Sweet Deal Campaign Book - MDMFA

Page 1


Sweet and

Deal Campaign roject book

Style Guide!

A candy-inspired lifestyle is a true work of art!

Table of CONTENTS ThE StaNdards ThE REsEarch

Sweet Deal Logo 40-47 Color Palette 48-49 Imagery 52 Campaign Voice 53 Typefaces 54-55 Stationery 56 Print Ads 57 Email Blasts 58-59 Interactive Media 60 Motion Graphic 61 Packaging & Promotions 62-63


Inspiration & Research 10-11 Research References 12-13 Corporate Mission 13 Target Audience 14 Client Brief 15 Strategy-Print Media 16 Strategy-Interactive Media 17

ThE SolutioN ThE ProcEss


Print Ads 68-69 Stationery 70-71 Interactive Media 74-75 Packaging & Promotions 76-79


Inspiration Moodboard 22-23 Campaign Toolbox 24-25 Sweet Deal Logo 26-27 Print Ad Series 30-31 Microsite 32-33 Motion Graphic 34-35


Image References



Sweet Deal campaign!

candy and art. The following pages

POP-Candy is a ficticious corpora-

detail the research, strategy and

tion, invented to create a fundraising

creative development process for

campaign benefiting young artists.

the resulting Sweet Deal campaign.

Both the company and campaign are inspired by Dylan’s Candy Bar’s mission to merge the worlds of

The REsEarch

Inspiration & Research 10-11

Client Brief 15

Research References


Strategy - Print Media


Corporate Mission


Stragegy - Interactive Media


Target Audience


Divider Pop-up!

Findings and RESEaRCH experience is addictive for all ages. Lesser known is its corporate mission to merge the worlds of candy and art.

POP-Candy, Inc. is a ficticious company that has been created for educational purposes and will be used to fullfill the campaign design process. POP-Candy has been inspired by Dylan’s Candy Bar and all campaign research has been cultivated from this organization. Dylan’s Candy Bar is known for many things. It’s New York flagship houses more candy than any other store in the United States, it is owned by the heiress to Ralph Lauren’s empire and the brand


The Sweet Deal Campaign

As an admitted candy addict from childhood on, Dylan Lauren encourages her target audience to see candy as more than bright coating and creamy centers. It is inspiration, it is decoration and it is art. Her following embrace this lifestyle through accessories for the home and the body, as well as a healthy dose of the actual candy goods. Now, through the Sweet Deal campaign, this audience will advance their involvement as they participate in furthering the brand’s essence. They will support the next generation of artists who will find inspiration in the bright wrappers, the explosive logos and the sweet mediums candy can offer. Through donations and purchases from a special edition line of privately labeled products, the consumer becomes the connoisseur and the beneficiary turns benefactor. This project explores the corporation, the consumer and the cause as it delves into the idea,“give a little; get a lot.” Careful adherence to the inspiration company’s brand is important to each campaign element so that its audience may enjoy a true and expected experience. Design elements include a wide selection of bright colors, striped patterning and creative packaging. This color palette will most often be partnered with deep areas of white space that enhance clean

typographical choices and energetic popart styling. Repetitive patterns and select candy or target focused images will unite advertising and packaging. From print media to product packaging, the brand that

concept, expressing the cause in a way that allows them to identify with the brand, the mission and their role in the lifestyle’s perpetuation is key.

this audience will advance their involvement as they participate in furthering the brand’s essence... inspires will now implore. This campaign will accomplish a win-win for both POP-Candy and it’s following. By deepening the relationship with casual connoisseurs and loyal brand members through a shared cause, POP-Candy will unite and inspire participation. Giving of themselves will net, not only personal profit, but also a sense of belonging and pride. Understanding the audience and their reaction to the

The target audience must embrace the campaign and embody its goal. They are the very reason that POP-Candy exists. The dream of a life-sized Candyland has inspired more than sugary addiction. It has spawned a love for creativity, an avenue to enjoy candy in both calorie-filled and non-caloric ways and a new platform to express one’s love for all that candy can mean to someone. From fashion and home décor to the sweet stuff itself, POPCandy invites adults to proudly be a kid at heart and it is that inner child who will encourage the compassionate adult to give, breathing life into the Sweet Deal Campaign.

Campaign Research


POP-CaNdy LaND! How to play: To discover

Lauren, D. (2009, June 7). Sweets Tester in Chief. New York Times. p. 9. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.


corporate mission to merge the worlds of candy and art, follow along the path of campaign research references as you travel through POP-Candy


Hoovers. (2011). Dylan’s candy bar, llc profile. Hoovers Reporting, Retrieved from http:www.hoovers.com

STaRT Beamon, K. (2002). Edible Design. Hospitality Design, 24(4), 15. Retrieved from EBSCOhost


The Sweet Deal Campaign

Macnab, M. (2008). Decoding design: understanding and using symbols in visual communication. Cincinnatti, OH: HOW Design Books.

