwanis Noon Club awarded the Anacortes Museum Foundation a $752 grant to cover the annual fees to host the museum’s growing online database of photographs and artifacts. In 2017 alone, nearly 7,000 new images were added to this portal to Anacortes history.

26  ATOT Fall 2018

Pulp Mill Bowlers - Paul Lunsford, DeWayne Whitney, Dewey Colony, Jim Lewis and Elza Conquest

In recognition of the Noon Club’s ongoing support, every page of the database – more than 30,000 – includes this message: “The Anacortes Museum’s photographic collection is available online thanks to ongoing donations from the Anacortes Noon Kiwanis Club.”


Kate Clark joins museum as Education & Media Curator Anacortes native Kate Clark recently joined the Anacortes Museum staff as Education and Media Curator. Many in the community know her from art projects and programs such as the Anacortes School District’s After School Art program. Kate has many ideas for outreach, especially to underserved members of the community, and for opportunities for new events and collaborations. “I’m looking forward to learning about my home and connecting with those who have called Fidalgo Island their home in the past and present.” Kate began working with museums in 2009.

“As a trained artist finishing art school I realized I wasn’t interested in pursuing a career contingent upon the desires and whims of a gallery based market,” she said. Invested in hands-on public interaction and forming new conversations around shared histories, “It seemed to me like museums had the opportunity to be the most flexible and imaginative when building relationships with people, regardless of age, sex, creed, race, or class.” At the National Museum of Natural History, she worked with curators to connect people to their ancestors who had plaster face casts made by anthropologists in the early 1900s. “Tristan Ahtone, a descendent of

Our new Education and Media Curator Kate Clark

a Kiowa warrior whose face was cast while a POW, spoke about his great-grandfather and what it was like to see a plaster reproduction of his face. It was exhilarating to bring to life a complicated legacy of the museum through hands-on programming, student participation, and community outreach.”

Join Museum’s Celebration of 50th & 60th anniversaries The Anacortes Museum is celebrating two big anniversaries in August: It’s 50 years since the museum opened in the Carnegie Library building, and 60 years since the Anacortes Museum of History Board was established. In recognition of these milestones, we have reconfigured the

Anacortes History Board’s Presentation at City Hall of “Anacortes 1891” painting from LeRoy Moyer on Aug. 6, 1960. Left to right: Wallie Funk, Doug Burton, Madge Stafford, Ann Bessner.

outside courtyard area to make it inviting for folks who want to enjoy the garden and historic WCTU fountain. We have a new flagpole (funded by Anacortes Noon Kiwanis and the Anacortes Museum Foundation’s membership) and interpretive panels to share the history of the Carnegie Library and the Anacortes Museum. Please join us for a celebration and unveiling of these new additions at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, August 30, at the museum, 1305 8th St. A time capsule, created by students at a workshop led by the museum’s Education and Media Curator Kate Clark, will be buried in the courtyard for the next 50 years. While early efforts to preserve history cropped up over the years,

the real push toward establishing a museum began in 1950 when Anacortes American co-publisher Wallie Funk asked the community to share historic photos and stories with the newspaper – a project that became a mission. Mayor Anthony Mustacich appointed the first Anacortes Museum of History Board on July 23, 1958. The first order of business was an exhibit of the “Pioneer Photos,” which was a sensation in November 1958. Ten years later, the museum got a physical location when the Anacortes Public Library moved into the old hospital. Opening events were Aug. 1, 3 and 4. The Carnegie Library building has been home to the Anacortes Museum ever since.

Museum receives Allstate Helping Hands Grant The Anacortes Museum has been awarded its third $1,000 Helping Hands Grant from the Allstate

Foundation in honor of the community service of Anacortes Allstate Agent Tamara Willis. We

thank Tamara for being a positive force for change in our community through her volunteer efforts at the museum.

Fall 2018 ATOT  27


2014 Volunteer of the Year now Docent at W.T. Preston

Stephani Noar in engine room of the W.T. Preston

When Stephani Noar walked up the ramp of the W.T. Preston on Friday, May 11 to start her new job as docent, it wasn’t her first experience working at the museum. During the summer of 2014, as part of her history class at WSU, Stephani spent several weeks researching, identifying and cataloging unmarked items in the museum’s Artifacts Room. Because of her many hours of diligent hard work that summer, she was named the Volunteer of the Year.

Stephani arrived in Anacortes at the age of five with parents, Roger and Kati Noar, and sister, Jennifer. Stephani graduated from Anacortes High School and went on to Washington State University, graduating in 2015 with a degree in Humanities with a focus on Asian studies, Russian language, music and history. Stephani is also a graduate of the WSU Honors College. For her honors thesis, Stephani studied a Japanese animated film called “Castle in the Sky,” to determine why sound levels had been increased when the film was translated into English. When she has time, she still enjoys watching Anime.

After college, Stephani spent two years with AmeriCorps in Mount Vernon. As part of that program, she was required to do 1,007 hours of community service each year. She mentored reading in K-5 classrooms, worked at the Boys & Girls Club helping students with homework, and planned literacy-based programming for the students. Stephani has been training with Dave Margeson, W.T. Preston and Maritime Curator, who has shared many of his best Preston stories with Stephani. He says she is doing an excellent job of greeting and touring visitors on the boat. And, he said with a smile, “She polishes brass!”

Volunteers Complete Major Projects Major projects are jumping ahead – and a big one was just put to bed – thanks to the extraordinary efforts of the museum’s dedicated cadre of volunteers. We had a surge in interest from high school students doing community service this year. Thank you to Ava Hawkins and Josh Smeltzer, who scanned several AHS yearbooks, Paul Kline, who photographed two scrapbooks, and to Orion Seaton, who photographed 16 Key Club scrapbooks.

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Most noteworthy is the completion of a 2-year effort to sleeve 30 years of news negatives from the Anacortes American Collection. We declared victory, and celebrated at the home of Suzette Richards, who tackled the project with Sally Hughes, Nancy Low, Ginger Thomas, Karen Thomson, Dani Usman and Tamara Willis. Some of these determined volunteers have moved on to Wallie Funk’s slide and photo collection (positive images), so we can no longer call them our “negative volunteers.”

The museum is also continuing to work to both keep up with and stay ahead of our textile volunteers – about 10 of them, including two who come monthly. It is so much work keeping up with (and ahead of) volunteers that we had to put a temporary freeze on new volunteers. We will brainstorm some new projects and hope to be ready to tackle some of them with new volunteers this fall.

