The RAMpage_Jan2014

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January 2014 October/November 2013

Quality, Distinction, and limitless; a summation of the Rosewood brand, a club of principle, leadership, community, and education transforming young girls and boys into men and women rich in class; a lifestyle that develops confidence and character; a club every kid would want to be a part of; the future régime that will make students exceptional and timeless. Young Rosewood of Atlanta. # The Privileged Few. The Rosewood Club was found by Hampton University in 2011 by Roger BrownePerryman. Wanting to make his college experience riveting and something to remember he decided to change in pursuit of his goals and aspirations. In the late hours of the night he came up with the brilliant idea of club filled with students just like him wanting to be an important part of their community and making a positive impact on themselves and their culture. Members of the club must possess a certain mentality and have a positive attitude when it comes to school, work, extracurricular activities and other goal they try to pursue. It was on the faithful day of September 28, 2011 he established the Rosewood Club with other founder members David Fontaine from Sacramento, California, Deon “Lance” Heyliger from Montgomery County, Maryland; Desmond “ Dez “ Purse from New York, New York; `William Boler from Durham, North Carolina; Safiya Ellis from Detroit, Illinois; Jamal Smith from Long Island, New York , Joi Miles from Baltimore, Maryland; and Jonathan “Jonny” Moore from Baltimore, Maryland. Now Young Rosewood is a club reaching out to students all over Atlanta but especially in DeKalb County. The president, Kristopher Jones , and other club members, Darius Jackson and DeMarcus Penn, are Southwest DeKalb alumni. They presented what Young Rosewood was all about and now Southwest DeKalb will be the first members of Young Rosewood. To get students more excited about joining, Young Rosewood hosted a New Year’s Party and sold tickets to SWD students. Even students from Arabia were in attendance in

black and white looking dressed to impress. Senior Nettie Brown said, “I saw a lot of old friends from Chapel Hill and other schools and it was a nice reunion. Everyone looked really nice.” Senior Kris Anderson went as well. He said, “The best part about it was not a regular twerk-fest house party but a more upscale event where you can go to impress and not depress.” The people over, Kris (the president) are good people. The club is all about giving back to community and participating in community events such as feeding the homeless. Over 300 tickets were sold for the New Year’s Eve. Each ticket was $5 but at the door they were $7. The party lasted from 9-1. Being accepted to the club is not easy. Kris said “You have to fill out an application and meet the requirements. You have to work hard. The representatives of Young Rosewood unfortunately did not make it to Arabia but came to some of the games which is how some people found out. The party was worth the long lines and money. It was clean cut and a learning experience. Both Nettie and Kris are hopeful Principal Swanson will help put Arabia on the map for Young Rosewood and Arabia will be front and center for their next event. So Arabia Mountain get ready to join the privileged few.

Senior Kris Anderson representing Arabia Mountain so well.

Seniors Nettie Brown and Cirah Thomas

Invitation Only!!

Ladies dressed to impress!!


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Secrets for a Successful Valentine’s Day Valeria Lake

Valentine’s Day is one of the most defining days in a young teenager’s year. It is a day that can be extremely rewarding, or can be a lonesome time if one is not in a relationship. However, Valentine’s Day does not have to be lonely, stressful, or annoying; it holds the potential of being a great, exciting, and accomplishing day. When aware of great ideas to tackle this overrated holiday, it will become a day that is unforgettable. Plus, it lies on a Friday this year. How much more perfect can a holiday be?! For the Crusher: Guys: You have been waiting for this moment. What better time is there to tell the girl of your dreams that you like her than on Valentine’s Day? The best way to do this is the old fashioned “secret admirer” trick. Find her locker, or seat in class; surprise her with a small gift, card, or something sweet, expressing your feelings. Before the day is over, find her and tell her it was you. If you are unfortunate and do not see her at the end of the day, make her an adorable video on Instagram revealing yourself. Girls: The best thing to do when crushing on a guy in general is to relax. On this day, just hope that he feels the same about you, and surprises you. If not, so be it! Apparently he could not see your full potential, so his loss! Take the single girl idea, and pamper yourself! For the Single Girl, or Guy: Chocolate splurges and pity fests are not on the list for this year’s Valentine’s Day. So instead of being a hopeless sap after school, go home, and treat yourself! When you arrive to your house, begin by pampering yourself with a lavish mani-pedi or staying home, ordering take out and watch every movie your celeb crush has ever been in. After all, you have no one to please but yourself anyhow. Guys, Valentine’s Day is usually not a huge deal for you anyway, so live it up! Go out with your bros; be thankful for all of the money you are saving since there’s no one to spend on; find a move, go to another party, you do that every weekend anyway! For the Casual Couple: Since you and your boo are not exclusive, do not feel obligated to go over the top with extravagant gifts. No one has made it official right? So in this case, just do something simple for your friend. Buy them some chocolate, a card, and a flower for the girls. If you want to do more, this may be the time to reassess the relationship and get the ball rolling; stop procrastinating, and become a couple. It’s obvious that the two of you are into each other, so as you exchange gifts exchange this question (guys): “Would you like to be my girlfriend?” Or, “How about we make it official?” It would be the perfect gift for her, its inexpensive, and it’s a confidence booster for the guys once she says yes!