Lauren, D. (2010). Dylan’s candy bar: unwrap your sweet life. New York, NY: Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc.

Turcsik, R. (2003). Candy land. Progressive Grocer, 82 (18), 45-46. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Wheeler, A. (2009). Designing brand identity: an essential guide for the whole branding team. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons.

Pop-Candy wants to do something more than simply design a magical candy store, they want to build something to fulfill a corporate and personal mission. The goal is to merge candy and art. The creation of a fund-raising campaign to benefit young artist programs is a way to create awareness of this calling while providing an opportunity for the target audience to participate in its achievement.

Krause, J. (2004). Design basics index. Cincinnatti, OH: HOW Design Books.

Judy, K. (n.d). Unraveling the mystery of why we give, or don’t. USA Today. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Krause, J. (2007). Type idea index. Cincinnatti, OH: HOW Design Books.

Campaign Research


Targeting the right audiENcE Brand Loyalists

Her lipstick is bubble gum pink; her shoes flaunt a candy-striped design; her accessories resemble sweet gummies. It is not Halloween but she’s pulls it off, matching her wardrobe to Juicy-Fruit curtains and candy-branded throw pillows. This is the epitome of POP-Candy’s target audience: one who loves, not only the sweet stuff itself, but also everything candy represents from fun designs to bright colors and artistic finishes. This is a girl who uses candy in entertaining, decorating and crafting just as frequently as she snacks on it and might frequently visits sites like Oprah.com or Marthastewartliving.com.

Demographics Ages 27-44

College Graduate Single Professional Career Income between $60,000 -$75,000


The Sweet Deal Campaign

It’s not to say that there are not candycrafty men who will respond to the Sweet Deal campaign, but the primary target is the girl who is “sugar and spice and everything nice.”

...and creating a Client Brief THE ObjEctivE Create a fund-raising campaign for POP-Candy benefiting young artist programs to fulfill a corporate mission of merging candy and art while providing an opportunity for brand loyalist’s to participate in its achievement.

THE SCOPE Deliver creative messaging and collateral to encourage target audience participation in a fund raising campaign by highlighting giver and receiver benefits while promoting the parent company.

THE PLaN Through a fundraising campaign, the audience will gain an empathetic understanding of the need for art programs. POPCandy’s effort to support such programs will inspire the target audience to participate in the campaign themselves and spread the message within their circle of influence as well.

Key Tenets... ExprEssivE




THE MEasurablES


The initial work will be measured by the quantity of fundraising labeled products sold. Overall, the return on investment will be calculated in direct relation to the total donated to young artist programs. Other measurements will include any increase in lifestyle sales as this will indicate new brand loyalists being reached, new partnership opportunities and campaign participation through online applications and point-of-sale.

WhEN Not at POP-CaNdy She entertains frequently, often elaborately and enjoys recreational traveling She embraces modern culture with independent films, theatre and concerts.

Campaign Research


A Strategy for priNt... In a campaign focused on candy and art...

demographics, a media buy with these entities will allow for further reach than in-store advertising would alone.

visual communication is key. Therefore, a mixture of print advertising and in-store displays is an ideal choice for the Sweet Deal campaign.

An ad series will be created to run for an initial buy of eight months with additional media buys to be considered based upon the effectiveness of the first phase. Advertorials focusing on area programs

Magazines like “O” and Martha Stewart Living are perfectly suited for ad placement... Based on the target audience demographics, both Oprah’s “O” magazine and Martha Stewart Living are perfectly suited for ad placement. In addition to having similar


The Sweet Deal Campaign

that benefit from this campaign will be considered for local publications within each POP-Candy community. In-store displays will remind the local shopper of the mission and the campaign.

...and interactive MEDIa

A special site:

Video elements:

For the Sweet Deal campaign web strategy, a microsite will be designed to educate the viewer and offer them opportunities to participate through on-line donations and purchases from the special edition product line, which will be made available on both POP-Candy.com and this special microsite.

Considering the target audience, a series of special web-videos are a great way to enhance the user experience, encouraging return visits by offering relevant and timely content like tips and hints about the very lifestyle celebrated in the campaign and to which the visitor subscribes.

Banner Ads:

To drive traffic to the microsite, banner ads will be created for key websites that the target audience is likely to visit.

Campaign Research


The ProcEss

Inspiration Moodboard 22-23

Print Ad Series


Campaign Toolbox


Microsite 32-33

Sweet Deal Logo


Motion Graphic


Divider Pop-up!