Museum Advisory Board Member

Free presentations

Libby Walgamott


ibby Walgamott is a valued member of the Museum Advisory Board, a City of Anacortes board that meets monthly to provide advice and oversight of museum activities, and to review items for accession into museum collections. The board meets monthly at 9 a.m. first Tuesdays at the museum. A 5th generation Washingtonian, Libby grew up loving life on the water in Lake Sammamish. After graduation from the University of Washington, she married John Walgamott and moved to Tacoma for his final year of Air Force service, then to Sierra Madre, California where they started their family. In 1990, the Walgamotts landed in Colorado, where two of their four daughters attended high school. Surprised to find there was no PTA. Libby and a friend started an organization to support the high school, coordinating more than 100 volunteers. For her efforts, Libby received the Colorado Partners in School Award. After returning to Bellevue in 1998, Libby participated in the Advance Bellevue Course. She heard a speaker from the Bellevue Historical Society, who led her to read an out-of-print book, “Bellevue’s First 100 Years,” by Lucille McDonald. In 2000, Libby managed the project of

Libby wears a microphone as she guides a tour through Causland Park.

updating and republishing the book with a King County grant. Libby joined the board of the Bellevue Historical Society and was president when it merged with the Marymoor Museum to become the Eastside Heritage Center. When King County evicted the Marymoor Museum from the Clise Mansion, Libby was part of the team that negotiated with King County for a one-year lease extension and money to move the collection into storage – an enormous task she saw through to the end. While visiting family in 1992, the Walgamotts heard about a parcel of beautiful waterfront site for sale on Fidalgo Island. They fell in love with the island and the view, purchased the property, and built their home here in 2006. Each summer they share their home and beautiful view by hosting an annual museum family picnic for staff and three affiliated boards. Now, Libby and John lead cruise ship tours through Old Town each Sunday. She loves connecting with the people and sharing the wonderful history of Anacortes. She also is a member of the Old Anacortes Rowing Society (OARS). In her “spare” time, Libby loves to spend time with her four daughters and 12 grandchildren in Bellevue.

Monthly Transition Gatherings Anacortes Senior Center, 1701 22nd St.


Growing Community Resilience

August 28 7 p.m. (Announcements at 6:30 p.m.) Speaker being finalized, but we know it will be good! September 25, 7 p.m. "What Ice Sheets Hate and Why You Should Care". Robert Bindschadler. Bob is an Emeritus Scientist with NASA, and one of the world's leading experts on glaciers and ice sheets. Bob has been an active field researcher in the Antarctic for more than 25 years.

Fix-it Days

August 26 and September 30 Anacortes Farmer’s Market, 9:00-2:00 Bring those items that need mending or fixing: reuse before you recycle! Donations support the Anacortes Family Center Grants and Scholarships. We award thousands of dollars to schools, businesses, students and others who share our values. Read about it on our website!

Fidalgo Island / Guemes Gleaners Fidalgo Island Guemes Gleaners (FIGG) supports homeowners overwhelmed with fruit and re-distributes the fresh produce to those who need it. [Photo by Sylvia Cooper]

Visit TransitionFidalgo.org for more info.

Fall 2018 ATOT  29


ADULTS MUSIC SECOND SUNDAY JAZZ CONCERTS Join us for a free, live jazz concert every month, sponsored by the Anacortes Public Library Manieri Endowment. Visit jazzatthelibrary.com for details. Second Sundays 2:00-3:30 pm Sept. 9, Oct. 14, Nov. 11, and Dec. 9

ACOUSTIC MUSIC IN THE LIBRARY Enjoy soft background music from our baby grand piano or the musician’s own instrument. Experienced musicians who are interested in playing for the library may inquire at the Circulation Desk. 3rd Sundays 2:00-3:30 pm 3rd Tuesdays 6:00-6:30 pm

MOVIES Oct. 5: Anne of the Thousand Days


Oct. 12: Frankenstein


Oct. 19: Young Frankenstein

Mon—Fri 11:00 am–7:00 pm Sat, Sun 11:00 am–4:00 pm

Oct. 26: A Far Off Place

CONTACT Main Desk: 360-293-1910 Children’s Desk: 360-293-1910 x 3982 Fax: 360-293-1929 Website: library.cityofanacortes.org

CLOSURES Labor Day—September 2 & 3 Veteran’s Day—November 11 & 12 Thanksgiving—November 22 & 23 Christmas—December 24 & 25 ALL LIBRARY PROGRAMS ARE FREE AND REGISTRATION IS NOT REQUIRED, EXCEPT WHERE NOTED.

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Fridays 7:00 p.m.

BOOK CLUB Aug. 27: Biography Month: Queen Victoria Sept. 24: The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World by Andrea Wulf Oct. 22: Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann Nov. 26: A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles Mondays 7:00 pm

MARITIME SPEAKER SERIES Oct. 20: Arthur Foss—History and Haul-out presented by Richard Miller. Nov. 17: Building the Viking Ship, Polaris presented by F. Jay Smith. Dec. 15: R2AK—Race to Alaska, presented by David Evans. Third Saturdays 4:00 pm


TECH TUESDAY Drop in with your mobile device or laptop for hands-on help with library downloads, computer basics, new apps, Microsoft IT Academy, and other questions. Tuesdays 10:00-12:00 noon September to May except where noted

ADULT PROGRAM SERIES Wednesdays 7:00 pm Wednesday evening programs begin after regular library hours; no library services will be available.

SEPTEMBER Sept. 12: Privacy in the Digital Age WA State Chief Privacy Officer Alex Alben will discuss technology and privacy online. Sept. 19: Mary Roberts Rinehart Crosses Cascade Pass, 1916 Historian Jesse Kennedy discusses this popular mystery writer’s life and her connection to our area. Sept. 26: New Hope, Help and Inspiration to Alzheimer’s Couples Everywhere Mike & Me author Rosalys Peel provides information to decrease the fear of Alzheimer’s Disease.

OCTOBER Oct. 3: Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal Three healthcare providers: Josette Curtis, Jennifer Eichhorn, and Malcolm McPhee, discuss poor nutrition as a primary cause of chronic disease and how to reverse those effects in Part 1 of Functional Wellness Workshops. See December for Part 2.

Moon Crater Art

September 17, 6:30-8:00 pm Join the Island County Astronomical Society and learn how to draw moon craters. All art supplies provided.

Black Holes, Einstein, LIGO, and the Nobel Prize September 27, 7:00 pm Depot Arts Center

Join us at the Depot Arts Center for a special afterhours presentation by scientist Dr. Richard Savage of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) in Hanford.

Launch a Paper Rocket September 28, 2:00 pm.

Oct. 10: Saving China’s Moon Bears Animal advocate and shelter manager Jan Murphy presents a program on the organization Animals Asia, which has rescued over 500 bears.

No School today? Make your own paper rocket at the library and launch it into the sky. Bring your friends and see who can reach the atmosphere. Adult supervision required.

