Amy's e-newsletter April 2009

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3808 Summer Avenue Memphis, TN 38122 Monday - Saturday 10-5

April 2009 e-newsletter

(901) 458-6109 PHONE (901) 323-4701 FAX email:

Oh Joy is our theme this month. We have stitches and more stitches for you. The Brenda Stofft Trunk Show is now here and open for business. Amy explains another “How’d You Do That?” needlepoint trick. The 2010 “Cook Up a Canvas” schedule is revealed. (Our e-newsletter readers get the heads-up before it is posted on the website ... another perk for subscribing!) Follow Amy’s stitchers & their great Blog entries with their Nativity Home Study experiences. The Magi of the Orient is making an appearance this month. We’ve got new items and helpful hints to share. Enjoy the latest stitching from Catherine Ronan. Come stitch with Polly’s new Nova Group, as well as Canvas Enhancement classes with Polly & Robin. Robin

Oh Joy 7¼” W x 7¼” H 18 mesh

Amy’s Pick

Canvas $88.50 Guide $10.00 Kit $43.00

Oh Joy, Spring is here, and this canvas by Elements is just


beyond . The colors are screaming my name, and the message is just what I am feeling. Last month we featured the Onions canvas by Peas Of Mind, and I had a few people ask for the guide suggestions. I wrote one for the shop and it sells for $10.00 with the purchase of the canvas and/or the threads listed in the guide. I thought that was a great idea and am happy to say that I am able to offer the same for this cute canvas - - stitch guide is $10.00 with the canvas and threads, or just the canvas, or just the threads!!!! Call us (901) 458-6109 to order this joyous offer. There are many designers who love to paint canvas areas with dots in them. If I can’t find a stitch that fits their dot pattern exactly, I sometimes just pick a stitch that has a dot of its own and plug that into the space whether it fits the painting or not. Cross & Diamond is a great dot pattern. It doesn’t give a specific direction flow since the stitches alternate their slant and the dots are spread out far enough that it can easily be used in a medium-sized space. If you need dots that are closer together, try Criss-Cross Hungarian, page 24, Chapter 22 “Make Mine a Scotch” located in Amy’s Cookbook for Stitchers. 1

Bonus Stitch

Amy & the Easter Bunny are handing out treats this month. Amy’s Bonus Stitch is the Lotus Blossom Variation. Does it look like an Easter Egg with those colors? Be sure to print and save this stitch. Let us know where and how you plan to use it. Check out the “traditional” Lotus Blossom stitch in Amy’s Cookbook for Stitchers (Chapter 22, p. 10)

The Brenda Stofft Trunk Show is HERE!

March 24, 2009 - May 4, 2009

“Well, about a week ago we received a big box from Brenda, and we have been unpacking, checking in, and deciding which canvases we want for the shop. The canvases are wonderful (as we knew they would be) but the mock-up models are too much fun. “You can see the fun 3-D figures of Cone-headed Stand-Ups and Pull Toys in the fabulous pictures that Robin took on the Brenda Stofft Trunk Show page. Bob decided that they are the best pictures on our Website because his refurbished antique wagon is in the shot. “Candy climbed up and down the ladder filling one and a half walls with Brenda’s distinctive creations while I, dutifully, held the push pin bowl. We worked on figuring up the prices so that we can quickly look up prices for anyone who asks. “The complete photo album is on the end of the shop table for anyone to flip through at leisure since there are tons of designs that were not able to come to the show. So, now we are all “dressed up” and waiting for the party to begin.” First come, first served for cash & carry, but all canvases can be ordered. All canvases are hand-painted, stitch-painted and are on 18 mesh, unless indicated as being on 13 mesh. Call (901) 458-6109 to order your next canvas. (Robin’s newest favorite: B 150A. Why? Such possibilities: Needle Weaving, Tassels, Great Eyes, and it’s on 13 mesh!) 2

Try This

Amy gets many “how’d you do that” requests on her stitching (hmm ... sounds like a good series of Needlepoint DVDs ...) and we would like to share one this month: How’d You Do That Nose?

Here’s Amy’s response: “ ... You must be asking about the nose on André. I will probably show how to do that on a DVD somewhere down the road, but in the meantime you can do it without the video. I padded the nose with a Q-tip; be sure to get the cardboard shank kind. “Trim the Q-tip to the appropriate length, shave the shank to a slope instead of a drop-off, then Satin over the Q-tip (two layers of Satin at least) with silk or cotton floss. I sometimes have to put the tiniest smear of glue on the tip of the Q-tip before I satin over the end to hold the floss in place. The second layer will stitch thread to thread without the glue. Glad you asked. If you wanted to know then there are probably others who would like to know too.” We agree! Thanks, Amy!