Setting the MOOD Creating a collage of bright colors, shapes and images helped define the essence of the Sweet Deal campaign. This mood board is a sampling of inspirational elements considered during the campaign development process and used during creative execution. From these items it was easy to determine that simple shapes, such as a circle and multicolored stripes, presented in a variety of bright colors seemed to reflect both candy and artistic qualities needed to express the multi-faceted concept of the Sweet Deal campaign.


The Sweet Deal Campaign

sophisticatEd fuN

bright whimsy

Creative Process


Tic -Tac ToolBox After exploring a wide array of colors, images, fonts and textures in a series of mood boards, the next step in the development process was to refine these selections


Sweet Deal Campaign

Project Synopsis:

retailer, is made up of a Pop-Candy, an experience-branded 1,500 square-foot small chain of stores helmed by a ented with an complim and tan Manhat in flagship mission is to merge the e-commerce site. Their corporate the Sweet Deal worlds of candy, art and fashion through will benefit young artist project sing fund-rai This campaign. y’s target compan programs and will encourage the value candy as a audience, professional females who tors. The benefac and loyalists brand lifestyle, to become ers to make donations or campaign will encourage consum line of private-labeled purchase items from a special edition ation of the brand products in order to ensure the continu a passion for while inspiring youth to discover home décor. candy-related art, accessories and

Additional Notes:

Headline: AdamGorry-Lights

Candy Cane

Helvetica - Bold


Honey Script - Light

Helvetica - Bold







K:0 PMS:165 C


Campaign Logo:

...but getting a little candy for your efforts is not so bad.

two-color version


Never never never never give up..

...but DO give to the Sweet Deal campaign!

reversed version

Charity begins at home...

...but you can eat candy anywhere!

All you need is love...

Deal muse!

Color Palette:

campaign-wide dot texturing

al imagery

print or web ads and campaign collater

.. It’s better to give than to receive.

Body Copy: Helvetica - Regular Helvetica - Lt. Oblique

Young artists need you . . . be a Sweet

Sample Imagery/Textures:

Sample Headlines/Subheads:

Helvetica - Regular

Campaign Tagline:

Amy Jackson 7.24.2011

website images

gn evokes energetic Pop Candy's Sweet Deal campai tones which are found childhood fun, from candy's bright and images that will shapes simple to palette color in the own childhood. their of of remind the target audience this feel but are Typefaces with rounded edges echo clean sans-serif and script with ed combin when elevated young artist styles. Because this campaign benefits art. The campaign programs the logo unites candy and create a series. headline offers the opportunity to names can be paired in Different iconic artists and candy nt tagline. ads or media designs with the consiste

Typeface Selections:

into a cohesive toolbox. As an evolving file, it became a resource of information including color palette data, typeface selections, logo variations and images. Materials were added as the campaign developed.

...but young artists need you!







K:0 PMS:211 C

The Sweet Deal Campaign







K:27 PMS:356 C

black/one-color version

four-color version







K:0 PMS:Yellow







K:0 PMS:485 C

C:100 R:0 M:46




K:0 PMS:2935 C

How to play:

Find the O’s on the TIc-Tac-Toe board to discover elements selected for the Sweet Deal campaign. X’s reveal options that were discarded during the moodboard/tool box exercise.

Creative Process


Designing A Pret ty Sweet Inspired by the typographic parent logo, early campaign logo sketches explored candy, art and stripes. Narrowing the color palette and fine-tuning these elements through


The Sweet Deal Campaign


an iteration process helped focus what the logo would communicate to the target audience. The final piece reflects the campaign mission in a fun way to which POP-Candy’s brand loyalist will relate.

lift a flap to sEE what iNspirEd thE Logo!





Creative Process


Activity Insert...

This photograph presents a mock up of a POP-up activity book element to be included in the Sweet Deal campaign project book. This spread offers the reader two tabs that pull open to reveal an image from which the campaign logo was inspired.

Advertising the SwEEt After researching the POPCandy brand and developing the campaign logo and toolbox, a free-sketch excercise helped to determine that a typographic design method was optimal to express the target message of POP-Candy’s Sweet Deal

Sketching a variety of typographic designs defined one avenue to pursue electronically.


The Sweet Deal Campaign


campaign in a print ad series. Developing typographic cliche’s with a twist in order to grab the readers attention became the focus of each ad while marrying this with carefully selected candy images and the campaign logo helped the reader process the many facets of the campaign.

