January 2017 O&P Almanac

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lower-limb prostheses. If enacted, this policy would have dramatically and adversely impacted care. AOPA immediately spearheaded an initiative that generated more than 5,000 comments, which were included in the official record for LCD rule-making. AOPA itself submitted 43 pages of comments, and conducted a data analysis demonstrating that the data used by CMS contractors to support their proposed policy was based on outdated information. On Aug. 26, 2015, AOPA arranged for five speakers at the DME MAC public meeting in Linthicum, Maryland, then organized a patient rally at the headquarters for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. At the rally’s conclusion, AOPA representatives met with high-ranking CMS officials, who said they would work with the regional contactors’ medical directors to reach a solution. These efforts were extremely successful; CMS soon announced that it would not finalize the draft LCD, and that the LCD would not be implemented in its original form. CMS has since convened a multidisciplinary Interagency Workgroup to “develop a consensus statement that informs Medicare policy by reviewing the available clinical evidence that defines best practices in the care of beneficiaries who require lower-limb prostheses.” The decision to halt the progress of the proposed LCD was a clear win for AOPA and the profession, effectively defeating a bad payor policy.

Moving Forward

AOPA’s member offerings continue to expand. This year, as AOPA celebrates its 100th anniversary, there are several key imperatives that have been set in motion by AOPA that will likely have a favorable impact on the profession, including a national Prosthetic Patient Registry, comparative effective research, new projects with DobsonDaVanzo, and the Prosthetics 2020 initiative, says Michael Oros, CPO, FAAOP, AOPA president. “Our leadership believes the results and impact of each of these will bring long-term value to each of our AOPA members.”

AOPA Expands Offerings for 2017

As AOPA celebrates its 100-year anniversary, the association will offer a number of special member benefits: • AOPA’s 100th Anniversary Commemorative Who’s Who Membership Directory: This directory will be printed and distributed as a gift to all AOPA members. It will feature each member’s company name, address, and employee names. This publication will feature special sections for O&P history, technology timelines, and photographs that will showcase AOPA members’ proud heritage. AOPA members have the opportunity to add a special message to AOPA in the directory, in Who’s Who the form of congratulatory ads. Contact Bob Heiman at bob.rhmedia@comcast.net or 856/673-4000 with advertising questions. 100th Anniversary Commemorative Membership Directory

• O&P Almanac: Each monthly issue of the association’s flagship magazine will feature special anniversary-related content, including a “Then & Now” column highlighting historical accomplishments and a “Bridge to the Future” column designed to anticipate the next 100 years of the profession. • AOPA World Congress and 100th Centennial Celebration: Several events are scheduled for AOPA’s September 6-9 Assembly in Las Vegas. More information will be announced as the event nears. AOPA would like to include personal member stories in the year-long celebration. Please visit bit.ly/celebrateaopa to share your photographs, memorabilia, and memories, which may be featured on AOPA’s commemorative website, on social media, and at the AOPA World Congress. Elvis greets exhibitors the 2016 AOPA National Assembly in Boston

As AOPA members ponder the association’s accomplishments of the past 100 years, it’s clear that AOPA is going strong, continuing to lead efforts to advocate on behalf of the O&P profession today—and into the next 100 years. Christine Umbrell is a contributing writer and editorial/production associate for O&P Almanac. Reach her at cumbrell@contentcommunicators.com.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is a condensed version of a more detailed feature about the history of AOPA and the O&P profession that will appear in AOPA’s 100th Anniversary Commemorative Who’s Who Membership Directory, to be published this year.



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