Amy’s Words

My first class of the year, Bunger School, was lots of fun. We were a small group, but nothing stopped us from making the most of it. We have our first "Cook Up a Canvas with Amy" class this month and it promises to be exciting with 15 people (Robin is going to be able to sneak in for a day this time - - Yippee!) We are blessed with an overabundance of participants in our Cook Up Classes and I know that it is disappointing to call and have them all filled, so... we are listing our proposed dates for 2010 in this newsletter. The Nativity Series by Kelly Clark has been my constant stitching companion. I can honestly say that after stitching 7 of them and part of the 8th, I am still having fun and can't wait to get back to my stitching. I am so proud that several of our Home Study members have featured their work with my stitch guides on their Blog sites. • • • Hope that you stop gardening and enjoying the lovely weather long enough to stitch a little ... Amy

Cook Up a Canvas -- 2010

2010 Schedule


• • • • • •

April 9 - 11, 2010 May 14 - 16, 2010 June 25 - 27, 2010 September 10 - 12, 2010 October 1 - 3, 2010 November 5 - 7, 2010

Just give us a call at (901) 458-6109 or email us at to let us know if you would like to join any of the Cook Up a Canvas sessions with Amy. These dates will also be posted on the website.

Wise Man #3

Magi of the Orient - - Third Wise Man of the Kelly Clark Nativity Set Home Study “I had fun using threads that are newer to me on this figure. I have been wanting to use the Gilt Sylke Twist. Finding just the right spot to “kick its tires” wasn’t easy, but it was the perfect choice for the woven closure effect down the front of this coat. “The Neon Rays+ thread from Rainbow Gallery made the Bargello at the hem of the coat the perfect blend of rayon versus metallic shine, and 1 strand covers well in the straight stitches on #18 mesh. “I hope that everyone is enjoying watching my progress as much as I have enjoyed seeing the progress of others on individual Blog sites - - this is just too much fun!” Next month’s e-newsletter will have an “Olan Mills” portrait photo of the first group back from the finishers: Baby Jesus with Mary, Joseph, Russian Magi and Arabian Magi. Also, Amy is almost finished with the Angel, and then she can begin the ELEPHANT! That is what you call ... discipline! Nativity Home Study

Sundance Beads for Needlepoint “How to & Why Knot!”

What’s New? x2

This is a great little booklet by Cassie & Nandra that covers just about everything you need to know about beads on your needlepoint. They cover the sizes and finishes (transparent, opaque, metallic, and more) that are available in seed beads, what size to use on which mesh of canvas, what size needles they like, and more bare facts. After that they get into a good explanation of beading thread and how to prepare it for stitching. The booklet shows 5 ways of stitching your beads onto the canvas and THEN they diagram 25 great stitches to use with beads. At $12.00 this booklet is a bargain. It is a mini-class between the covers!


We now carry Neon Rays+ from Rainbow Gallery. It is a sparkling needlepoint ribbon that adds glitz without going heavy metallic. It is great for Christmas ornaments and twinkling night skies. Like its counterpart Neon Rays, it can be laid in a beautiful shiny layer, or stitched in Basketweave. It is an easy metallic thread to use ... no, really it is! There are 28 colors -- yummy! Good for 13-18 count. Find a place on your current canvas or come get a new canvas to try Neon Rays+.

Pass it ON

We received LAUNDERING & PRESSING information from ThreadWorX which can apply to any Overdyed Cotton, in general. This is good to know, so we are passing it on.

“Due to the strict regulations imposed by the FDA on dye chemicals, no thread can be guaranteed 100% colorfast by specialty product manufacturers. The FDA, with the additional voice of the EPA, has removed many of the “setting” ingredients (such as lead) in dyes so now we must take special precaution with any colored fabric or thread. We seldom have a problem with our colors running, but we cannot guarantee complete colorfastness. “Specialty threads must be treated gently! The threads must first be unskeined, put into a bathroom basin 1/2 filled with cold water with 2 Tbls. table salt and 2 Tbls. vinegar. Soak for 2-3 minutes, remove, blot with towel and let dry. This is recommended for any piece that will require washing. Please Note: HOT WATER and using a STEAM IRON and/or a damp cloth when pressing completed project will reactivate dyes and cause bleeding. “If your work has been completed and the dyes have bled in washing then you must soak the piece in ICE WATER until the color starts to bleed out. Remove from the water and run an ice cube over the problem area and then place back in fresh ice water to soak again. Repeat this process until the problem area is clear of dye. This may take continued effort, possibly over a few days, but it does work!”

CANVAS ENHANCEMENT WITH POLLY & ROBIN for April 2009 Polly Brown Thursdays 1-3 PM April 2, 9, 16, 23 Polly Brown NOVA April 18 10 AM - 3 PM Inside the Needle Case

Robin King Saturdays 10-1 PM April 4, 11

We first introduced Catherine Ronan in Amy’s December 2007 e-newsletter.


This Needle Case is the latest creation by Catherine. It is made out of Ultra Suede, lined, magnetic closure, with inner pockets to hold needles. Catherine did all of the meticulous stitching (love that cat!) as well as the construction of the Needle Case. WOW! 5

You can always check your schedule with ours on our new Calendar page.


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