gifts to make their friends jealous, honestly. So buy her a huge life- size bear, roses, candy, oversized card, balloons, or take her somewhere special, or do something she’d never imagine you doing; this act of affection, or any act that shows your love will let her know how much you care. However, after Valentine’s Day do not feel like you can be ridiculous because you’ve spent a lot of money and time on her for one day, the gifts will mean nothing then. Girls, many guys are not entirely concerned with gifts when it comes to Valentine’s Day; nonetheless they are just as expectant as we are. The majority of the time, they are looking for something creative, something that comes from the heart, and something that only you could give him. Pinterest has a ton of DIY Valentine’s Day ideas for your significant other. Along with this, throw in a cool t- shirt, or his favorite candy for an even better treat. After this, be sure to be as loyal and trustworthy to him as you can, so that you both will make it to the next Valentine’s Day together. For the Older Couples (5 months or more):

Seniors Brandon Ejike, and Meyanna Gilliam have been together for 8 months. They plan on doing something very special for one another to express their love.

As a teenage couple who has been together for 5 months or more, you have made it through some pretty rough times most likely, and this may not be your first Valentine’s Day together; in this case your challenge is to do something completely different. Going on dates such as the movies, and out to dinner may become religious, so try dinner and a movie in an unusual way. Cook together! Since you all have been together for a while, your parents probably know the other rather well. Both of you buy some foods you enjoy, heat up the kitchen, light some candles, eat, talk, and watch a movie afterwards. This would be a great and romantic way to spend the day of love, and before the night is over exchange a beautiful, meaningful, and not exactly cheap gift. This will add a fairy- tale feel to the end of another great night spent together, and another long lasting memory. When the day is over continue to live your life. Whether you are single, have friends with benefits, are new, or old couples, you are still a teenager; that means you have the remainder of life to find your true soul mate, and experience several more Valentine’s Days.

Seniors Marcus McKay Jr., and Valeria Lake have been together for 4 months. For Valentine’s Day they will go out, and exchange sweet gifts to one another.

For the New Couples (4 months or less): If you are a new couple, chances are that this is your first Valentine’s Day together, or even holiday to spend with another, so make it count! Guys, this is the time to express all of the feelings that your girl stresses you to show throughout your relationship. Do something romantic, and out of the ordinary. For instance, most teenage girls want their

Seniors Nasiir Edwards and Alexis Smoot will both be single on Valentine’s Day. They plan on going to school, going back home, and chilling for the remainder of the day. They are not too much worried about the hype.


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Teen driving is an exciting achievement for most sixteen year olds. However, extreme precautions should be taken before determining if you’re ready for the road. The risk of motor vehicle crashes for teens 16-19 is three times more likely than people 20 years of age and older. Young adults ages 15-24 make up only 14% of the U.S. population. However, they account for 30% of the total costs of motor vehicle injuries among males and 28% of the total costs of motor vehicle injuries among females. Certain categories of teens are at higher risks for motor vehicle crashes. For example, males are two times more likely to crash then females. Also, a teen driving with other teen passengers is more risky. Teen passengers increase the crash risk of unsupervised teen drivers. The risk also goes up with the more teens in the car. The last category is newly licensed teens. The crash rate is particularly high during the first months of getting your license. You might be wondering what puts teens at a higher risk than adults when driving. Well, there are several factors that answer that question. Teens are more likely than older drivers to underestimate dangerous situations or not be able to recognize hazardous situations. Teens are more likely than older drivers to speed and allow shorter headways.

The presence of male teenage passengers increases the likelihood of this risky driving behavior. Among male drivers between 15 and 20 years of age who were involved in fatal crashes in 2010, 39% were speeding at the time of the crash and 25% had been drinking. Compared with other age groups, teens have the lowest rate of seat belt use. In 2011, only 54% of high school students reported they always wear seat belts when riding with someone else. Sixteen year olds in Georgia who are ready to get their license are able to obtain a Class D License if you have met the following requirements.

