Memphis Health+Fitness Magazine February 2021

Page 50

WEEKEND WARRIOR Photo by Tindall Stephens

Jason Brady, Runner & Hiker 39, Director of Physical Therapy at Mays & Schnapp Neurospine and Pain, Bishop in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints LONG HAUL: I recently completed a 4-day, 40-mile solo hike in South Cumberland State Park.

MOST MEMORABLE RACE: Completing the Ragnar Relay in 2019 from Chattanooga to Nashville. It’s a 200(ish) mile, 12-person team relay where each person runs three legs. And who doesn’t like riding in a van with six friends and getting no sleep for 24 hours?

NEXT UP: Ragnar Trail Atlanta in April 2021 MY PASSION: What I really like about my job is that it aligns with my love of fitness and exercise. I get to use my knowledge of therapeutic techniques including manual therapy and dry needling to help people get active and moving. Being the director of physical therapy and working directly with patients gives me the opportunity to help relieve pain and improve people’s quality of life, which I find very gratifying.

BUCKET LIST: I would like to eventually hike the Pacific Crest Trail starting at the Mexican border and going up to the Canadian border through California, Oregon, and Washington. It takes 4–6 months and that will have to wait until kids are out on their own.

MUST-HAVE GEAR: New Balance Running Shoes and Darn Tough Socks

JAM SONG: Glorious —Macklemore BEST EATS: Flight has been my favorite. I love the multiple entrees in smaller portions.

RECENT READ: The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

FITNESS PET PEEVE: People who refuse to stretch before or after working out (this includes myself and I know better).

VICE: Milk and Oreos before bed MOTTO: “Alright, let’s do 5 more!” SPIRIT ANIMAL: I would say the Polar Bear at the Memphis Zoo. He seems to always be having fun and messing with people watching him. 48

Articles inside

Weekend Warrior: Jason Brady, Runner & Hiker

page 50

Juice Up Your Diet!

page 32

How COVID Has Impacted Communities of Color And How We Can Move Forward

pages 30-31

7 Tips to a Healthier Heart in 2021

pages 14-15

Daisha & Ulrich Morris, Fit Couple

pages 26-27

Cedric & Toya Rodgers, Fit Couple

pages 24-25

Weekend Warrior: Katie Dorsett, Runner

pages 48, 52

Vegan Saka Saka from Bala’s Bistro

page 41

How to Stop Nighttime Cravings

pages 46-47

Balsamic Roasted Veggies

pages 44-45

3 Key Ingredients to Heart Health

pages 42-43

Fried Cauliflower from Sage Restaurant

pages 38-39

Stuffed Poblano Peppers from Chef Tam’s Underground Cafe

page 40

Red Pepper & Chickpea Salad from Zayde’s NYC Deli

pages 34-35

Salt + Pepper Scallops With Herb Aioli from Park + Cherry

pages 36-37

Wes & Casey Nelson, Fit Couple

pages 28-29

Pushing Limits and Inspiring Others With a Heart Defect

pages 18-19

The Link Between Healthy Gums and a Healthy Heart

page 12

Karli & Tim Watson, Fit Couple

pages 22-23

Finding a Life Without Limits After Heart Surgery

pages 20-21

Starting Line

pages 8-9

10 Ways to Effectively Communicate With a Partner

pages 16-17

What You Need to Know About the COVID Vaccine

pages 10-11
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