Oct. 17: Frankenstein: the First Science Fiction Novel and Why It Matters Learn how a teenage girl’s nightmare inspired the genre of Science Fiction, and sparked a 200 year fascination with science, creation and literature with Diana Farnsworth, a librarian and former teacher, and Frankenstein enthusiast.

International Observe the Moon Night

Oct. 24: Hiking the Tour du Mont Blanc Join Shona Martin as she recounts her 10-day, 110-mile hike through France, Italy and Switzerland.

October 20, 6:30 pm Rotary Park, 701 T Ave

Join Anacortes Public Library, Parks and Recreation, and the Island County Astronomical Society for IOMN. Astronomy experts will be on hand with professional telescopes for viewing and learning. Bring the whole family for stargazing, snacks, and glow in the dark fun!

Mission Moon: FLL Jr Robotics Exhibition December, exact date TBD

Students will showcase their work for FLL Jr. Robotics projects with a focus on space. Come see science in action and discover your sense of wonder.

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Nov. 7: Music of the West African Kora comes to Anacortes Musician Sean Gaskell gives a performance and educational demonstration, featuring the 21-stringed kora, an ancient harp from West Africa.

This storytime pairs creative movement with stories and songs. Join us for simple yoga poses, stretches and lots of fun. Ages 2–6.

Nov. 28: How to Choose a New Camera Join photographer Tony Locke for his annual review of new products and how to choose what’s best for you.

DECEMBER Dec. 5: Death by Sitting: Maintaining Functional Mobility through the Lifespan Three healthcare providers will discuss the profound health benefits of movement, physical activity and exercise in Part 2 of Functional Wellness Workshops. See October for Part 1. Dec. 12: The Ancient Fruitcake: What Really, Really Old Food Tells Us about History, Culture, Love, and Memory Humanities Washington speaker Harriet Baskas presents this somewhat seasonal topic.


Second and Fourth Saturdays 10:30 am October 13, 27 and November 10, 24

COZY HALLOWEEN STORYTIME Join us after Downtown Trick-or-Treat for a special dropin storytime. Warm up and read with a librarian or friend while we celebrate the holiday together in costume! Wednesday, October 31, 4:00-5:30 pm

HOLIDAY ELF PAJAMA STORYTIME Join us for a magical reading with special guests from the North Pole and be regaled by tales of their famous boss and his antics. Tuesday, December 4, 6:00-7:00 pm

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BOOK CLUB Readers in 4th & 5th grade choose a book to read then gather as a group to discuss the book and participate in creative activities. Meets once a month. New groups start in October. Call Leslie at (360) 299-1974 to sign-up.


For more information about children’s programs, call the Children’s Library at (360) 293-1910, ext. 3982 or visit our website at library.cityofanacortes.org.

Join us once a month after school for fun, creative activities in the Children’s Activity Room. Each month we’ll try something new and different!


Thursdays 3:45-4:45 pm October 4 and November 1

This weekly program is designed for children 3–5 and their caregivers with a mix of stories, songs, and activities. Join us for this fun opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with other families. Mondays 11:15 am October 1 to November 26—No meeting 11/12

TIME FOR TOTS This program is designed for children birth to 36 months of age and their caregivers. Time For Tots promotes early learning through the use of play, movement, music, rhymes, and stories, all delivered in an enriching atmosphere. Wednesdays and Fridays 10:30 am October 3 to November 30—No meeting 11/23

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LEGOS IN THE LIBRARY Gather for some fun with Legos in the Children’s Activity Room. Children create masterpieces with materials that we furnish! This program is open to children 5–12—or younger with adult supervision. Sundays 1:00-3:00 pm October 7 to November 25—No meeting 11/11

TALES FOR TAILS Come read a story to a dog in the comfort of the Children’s Library. This popular program is made possible by Dogs on Call. Saturdays 1:00-2:00 pm October 13 and November 10

Anacortes Public Library is proud to be a member of the Family Place Libraries™ national network, providing a welcoming environment for families of young children. We have a space in the Children’s Library with toys, books, activities and more where children and their caregivers can play, learn and grow together. This fall we will begin a five-week workshop for toddlers and their parents/caregivers. This fun, informal, play-based program provides a rich environment of toys, books and sensory activities that recognizes a child’s parent/caregiver as their first and best teacher. Families have the opportunity to spend time together, make new friends, and talk one-on-one with specialists on various aspects of child development.

Mad Science in the Library 4:00 pm October 3, 10, 19, 24

Join us each week for Frankenstein inspired science crafts and experiments led by our youth services department, as part of the Frankenstein 200 project for budding scientists.

Frankenstein: The First Science Fiction Novel and Why it Matters October 17, 7:00 pm

The workshops are free but registration is required. For more information and to sign-up call the Children’s Library at (360) 293-1910 ext. 3982.

Join librarian and former teacher Diana Farnsworth to learn how a teenage girl’s nightmare inspired the genre of Science Fiction and sparked a 200 year fascination with science, creation, and literature.

Workshop Dates—Tuesdays 10:15-11:30 am October 16, 23, 30 and November 6, 13


October 31, 11:00-6:00

TWEENS & TEENS ANIME CLUB Calling all teen fans of anime and manga! Middle school and high school students can join us once a month to watch anime with other fans, talk about manga series, create original artwork and stories, and more! Mondays 3:00-4:30 pm October 1 and November 5

HIGH SCHOOL DIY CLUB Join us once a month after school for fun, creative activities in the Children’s Activity Room. Each month we’ll try something new and different! Thursdays 3:00-4:00 pm October 25 and November 29

Celebrate Frankenstein at the library all day long with experiments, readings, activities and crafts for kids of all ages.

Frankenstein Film Series Frankenstein (1931) Directed by James Whale Friday, October 12, 7:00 pm Young Frankenstein (1974) Directed by Mel Brooks Friday, October 19, 7:00 pm

Monstrous Nightmares! Teen Writing Contest Do you have a fantastic imagination and love to tell spellbinding tales of horror and science fiction? Then write a story for our teen writing contest this fall, inspired by Mary Shelley’s 200 year old masterpiece which was written when she was a teenager. A grand prize of $100 will be awarded to the winner, and your story will be read and recorded in a special library podcast. For teens 12-18. Typewritten copy should be 1000-2000 words. Submissions accepted on or before October 30th, 2018 To the Anacortes Public Library Circulation Desk Or Emailed to dianaf@cityofanacortes.org

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Throughout the month of October APL is celebrating Mary Shelley’s tale of science and discovery. Stay tuned for fun events, and save the date for these special activities. For interactive Frankenstein gaming and learning go to Frankenstein200.org.






Open to readers in 6th to 8th grade, this group meets once a month. Readers choose a book to read on their own then get together to discuss the book and participate in creative activities. New groups start in October. Call Leslie at (360) 299-1974 to sign-up.