We have come a long way from the sheltered and strict views that our parents were raised upon. In our society today, it is quite normal to see teens showing off their many tattoos and piercings. These teens use the term ‘expressing themselves “ as the reason for these occurrences. Most parents today don't know about their children getting tattoos and piercings because it is being done behind their backs. I asked students with tattoos and piercings if they think their parents would have allowed them to go through with getting them if they had asked permission, and all of them said no. I asked senior, Tiara London, why she decided to get a tattoo and she said, “its just a sign of expression, like if someone close to you passed away you get the tattoo in their honor or for your own personal reasons.” This makes sense because most parents would disapprove of their children marking and

putting holes in their bodies for no good reason. What appeals do tattoos and piercings hold to teens? Junior, Mahogany Rucker, said, “It’s the hype surrounding it, honestly. People see their friends doing it and they want to do it too. It’s like the thing to do.” I agree to an extent because there was a period of time when every female started to go get their nipples and noses pierced at the same time. Their friends would do it and that made them want to do it too. It’s a Lord of the Flies mentality in high school because everyone is afraid to be different. People think that by getting piercings and tattoos they're being different but in reality you are fading into the crowd just like everyone else trying to be different. Prime example, when we left the eighth grade, everyone stopped wearing Aéropostale because it was suddenly “lame” not because

Basic Requirements  Applicant must be at least 16 years of age.  Applicant must have held an Instructional Permit for a minimum one year and a day Permit must also be surrendered at time of testing.  No major traffic violations that resulted in the suspension of the Instructional Permit and prohibit issuance of a Class D.  A minimum of 40 hours of supervised driving experience with at least 6 hours of driving at night.  If 16 years of age, Joshua's Law Requirements must be satisfied.  Pass Vision Exam.

Pass applicable Road Skills Test.  Applicant under age 18 is required to have parent/guardian, responsible adult or authorized driver training instructor to sign the application for the driver's license. They also have the authority to request the driver's license to be revoked at any time before the applicant’s 18th birthday.  For more information you can visit However, being able to get a license does not mean that you are fully ready to drive alone. Take in consideration all factors when determining if you are ready for what it takes to begin successfully driving alone. If you don’t feel comfortable, don’t do it. Remember that even though you are eager, driving comes with a lot of responsibilities. Don’t forget things that were always taught to you such as fastening your seatbelt and abide by all safety rules of the road. Do what is best for you and your situation. Other than that, happy driving! Safety is key when getting behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. 

the brand changed but just because everyone said so. So, we’ve discovered that the reason behind this tattoo and piercing spectacle is that kids see their friends doing something and they want to do it too. Now this is not for every case because people have their own reasons behind their actions but most of the time it’s the former. All I can say on the subject is that if you decide to mark your body or put a hole in it, make sure it's in a sanitized place that has been checked by the CDC. Whatever you do, don’t get a tattoo or a piercing from a person at his home. Lastly, make sure you won’t regret it because tattoos cost a lot of money to remove and some holes never heal.


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Daysha Crosland Homecoming week, senior picnic, prom, final exemptions, the event list for senior year goes on and on! There is, however, one major component that many of us should be focused on right now, college applications. I am sure that many of us are aware that college application process can be long, stressful, and at times even redundant. It’s a very overwhelming process that many of us wish we could skip and proceed to the part of the process that we really care about, decisions. With second semester in full gear many of us should have already submitted our applications, be in the process of submitting applications or awaiting decisions from our choice schools. If you don’t fall under either of these categories don’t panic, take a deep breath and get to work! First, check your prospective college deadlines as some of them may have already passed. Next, look for the required documents needed such as transcripts, essays, recommendations, etc. Put in any recommendation and transcripts requests as soon as possible because time is precious when it comes to the college application process and colleges almost rarely ever extend deadlines. Also, make sure to send off any test scores you may have recently received. Aside from all the college application misfortunes, due to the common app’s continuous malfunctions, many colleges have decided to extend application deadlines! Many of us should also be focused on scholarship applications. The scholarship application progress can be just as, if not more, overwhelming and time consuming as the college application process. Some scholarships require many of the same documents as college applications so, take advantage of this and re-

quest several of these documents at one time instead of individually. Also recycle essays that you may have used for your college applications instead of writing new ones as many scholarships ask similar if not the same questions as some college apps. One important component is to also make sure you meet the requirements for the scholarship before you apply. It would horrible to find out that you didn’t meet the GPA requirements or that you’re not Pell-eligible after you submitted your application. Lastly, let’s try our hardest to refrain from the infamous senioritis. Senioritis will do nothing but keep us from our ultimate goal which is to graduate. Let’s keep calm and try not flush four years of hard work down the toilet.