Creative Process


Designing a Sweet Deal SitE Carrying the fun essence from the print ads into the microsite was a priority but expanding that feeling into a memorable experience and an avenue of persuasion was even more

important. After developing the site map, initial sketching focused on the typography that starred in print. However, the results were too boxy and lacked a relatable human element. Instead, an open design emerged complete with a candy muse.

THE SitE Map


The Sweet Deal Campaign

thE homE PagE Typographic concepts were abandoned for a human focused site during electronic iteration.

Creative Process


Putting things in MOTION The logo tells the story, the print ads entice the audience and the micro-


site persuades them to participate but a web banner ad was needed in order to promote the Sweet Deal campaign. Several concepts were sketched into multiple storyboards. Ideas included tranforming into a muse or following a dot element through a typographic message but, in the end, “Does Candy Make You Whirl?” best represented the campaign’s target message.


The Sweet Deal Campaign

traNsformatioNal plEa CoNcEpt

Ssketched story boards led to this first frame of the web banner.

Creative Process


The StaNdards

Sweet Deal Logo




Color Palette


Print Ads


Imagery 52

Email Blasts


Campaign Voice

Interactive Media



Typefaces 54-55

Packaging & Promotions 62-63

Divider Pop-up!

What makes the logo sWEET? A campaign logo has been designed in close association to the corporate logo so that it maintains the fun spirit of POP-Candy.

Navigating the logo’s guidelines can be a challenge but refering to the following pages will ensure a sweet masterpiece is developed every time!

ThE Symbol The symbol marries art components with candy items to tell a visual story of the main campaign tenets. The symbol always appears in the top 75 % of the logo space and as the left 50%. Elements from the symbol are never altered or removed from the logo.

ThE sigNaturE The signature creates a title. ”Sweet Deal” uses AdamGorry-Inline and “Campaign” is expressed with the Honey-Script font. “Sweet Deal” is stacked and always represents the top 50% of the logo space. “Campaign” appears under this and is equal in size to one line of the stack.


The Sweet Deal Campaign

ThE TagliNE The tagline is a call to action and should be included in most cases. More details about when the tagline should not be used can be found on the previous page. The tagline is represented with the Helvetica font. It is located under all of the other logo elements and represents 25% of the overall space. The tagline splits at the elipses into two stacked lines. Both lines together represent the same height as the word “campaign.� The tagline should not be altered or re-shaped when used as a part of the campaign logo.

Campaign Standards


a swEEt logo... Always remember these logo guide standards: NEvEr, EvEr, EvEr:

YEs, PlEasE!

Change the color of any logo element

Select the proper logo variation based on size, media and presentation needs

Use a grey scale or watermarked logo Change proportions or positon of any logo element Change any of the logo fonts Pixelate or distort the logo Copy and paste the logo from any other source Remove any logo elements with the exception of certain tagline instances Use drop shadows, effects, busy backgrounds or images behind the logo Separate the logo, signature or tagline from other elements with extra graphics or change the position of any elements Make the logo smaller than 1.75” x 1.5” with the tagline or 1.25” x 1” without the tagline or appear at less than 72 ppi.


The Sweet Deal Campaign

Reproduce the logo as large as is required for optimal presentation Place the logo on solid backgrounds, images with a large area of empty space or slight gradients Use both the POP-Candy and Sweet Deal campaign logos in a presentation Place the logo from a source file every time the logo is used in a presentation

When playing together... The Sweet Deal campaign logo is pretty tasty looking, but should not be mistaken for the parent brand. Whenever it is possible, both logos should be used.


When presented together, the POP-Candy logo should appear the same width as the Sweet Deal logo, 50% larger or 50% smaller.


Personal Space...

A minimum clear space must surround the logo in order to maintain integrity and visibility. As shown here, the minimum clear space must be equivalent to the height of the letter “m� from the word Campaign. Whether the standard or notagline version are used, the same measurement applies.

Campaign Standards


Variations on a LOGO This section will help determine which selection to use in most

presentational settings. In order to maintain a consistent brand, logo elements must never be redrawn, skewed or changed.

4-color vERSION The full-color (or four-color) logo variation is the preferred version. It should only appear on a white background or in the clear space of an image.

2-color vERSION One of the three, two-color logo variations should ONLY be used when full-color printing is not possible and should be selected over the one-color logo variation. It can appear on a white, black or solid colored background slected from the campaign color palette not represented in the logo version. This variation must be replicated according to the samples shown in this style guide. Colors cannot be reconfigured.


The Sweet Deal Campaign

The one-color variation should ONLY be used when the full-color or two-color options are not possible due to printing or budgetary restraints. When the logo must be displayed in one color, only the pink, blue, black or white options should be considered. The highest contrast value should be chosen from these options. For black and white printing, a solid black should always be used on a solid white background. It should be represented in strong contrast to any background color.