Looking for a new favorite book? Read something you can’t wait to share? Join us for new YA book recommendations, and pizza of course! Open to all middle school and high school readers.

MIDDLE SCHOOL DIY CLUB Join us once a month after school for fun, creative activities in the Children’s Activity Room. Each month we’ll try something new and different! Thursdays 3:00 to 4:00 pm October 11 and November 8

Tuesdays 3:30 pm October 23 and November 27

TEEN WRITING GROUP Teen writers can join our awesome writing group! We meet twice a month to learn writing tips, brainstorm ideas, share what we’ve written, and more. A professional writer leads the group and new writers are always welcome. Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 pm September 19, October 3, 17, November 7, 21



Signing up for a library card is easy! Bring in your photo ID and proof of your local physical address. If you live outside the city limits, a non-resident library card can be purchased at the front desk for $25 per household per quarter.

Friends of the Library and their FriendShop bookstore raise additional funds to support the Anacortes Public Library. Funds raised by the Friends of the Library support programming and collection development, along with other special projects. Membership is $10. For additional information, please stop by the FriendShop or go to anacortesfriendshop.weebly.com

DIGITAL RESOURCES Be sure to check out the Library’s web page at library.cityofanacortes.org for access to popular magazines and newspapers, free downloadable audio books, eBooks, movies, and music. Our new online learning resource, Lynda, helps anyone learn software, technology, creative, and business skills to achieve their personal and professional goals. Access a vast library of highquality, current, and engaging video tutorials taught by recognized industry experts. Check out our robust online databases for articles and research, small business resources, legal forms, small engine repair resources, and much more!

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FRIENDSHOP BOOKSTORE HOURS Mon—Thur 11:00 am–6:00 pm Fri, Sat 1:00–4:00 pm

LIBRARY FOUNDATION The Library Foundation supports long-term planning and the Library’s Strategic Plan. The Library Foundation offers many ways to support your library—from one-time donations to charitable bequests to the Legacy Endowment Fund. For more information, visit the Foundation webpage at www.cityofanacortes.org/262/Library-Foundation


VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES FOR TEENS: Fill out a form at the Circulation Desk to become a library volunteer. Contact Diana Farnsworth at 360-588-8067 or dianaf@cityofanacortes.org to sign up for a volunteer shift.

HARRY POTTER PREPARATION Join us to create crafts and decorations for our big event. Dates TBA

ROCKET LAUNCH PREPARATION Join us to prepare materials for our rocket building program. Friday, September 28, 12:00-5:00 pm

PASSPORTS The Anacortes Public Library acts as a Passport Acceptance Facility for processing new passports and passport cards, and passports that have been expired for more than 5 years. Please note, if you have a U.S. Passport that is not more than 5 years expired, you can renew your passport using form DS-82 and submit it by mail—you do not need to meet with an acceptance agent. We cannot process renewal applications but we are happy to assist you with any questions you have about your application. Passport service is by appointment only. Appointments can be made on the library’s website at library.cityofanacortes.org or by calling the library at 360-293-1910. Visit www.travel.state.gov for the latest passport information.

PASSPORT SERVICE HOURS Tues 12:00 noon-6:00 pm Wed 12:00 noon–6:00 pm Sat 1:00 pm–4:00 pm

Mark your muggle calendars! Thursday, November 15th, 5-8 pm Dress in your wizarding finest for a magical night of fun for all ages at the Anacortes Public Library as we celebrate Hogwarts, Fantastic Beasts, and more. If you or your organization would like to volunteer or sponsor this event, please contact Diana @ 360-588-8067

Fall 2018 ATOT  35

The Friends of the Forest is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of the Anacortes Community Forest Lands through education, outreach, and stewardship. We have been serving the needs of the forest and Fidalgo Island residents since 1987. Our education program includes K-12 guided school field trips, Adult/Senior hikes, All ages hikes, Extra gentle hikes, fitness hikes, Forest Discovery Day Camp, Ethnobotany and Nature Writing field seminars, a quarterly newsletter, and our two comprehensive school district programs; Growing Wild- native plants for all 3rd graders, and Middle School Watershed Discovery for all students in 7th grade. Our community hikes are free and no registration is required. Please join us this fall as we continue to explore and learn more about the ACFL together. For more information about our group or these hikes please contact Denise Crowe or Jean Andrich at 293-3725. You may also visit our website www.friendsoftheacfl.org or email us at info@friendsoftheacfl.org . Please understand that our hikes are for people only, we ask that you leave your pets at home. Hope to see you in the woods!

ALL AGES HIKES Great for families and folks of all ages, these are hearty hikes led by our naturalist, Denise Crowe.

Big Beaver Pond Walkabout • Saturday, September 29th • 10 am until noon • Begin the autumn season with a wonderful hike in beaver pond territory. There is sure to be ample evidence of their latest projects in the forest, and that lovely fall surge of wildlife activity and plant beauty. Meet at the 37th and A Ave kiosk entrance to the ACFL.

Sugarloaf Mountain • Saturday, October 13th • 10 am until noon • Experience the golden glow of Sugarloaf Mountain in October. We will hike from the dark woods at the base to the stunning summit view, enjoying every stretch in between. Meet at the trailhead on Ray Auld Drive at the bottom of Mount Erie just off of Heart Lake Road.

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Bat Cave • Saturday, October 27th • 10am until about noon • Come to the woods for a natural spook time that will help transition us all to the nocturnal season. Our annual bat cave exploration is fun for everyone! Costumes and flashlights are welcome. Meet at the Little Cranberry Lake parking lot on the north end of the lake.

Whistle Lake • Saturday, November 10th • 10am until noon • Late Fall in the woods is a time of hushed beauty. Prepare yourself for the holiday season with a deep forest immersion. Meet at the Whistle Lake parking lot at the end of Whistle Lake Road.

SENIOR/ADULT HIKES For any adult with a desire to learn more about our community forest through an easy hike in fine company, with Denise.

Northwest Heart • Friday, September 14th 10am until noon • We will explore a maze of trails in the Ace of Hearts Creek terrain. There will be some gentle hills on this just over 1 mile hike. Meet at the Heart Lake parking lot.

Big Beaver Pond Loop • Friday, October 12th • 10am until noon • This gentle, just over one mile hike will lead us past three distinct wetlands and through two watersheds. You will come to know the qualities of a marsh, swamp, bog, and fen. We will explore the role of our resident beaver families in creating and sustaining this rich habitat within the ACFL. Enjoy this excellent birding opportunity. Meet at the end of 32nd St west off of D Ave.

Heart Lake Old Growth • Friday, November 9th • 10am until noon • We have the best remaining stand of Puget Sound lowland old growth forest right here on Fidalgo Island in the heart of our community forest. Come along and experience the big old trees. Meet at the base of Mount Erie on Ray Auld Drive.