FAFSA: DECODED Sharidan Coleman The New Year has begun and it’s about that time for several seniors to start preparing for college! A plethora of students are trying to figure out how they will pay for their college tuition. FAFSA is a form that is prepared and annually filled out by current and prospective college students in the United States. Every student interested in financial aid will have to complete this form. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid can get you funds for college and helps determine what aid you may be eligible for. Financial assistance is available in the form of loans, grants and work study programs. Federal funding can be used to cover most college related expenses like tuition, room & board, textbooks or course materials. It may also be used to purchase computer or a card for bus/train fare. Primarily, you need to confirm your school of choice works with federal funding programs. After that, you can fill out the FAFSA form online or on paper. You will need your social security number, driver’s license, W-2’s for the most recent tax year and a copy of your/your guardians’ federal tax return. Bank statement copies and investment portfolios are also required. If you are a non- U.S. citizen a resident card will be necessary. Your FAFSA application should be completed and turned in before graduation day but is encouraged right after January 1st. How much federal aid you receive is dependent upon how much your family can contribute. Your parents/guardians’ income can affect how much federal student aid you receive. Essentially, every student that demonstrates a need will receive assis-

tance in the form of loans or grants. After you’ve completed your FAFSA application you will receive a Student Aid Report which will summarize the FAFSA application. In the right corner of the SAR form will be a summary of your family’s expected college contribution. The financial aid office of the college you plan on attending will use this figure to determine how much financial aid you will need to cover the remaining institution costs.


Rockin Rams New Years

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Chelsea Mcelderry

There are so many things people did or could've done for the new years Eve. Going Downtown, Parties, or Church were just a few things. There are so many students here at Arabia Mountain that enjoyed their new years but some couldn't because of work or their parents wanted to spend time with them. I talked to a few Rockin Rams to see hoe they spent their New Years Eve. There were so many different things those students did and here are just a few responses I received. Janae Smith– Janae went to church for the watch night service at her church which is Beulah Baptist Church. She said that she enjoyed the church service and just loved being around the people she loves. Shian Johnson-During New Years Eve Shian had to work unfortuanlly. She was highly upset that she had to go to work on such and important and fun day. If she was able to celebrate, she would've went to hang with her friends. Nasiir Edwards– Nasiir celebrated his New Years Eve by going to church for watch night service. He didn't really do much but spent time with his parents at home. Eziequel Waston– On New Years Eve Eiequel was in Philadelphia for Christmas holidays to visit his family. He spent his New Years Eve with cooking, went downtown to watch fireworks and also played video games with his family who he was visiting in Philadelphia. Mujahid Sabree– On new Years Eve Mujahid celebrated it with his family. That night Mujahid and his family watched the Countdown on television . After he was done spending time with his family he went to hang with his friends to celebrate even more. Mujahid and his friends went to parties all night long and he's said that he had fun. Once he got home he ate bean pie and played video games.

Horoscopes for 2014 Nakayla Williams Virgo: Aug 23 - Sep 22 Aries: Mar 21 - Apr 19 This month will be an ambitious month for you. Take a step back and look at the big picture and avoid the little details. Try new things and just go anywhere. Take a long hike or a drive. But be careful not to overwhelm yourself. If you need to plan some things out then take off. You will be at your very best.

Taurus: Apr 20 - May 20 Your mind will be buzzing this month. Write down your best ideas and think quickly on your feet. You will be free to do as much as possible. Your mind will be especially attuned to the sciences. But be careful not to believe everything you read or hear.

Gemini: May 21 - Jun 20 Your month will be a positive one. You will be able to paint a rosy picture out of any negative event and you will be mixed with hope and serenity. With you positive attitude you will let things bounce right off of you. A trip might even come out of you positive mindset. Just go for it and have fun.

Cancer: Jun 21 - Jul 22 This month you will have to be adaptable. There will be many changes coming your way. Some old doors might open up and new ones too. Just stay on yours toes. Try to stay in a good mood and you might find yourself in an opportunity of a life time.

You might be suffering from word vomit this month, saying things you don’t mean to say. Try not to take everything personal and focus on you. Be careful what you say to friends and family as your word vomit might break a few hearts. Try to learn from this experience. You can do it.

Libra: Sep 23 - Oct 22 You might be emotional this month. Stress from work or school might be getting to you. Just try to relax and you will end on the positive side. You could learn something. Just smile and everything will be okay.

Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 21 You will be a little bit of a workaholic this month. There will be unfinished business this month that just needs to get done. But you will be attempted to play while you work. Just try to stay focused. Think through the consequences and you make a solid decision. Remember work, then play.

Sagittarius: Nov 22 - Dec 21 Determination is in the stars for you this month. You might be having a stressful time and be ready to throw in the towel but don’t give up so easily. There is never enough time to get everything done but all will end well. Try to enjoy life and relax.

Leo: Jul 23 - Aug 22 Luck is in store for you this month. You will find yourself fin control of your life with a positive attitude to back it up. You will have a hot idea for may be work, school, or relationships. Keep pen and paper ready as these smart thoughts will steadily be pouring their way out your brain. Even a potential love partner might be coming your way and if you already involved in a relationship , it could not be anymore bliss.

Capricorn: Dec 22 - Jan 19 Some money will be coming your way this month. Try not to spend it in one place as it is a pleasant surprise. This could make a difference in your financial future. Do not throw this opportunity away. Enjoy yourself and have fun. This is your month.