No conversion of any variation to gray scale is appropriate. Select a one color option if this is the only printing method available.

TagliNE VariatioNs All versions should include the tagline. Only when one of the following instances occurs should the tagline be removed. If the logo is scaled to less that 1.25” x 1” inch and readability is diminished. If the tagline is represented in another prominent manner such as subheading or call to action.

Young artists need you...

be a Sweet Deal muse!

Par ticpate in POP-Ca ndy’s Sweet Deal cam paign.


Campaign Standards


Painting a Pretty PicturE...

ceptable This is not an ac riation one-color logo va


The Sweet Deal Campaign

This is not an acceptable two-color com bination

Check out this gallery of logos.

a great end-result, care-

and others...aren’t. To ensure

guide information.

Some are proper works of art

fully adhere to the style

This is not an acceptable four-color logo combination This is not an acceptable background for the logo

This logo is la rge enough th at the tagline sh ould be includ ed

Campaign Standards


95 59 100 27


0 55 8 0

Spin the Color

100 46 0 0

0 59 96 0

Spin this wheel to find the

CMYK color values for the

Primary Color Palette. Use CMYK values for all print materials when PMS

values cannot be used.

244 144 175

R0 G 118 B 192

245 132 38

0 133 63

Spin this wheel to find the

All of the campaign colors are representative of the parent brand, as well as candy’s brilliant hues. The primary palette can be combined with white, black or each other. This palette consists of:

• Blue • Pink

RGB color values for the

• Green

RGB values for all screen

• Orange

Primary Color Palette. Use related projects.


THE PRIMary color palEttE

The Sweet Deal Campaign

THE accENT color palEttE The accent options are used sparingly in combination with each other and the primary color palette to highlight information.

0 95 100 0


Spin this wheel to find the

0 1 100 0

Campaign whEEL!

CMYK color values for the Accent Color Palette. Use CMYK values for all print materials when PMS

values cannot be used.

• Red • Yellow

In print, either CMYK or PMS values may be used based upon printing and budgetary restraints. However, PMS values are always preferred over the CMYK process. Blue Pink Green Orange Red Yellow -

2935 C 211 C 356 C 165 C 485 C “Yellow”

255 R 239 G 0 B

238 49 36

Campaign Pantone Values

Spin this wheel to find the RGB color values for the

Accent Color Palette. Use RGB values for all screen related projects.

Campaign Standards


Activity Insert...

This photograph presents a mock up of a POP-up activity book element to be included in the Sweet Deal campaign project book. This spread offers the reader four spinning devices that present the CMYK and RGB values for the campaign color paltette.

Get the

PICturE? When selecting an image to use in promotional items for the Sweet Deal campaign, it should always communicate the attributes of both the corporate brand and the campaign target.

Images should have a clean, modern style with a fun factor. This campaign brand favors bright images on a white background as it lends casualness and an energetic vibe.

• Avoid dated looking subjects or lighting • Use high quality photography – not blurry, pixelated or dirty selections • Make sure the photo contains some element of the target audience, candy and/or art media. • Select images that represent the color palette of the campaign • It is preferred that subjects are presented in silhouette


The Sweet Deal Campaign

How does a Sweet Deal SouND? Informal


Energetic Excited





While grammar should always be a concern in professional writing, subtle creativity in the campaign copy can include sentence fragments and altering word forms for a more casual appearance.

IN PriNt aND ad sERIES

Though each piece should contain the campaign message in a tone that remains friendly and upbeat, the focus of packaging will be to deliver information to help the consumer make a choice to purchase the item.

IN PackagiNg MaTERIaLS

When the brand voice is heard, rather than seen, the same casual tone should be conveyed. Brief, energetic sentences should be mastered by a young, not youthful female voice.

IN ElEctroNic mEdia

The microsite, especially, mixes printed and spoken voice so it must bridge this with headlines and copy that manage to inform and persuade in a friendly tone. Phrases should be short and no page should take more than 2 minutes to digest. Web-based advertising should follow the same guidelines as the interactive (web) media guidelines with a very casual tone and a persuasive message. Frames must be read in under one-second.

IN INtEractivE (wEb) MEdia

IN MotioN Graphics

Campaign Standards


Typeface scraBBlE! How to play:

Find the approved POP-Candy and Sweet Deal campaign font families on the Scrabble board to the left. Then, check out the

score pad to see examples and learn where each typeface should be used whenever creating promotional materials.

Noted Exceptions: Condensed spaces may require a lighter headline. Honey Script can be used with Helvetica light for copy. Small amounts of copy may be written in Honey Script when a script font is desired but the leading must increase to accommodate.