EXTRA GENTLE HIKES Each of these outings is a mile or less on gentle trails and will last about an hour.

Sugarloaf Mountain Old Growth • Wednesday, October 24th~5pm until 6pm • Tucked in to the bottom of Sugarloaf lies a sweet trail through ancient trees. Meet at the base of Mount Erie on Ray Auld Drive.

Whistle Lake Madrona Point • Wednesday, November 14th ~9am until 10am • We will walk in to the Lake on a wide gravel road and enjoy the view! Meet at the Whistle Lake parking lot.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! The Friends of the Forest Annual Benefit Event will be held at the Port of Anacortes Warehouse on Saturday, November 3rd, 2018 from 5:00 to 11:00 pm. This is a fun filled evening with live music, dinner, silent and short live auction. Our fundraising party provides the primary support for our Forest Education and Stewardship Programs. Check online at www.friendsoftheacfl.org for updates.

Whistle Lake • Friday, December 7th • 10am until noon • The hush of Whistle near winter solstice couldn’t be farther from the madding crowd of summer. Enjoy our deep water jewel of the forest during the season of recharge, and feel the stored sunlight energy emanating from the green. Meet at the Whistle Lake parking lot at the end of Whistle Lake Road.

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PROTECTING SKAGIT MARINE RESOURCES Education • Citizen Science • Stewardship Fidalgo Bay Day

Saturday, September 15, 2018 Fidalgo Bay Resort, 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road, Anacortes Friends of Skagit Beaches will host the Discovery Passport activity at the 2018 Fidalgo Bay Day. A Family Fun Event! Pick up your “Discovery Passport” and visit the Passport Stations for hands-on learning, fun facts, and trivia about natural and cultural connections to Fidalgo Bay. Fill your passport and win a PRIZE!

Fidalgo Shoreline Academy Saturday, October 20, 2018 1601 R Ave., Anacortes (NW Educational District Services building Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jude Apple Oceanographer, Estuarine Ecologist and Research Coordinator for the Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. Join us for a full day of workshops, conversation and connection! This is an all-day event designed to inspire and inform attendees, including educators and students, about our marine ecosystems, regional watersheds, and wildlife. We also include sessions that celebrate the rich cultural heritage of our region. Watch for registration details coming this September!

Want to get involved?

Friends is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. For more information visit www.skagitbeaches.org and sign up for our newsletter. Check the calendar page for event details. Visit our Friends of Skagit Beaches Facebook page more events and volunteer opportunities!

Want to volunteer to help with an event, Friends projects, or connect with a community of learners? Contact us at friends@ skagitbeaches.org and we’ll get your involved with our projects, events, and connect you to a great group of volunteers. Fall 2018 ATOT  39

at Anacortes Community Theatre


To register go to www.acttheatre.com/classact or call 360-293-6829


Ages: Preschool: 3 – 5 years Cost: $50 Dates: Fridays Sept 21th – Oct 26th Time: 11 am - Noon Let’s imagine we are pirates and explore an island full of hidden treasure! Let’s imagine we are sea creatures and swim to the bottom of the ocean! There are so many possibilities to explore and a preschooler’s imagination is endless. In this class designed just for 3 - 5 year olds, your young actor will create a character, learn a line and act out a new story. Along the way, through a variety of creative and dramatic games, students will learn theatre etiquette, develop their imagination, improve their self- confidence, and provide social interaction within an organized class setting.

SAVE THE CIRCUS! Ages: Cost: Dates: Time: Perf:

Kindergarten – 2nd grade $75 Fridays Oct 5th – Nov 16th 4 – 5:15 pm Last 30 min of class on 11/16 Come one, come all to The Storytelling Circus! This circus is full of acts like you’ve never seen before, and you’ll never believe how all of the amazing characters came to be in one circus! Don’t worry, the Ringmaster and the circus story characters will be telling the whole story! In this class, each student will create a unique personality for a circus character to help tell this story. This play will be performed on the last day of class. Each day of class, students will also have the chance to play fun theatre games and work on their acting skills.

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NOBODY HERE BUT US GHOSTS! Ages: Cost: Dates: Time:

3rd – 5th grade $125 Tues, Wed & Thurs 4 – 5:30 pm Nov 1st – Nov 29th Perf: Nov 30th & Dec 1st at 7 pm What do you do when you buy one of the world’s most famous Haunted Mansions? You set up tours for the public of course. But, what if it’s really haunted? And what if the current residents aren’t very happy about the tours? Comedic hilarity ensues of course. This class starts with the experience of auditioning and continues with the creation of a character, memorization of lines and a full performance with costumes and makeup. All students will receive a major role in this show that is performed for the public on November 30th and December 1st at 7 pm.


Ages: 6th – 8th grade Cost: $125 Dates: Tues and Thur Sept 18th – Oct 25th Time: 2:45 – 4:15 pm Perf: Oct 26th and 27th at 7 pm A young scientist who goes too far in his quest for science and creates a being who is labeled as a monster. Full of drama and very human moments, this production is an original retelling of the original story by Mary Shelley. This class starts with the experience of auditioning and continues with the creation of a character, memorization of lines and a full performance with costumes and makeup. All students will receive a major role in this show that is performed for the public on October 26th and 27th at 7 pm.


Ages: 9th – 12th grade Cost: $125 Dates: Mon and Wed Sept 24th – Oct 31st Time: 2:45 – 4:15 pm Perf: Nov 2nd & Nov 3rd at 7 pm What’s better than having a good laugh? Making an audience laugh. This class will explore various forms of comedy and students will have the opportunity to write some of their own! Improvisation, Sketch Comedy and Stand Up Comedy will all be tied together in a fun story that is performed for the public on November 2nd and 3rd.

Registration Now Open

Photo by Acme Creative

Ballet • Jazz • Modern • Tap • Hip Hop Young Children’s Dance • Parent/Toddler Movement Tumbling • Dance For Parkinson’s • Adult Open Dance Excellence in Dance, Education and Performance for All 901 Third Street, Anacortes, Washington 98221 • 360.299.8447 • dance@fidalgodanceworks.org fidalgodanceworks.org • a 501(c)(3) nonprofit school of dance

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A Martial Art for Life! Ages 4 and Up.


5:45 – 6:45A


Adults & Teens

7:00 - 8:00A


Adults & Teens

10:00 - 10:30A 3:30 - 4:00P

Fri Only Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs

Tigers (4-6 years) Tigers (4-6 years)

4:00 - 5:10P


Children (7+) /Families/Adults

5:15 - 6:25P


Children (7+) /Families/Adults

6:30 - 8:30P


Midnight Blue and Red Belts

9:00 - 10:00A


Midnight Blue and Red Belts

10:00 - 11:00A


Children (7+) /Families/Adults

$71 monthly for 2 or more classes per week; $55 monthly for Crouching Tigers. Free monthly tuition for members covered by Silver&Fit® Family and Military discounts available. Private lessons - $30

Wu Style Tai Chi — More Classes!