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A Holiday Trip To Nigeria: Interview with Brandon Ejike Q: What did you enjoy most during your trip to Nigeria? A: I enjoyed being in another part of the world and having a new experience. Q:Do you feel that others should take a trip to Africa? A: I do feel like others should go to Nigeria or any other African country because it shows you a new view of the world and shows how other people in the world live, which opens yours eyes to a better view of life Q: How was majority of your time spent during your trip?

holiday season is good and convent for me because my relatives were off from work and on break from school which means more time to spend together. Q: How was travelling during the cold winds for you? A: Traveling in December wasn't bad it was never cold in Nigeria the weather felt like summer time in Georgia and sometimes there may feel like spring early morning. Q: How many days did you spend in Nigeria? A: I spent 18 days in Nigeria not counting the days of travel Q: What was the environment like in Nigeria?

A: I spent every day with family and time outside the house seeing places and more family.

A: The environment was like the environment of a city near Atlanta busy and filled with people

Q: What relatives did you get the chance to visit?

Q: Any reasons for your travel?

A: I visited my grandma and my dad’s siblings and children along with other cousins and other members of the Ejike family Q: What do you recommend others should bring along when travelling out of the country? A: Things people should bring is bottled water cool clothing walking shoes bug repellent and a towel or cloth to wipe your face with outside Q: What types of foods did you try? Were there any you didn’t find appetizing? A: I tried a lot of different types of food and i had some food there that I’m use too because my dad may make some back home. I only had about two dished i didn't like besides that everything was delicious

Meyanna Gilliam

A: Nigeria currency is Nira and their value is the U.S. dollar times 170, things in Nigeria cost more dollars over there than they would in the US. I saw a video game over there and i converted it into dollars and it came out to $83 but in the US it would normally be $60. Q: What kind of an i ma ls did you see? A: I saw g o a t , chicken and turkeys.

A: My reasons for travel was for my family to see where my dad is from and meet the family that has heard so much about us Q: How are the laws followed in Nigeria? A: The laws are enforced but not enforced, there are multiple police men in the streets but doesn't look like any traffic laws that much the driving there is crazy. People follow the laws by as much as there enforced. Q:What is the Currency in Nigeria? Is it equivalent to the U.S. dollar?

Q: How was your trip panned? A: My trip was planned since the summer of 2013 or earlier things were planned for my family’s arrival for the first time. Q: Do you recommend travel during the holiday? A: Traveling during the

Things to do For Black History Month Calvin Menyfield The month of February’s fast approaching, and with it an annual Black History Month’s celebration. In our predominantly African American high school, this is a big deal, because it highlights the culture of our ancestors, and how their contributions during their times of turmoil attributed to our peaceful, and connected way of life today. But of course, we know this. If you’re like me, you must already have heard persistent ramblings on how Martin Luther King speech at the March on Washington rallied support against uncivil issues, or how Malcom X’s, or Rosa Parks’ sacrifices and boldness helped shaped our liberally welcoming country. They, of course, should be honored for these things, as they were very relevant and significant to America’s history, and in no way am I downplaying how great and important these people are, but I’m only saying—let’s take it a step further. We don’t want Black History Month to just be a history lesson all the time! It’s a celebration! If you’re looking for some cultural funtimes to do to commemorate the season, there’s plenty to do near you. Visit the Black History Month Parade at the Martin Luther King Historic Site in Atlanta! It will feature entertainment, dancers, marching bands, some celebrities, and more. It will be held on February 22nd on Saturday from 12:00 to 4:00, at the low low price of free! To contact the sponsors for more information, call 1-866-254-1295, or visit their website ( for further information.

Looking for something artistic to do for the celebration? Any writers or poets looking to express their knowledge and appreciation for some of our African American greats? Club Legend in Atlanta Georgia will be sponsoring a poet cafe for the exquisitely creative on Friday, February 7th, and 9:00 PM. It will feature live entertainment, music, food, and more at the event. Tickets will be sold for $10.00 per person, and more depending on reservations. To get some more information about the event, visit this website ( for further details. The University of Clark Atlanta is also a venue to visit if you would like to commemorate the month of February. Clark Atlanta University features one of Americas largest collections of art by African Americans, and if you’re either considering going to Clark Atlanta after high school, or even the type that appreciates to see some nice artwork, Clark Atlanta is a nice spot to be at. And you can do more! Http:// is a site that shows venues that you can access if you want to see some cultural monuments by A f r i c a n A m e ri c a n s. H tt p :/ / e v e n t s / atlanta+black+history+month+events is also a site where you can research things to do in commemeration for the season. Don’t just know your ancestors did for their community, understand why they did it by experiencing your culture first hand by getting out and doing something celebrative. So get out, and have some fun, and have a nice and happy Black History Month 2014.


p. 7 for each audio track, two extra videos to accompany the two-part tracks "Haunted" and "Partition", as well as a bonus video for "Grown Woman", which lacks an equivalent audio counterpart.

layed, stating there was no official release date to begin with and that when a date is set, it would be announced via an official press release. According to data provided by Twitter, the release generated over 1.2 million tweets in 12 hours.

