How to make the ultimate survival food

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After gathering your acorns you will want to dry them for several weeks for storage. If you are going to use them right away you don't have to dry them. First you will shell them. Then winnow them using a shallow bowl or basket, toss up and down to remove the husks. You must leech acorns before using! To leech chop them into quarters and put into already boiling water for 5 minutes. Pour the water off and repeat this process 5-6 times. This process removes the tannic acid and makes the acorns edible. Eat acorns or pound into flour. Acorn flour can be used just like regular flour. The flour loses about half it's nutrients in 2-3 days so don't pound into flour until you are ready to use it. Store your acorns in a cool, dry, dark place, keeps for several months. Acorns are high in protein and fat. Grass: Graminaceae (14,000 species) Parts eaten: roots, leaves, seeds. You can eat the roots of grasses year round either raw or cooked. Eat the leaves raw or dry and pound (grind) to add to other flour. Don't grind until you are ready to use it. Seeds are ready when they turn are brownish in color and fall off into your hand. You can boil and eat like hot cereal or pound them into flour. The flour makes yummy breads and cakes.

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