$10/class - FREE for SBD and Silver&Fit® Members

10:00 - 11:00A: Mon/Wed

6:30 - 7:30P: Most Thursdays

• Adaptations for age or physical challenges. • Additional Tai Chi and Self Defense classes offered by appointment and/or private lessons - call to schedule.

Looking for a special Birthday party venue? Contact us for a Board Breaking Event. Cost Savings Available with

Silver&Fit® and Active&Fit®

Members enrolled in either of these programs have their tuition covered by these plans for Soo Bahk Do monthly tuition and Tai Chi classes. Iyengar Yoga Classes also at this location. For more information , see the IYENGAR YOGA page in this publication or contact instructor Laifong Ng at ngyoga82@gmail.com or 360-202-2323.

Colette and Andy Arvidson, Certified Master Instructors, Korean Soo Bahk Do® Association, World Moo Duk Kwan® 2117 O Avenue, Anacortes WA 98221 • 360-299-2905 • www.anacorteskarate.com 42 ATOT Fall 2018

Iyengar Yoga At Anacortes Soo Bahk Do - 2117 O Avenue “Yoga allows you to find a new kind of freedom that you may not have known even existed.” B.K.S. Iyengar WHY IYENGAR YOGA I practice & teach Iyengar Yoga, one of the world’s most influential & widely-practiced methods of yoga. Iyengar Yoga emphasizes proper alignment of the body & it encourages the use of props

(blocks, straps, blankets and chairs) to help students safely attain the maximum benefits of yoga. It is an excellent practice for students of any age or ability.


I began practicing yoga in the summer of 2002 right after high school. I started teaching yoga in the fall of 2006 at the Skagit Valley College in Oak Harbor, I also taught at Bayside Fitness for many years, now I currently teach in Bellingham at Yoga Northwest & Anacortes Soo Bahk Do. My passion for yoga and desire to learn more led me to Bali where I did a 200 hour

hatha yoga/vinyasa teacher training. Upon my return I enrolled at the Iyengar Yoga Institute in San Francisco and completed a 500 hours course over the next two years. I am passionate about learning more yoga, so in Fall 2014 I went to Pune, India and studied with Geeta Iyengar and completed my Iyengar Yoga Certification in 2015.

Transform your life this Summer with Increase Flexibility • Core Strength • Vibrant Energy • Mindfulness • Well-Being Class Fees $ 140 for 10 Weeks 1X $14 class $ 240 for 10 Weeks 2X $12 class Drop In Welcome anytime $17 Want more classes? “Add On” a class for only $12 Private lessons $70

Beginner classes introduce the foundational principles of alignment, and basic standing poses. Level 1 classes are for students with 3 to 6 months experience in Iyengar yoga who are steady and comfortable in standing poses.

Class Times Tuesday 9am-10:30am Level 1 Tuesday 11am-12:30pm Gentle/ Restorative Yoga Wednesday 7-8:15 pm Mixed Levels Thursday 9-10:30 am Beginners Contact info: Laifong Ng 360-202-2323 ngyoga82@gmail.com Facebook Page: facebook.com/ngyoga@ anacortesyoga/

Gentle/Restorative classes are for students with back, neck, knees or shoulder problems. Focuses on poses to help students unwind, stretch, and breathe.


Laifong Ng Certified Iyengar Teacher (CIYT) RYT 200 RYT 500

Mixed Level classes accommodates a wide range of experience levels from beginners to students that have practiced for a long time. Free Yoga Week January 1 - 3rd

2018-2019 Schedule for the year. Register now, spaces are limited per class. Summer Session

Special 5 Weeks $75.00

July 31 - August 29 Tues/Wed

Fall Session

10 Weeks

September 11 - November 15

Winter Session

10 Weeks

January 8 - March 14

Fall 2018 ATOT  43

Anacortes Senior College Fall term begins Tuesday, October 9 And continues through Thursday, November 15, 2018. Classes meet at Anacortes Middle School, 2200 M Avenue To register online or for course information, go to www.seniorcollege.org For further information, email info@seniorcollege.org Or call 360-503-1255 Before registering, check class availability at www.seniorcollege.org


Classes meet 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Classes are six weeks in length unless otherwise noted A 6-week class is $30. A 3-week class is $20

TUESDAY AFTERNOONS Civilizations and The Sea: Throughout history people have gone to the sea in search of land, food, wealth and war. Jim Strong will explore the people and their paths from ancient to modern times along with the potential decline of our wonderful oceans. Industries of Anacortes: Tom Kuhn returns as moderator as this popular class highlights six industries: The Port of Anacortes, Shannon Point Marine Center, Anacortes Waste Treatment, SVC Marine Technical Center, Rockfish Grill/Anacortes Brewery, and Andeavor Refinery. Memoir Writing: Find meaning in your life through writing your story and sharing it with others. Teru Lundsten, personal historian, teaches writing tools and memory prompts to energize your composition legacy. Class limited to 10 participants. The Archaeology of Petra – Jordan: Dr. Doug Clark traces the history of this archaeological and cultural wonder of the world from the Stone Age to today. Explore Petra’s sandstone cliffs and monumental architecture which have been long shrouded in mystery. (3-weeks:10/9, 16, 23) Anacortes History: Join Bret Lunsford, Maritime and Education Curator of Anacortes Museum, as he illustrates the history of Anacortes and celebrates our waterfront industries, parks and forests, and cultural wealth. There will be guest speakers along with film and video clips. (3-weeks: 10/30, 11/6, 13)


Our Amazing Constitution: Dr. Michael Newbrough explores the unique governmental system which led to separation of powers, federalism, individual rights, and representative democracy – all experiments in 1787. See how the Constitution has been modified over the last 200 years and how it applies to the political crises we face today. Charismatic Megafauna of the Salish Sea: Learn how to identify the larger and more iconic species of marine invertebrates, fishes and mammals living in our local waters. Dr. Bob Weathers explains the unique characteristics of their life histories to better increase appreciation and conservation. (3-weeks: 10/11, 18, 25) Microorganisms of the Salish Sea: Explore the tiny world below water that keeps the Salish Sea ticking. The hidden majesty and secret world of plankton plays a vital role in the ecosystem of our local waters. Chandler Colahan and Susan Wood of the Padilla Bay Breazeale Interpretive Center north of Bayview invite ASC students to join them at the Center. (3-weeks: 11/1,8,15) Anacortes Parks & Rec – It takes a Community: In this unique class, Gary Robinson, Bob Vaux, and Jonn and Bret Lunsford teach the history of our Anacortes Community Forestlands, Washington & Causland Parks, and discuss current topics within our community. Gary is the Director of Park and Recreation, Bob is manager of Washington Park, Jonn is the Parks and Forestland Manager, and Bret is Director of Anacortes Museum. (3-weeks: 10/11, 18, 25) Four-Seasons Organic Garden in the PNW: Well known local gardener, Peter Heffelfinger, introduces home gardening techniques for producing fresh vegetables year-round. Topics include: planting schedules, crop rotation, row covers & grow beds, raised beds, soil prep, harvesting and storage tips. (3-weeks: 11/1, 8, 15) History of Skagit Railroads and Logging: Delve into the development of the Anacortes railroad system, which extended 38 miles inland to Rockport. Eric Erickson, local author and retired engineering manager, uses pictures, route maps & logs to describe early locomotives. Also discussed is the beginnings of the Puget Sound logging industry and its transportation methods – from steam locomotives, to tugs and trucks. (3 weeks: 11/1, 8, 15)