The Sweet Deal Campaign

Helvetica Bold - he

adlines &

Regular Oblique -


copy (10-1

2pt size)

titles & hig

Light - co


Honey Script


areas & c



L ig h t - s u bheads & h ig h lig h ts u s e d in s m a ll a m o u n ts

S e m i- b o ld - in re v e rs e c o lo r a ti o n s p p lic a -

aDaMGO h e a d li n e


s , ti tl e s , g ra p h ic s


a d

H B l o o o B l i i Q U E N d E g r y H H E l V E t i c a g S U c r l a m go r r y i N l i N E r P t Campaign Standards


Sizing and Placement GuidE POP-Candy’s Sweet Deal campaign deserves a picture perfect look and by following

these parameters, each presentation will shine for both the parent brand and its fundraising campaign.

6p0 Date 1p5


vel obruo dolor luptatum, os in Content: Lobortis, erat feugiat jus autem quat aptent huic dolore in, tego, interdico ex. Sit typicus conventio conse . Qui, nostrud cogo vero diam sagaciter te distineo tristique nonummy lus te gilvus vel quia. popu m venia pit susci duis exputo, wisi indoles it 1p5 bland luptatum valetudo ne, Luptatum regula tego imputo nonummy vicis. venio vero regula letalis valde e imputo si venio zelus. Ille Transverbero, suscipit adsum zelus augu acsi metuo. Eum autem sino os um damn unt tincid it adipiscing ut feuga tego ludus singularis eligo pertineo.

Content: Size: 1p5 Leading: 2p08 Tracking: 0



esse, dolore Nullus eum ea vereor elit nimis sed iaceo Facilisis ut quibus iustum hos hendrerit. sim. Condignis vel ad tation sit quod venio sudo obruo loquor iusto eum. Lobortis duis adsum tis ut facilisi. lobor vel ius propr ut rtis Lobo m. llatio aliqua sectetuer nisl minim tincidunt enim appe

ex. Sit typicus vel obruo dolor luptatum, os in interdico Content: Lobortis, erat feugiat jus autem mmy diam. nonu e in, tego, sagaciter te distineo tristique conventio consequat aptent huic dolor quia. Luptavel gilvus te lus popu m s duis suscipit venia Qui, nostrud cogo vero exputo, wisi indole a letalis valde regul vero venio ne, do valetu tum it lupta tum regula tego imputo nonummy bland quis. Hendrerit eligo cogo duis bene aptent distineo duis vicis. Utrum blandit bene refero ut eum lucidus. nostrud abigo vicis augue validus cui Signature




The Sweet Deal Campaign


PriNt ads A Special Note About Headlines...

(Multiply, 25%, x:0.2” y:0.2”, The headline should be a graphical element blur:0.2”) should be applied. Headlines must integrate a set using a blend of Helvetica styles (regular, of ellipses. Positioning of the bold, and light), sizes and colors from the headline is subjective as an art color palette. Both leading and tracking do form. However, it must appear not apply as the headline is an outlined art form. White strokes at 0p42 should be used above the page dividing device. to define key words and a drop shadow Body copy: Helvetica Size: 1p5 Leading: 2p08 Tracking: 0 Position: 19p7.5 x 34p3 1 column: 22p3 x 23p0.471

8.5” x 11” OR 51p0 x 66p0

Call to action: Helvetica Light Size: 1p83 Leading: 2p2 Tracking: 0 Position: 19p7.5 x 56p6 1 column: 22p3 x 23p0.471 URL: Honey Script Light Size: 2p214 Leading: 3p66 Tracking: 0p83 Position: under call Page Divider: Size: 49p7.616 x 1p1.529 Position: 0p8.192 x 30p9.843. Vector file: render to 300 ppi Color: repeating color palette dots. See color palette page. Logos and Tagline: Size: 12p11.732 x 9p5.538 Position: 4p11 x 34p10.029

One siloed candy image should bleed off one edge at 300 ppi. Learn more about selecing images on the photography page. Dimensions vary.

Campaign Standards


Email blasts POP-Candy has very loyal candy-lifestyle lovers, but who can’t use a little reminder every now and then? The Sweet Deal campaign email

newsblast is designed to do just that! With three short articles, this newsletter will encourage existng donors to return and invite new donors to become a part of the fundraising campaign.

