H+F August 2015

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SAMILIA COLAR, 31 Favorite workout move: The TRX Atomic Scorpion. It’s hard! I could barely do one, and now I am up to 25. Quote that inspires me: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8


HEALTH+FITNESS | August 2015

married with two kids, five and two years old. I work for myself designing and manufacturing a line of handbags and accessories called Texstyle that combine modern style with an ethnic flare. I also teach TRX fitness classes at the KROC center. TRX stands for Total-body Resistance Exercise. They’re essentially straps that allow you to suspend part of your body (arms or feet) so that you’re able to work multiple muscle groups at once. It’s a really efficient way to exercise.



Favorite female athlete? Misty Copeland. I love dance and have always admired the amount of strength required in ballet.


Tips for busy women? Make exercise your top priority. You have to write down when, where, and how you are going to work out. I normally plan out my week on Sundays so I can see everything I need to get done in the coming week. If you’re not so self motivated, find a class at a nearby gym. If you’re crunched for time, take short 10-minute breaks throughout your day to climb stairs or go for a brisk walk around your work building.


What is the most underrated exercise move? The jumping jack. You’d be surprised at how many people don’t do them properly. Jumping jacks are great for cardio, working multiple muscle groups in one easy movement, helping loosen your joints and increase your range of motion.


Advice to newbies? When you’re starting out it’s good to try a variety of things to see what you really enjoy. Working out doesn’t have to look a particular way. It can be in a gym, outside playing Frisbee or soccer, or in your living room with the kids as long as you’re doing something that keeps you moving and motivated.


Body part that gets neglected? Lats (back). I see women doing abdominal exercises all the time, but if you incorporate a few lat exercises, it will help you burn more belly fat.


Biggest fitness lesson? Stretch, stretch, stretch. I can’t stress it enough. If you don’t stretch all the muscles that you worked, you’re doing your body a huge disservice, and you’ll be likely to suffer more injuries. Add stretching to your rest days.

Interview by Amy Goode. Photo by Philip Murphy.

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