Beyoncé is loved by all people, and hated by few. She did the impossible and created a new and refreshing album. She keeps the new album, simply named Beyoncé, hidden from everyone. Not even her number 1 fans knew that she was creating a new album. Throughout 2013 Beyoncé Knowles worked on the project in secrecy, sharing details of the album with a small circle of people and shifting the deadline, which was only finalized a week before its release date. In July 2013, a spokesperson for Knowles denied speculation that Knowles' album had been de-

Rolling Stone's Rob Sheffield wrote, "Beyoncé has delivered countless surprises in her 15 years on top of the music world, but she's never dropped a bombshell like this. The Queen Bey woke the world in the midnight hour with a surprise 'visual album' – 14 new songs, 17 videos, dropped via iTunes with no warning. The whole project is a celebration of the Beyoncé Philosophy, which basically boils down to the fact that Beyoncé can do anything the heck she wants to." Beyoncé is the songwriter fifth studio album. Beyoncé was released on December 13, 2013 by Parkwood Entertainment and Columbia Records. Beyoncé contains fourteen tracks as well as a total of seventeen videos: a video

Childish Gambino’s

Because the Internet Eric murphy After the release of several acclaimed mixtapes such as Royalty and Culdesac as well as his debut album Camp, Donald Glover (better known in the music industry as Childish Gambino) proves he’s just as good a musician as he is a comedian if not better. The intro song I. Crawl makes a great first impression with its bass heavy instrumental produced by Christian Rich and Glover himself and aggressive metaphor laden rapping on Glover’s part., and even a notable and humorous reference to R. Kelly in the first verse. The second track II. WORLDSTAR, named after the famous hip hop themed viral website notorious for its controversial content, features Donald rapping over a well made instrumental from Glover and Ludwig Goransson, and uses the famous website as inspiration for the topics on the track such as filming fight compilations and women dancing provocatively on Camera. While I enjoyed humor and the instrumentals , lyrically it’s in my opinion the weakest, having a few notable metaphors, but not to the extent of other tracks on the album. The next track, The Worst Guys, which features Chance The Rapper is a nice change of pace, featuring a more relaxed delivery from Gambino as well as a more mellow instrumental produced by Ludwig and Glover. The track features more of the lyrical versatility that Childish Gambino is known

Throughout the album, Knowles reflects on her personal life, particularly since her marriage and motherhood. The album is also described as an electro-R&B album, noting a heavy usage of electronic production in several songs. All of the music videos, including the bonus "Grown Woman", were released onto iTunes on December 13, 2013. The videos were filmed between June and November 2013 as Knowles travelled on her world tour. Beyoncé was included on many year-end best-of lists. It was ranked the best album of the year by Billboard, Houston Chronicle and Los Angeles Times, while Spin ranked it the best R&B album of the year.

Track Listing: 1. Pretty Hurts 2. Haunted 3. Drunk In Love (feat. Jay Z) 4. Blow 5. No Angel 6. Partition 7. Jealous

for, using multiple metaphors that may fly over listeners heads the first time. Shadows also maintains the mellow production and delivery as the previous track, while it still has some quotable lines, there’s not much to bring listeners back for another listen, which is disappointing since all the other tracks have that trait. Telegraph Ave. is mostly singing with a verse thrown at the end, which is completely fine because while his voice is not the best in the industry, Glover’s vocals do not disappoint at all and add flare to the song, which interestingly enough is a cover of Oakland by R&B Singer Lloyd. Sweatpants is a good in between song and is arguably the best song on the album mostly because it combines the humor Glover is famous for, with the complex lyrical verses that made his music famous in the first place.. 3005 is one of the most memorable tracks on the album, having a distinct electro pop like synth in the instrumentals which makes the track stand out amongst the others. The lyrics are awesome and it has the best chorus on the album. Flight of the navigator is another favorite o mine on the album. While the song takes a while to build up, the end result is an ambient track which features slightly muffled vocals from glover Zealots of Stockholm is an interesting track starting off as another singsong track on the album, but halfway switches to a more synth heavy version which features Gambino rapping. Pink Toes is amore lighthearted energetic track, which features Gambino singing short verses about living the opulent life and features welcomed vocals from Jhene Aiko. Earth: The Oldest Computer, features a europop type beat, which features Azealia Banks on the chorus, which focuses on the matter of living forever and enjoying that time on earth.