Masthead - Logo: Size: 149px x 67px Position: 157px x 161px Masthead - Sweet Deal: AdamGorry In-line R:0 G:118 B:192 Size: 44px Leading: 0 Tracking: 0 Position: 201px x 50px Masthead - Campaign Update: Honey Script R:0 G:133 B:63 Size: 68px Leading: 0 Tracking: 10 Position: 520px x 114px

Main Article Heading - H1: AdamGorry In-line R:245 G:132 B:38 Size: 25px Leading: 0 Tracking: 0 Position: 144px x 271px

Masthead - Subhead: Helvetica R:0 G:118 B:192 Size: 12px Leading: 0 Tracking: 0 Position: 218px x 187px


The Sweet Deal Campaign

Secondary Articles - H2: Honey Script R:0 G:133 B:63 Size: 31px Leading: 0 Tracking: 10 Position: varies Body Copy: Helvetica R:0 G:0 B:0 Size: 10px Leading: 0 Tracking: 0 Position: varies Footer: Helvetica R:255 G:255 B:255 Size: 8px Leading: 12px Tracking: 0 Position: 43px 734px

Main Image: 50px x 307px 194px x 205px

Green Swirl: 127px x 392px @ 531px x 200px

Orange Swirl: 127px x 392px @ 201px x 199x

600px x 800px 72ppi

Campaign Standards


iNTERaCTIVE MEDIa 1024px x 768 px

Alternative Subhead: Honey Script Size: 52 pt. Leading: 40 pt. Tracking 10 pt. Position: varies Color: varies

POP-Candy’s Sweet Deal microsite is designed to persuade the target audince to participate in the campaign. Subhead: AdamGorry In-line Size: 49px Leading: 58px Tracking: 0 Position: varies Color: varies Body Copy: Helvetica Size: 16px Leading: 19px Tracking: 0 Avg Position: Color: varies


The Sweet Deal Campaign

All interactive media follow the same guidelines as print. Logo and Tagline: Size: 243px x 164px Positioning: 145px x 385px Buttons: Size: 146px x 246px Positions: Pink: 243px x 327px Orange: 243px x 387px Blue: 243px x 446px Green: 243px x 505px Glass Effect: Gradient white 100: 75% to 0: 19% @ 90 degrees linear Footer - color-striped dots: Size: 512px x 716px Helvetica 8pt; Leading & Tracking: 0

MotioN graphic Headline A: AdamGorry In-line Size: 19px Leading: 19px Tracking: 0 Effects: green stroke 19px

Loop starts: 0:00:00- 0:00:50 Pink background (R:244, G:144, B:175), 2pt. green border/url (R:0, G:133, B:63) “Does candy make you whirl?”

0:00:50-0:01:25 Four white swirls appear, rotating from edges of the frame and drag individual letters into the swirls where the letters fade away.

0:01:25-0:01:50 Top, bottom and left swirls rotate back out of the frame, leaving the right swirl, still rotating. URL is unaffected.

0:01:50-0:04:00 “Treat yourself” “&” “support young artists” appears from the rotating swirl. Each section moves across the frame.

Each phrase moves across to a static placement as shown in frame 6. The “&” expands as it moves to fill the frame top-bottom.

0:04:00-0:04:20. All text is represented in final placement here. Swirl rotates back up before moving to the left in the next frame.

Logo and Tagline: Size: 413px x 31px Position: 101px x 54px

0:04:20-0:04:50 Swirl rotates to the left, removing pink and text as the URL fades to a green dot and the dotted line fades up.

Time Continues...inferred movement to the right of frame. As dots move “When you roll over to” appears (R:0, G:118, B:192)

Striped Dot Pattern: Color: varies Resolution: 72 ppi

0:04:50-0:05:50 Inferred movement to below previous frame area as dotted line moves to top of frame with swirl. “POP-Candy’s” appears (R:0, G:133, B:63).

0:05:50-0:06:50 Inferred movement to right of previous frame; dotted line moves to the left, swirl disappears from frame while logo appears with url.(R:245, G:132, B:38)

0:06:50-0:07:50 Cross fade: dotted stripe and sweetdeal.com fade out as “Click ‘n go now” on a pink button fades up.

0:07:50-0:08:00 Logo, border and text fade as button scales to fill screen. Loop ends.

Headline B: Honey Script Size: 50px Leading: 53px Tracking: 13px Call to Action: AdamGorry Size: 49px Leading: 49px Tracking: 0

Footer - color-striped dots: Color: white Resolution: 72 ppi Photography: None

468px x 60px at 19fsp

Campaign Standards


ChocolatE BaRs POP-Candy Logo: Size: 12p4 x 2p2 Positioning: 7p5 x 8p4 Flat: 5.5” x 4.5” OR 33p0 x 27p0 Finished 5.5” x 2.25” OR 32p8 x 13p7

