Ikon Volume 1 Issue 1

Page 25

During the course of my research I had the good fortune to be able to meet someone who was actively engaged in the Voodoo religion. Due to the stereotypes and attitudes towards religions outside of the three Abrahamic traditions the woman that I interviewed did not wish to give personal identifying information. I do however feel it is necessary to give some general information about her that will help to dispel any myths or misconceptions about those individuals who are part of this religion. The woman who we shall call “S” is approximately middle aged, well educated and is in fact seeking a post graduate degree. Her family is originally from one of the Caribbean Islands, but she was born in the United States. We conducted the interview through email correspondence and what follows is a transcript of that correspondence. Question: How did you first come to learn about Voodoo? From whom did you learn about the religion and its practices? S: Everything was passed on through my maternal relatives. Q: There are several different words for the religion itself. Some people say Voodoo, some say Vodun, or Vodoun. Which do you use and why? What groups use each of these terms and why? S: Indeed different people say different things, however, I say Vodun because Voodoo, or any spelling near it, is what the initial Europeans called it. Q: What are some important aspects of the religion that may get misunderstood by many people? S: There are many; I think I have already addressed them in some of your other questions though. Q: Can you tell us about the different spirits and how they are worshiped? Can you explain the term Loa for us? A: There are hundreds of Lwa’s. All are worshipped in different ways, however, most are honored (preferred term over worshipped) through offerings to altars built in their honor and celebrations held on their favorite days of the week. Additionally, all Lwa’s have their own Veve (symbol), as well as their favorite colors and favorite gifts they like to receive. Q: Which particular spirit do you worship, and how did this come to be your spirit guide? A: Worship would not be the correct word here. Yes, the Lwa whom I follow and service is Erzulie. She is the most popular and most beloved of all the nearly hundreds of Lwa’s. She is the Spirit of love, passion, sensuality, nurturing and motherhood. I am including her Veve (symbol) below. Her favorite color is pink. Her favorite altar items (gifts) are perfumes, flowers, mirrors, honey, jewelry and sweets. All the other Lwa’s have a Veve, favorite color and favorite altar items, as well . We come to follow and honor our spirit guides in different ways, but they are all intimate and 25 privately kept; sorry

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