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In my opinion, M.I.A. is one of the best female rappers alive. Her unique flow and diverse musical tastes makes her music different than the rest of the female rappers in the game right now. Her sound is not the only thing that makes her different from the slew of women that have entered into the hip-hop industry, however. M.I.A. is a full character who uses her music to comment on the world’s ever-evolving political scene. This rebellious, anti-government take on music is not just contained to M.I.A. and hip-hop but has extended into almost every genre of music. Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam, her real name, was born into a very politically involved family. Her father was very active in Sri Lanka in a movement to liberate a group of citizens called the Tamils. He was so involved, in fact that he was labeled a terrorist by the Sri Lankan government and had to evacuate his family from the country. This early tumult in her family is part of the reason that her craft has developed as it has. Since her first album, Arular, M.I.A. has been very vocal on her native country government. During her rise to fame it was not unusual for her to comment on the Tamil rebellion. M.I.A. was so polarizing that her every move was watched by both the Sri Lankan government and by the ri-

val sect The Tamil Tigers. In the early 2000s, teens all over the United States and the UK were playing her first hit single “Paper Planes” at top volume in their cars without even knowing the almost treasonous message behind the song. This Top 40 track was literally about the Tamil Tig e r s a n d t h e i r murder of innocents on the streets of Sri Lanka. Even the album title Arular, was an ode to Arulpragasam’s father who had since become a refugee in England. Since Arular M.I.A. has released three albums each focusing on different political and social issues. From the rise of the Internet and the loss of privacy to the government’s refusal to assist the poor and elderly, there has always been a message behind the music. There are countless others who use their music to speak out against what they deem injustice or an important social issue. Lady Gaga and Madonna have long spoke directly against Russia and their violent anti-gay laws, and big name rappers like Kanye West use their music to comment on neo-slavery in America. It makes sense that music would be used as a platform for social change as music is just an expression of the human soul.

Does Music Affect Adolescents? Everyone has his own opinion of what music they listen to and how it may affect them. There are thousands of types of music with many different genres. No matter what genre teens listen to, however, most don’t consider how that music is affecting them. Teen’s personalities are mainly affected by music along with actions, speaking of language and how they carry themselves in public. Adolescences fell that music expresses who they are as a person and

expresses their emotions within. Why does the music artist make affect this society so much will always be my question. Teens let words sung in many songs affect their character as a human being and affect them physically more than anything. For example, in California a young girl was pronounced dead because she permitted to be affected by a song sung by Beyonce called “Drunk In Love” that was just released. Since Beyonce wrote the song the mother wants to sue Be-

yonce because of her daughters passing. Parents may not understand that artist have no effect of what adolescences do because of their song because the artist is not speaking to them it’s their job to entertain and not their job to watch someone’s child. From certain genres of music teens carry themselves on a do not care stand point based on what the artist speaks about in that particular song. Teens do listen to lyrics which cause many to effect by what they say and change based on

As long as we as a people have strong opinions on our government and society there will always be a platform for artists to make social commentary. There are many up and coming rappers and singers here at Arabia Mountain High School. If you are one of these future Jay Z’s or Beyonce’s, then you should consider speaking on social issues. Maybe instead of talking about being promiscuous or illegal activities you can speak on poverty in America or our broken education system. There is a call in the music industry for authentic artists that stand up for a cause and use music to create a change in our world.

Tiffany Daniels

the lyrics. Music should never make a child but in today’s culture their speaking that music is who they are and never want to change that. Artists don’t write song just for one particular person they write songs based on the reviews of their fan base. Technically if people allow music to affect them as an adolescent it should be on them Adolescences are growing into becoming adults but if simple artist and their music affect you then that person values may be in the

wrong the place. I’m not trying to be bias but should know what music they like and what they don’t but don’t get to into an artist where you live to inspire what they speak. That would be a since of worshipping one person which is what adolescences do within today. Teens should focus on the outer shell that music changes everyday don’t get caught up into what is now keep focus on what’s important life rather than letting something you.


p. 9

When boys become around four years old of age they are introduced into the American sport: football. Football comes in many forms from College football, park ball, and even some of the top paid athletes representing corresponding states in the NFL. The debate between the raw uncut vs. the glorified career is the same as saying college football Vs. NFL. The first documented gridiron football match was a game played at University College, a college of the University of Toronto, November 9, 1861. College football was first introduced and becoming a collegiate competitive sport in 1869. The first ever college football game was played by Princeton and Rutgers college. During this time soccer was the sport that was watched by many but that soon changed and American football has become more recognized then Soccer. During this day and time college football is one that is described by many as a raw and uncut form of football because the athletes play with all of their hearts and truly want to shine while being compared to NFL football. Then again college football players don’t have as much skill as the NFL players. Approximately 7 percent of college football players get drafted in the NFL. The fans in college football are more passionate about their team. The common denominator, however, is passion. Just like the players, college football fans are much more passionate about their team. One of the reasons for this is that most NFL