Headline - Honey Script Size: 1p8 Leading: 0p0 Tracking: 0p8 Position: 0p6.3 x 20p0.3 Color: Pink Body Copy - Helvetica Size: 27p3 Leading: 0p8 Tracking: 0p0 Position: 0p5.1 x 22p1.2 Color: Blue Bar Type: Honey Script Size: 16px Leading: 19px Tracking: 0 Position: 9p5.6 x 1p2.8 Color: Varies URL: AdamGorry In-line Size: 1p8 Leading: 0p0 Tracking: 0p8 Position: 8p11.1 x 4p1.7 Color: Green


The Sweet Deal Campaign

Campaign Logo: Size: 12p0 x 9p0 Positioning: 7p2 x 14p4

BoxED ItEMS A special edition box has been created for a variety of candy and accessory products. All Panels: Repeating campaign dots in CMYK values. Tab Color (C:100, M:46, Y:0, K:0)

Panel 3: Corporate Logo Size: 29p5 x 24p3 Position: 22p6 x 4p0

Panel 1: Barcode Size: 5p15 x 5p1 Position: 20p8 x 5p8 Product Information Size: 11p2 x 5p1 Position: 34p9 x 5p8 Helvetica Lt. 0p8 Leading: 1p0 Tracking: 0

Panel 4: AdamGorry In-line: 3p3 (C:100 M:46, Y:0, K:0) (C:0 M:55, Y:8, K:0) Leading: 3p0 Tracking: 0 Position: 31p3 x 32p4 Campaign Logo Size: 22p6 x 4p0 Position: 29p5 x 24p3

Flat: 9.4” x 6.4” OR 56p1 x 38p5

Finished: 8.75” x 1.5” cubed OR 52p1 x 9p0

CampaigN T-shirt Chest Imprint Outlined Honey Script: (PMS:2935 C). The phrase “muse” centers over the pink(PMS:211 C) and blue (PMS:2935 C) campaign candy. The size of the imprint varies with shirt size for a full chest imprint. Right Sleeve Imprint Campaign logo (with tagline) in full-color is placed on the sleeve.The size of the imprint varies with shirt size for half-sleeve imprint.

Printing Notes: Use the PMS values for the two imprint areas: chest and right sleeve.

Campaign Standards


The solutioN

Print Ad Series


Interactive Media




Packaging & Promotions 76-79

Divider Pop-up!

Sweet Deal PriNT


This four-part series of full page ads will run in Oprah’s “O” magazine and Martha Stewart Living.


The Sweet Deal Campaign

Creative Solution


Sweet Deal StatioNEry Though most of the focus is on electronic marketing and communication, sometimes an old fashioned letter can turn correspondance into a work of art! Three envelope designs encase branded sheets and will delight any recipient! aNDY POP-C



The Sweet Deal Campaign


WaNt to sEE POP-CaNdy’s SwEEt DEal lEttErhEad?

Open this envelope to reveal a special letter written to a Sweet Deal muse!

Creative Solution


Activity Insert...

This photograph presents a mock up of a POP-up activity book element to be included in the Sweet Deal campaign project book. This spread offers the reader a pull-out activity highlighting stationery letterhead inserted into one of the campaign envelopes.

Sweet Deal Interactive MEDIa POP-Candy’s Sweet Deal cam- third-party sites to encourage paign banner ad will appear on microsite traffic.

E-newsletters will remind the target audience about the Sweet Deal campaign!


The Sweet Deal Campaign

The Sweet Deal microsite features a variety of fun layouts and interactive components:

Home Page

Giving Page

Shopping Page

Donors Only Menu

Programs Page

Donors Only Activity

Creative Solution


Sweet Deal TWISTER!


Exclusive chocolate bars are

able wrapper designs are

wrapped just for Sweet Deal

inspired by the Sweet Deal

muses to enjoy! Three collect-

campaign elements!

The Sweet Deal Campaign

Nut Free

With Nuts

Milk Chocolate

Place your index finger on the center dot and your ring finger along the outer circles.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate Now, “spin� to a dot and place one finger from your opposite hand on the game board.

Milk Chocolate

Nut Free With Nuts

How to play:

Check out the spinner to learn more about special edition chocolate bars designed exclusively for the Sweet Deal campaign.

Each wrapper is inspired by art and candy...making them just as tasty as the treat inside! Pick your favorite flavors and try a little finger-twister to create your own combinations!

Creative Solution


Sweet Deal promotioNs... In-store signage boasts a hologram transformation from an ordinary girl to a Sweet Deal muse! Ceiling hung design allows both sides draw attention to the special product display.


The Sweet Deal Campaign

These images show the holographic transition.

Products... As a donor gift or a special edition item, this t-shirt celebrates both the campaign and its participants!

Pro duc Nam t E

...aND Product boxEs! Expanding POP-Candy’s special edition line, this cardboard box is designed to merge candy and art.

Creative Solution


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