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Fidalgo Island and Guemes Gleaners


Calling all Fruit Tree owners and those who would enjoy picking fresh fruit from trees. We live in a great area for growing fruit and often there is more fruit than a family can use. We have had two very successful years gleaning and distributing fruit totaling over 15,000 pounds. This fruit was distributed to those gleaning, food banks, family shelter, schools, churches and the senior center. Gleaning (or picking) times are schedule with the tree owners. Gleaning is usually done in 30-45 minutes. For many of the fruit trees, we will schedule multiple gleans as not all fruit is ripe at

the same time. Ripe fruit is picked, then a week or so later we will schedule another glean and so on until the fruit has been picked. The gleaning program usually starts midAugust when fruit begins to ripen and the last glean the beginning of October. This is a short but very productive time. If you are interested in picking fruit or would like your fruit tree(s) gleaned, please send an email to

Creating Community Resilience for 12 years

Join us in our current projects!

those with money to invest and those with great ideas that benefit our community. • Free monthly presentations: last Tuesday of the month at the Senior Activity Center, 6:30-8:00 pm. Come learn about climate from local scientists and practical skills from local experts. • Our community gardens and gleaning programs are teeming with life.

• The Anacortes Forestlands Monitoring Project. Volunteer to gather data scientists will use to nurture and protect this beloved natural resource. • Housing for All: continuing explorations into alternatives we can pursue to address the local housing crisis.

• Creating a local investment network to connect

Want to participate? Email us at info@TransitionFidalgo.org or join us at our monthly meeting.

46  ATOT Fall 2018

Dialing 911:

Part II, The Mindset This article is part two of three in a Dialing 911 newsletter series. Part one addressed the specifics of making the call to 911 dispatch; part two will discuss the mindset required to make an effective 911 call and provide accurate, detailed information to the dispatcher for the best possible outcomes; and part three will prepare you for the emergency response.

18 N 91

As mentioned in the Spring A-Town is Our Town article, a clear head in the midst of a challenging situation will give you the best chance of a positive outcome. Most people who have spent enough time on this planet recognize that sometimes things do not go as planned—natural disasters and accidents occur; people are victimized; a loved one falls ill. Mindset

Start ‘Em Young

Most police officers are aware of a simple system called the color code of awareness in which they are trained to anticipate and efficiently respond to situations that may arise in the course of their daily work and personal lives. The color code system illustrates varying levels of situational awareness based on one of four colors—white, yellow, orange, and red. Code white refers to an individual who is aloof and unaware of their surroundings. Code yellow refers to a person with a heightened sense of awareness of surroundings. In code orange, the person has identified someone or something that may or may not be a threat and are preparing themselves to take action, if necessary. Code red implies that there is an active threat and action must be taken to address it.

Even children can operate in code yellow. Look for opportunities to educate children on dangers that may affect them such as what to do if they get lost in a public place or who to call if something happens to their parent or guardian. Encourage them to know how to call 911 and to know what questions will be asked of them when they make the call. Model the behavior you would expect of them by developing a code yellow mindset.

The general public can also operate in code yellow which may lead to better outcomes, especially in the event of an emergency. In practice, code yellow might be awareness of a running vehicle in the dark corner of the grocery store parking lot at 10PM when you make a quick stop to pick up orange juice for breakfast in the morning. Is the vehicle or driver a threat? Perhaps not, but you have rough idea of what you would do if the car came zooming towards you, such as taking cover behind a car and calling 911 for help.

Expectations Contact with emergency response personnel in most jurisdictions will start with a 911 call to a dispatcher. Educating yourself on what to expect during the call is part of developing your mindset. As mentioned in the previous article, dispatchers are trained to ask callers a series of questions in a certain order. Training may vary depending on the area you call from, but in general, the list will look something like this: • What is the nature of your emergency? • What is the address of the emergency? Are you on site? • What is your phone number? • What is your name and date of birth? Once the nature of the call is established, the dispatcher will ask specific questions based on the nature of the emergency. For example, if it is a motor vehicle

accident, they will ask if there are injuries or if the road is blocked by the accident. In contrast, if you are calling for a medical emergency, the dispatcher will ask about the patient—is the patient male or female? How old is the patient? Is the patient conscious and breathing normally? Are there are any noticeable injuries? If there is a crime in progress, dispatchers will ask you for a description of the suspect (race, age, color of clothing), and/or the suspect vehicle (license plate/color/make/model) and direction of travel. When applicable, they also will ask officer safety questions: Are any weapons observed? Is anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Are there weapons in the residence, where are they, are they loaded? Of particular importance, if a dispatcher is asking you a question, do your best to answer it. The purpose of their questions and the order in which they are asked are designed to provide you with the help you need in a timely fashion. Developing a mindset of awareness and decisive action will help you navigate life’s challenges more effectively and will guide emergency services personnel who want to help you should the need arise. Stay tuned for part three of the series that will prepare you for the response that may not be what you expect. Karl Wolfswinkel Community Service Officer

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Mary Snyder, Sidney Mayor Steve Price, Anacortes Mayor Laurie Gere, Kenny Podmore – Sidney Town Crier, Richard Riddell – Anacortes Town Crier, Boy Scout Troop 4081, Lisa Grace Music, Cali Swain, Junior at AHS, Grace Harmony - Lisa Grace, Ann Dubbel, Linda Dobbs, Nick Hibma, Jim Rains

Steve Doebler, Walt Meagher and Steve Orsini from Anacortes Yacht Club, Skagit County Sheriffs Department, Western Display Pyro Crew, Tiffany Matson, Jim Rains, Nick Walsh, Anacortes Parks Foundation – Valora Sandstrom, Port of Anacortes, Dunlap Towing, Carlson Construction

TOWN PHOTO Breanna Alzola - Anacortes American Nick Hibma and the City of Anacortes Fire and Public Works Departments.