teams are city-based. If you grew up in an NFL hurt and are unable to play football again. College city, then you are probably a big fan of that city's football pretends to be a pure amateur sport. Howteam. That's normal. You might even be a huge ever, the money still taints teams and players, and fan! But the main difference is that many college their championship is hollow. The appeal of college football fans actually spent several years as a stu- football is rooted in the simple notion that your dent in the respective institution. Being an alum- team represents you, your state, your alma mater, nus of a college or university makes you part of a your youth. The NFL represents -- what, exactly? A family, and even the crusty old Microbiology pro- bunch of 25-year-old millionaires who will dump fessors who are not big into sports will normally your town the minute their agent secures a better cheer for their Alma Mater on game day. This pas- offer. There is no sion is especially evident when you have a large loyalty in the university located in a small town. The university NFL. College is usually the heart of the town, the largest employ- football is all er, and the cornerstone of the regional economy. about loyalty. Being the nucleus of the community generally leads to much stronger emotional ties for sports fans and non-sports fans alike. But others might view that NFL football is better because athletes risk their lives every night they play for a salary. Some naysayers think that NFL is better than college football because of the skill of the players, but looking at it from a different angle, college football players don’t get paid and showcase all the ability and agility they have. If you are given the opportunity to go to a NFL team you are missing out on the opportunity to earn a degree This is the type of conand better your future but instead you tact college football decide to play football. NFL compared to college football gives up the opportunity players endure. And the to earn a degree if in any instance you get bottom is NFL players.

This year the NBA has been flooding with many early injuries. The thing that makes it worst id and more surprising is that the players that these injuries are occurring to are some of the best players in the league. Some of these suffering people are: Derrick Rose, Rajan Rondo, Chris Paul, Tyson Chandler, Kobe Bryant, and Brook Lopez just to name a few. These injuries range from torn ACL’s to broken hands and feet. These players who are injured are probably some sort or very valuable to their teams. Injuries this year have caught many people by surprise considering that some of these people have not too long ago came back from injuries. That’s the worst part. These injuries are sometimes uncontrollable. Most

of the times these players just unluckily end up in freak accidents. By saying that the only thing that the teams of these players can do is hope that these players will be able to return as soon as possible. Sometimes and most times injuries cannot be prevented they can only be treated and fixed if possible.

Wrestling is a very physical sport that consists of consecutive moves to get your opponent on their shoulder blades. This sport involves grappling type techniques such as clinch fighting, throws, takedowns and pins. It is a physical competition between two competitors or sparring partners. There are three styles of wrestling which are folk style, Greco roman, and freestyle. Freestyle wrestling is practiced throughout the world. Olympic wrestling is freestyle wrestling. Folk style wrestling is practiced in high school and College in the United States. Greco roman is also in the Olympics and is practiced throughout the world. In this style of wrestling you are only able to use your upper body. Wrestling is a sport of confidence and endurance. Having the right mindset is important for this sport. The ability and desire to win is even more important. It takes discipline, hard work dedication, and desire to wrestle. Each period is two minutes of scrambling. The match could go either way at any given time. Whoever wants to win the most is most likely to win. Having the strength and conditioning to wrestle all three periods’ takes a true athlete a true Athlete isn’t born their made.

Above is Kobe Bryant he experienced a tore Achilles tendon . On the lower left is Chris Paul who plays for the Clippers who experienced a separate shoulder. Both players were out several games of the NBA season.

The Arabia Mountain High want, when you’re on the mat if you want to School wrestling team is win you’ll take it cause nothing is ever given or full of talented individuals easy.” Mikahl Dorsey said, “Wrestling means to who love and cherish the take an extra step to one of the hardest sports, sports. The team is coached to where only the strong survive being a chamby Coach Favors and Coach Hoxie. Coach Fa- pion requires hard work, dedication and desire. vors wrestled for Towers High School and Alema Favors said, “Wrestling means being a coached there for 16 years. He also wrestled for savage.” Living Stone College. He has been coaching at The wrestling team record as a whole is 12-4, Arabia Mountain for 5 years. before the close of wresling season some upThe wrestling team captains are Alema Favors coming events are: and Mikahl Dorsey. The wrestling team con- Fri-Sat, February 7-8 State Sectional Tournasists of 16 wrestlers: Jalen Bobbit 126 SO, Ale- ment at Allatoona 9:00 a.m./9:00 a.m. Thurma Favors 132 SR, Mikahl Dorsey 138 SR, Sat, February 13-15 State Tournament at GwinAquantus Goodson 152 SR, Timothy Eboigbie nett Center Arena 9:00 a.m./9:00 a.m 160 SR, Qualon Bobbit 170 SR, Khyree Alexander 160 FR, Aaron Hill 160 FR, De’ Andre McGhee 160 SR, Immanuel Coley 170 FR, Mujahid Sabree 182 SR, Ukuku Foreman 195 SR, William Wright 220 SR. Alema Favors has wrestled for 8 years, while Mikahl Dorsey has wrestled for 4 years. Uk Forman is a 3 year wrestler. He said, “ Wrestling to him is Wrestling Match here at Arabia Mountain high School . a fight for what you

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