Memphis Health+Fitness Magazine February 2021

Page 14

LIVING WELL By Shankho Ganguli, MD

7 Tips to a Healthier Heart in 2021 1. Move more! Modern lifestyle and the ongoing pandemic have made it increasingly difficult for us to lead an active lifestyle. If you have a desk job, I recommend taking a 5–10 minute walking break every hour you work. This will not only make you more productive but also help you get 30– 60 minutes of walking in during the days.

2. Eat healthier by saying no to sodas. With all the temptations and advertisements around, it is a wonder anyone can keep those pounds off. Start by cutting down on all sodas, which are the largest source of empty calories in an average diet.

3. Aim for a healthy weight. This is usually a BMI between 18–25. The key to achieving this lies in the above two steps. Abdominal fat is a risk factor for heart disease, and the best way to stave that off is to maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight and obese not only leads to heart disease but also other risk factors for heart disease such as diabetes and hypertension.

4. Stop smoking and avoid second-hand smoking.

As the holiday season has come and gone, many often wonder how to get back on track. ”How do I get rid of the few pounds I put on over the holidays?” It is a question asked seemingly every year in the throes of winter. While weight loss can be very important for health, most are often guilty of asking too much too quickly from themselves. Focusing on one area, such as heart health, can lead to overall weight loss and better physical condition. As a physician who hears these concerns from family, friends, and patients regularly, I would like to share with you a few 12 tips that will make achieving your goal a bit easier.

This one is big! Numerous studies have shown that smoking leads to a multiple fold increase in heart disease, stroke, cancer, and many other chronic illnesses. Smoking can be very addictive, but according to research, the more times you try to quit, the higher your success rate will be. The adage “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again” truly applies in this case.

Articles inside

Weekend Warrior: Jason Brady, Runner & Hiker

page 50

Juice Up Your Diet!

page 32

How COVID Has Impacted Communities of Color And How We Can Move Forward

pages 30-31

7 Tips to a Healthier Heart in 2021

pages 14-15

Daisha & Ulrich Morris, Fit Couple

pages 26-27

Cedric & Toya Rodgers, Fit Couple

pages 24-25

Weekend Warrior: Katie Dorsett, Runner

pages 48, 52

Vegan Saka Saka from Bala’s Bistro

page 41

How to Stop Nighttime Cravings

pages 46-47

Balsamic Roasted Veggies

pages 44-45

3 Key Ingredients to Heart Health

pages 42-43

Fried Cauliflower from Sage Restaurant

pages 38-39

Stuffed Poblano Peppers from Chef Tam’s Underground Cafe

page 40

Red Pepper & Chickpea Salad from Zayde’s NYC Deli

pages 34-35

Salt + Pepper Scallops With Herb Aioli from Park + Cherry

pages 36-37

Wes & Casey Nelson, Fit Couple

pages 28-29

Pushing Limits and Inspiring Others With a Heart Defect

pages 18-19

The Link Between Healthy Gums and a Healthy Heart

page 12

Karli & Tim Watson, Fit Couple

pages 22-23

Finding a Life Without Limits After Heart Surgery

pages 20-21

Starting Line

pages 8-9

10 Ways to Effectively Communicate With a Partner

pages 16-17

What You Need to Know About the COVID Vaccine

pages 10-11
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