PARADE Sylvia Cooper - United States Navy – LCDR Marcus Moreland, Odi Flores, Adam Veal, Andrew Klingman, Nick Hibma, Tom Shardlow, Robert Cummings, Chuck Ackerman, Wayne Bartlett, Chuck Davis, Paul Monohon, Dennis Oeth, Shirley Smith, Bryan Walker, Brenda Treadwell, Dan Worra, Stephanie Hamilton, Frontier Ford – Andre, Grand Marshall Erica Picket

ROCK THE DOCK Nancy Rytand-Carey – Julie Johnson Lindsey, Dan Worra

50 ATOT Fall 2018

The Anacortes Parks Foundation and the City of Anacortes would like to thank the following individuals and business for their generous donations towards the 2018 John Curtis Memorial Fireworks Display. Bud & Betty Adams Sharon Alban Alice Bohnker Insurance Services, LLC Karen & Bill Amman Anacortes Brewing Company Anacortes Marine Enterprises Darwin & Patti Anderson David & Theresa Anderson Sharylee Barnes Martin & Nelea Barney Helen Baumgartner Bayside Dental James Beaner Brad & Janet Beatty Dean & Paula Becker Tom Beeler E. S. & Marilyn Bell David Grant Best Ray & Carolyn Bloom Brian & Kelli Boardman Susan Bolles Marianito & Lourdes Briones Bill & Jane Brodie Gordon Bruchner Douglas Burton Robert & Suzi Childers Monica Christensen Sean & Lisa Clancy Classic Upholstery Les & Sharon Cooper Oren & Carol Cotton Ken & Patty Crews Donna Davidson Rick & Diane Davidson Ken & Sally DeFehr Ray & Sandy Desy Patricia Dever Patrik & Jody Dylan Rob & Sarah Eastman E. Harvey Elwin Rick & Jeane Enberg James & Cheryl English Ernie & Paula Karl & Pat Essig Bill & Vicki Evans Bruce & Margaret Evertz Archibald Family Hernandez Family Schwabe Family John & Linda Ferrario Fidalgo Bay RV Resort Maurice & Helene Fink

Cliff & Jo Finkbohner William & Diane Fisher Andrew Freeman Greg & Connie Gibbons John & Ann Giboney Russell & Terrie Gindhart Joseph & Grace Glasgow Liz Graham Dick & Evelyn Greenlee Richard Greer & Dorothy Sheehan Dave & Margaret Griffith Richard Grill & Annette Tamre Susan & Walter Guterbock Sam Tull & Muriel Hall Lonny & Bunny Heiner Luvern & Carol Heying Robert & Judy Higgins John & Peggy Hilburn George Fuhr & Margaret Holland Jeff & Valerie Holtgeerts Sandra & Gary Hopper Horizon Audio & Video Robert Horwith Aleli & John Howell Duane Hudson Gene & Bette Huff John & Linda Hunt Marie & Don Ibsen In Memory of Chris Whatley Island Import Garage Lisa Jackson & Jonn Lunsford John & Louise James Jan & Soren Jensen Iver & Cheryl Johnson Rodney Johnson Mary Joy Jennifer Juckett Ellen Kaiser Sara Kelley Mary Kiel Gail & Glenn King Barbara Kinnison James Knott Sol & Erin Kohlhaas R. & R. Kollodge Roxan Kraft Leslie Kreus Betty & Von Kuehn Warrem Carr & Ruth LeBrun Roy & Linda LeQuire Lovelett Family

Lovric's Sea Craft, Inc. Linda & Patrick Maes Howitson Sonja Maricich John & Kari Mathis Steve & Pam McKinstry Robert & Barbara Meier Tammy Melvin Wayne & Mairivonne Melvin Robert Miller Stephen & Betty Miller Sue & Greg Monaghan Fahey Moore Victoria Morrell Daniel Morris Young Don & Cindy Morton Theda Morton Rebecca Motherwell Robert & Maureen Mullen Ms. Elsie Mullinaux Dawn & Bob Munn Richard & Linda Nelson Sarah & Robb Nichols North Sound Mini Storage LLC Joan Oborne Margaret A. Oehlman Dennis & Linda Oeth David & Sydney Olausen Joan P. Olson Papa Murphy's Pizza Larry & Shelly Parfitt Don & Rosa Parker John & Kathy Parker Parker Family Art & Kim Perez Dennis & Robin Perkins Fred & Denise Phillips Erica Pickett Steve & Shalita Pye Carol & Neal Pyke David & Susan Rafnson Larry & Brenda Ramsdell Jerry & Sy Ramsey Reisner Distributor Inc. Charles R. & Mary Rice Ron & Merle Rice Robert Richardson Jerome & Mary Robbins Susie & Ross Roberts Bill & Sharon Robertson Ray Robinson George Rockwood Kirk & Donna Ruddell

Michael & Connie Russell Annette Saling Samish Indian Nation John & JoAnn Satzinger Velma Schafer Scott Milo Gallery Renee Shain Shainin Family Shardlow Family John & Cathy Slater Tonda Smit David & Kay Smith Mary & Michael Stark Ms. Arlene Stavig June Steen Mike Puckett & Rhonda Stewart Valerie Still Bob & Kathy Strickert Wayne & Joyce Suter May Switzer Ginger Thomas Marcia & Gerry Thompson Phyllis Thoreson Patricia Tillman Chuck Tollefson In Memory of Cary Tolman Bruce & sue Trzcinski Josh & Paula Tull Laura & Doug Tuttle Mary Vallentyne Edmund Marmol & Kathryn Van Alstyne Paul & Rene Vance Steve & Michelle Vekved Elwin Vernon Bryan & Linda Walker Rick & Judy Wallace Rosemary & MarvinWalter Len & Stephanie Warden Gary & Vicki Weber Charles Wenker Kenneth & Gayle Westford Brian & Linda Wetcher Kathy Wiggins Clay Wilcox Steve & Linda Wilhoit Evelyn Williams Karla Williams David & Joanne Witiak Bill & Jennifer Wyoski Chris Zimmerman

Fall 2018 ATOT  51 

ECRWSS Resident

Saturday, September 15th 9:00 - 2:00 pm At The Depot Art Center 611 R Avenue for more info call: 360.299.1964

TechniArt Will be selling a Home Kit with (14) LEDs, (1) 1.5gpm Shower head and (3) Aerators for $10.00 A ($75.00 Value)

Skagit Cycle Will have E-bikes to try out.

Also Visit The

Energy Vendors Puget Sound Energy Cascade Natural Gas Whidbey Sun & Wind Ecotech Solar Quantum Construction Zero Energy Plans Barron Heating Community Energy Challenge

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